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Just played the Rayman Legends demo. So much fun. Loving the graphics especially in HD.

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Currently playing the Wonderful 101, the game is so intense on constant action and super heroey stuffs that it honestly burned me out after work last night and I fell asleep with the game running lol, It is incredible though.


Pre-ordered Rayman Legends for next Friday and can't wait for that, I may need to invest in an external HDD first though since I only have the basic Wii U but can buy a much larger storage drive for the price I'd have paid for just getting the 32GB premium, also thinking of picking Saints IV up and got Mr Mondo Zappa's game "Killer is Dead" pre-ordered for next Friday also.

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I've been playing Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4 on my PC a bit lately. Main reason being they recently made the Shazza and Sly costumes free to acquire for a few days. Normally you'd have to pay 1.50 for each. Should have waited... as I already got the Sly costume since, to be blunt, he's the shit.

When the actual game is only 5 dollars I'm not really going to gripe about microtransactions. Or free stuff on top of it.

Obligatory appreciation for their remixes of the nostalgic tunes from all three games, as well.

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Finished Ni no Kuni's story, now working on some left over errands.


What an amazing JRPG. Beautiful graphics, lovely music (Joe Hisaishi = genius <3) and great characters. Well, except maybe Oliver himself. >> The story was also really good though I felt the ending wasn't a great closure. It should've been a lot more epic. The gameplay is also not perfect, but it does work well and it's different from other JRPG's I've played. And who can't love the familiars? Some of them are so cute!


Now that I've pretty much finished Ni no Kuni though I'm not sure what to play next since I've got a lot of games to complete. Maybe I'll go retro and play some Paper Mario TYD since I've had it stalled for ages.

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I'm currently making my way through Saints Row 4, Tales of Xillia and I also just bought SkullGirls on Steam. I also quite a few other titles that I still have YET to get to. But I have time to do those. It's nice to know Ni no Kuni is a wonderful game, as I look forward to playing that once I finish my first run through Xillia.

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I just reinstalled the original Sims the other day to play around with it again for awhile. Its been forever since I played the original, so I figured it would be something fun for me to tinker around again with. With so many options and so many people that you can create in the game, it has always been an interesting game to play. I actually do play it normal and don't simply try and torture the sims like many you hear about do. I have used the money cheat in the past if I ever wanted to just screw around, but I won't be doing that, at least not right now I don't think.

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Currently trying to do a bit more in Animal Crossing, haven't had as much free time as I would like so it's nice to be able to work on my town more.


Also trying to beat Assassin's creed 3 which I have been putting off for quite some time and I really need to finish it before the fall.

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Thanks to the recent Vita sales, I got MvCIII, Metal Gear HD Collection, Monkey Ball, Guacamelee, and Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (along with another 16GB Memory Card, between games filling up fast and 40 bucks being reasonable, I was a good purchase).


MvCIII is, well Marvel vs Capcom III and with that game being a lot of fun, the Vita version holding up very well (looks great on the OLED screen), and the Vita D-Pad being amazing for fighters, it feels great on Vita :)


Metal Gear HD Collection is good so far. I never got into the series but with this being only 15 bucks and coming with 4 games, it was a good buy. Played more of MGS III and a little of MGS II, and I'm really impressed with how the games hold up on Vita; they look just like there PS2 counter parts and have a really solid frame rate (it even goes up to 60FPS when in doors in MGS II).


Monkey Ball is more or less what you expect; fun puzzles, colorful graphics (which pop on the OLED screen), tight controls thanks to the analog sticks, and fun mini games that make great use of the Vita's features like Monkey Bowling's flick-based bowling machanics or a mode where you control two monkeys in a simple maze with both analog sticks. Its a lot of fun and my second favorite out of the games I got :).


Lastly, I got Guaccmelee and Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs attack, and I have to say that both are really great games. Guaccmelee is the better of the two with a really fun combat system that works great for both the platforming and combat, great 2-d visuals, tight controls, a lot of charm and easter eggs (like posters of Strong Bad, Internet Trolls, and Mexican versions of characters like Mario, Link, Wreck it Ralph and more), and Super Meat Boy-levels of difficulty with the platforming. Mutant Blobs Attack is fun too with it having what makes Guacmelee great (tight controls, great platforming, great 2-D visuals, lots of charm) but with some new mechanics like growing your blob to brake objects.


With the now owning two 16GB cards and a 8GB card I can now hold more games, letting me get back to AC Liberation, Wipeout and many of the PSP free games from Plus, so a lot of games to play biggrin.png.

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Currently finishing New Super Mario Bros Wii U off and then probably give Sonic Racing Transformed a bash after

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I sort of got bored of playing the sims rather quickly, but I do have another game I never finished that I am trying to do so with now. That would be the original Zoo Tycoon. I love games like this where its build and management simulators like this one. They are always fun to me and this one was never an exception. I look forward to finally getting another shot at it and hopefully finishing it like I did another building game I played not long ago and finally finished, 1503 A.D.

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Finished W101 and now just messing around on Miiverse waiting for Rayman Legends on Thursday/Friday, October can't come soon enough though, Zelda and Sonic! 

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After a long period of playing only Left 4 Dead 2 and stages in various Sonic games, I'm currently replaying the Batman:Arkham Series. I was wary going back to Arkham Asylum, since I hadn't played it for two years after buying City, but I ended up having a blast. I finished it on Normal for the first time yesterday, and started Arkham City again today. I'm officially hyped for Arkham Origins with the Arkham series fresh in my mind.

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I've been catching up on my 3DS eShop backlog.  Attack Of The Friday Monsters wasn't quite what I was expecting; the story was a lot more compressed, and they surprised me in their handling of the ambiguous reality/unreality of the fantasy elements, but it has a lot of charm, and the only real thing I'd change is to take stairs out of the game (if they couldn't animate a good stair-climbing animation, why did they put stairs in in the first place?).  Shantae GBC was a lot more brutal and platform-y than I was expecting, but once I got into it it went a lot more smoothly, and I did better than I expected in finding all of the secret items.  The Etrian Odyssey IV demo convinced me that, yes, this was a game I could be interested in, even though the demo only had an absurdly low 3 uses in Europe (perhaps to complement the absurdly late release date, scarcely a month before America gets the next title).  Denpa Men 2 I've been grinding away at for a while - at one point interrupting it to complete the first game's postgame, which I'd abandoned.  I'm in the postgame of DM2 now, or possibly the postpostgame; it's a lot of fun, but perhaps it is dragging a bit.  It seems like a game which shouldn't have so many hours in it as I've invested.  Still, the goofy nonsense of the plot keeps on bringing me back.  I look forward to playing Denpa Men 3 in like eight months when it'll presumably be localised.


I've got Steamworld Dig but am saving it for a rainy day, and I've ordered Etrian Odyssey IV and, something of a wildcard, Virtue's Last Reward - I started reading an LP of it but realised it was good enough that I actually wanted to play it myself.  I hope I don't get that 3DS version glitch that erases your save file.

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Been playing through Crystal version lately, and ended up with two graphical glitches occuring even though I didn't have any cheats on nor was I messing around with any debugging tools. :V It didn't effect the gameplay or my save so meh. My team consists of a lv. 12 Cyndaquil, Lv. 11 Hoothoot, lv. 12 Geodude, lv. 11 Bellsprout, Lv. 11 Polliwag, and Lv. 9 Togepi. Just got the first badge last night so i'm still training a bit before making it to the next town. :)

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I'm currently playing Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (The PSN HD version).




This is a game I have completed many times. I also own the original PS2 version, one of my favourite. It has a beautiful soundtrack and impressive graphics for it's time.


The gameplay - a lot slower than Origins/Legends - makes for a very fun 3d platformer. The difficulty setting is not too taxing. It gradually increases as you go through the game and never becomes too frustrating. The bosses are very wacky designs, which is part of their charm.


I am up to the level 'The Desert of the Knaaren'. Knaaren are creatures you can't hit as they have an invisible shield protecting them. You need to sneak past them without being detected. If they spot you, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!


For a 10 year old game it's aged pretty well. Enough to leave me craving for a proper 3d - Rayman 4 - sequel. 

Edited by -Bender- Wolverine
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I generally like Rayman 3 more than 2, even though 2 has an arguably better atmosphere and 3's humor is obnoxiously unfunny. The end bosses weren't any fun, but neither were Rayman 2's.

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I'm 100% done with Mario 64 DS. It's a decent game, but I don't think it's aged very gracefully, and as these things go I generally prefer the way the Galaxy games handled level structure and objectives. I just don't find "find 5 ~secrets~" or "collect virtually every coin in the level" particularly fun. The actual level design's pretty wonky sometimes, too; I know it's not terribly fair to harp on one of the earliest ever 3D platformers, but there's a lot of stuff that just plain doesn't work, like the random winds in Snowman's Land that exist solely to irritate the hell out of you.


Still, it's pretty fun and I'm glad I played it. I just think I'll stick to Galaxy 2 the next time I need a 3D Mario fix.


Next for me, aside from completing the Wistful Wild's dungeons in Pikmin 2, is Doom 3. I've had a terrible craving for classic Doom recently, and since I don't have a copy immediately available and I'm too cheap to buy it on Steam or XBLA, my only option is the ports of Doom and Doom II that are unlockable in Doom 3. Of course, to get at those you actually need to beat Doom 3, which I didn't quite accomplish when I played it years ago. I don't even really remember why I quit; I was pretty close to the end.

Edited by Octarine
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Just finished my first playthought of Deus Ex HR! i enjoyed so far the game. By now i need to get the achivement/trophies since it look easy to get i believe. I did some BF3/Bops 2 not long ago but i will probably wait until BF4 Beta coming soon.

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Just played No Mercy from Left 4 Dead 2 offline , since my Xbox Live Gold expired months ago. I was pleasantly surprised, I hate bots, but it was a fun challenge playing on Advanced.

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I completed Virtue's Last Reward yesterday, and found it tremendously satisfying.  Not without reservations - a lot of the endings were fairly undramatic, but I think that's really an unavoidable consequence of the game's ambitious time-jumping structure.  Reliving events so often means that all of them, and all of your decisions, eventually start to lose meaning.  Why did I do that terrible terrible thing to that charming character?  Simply to see what would happen, that's why, because when I can reclaim a lost opportunity, my choices no longer have meaning.  Perhaps the game should have addressed that angle.  Still, it was very good and I had great fun hopping about the flowchart.  I wish more games like this made it to the west (I should probably specify to Europe).


Next up: Etrian Odyssey IV, finally available in Europe little more than a month before the next title in the series comes out in America (and months after it came out in Japan).

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There are only like three scenarios left on zoo tycoon, but I'm likely not going to finish them because at this point, it is just busy work. I've already done enough to know I can beat them due to I've achieved the requirements for them in other scenarios. I'm moving on for now.


I'm currently starting to play Super Mario Galaxy 1 for the first time. This game has been out there for a long time, but I did eventually break down and buy a copy. I just dont like how the mario games take forever to get cheaper. It is fun so far, but I've only just started on it at the moment. Gonna be at this for awhile to come.

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I keep flip flopping across games lately since I just don't play one game but could be up to 10 a week. Like last night I was playing Crazy Taxi 3 and that is actually a pretty good game but I can't seem to get the timing of the Crazy Dashes right. The other night I was playing Sonic Generations (3DS version) and was surprised that I completed half the game in just 45 minutes so I'm at Radical Highway right now. I'm also still working on God of War, Wario Land: The Shake Dimension, Luigi's Mansion 2, GTA Vice City, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (Vita version, still a wonderful game), a quick go on the Pinball Arcade and would have been Project Gotham Racing if the other Xbox was still working. Who knows what I'm going to be playing tonight...


The main two that I'm working on are New Super Mario Bros. U and Max Payne. New Super Mario Bros. U to me is a pretty good platformer with beautiful graphics and great level design/gameplay but I am very rusty at playing Mario since the last one was New Super Mario Bros. way back on the DS years ago so I've only managed to beat the first boss. Also never knew that the Gamepad is a battery eater, just hope that I find a way of playing the game while the Gamepad is off [i know that it supports the Pro Controller and the Wii Remote, the former has the best battery life out of the 3].


The other is Max Payne on the Xbox, I'm currently on Chapter 8 on the American Dream part of the game but the game is hooking me so much with the gameplay and the story, usually games don't affect me on the latter but how the voice acting and the graphic novel cutscenes are presented. The graphics have aged a bit but then again it is a 11 year old game and 3D was still evolving at that time. Playing this game (and some other Xbox games) realises that I've missed out on this console at the time since I had a PS2 [not as keen and more less had it due to no more Dreamcast games, only had it for GT3 and the arcade ports] and the Gamecube [hard to find games, weren't many]. At least now I can pick up the games on this cheaper than chips or in some games even cheaper than a packet of crisps. Some are literally just 25p and they aren't bad games either [like Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six 3 and Pro Evolution Soccer 5 that for some is considered the king of all football games]. Well except most of what Sega published and Knights of the Old Republic being the pricy ones.

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