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  • Brazilian Artist Romero Britto Coming to SEGA's Booth at Licensing Expo, To Collaborate On Sonic Merch & Art

    Britto's got some Sonic art coming

    Last month during the "Be happy! ROMERO BRITTO Exhibition" in Japan, SEGA revealed that they were collaborating with renowned Brazilian artist Romero Britto, unveiling a new piece of Sonic art done by him. They now seem to be taking this collaboration further: Britto will be coming to SEGA's booth at the Licensing Expo in Las Vegas. He'll be there from 4-5PM PST on May 22.

    Here's Britto's Sonic piece, which will be available as posters at the booth:


    SEGA President and COO Shuji Utsumi had this to say:


    Collaborating with the exceptionally gifted artist, Romero Britto, has been nothing short of extraordinary. His mastery of vibrant hues and distinctive style impeccably encapsulated the essence of everything we cherish about Sonic


    This won't be the end of SEGA and Britto's collaboration, though. It has also been confirmed that Britto will be working with them on merchandise, collectibles and fine art. Be sure to stick with Sonic Stadium for more updates on this! 

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    29 minutes ago, Maple Syrup said:

    :boi:Why are all the Sonic events unaligned with my schedule? :boi:

    nevermind THAT (Although you are important), why isn't NO events in NC????
    HALF of the American Audience is in NC, so WHY can't we see the dark rider??? the sonic Symphony?? we have to TRAVEL to be a fan, why can't we just enjoy it HERE??? 

    The only things we get in America is TV shows and Video Games with English Voices, Comics in English, and MERCH. THATS IT.

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    Maple Syrup

    Posted (edited)

    BUT, @Cyb3rkn1ght there is one Sonic Symphony in Greensboro, NC... Ans also, I used to live there when I was 2! My parents describe that as a beautiful place!

    Edited by Maple Syrup
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    Yep, that's a Romero Britto alright. As in,very tacky xD He's kinda of a joke nowadays here in Brazil because of his style. 

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    I like it. The one thing I'd change is that the grey glove cuffs look kind of off, especially given the vibrancy of the rest of the design.

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    I am not a big fan of this art tbh. Its a bit too out there. But i appreciate the effort and that some people will like it

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    Yeah, this ain't it chief 😂 so many crazy good artists out there and this is what they go with...lol

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    They can’t be serious? This is something you made with a demo artist application free with cereal! I now consider myself a talented artist.

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