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Been playing through Metal Gear Rising: Revengence lately. I think this game is all sorts of kick ass that I would recommend it to anyone, and I'm not even a fan of the other Metal Gears.


Rules of Nature is a good boss song, but I like Sundowner's theme, Red Sun, better.happy.png

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Well, I just Platinumed Saints Row The Third. I honestly loved it, and wasn't actually expecting to. A great amount of variety, and it didn't take itself seriously at all, which was refreshing.


I started Assassin's Creed 3 at the weekend, which has been a bit more frustrating. I dunno, certain aspects have just seemed inconsistent to me but I'm willing to persevere now that the world has begun to open up.


Ace Attorney 5 tomorrow!

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I'm playing through Pokemon Y with infinite slowness due to lack of time to actually play it.  Also, not playing it right, probably.  I have three level forty Pokemon and one gym badge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got alot of games from the holloween sale the past two weeks on PSN.


The games I got were Walking Dead Season 1 (and 400 Days), Resident Evil 5 Gold (good game...not as good as RE4 sad.png), Dead Rising 2 Off the Record (Lots of fun biggrin.png), Dead Nation (Didn't get a chance to play it yet...), Okami HD, Bonic Commando Rearmed 1 and 2, Dead Space 1 (loved the second one, so I wonder if the first is better smile.png), Doom 3 BFG (very smooth gameplay, dat 60 FPS man smile.png), I Am Alive (always wanted play this since it was announced; looked very interesting), two Fatal Frame games, the original Bioshock and Costume Quest. Most of them are really great games, but the ones that stand out the most are Bionic Commando Rearmed, Walking Dead S1, and Doom 3.


Walking Dead S1 is by far the best game I played this year. The story is really great; Lee, Clemetine, and Kenny were all really great characters to watch as the game went on and the desicions I made had surprising repocusions, escpally when you had the option to take the supplies or not from the abandon car; what happens at the end of the game if you did take the supplies really shocked me blink.png. The ending is by far the best ending to game I have seen too; was heartbreaking unsure.png. Cant wait to see what TellTale has in store for S2 smile.png.


Bonic Commando Rearmed and Doom 3 are also quite fun, the former with its very retro feel and modern graphics, and the latters really great preformance on PS3 hardware (60FPS man blink.png!).


Looking foward to the rest of the year; lost of great PS+ games to come smile.png.

Edited by RK64
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Walking Dead S1 is by far the best game I played this year. The story is really great; Lee, Clemetine, and Kenny were all really great characters to watch as the game went on and the desicions I made had surprising repocusions, escpally when you had the option to take the supplies or not from the abandon car; what happens at the end of the game if you did take the supplies really shocked me blink.png. The ending is by far the best ending to game I have seen too; was heartbreaking unsure.png. Cant wait to see what TellTale has in store for S2 smile.png.

I have a question: is there a part where you can off Larry?

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I have a question: is there a part where you can off Larry?


You mean the nastly old guy that hates you right? Not to give away any thing, the Second Epiosde has a huge desion involving him and Kenny.

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I'm just starting to wrap things up with Sonic Lost World at the moment and have been wrapping up my games of Dawn of War as well. I'm likely going to jump back into trying to finish No More Heroes eventually again. I had started playing it back at the end of September, but I stopped when it became my birthday and I got my WiiU. I hadn't been enjoying it much and had seemed to feel it was a bit dull at the time, but I think maybe I was just too eager for my WiiU to enjoy it maybe. I need to finish it up and see if that same mentality holds true or if I can enjoy it now that those other games are behind me now.

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I couldn't quite wait for MS3DW, so I caved and bought New Super Mario Bros. U. I'm in the process of collecting all of the star coins at the moment. It's a pretty good game, although I can certainly imagine why people who've played all of the other NSMB games would be sick of this stuff by now. I'd only played NSMB2 before this, and U is a pretty substantial improvement over that. It's not fantastic or anything, and I do prefer 3D Mario to 2D, usually, but it's pleasant.


I also got Resident Evil: Revelations on sale the other day, and I'm a few chapters into it. If there's a game that'll get you comfy with the Wii U gamepad in a hurry, it's this one.

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Got some new games thanks to the 20$ Sony gave me (took advantage of the spend 50$, get 10$ deal, with me spending 100 bucks over the past two months on PSN), getting Jet Set Radio Vita and the Sega Genesis Collection PSP (which works on Vita via transfer from PS3), along with going back to Uncharted Golden Abyss (gotta beat it to make room for the new IGC Sony games coming to Vita latter this month, hoping for LBP Vita and Killzone :)).


I honestly didn't like Jet Set Radio so much when I got it last year for PS3; thought the controls were really stiff and the camera was way too wonky :(), and while that still is the case on the Vita version, the cell-shaded graphics really pop off the Vita's OLED screen and noticing how Vita versions of PS3 games end up being the best version to me (don't know why exactly, ended up beating Rayman Origins and loving MvCIII on the thing), I thought this would be a great way to try the game out again :).


The Sega Genesis Collection is really solid; for 10 dollars you get over 30 Sega games such as Sonic 2, the Golden Axe trilogy, Vectorman 1 and 2, Comic Zone, Ristar, Phantasy Star II-IV, and many more (even some random arcade games). The games look amazing with the Vita's OLED display (notably Sonic and Eco, both look beautiful on the thing :)) and with the d-pad being great, platformers like Sonic and Ristar are notably better to play then the PS3 Genesis Collection. While you do need a PS3 to put the game on Vita (as it isn't on the native Vita store), if you own a PS3 and want some great portable genesis games, then this a package I wholeheartedly recommend :).


Going back to Uncharted Golden Abyss, it really is a great game. Loved UC2 but not liking UC3 much, this game falls in the middle for me; the more exploration approach vs. the epic action movie approach makes this a more in-depth experience, and with the Vita's features like Gyro Aiming, Touch Screen rubbing with the treasures, and much more stuff to collect, you really feel like a, well adventure guy :). The story is okay, but really picks up when Sully comes in towards the end of the game, with some of the best dialog in the game. The new characters are okay, but Dante is really annoying and Chase feels like she's just thrown in to have Drake have a female companion. The gameplay is classic Uncharted, with light platforming and 3rd person gun play at work, but the real show stopper is the graphics (like any Uncharted game); the look much better than the first Uncharted and while it isn't at native display, the presentation is still a marvel to look at (like a mini PS3 game in your pocket :)). Its a overall good game and if you don't have PS+ yet, pick it up! It might be gone in a few weeks and at its lower price point, its well worth the 20 bucks its priced at :).

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Sadly due to my TV not working that means no pre-HD games, the only games that have managed to play (via a borrowed TV) were Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Sonic Lost World. So far in SLW I'm into Silent Forest Act 2 and still enjoying the game from the first zone having the same positive experience. Deus Ex however is taking me a while to get into but so far enjoying the game or at least hoping to enjoy the game. Really liked the graphics, the controls, music and the story even though I'm only got as far as the first Mission. At the moment it could change from really getting into it to not getting in the game (does happen even though it is well liked game).


That means for now, my handheld game is Muramasa Rebirth. I download this game when it was released on PSN (due to that I heard that the original Wii game was one of those hidden treasure games but suffered from a dodgy translation) and so far enjoying it from the graphics, controls and the gameplay reminds me of a certain game. First I thought it was Shinobi however it turned out to be more like Kaze Kiri on the PC Engine Turbo Duo mixed with the Legend of Kage however it is not as linear as Kaze Kiri since you can jump around/enter doors to get to other areas and entrances plus there is a combo system (one point got nearly 90 slashes on one boss). Also the game is very Japanese from the voice acting, the plot to the locations however it is more like the 1500-1800s Japan that is a nice touch. Currently I am playing as the girl

even though a male spirit possessed her with her spirit kidnapped, she seemed the main character

however will play as the male when I'm done.

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I feel like I rarely have as many games on the go as I do now. Currently playing through:

Sonic: Lost Worlds

Wind Waker HD
Duke Nukem Forever (which is actually awesome)
The Last of Us (nowhere near as good as the hype)

Dragonball Raging Blast


and waiting to get my grubby mitts into


Ace Attorney 5

Walking Dead Season 2

Batman: Arkham Origins

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After finally finishing my Pokemon X and Y interlude, I'm about to get back into Etrian Odyssey IV, which I got about halfway through (I think) before.  I've had less time recently to play games, so any RPGs have been slowing me right down.  I've also got Steamworld Dig and Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies on the back-burner, biding their time, although I think the former is firmly in rainy day material... maybe I'll take time out to play one case at a time of AADD, though.

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At the moment, the two games I'm working through are Okami on my Wii, which I am enjoying so far. Sometimes the brush doesn't always work 100% of the time, but overall, I am having fun playing this game so far. I'm always working on playing Dragon Quest 9 on my DS. I got a wonderful deal of $10 for a brand new copy of this game, so I'm giving it a try. I haven't ever finished a Dragon Quest game before, but I'm hoping to change that with this one.


When it comes to the ones I just finished, No More Heroes was fun, but it sometimes felt a bit full when you were driving around sometimes due to the main fact that you would if you failed missions and such you constantly had to drive back and forth between the trigger and the mission to play it. It just seemed like you were wasting alot of time that I don't get when I'm playing GTA for example.


As for Dawn of War, I couldn't recommend it enough. it is a wonderful RTS game for the PC and I will likely be playing skirmishes for awhile still to come just because it is fun and not as hair pulling out as when I tried out StarCraft 1

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Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Sonic Lost World (Wii U and 3DS) are the main games I'm currently playing. I REALLY need to focus more on Fire Emblem because I have an semi-long list of games that I need to complete, and I believe all of the games on that list are RPGs. So yeah...

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Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is certainly a hell of a lot worse than I remember, which is a giant shame since they assembled a lot of Spider-Man VA legends to reprise their roles, who do an awesome job. Unfortunately, a lot of the dialogue is absolutely terrible, the combat gets incredibly repetitive, the web slinging feels extremely bare bones, and the soundtrack is entirely generic and completely forgettable. Noir and Ultimate are the only characters I'm having fun with, but Ultimate becomes a repitive button masher after a while, and Noir feels like a cheap Batman: Arkham Asylum knock off, only with much less polish. 

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Been playing Oddworld Strangers Wrath on Vita thanks to Plus, and man is it a great game :). I got the PS3 version, but man JAW did such a good job bringing the game to the Vita (touch-enabled menus, very consistent frame rate of 30-40FPS, native resolution, and graphics that are a mix of the original Xbox version and the PS3 HD version).


The gameplay, which has western-bounty hunter trope from Stranger, use live creatures instead of guns (for example, instead of machine guns you have a swam of hornets, a chipmunk instead of a sound bomb, spider instead of a capture net, ex...) and with that along with dynamic gameplay (with you having the option to tackle encounters with stealth OR gunplay), smooth movement and a First Person mode mixed with a third person one (mapped to double tapping the touch screen), you have some really fun gameplay to play with :).


Also got Binary Domain for PS3 thanks to Plus, though I didn't try that yet (13 GB takes quite a while to download and install....), but heard nothing but good thanks about that game (the Yakusa guys make it, so it must be good :)). Can't wait for Soul Sacrifice to come next week though (getting a Sony First Party game for free AND its made by the Mega Man creator, that's a win-win combo right there biggrin.png).

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At this moment, I'm planning to 100% if I can, then play Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon. I love Spyro 2 so much, that I have high hopes that 3 will be better than 2, or at the very least, only a little worse. 
On the Mega Man side of my gaming library, I'm working on the post game of Battle Network 6 in my free time, and after I beat Spyro 3, I'll return to the Zero series to play Mega Man Zero 4, the final entry in the series. 

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Finished Wind Waker HD 100%, including Tingle Island's optional, secret quest, trading it in for a Link Between Worlds orrr... Mario 3D World next week, not sure yet but I already mentioned that I barely ever keep video games any more unless they hold some serious nostalgia levels or fun I can keep coming back to and not get bored with.


Might Marathon Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 before 3D World's release next Friday, because gosh I sho' do lurve dem vidya Gaems <3

Edited by Super Soniko
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Just finished ToeJam & Earl 3 and it has been an okay experience (since it is the 1st one of the series that I have played). The music is pretty good with one of the tracks sounding MJ like, there are parts that have some humour in and the graphics are all right even though the environments and the main characters look better than the enemies especially in cutscenes. Played most of the game with ToeJam but did try Earl (weakest character) and Latisha a couple of times.


I found the game actually gets easier if you completely level up but it does seem the larger the stage, the more bland it gets when you search desperately for that last key or enemy. The most annoying enemies in the game are the babies since they randomise your presents and you either have to use a present or find the carrot man and pay him to know what it is. Strange that in the loading screens (that spoil the ending, silly developers), the posters in that scene had a different name to whats on the box and the title screen. Last minute change?


The only bugging about this game was that in the hub worlds, there's an Arnold type of character nagging to use Xbox Live to download new stages since it is one of the earliest console games to have DLC, the only problem is that the online servers have been long switched off so I can't play the extra stages. Apparently like Midtown Madness 3, there is a demo disc that has the extra stages in to install to the hard drive due to not many people having the Internet back then but good luck finding it. The only demo disc that I found was one with an unreleased game called Lamborghini with Shenmue II, Panzer Dragoon Orta and Indiana Jones demos as well (so yep, a good demo disc).


Most likely going to be playing Tearaway tomorrow if it comes, if not I'll try to find something to play tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got Rayman Legends today for the Vita at Gamestop (dat 25$ price point man biggrin.png!) and man is it a great game :). The gameplay is a lot like Origins, but everything feels...faster; Rayman has much farther distance when he dash punch-jumps and he has tighter controls compared to Origins too (though the controls in that game was perfect, so its even better :)). The game is crammed full of content (Origins levels, the new Legends levels, Invasion Stages, challenge mode, and a handful of Vita-exclusive touch levels) and has a very Sonic-like feel with the level design (in terms of flow; your always moving and do a lot of running). I'm overall having a great time with the game and glad it meets the hype I had for it when it came out a few months back :).


Gotta also play through some PS+ games like Soul Sacrifice and Strangers Wrath, alongside some PS3 games, so I have a lot to play when the semester ends for me :).

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Recently finished Pokemon Y, which was very good and a lot of fun, but far too easy and had the most half baked plot of all Pokemon games. Not to mention hardly any of the characters were interesting except Lysandre and AZ.


Now I'm playing Super Mario 3D World and after finishing up World 2 I can honestly say this is the best Mario game I've played since SMG2. I'm loving it!

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Got my PS4 at launch, amazing system inside and out. Currently playing Battlefield 4 (OMG this game looks way too good, also very fun albeit pretty buggy at the moment), Need for Speed Rivals, Resogun, Contrast and Warframe on it. Had NO problems with it so far apart from PSN issues due to maintenance.

For launch I think that Sony did well but if you have a high end PC then the PS4 will not be that attractive at the moment.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to Christmas money, I got Bit.Trip Runner 2 and Splunky for Vita along with Ratchet & Clank Nexus (that also comes with R&C Quest for Booty).


Runner 2, as was the PS3 version, a very fun auto runner that requires careful timing of your slides, kicks, jumps and more to navigate colorful levels that have music beat along to the level design; beat hit when you come across places to slide or when you jump over enimes for example. The Vita version runs really good, with it being Native Resolution and being at a locked 60FPS. With it currently having a small discount at 7.99 along with its DLC being 2 bucks (it makes indie characters like the Cave Story dude and Raz playable :)), its a very good buy :).


Spunky is....something. The game isn't bad, far from it, but it takes quite some time to get used to. Its a normal platformer, in the since that you run, jump, attack and collect things, but the big catch is that you only have one life. Thats right, only ONE LIFE. The game is fair, as you have plenty of chances to collect items to use and unlock short cuts to the other worlds when they are beaten, but the fact that you only have one life really makes your adventures unique from others. It also gives the game a lot of replayablity, and that is always a good thing. It was on sale last week for 4 bucks, but even at its normal price of 14.99, it still is a good game.


While I'm not too shocked about this one, it was reassuring that Insomniac still has a lot of talent left :). Ratchet Nexus is a very fun game that takes what worked in FFA (the control set up) and mixes it with the Future series gameplay. That means weapons galore, a solid tale to be told, creative gameplay in each world, and tons of replayablity. This one has even more replayablity, with weapons having many upgrading trees, gold weapons to unlock, and the series stable challenge mode. The game is short, with only a handful of worlds, but that works in the games favor, with the game having the most polish out of all the PS3 Ratchet tittles. Each concept and idea is executed perfectly, the visuals are by far the best on the PS3 (the game runs well too, not 45-50 FPS like the Future games, but at a mostly stable 30 FPS), and nothing is repeated more than necessary. Its an overall great game that with its limited amount of content, it still is better than most 60 dollar games out there. It even comes with Quest for Booty for those who don't own it yet, so its like getting two games in one happy.png.

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