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Sonic Speed Simulator: Overpowered Silver Event Guide


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Another week is here, and with it, it's time for a brand new event guide, and possibly one of our most comprehensive yet. The newest event that's dropped brings with it our third Super tier character - ESP Silver the Hedgehog from Sonic Runners - a What If version of Silver based on the idea of him unlocking his true potential and power following the events of Sonic 06. 


This update also brings us the return of Super Sonic, revealing that Super Sonic costs 799 robux to buy if you missed him prior, meaning ESP Silver is likely to be at this price as well if you miss him now, so it's best to do this event. Especially as if you're a newcomer, you'll also gain a brand new variant of the Tornado to use as a flying mount, new songs, and more.

So this guide will take you through the entire event in a comprehensive manner, hopefully making this grindy task as simple and easy to achieve as possible.


As you can see, there's a whopping seven entire tasks to fully complete out the event, all taking place in nearly every world - which will unfortunately mean you're going to need to get your Character Mastery level up high enough to enter Metal City Skatepark and City Escape. You can do this by training up buddies and fast friends to pump into the character mastery evolution machine, as well as unlocking the free characters you can find throughout the game.

While I can't provide a comprehensive guide to gaining every single F2P character at the moment - you can find quite a few character unlocks in previous guides such as the starter guide. Furthermore, Gemerl is still around in the Chao School event, which has now been relocated to the Fast Friends area in Green Hill, and he's another easy unlock. You can also unlock the racing suit variants of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles in the racing shop relatively easily. Unfortunately, there's no two ways about this grind beyond just getting whatever characters you can and levelling them up in mastery as best as possible. 

Anyways, we'll continue on either way, so let's move right into the first task.

Notice: Unsure if it's a glitch or not, but at the time of writing - it seems that for some reason, event multipliers are not being applied to ESP Silver's event for some bizarre reason, meaning no matter what, you'll need to collect everything one by one, meaning this grinding process will be a lot more tedious. 

Task 1: Collect Chaos Orbs in Green Hill - REWARD: 2X Astral Chao

A relatively easy task to start things off. If you've played Speed Simulator for any level of time, you're already well aware of this task. All around the worlds is colourful crystals:


These are Chaos Orbs, and this is what we need to collect, gaining XP as we gain them. If you haven't already - I recommend doing the Gemerl event using the Gemerl guide linked above, as you'll gain Chocola as a Fast Friend - Chocola's perk being a bonus to event items, meaning it'll half the time of collecting items. Meaning you should only need 2,500 Chaos Orbs for example.

Luckily, we have a easy way to do this. Run just past the prize wheel, and you'll see the auto-run podium:


Make sure you're at level 50, and run into the podium, and let your character simply run around and collect up all of the orbs, and you should be through this in no time. Once you're done, you'll gain your new Chao, and be able to move into the next task.

Task 2: Collect Shards in Lost Valley - REWARD: Aquatic Base -Level 1- OST

Another rather unfortunately grindy task, but one that is also thankfully easily gotten thanks to Lost Valley being one of the few other levels that has the auto-run mechanic. You'll need to collect 2000 Master Emerald shards.


So, as covered in the musical note guide, one of the tasks to unlock Shadow is collecting shards of the Master Emerald that's been scattered all around Lost Valley. If you haven't done it yet, then this will be perfect for you since that'll be two birds hit with the one stone. Either way, this is basically exactly the same as the previous task, just with a slightly different crystal.


Same thing as before - make sure you're at level 50, and run over to the Autorun podium, and just let the game run around and collect the shards for you. Will unfortunately take some time to do so, but it'll be done soon enough, and with it, you'll net the first new musical track, and be able to move onto the third task. Unfortunately, for some bizarre reason, it seems the event multiplier from Hero Chao and Chocola don't apply, meaning you have to just straight up collect 2,000 shards. 

Admittedly, this is not the most optimal and fastest way to get them. The auto run route does not cover all of the shards, so if you're desperate to get it done ASAP, you may wanna plot your own route to grab the shards. But it'll still be a immense grind, likely upwards of a hour, so I find autorun to be the lesser of two evils, but it's ultimately up to you to decide which angle to take here. 

Task 3: Score 10,000 points in the Tornado Assault minigame - REWARD: Astral Tornado (Flying Mount)

If you read the news announcement last week, you'll recall that the Tornado Assault minigame has been added into Emerald Hill Zone as a permanent addition now. However, it seemed rather odd as there was no associated event character with the event. But now we know why it's here, as one of the tasks is gaining 10,000 points from the minigame.


So, if you go to Emerald Hill Zone, and head towards Tails' workshop in the distance, directly ahead of where you first spawn into the world, you'll find the minigame entrance on the landing strip next to the workshop. Jump on into it.


If you've played any Tornado minigame in a previous Sonic game, such as Sonic Adventure or Unleashed, you can very quickly realise what the aim is - you'll fly on a short course where Eggman sends badniks after you to halt your attempt to go towards his base - you're going to take aim at them and shoot them down as you go along. As you do so, you'll also see XP rings spawn, to which flying through these will also add to your score. It's fairly self-explanatory from there - keep shooting enemies down and going through rings and aim for high scores.

Enemies are worth only about 4 or so points while rings is worth about 10 points. So you'll want to aim for the rings while blasting whatever enemies you see along the way - but prioritise the rings since those will be what gives you the bigger point gain.


When you get close to the base, Eggman will blast the plane down and send you into a skydiving segment towards the exit of the minigame. Don't put your guard down yet as XP rings still spawn during this fall, giving you a chance to boost your score a little higher. 


Following that, you'll be at the end of the minigame, where you'll see two options available - one to exit back into Emerald Hill Zone, and one to replay the course, which is what you'll want to do here. In my experience, I was about to roughly get around 1,000 to 1,100 points per play, meaning you'll be doing this around 9-10 times to finish off the task.

However, your reward for the rather grindy nature of this task is a glorious Tornado mount that will make your life so much easier in future since you can use it to fly around all worlds.


We'll also be able to move onto task 4...

Task 4: Destroy Badniks in New Yoke City - REWARD: 3x Astral Chao

Hopping into our fourth world for a thankfully easier mission. If you've been to New Yoke before, you already know the drill. All around the city are two major types of Badniks that qualify for this mission.

The first are the smaller drones that you usually homing attack chain on in order to reach higher areas:


The other type is larger badniks from the Prime TV show, although unfortunately these guys can take a bit more of a beating if you don't have your attack stats increased:


Ether way, unfortunately there's no real easy grinding method for these like there is with the emerald shards and chaos crystals, and you need a whopping 500 badniks. Luckily, with it being New Yoke City, there's a lot of enemies around to take down, so it thankfully shouldn't take anywhere as long as grinding emerald shards.

You have two options for how you want to approach this, one that is quicker but riskier, and one that is longer, but easier. 

Approach 1: On Foot


On foot is essentially what you'd expect - dotted all around New Yoke is pockets of enemies in groups between 3-5 members. You just make a loop around the city, homing attack and boosting into any you see until you hit 500. This is a bit longer, but relatively easy to do. You can also head to the rooftops, where you might find pathways that has a ton of flying drones in a row. Either way works, really.

Approach 2: By Plane


The second option, albeit riskier - is using the Astral Tornado that you will have acquired in the previous step. The Astral Tornado is fast and is loaded with a gun that can pelt enemies from a distance, along with a lock-on function, meaning you can hypothetically fly through the city, blasting any enemies you see on the ground or in the air.

In any other world, this would be the easy, optimal route I'd be recommending to get this done ASAP. However, New Yoke being a city holds the honour of being practically the most enclosed map - meaning that flying the plane around here is very hard to do, and is very easy to bump into a wall, meaning you can easily get forced out and need to land back on the ground before you can spawn the plane again. This means it has a high chance of being faster or slower depending on how good you are at piloting and avoiding walls.

Either way, depending on the option you choose, you'll now have 3x Astral Chao by the end of the task, and are ready to move into the next task. What's neat as well is you'll get Silver commenting on worlds as you complete tasks, which you can see a example of below where he compares New Yoke to his own future:


Task 5: Defeat Neo Metal in Hill Top Zone - REWARD: Dreams of An Absolution OST

Our next task brings us to something we covered back in the starter guide. Upon entering Hill Top Zone, you'll see a Neo Metal Sonic event podium to your right as you spawn in. I recommend anyone to do his event as Neo Metal Sonic is a super tier character like Super Sonic and ESP Silver. 


So if you've followed that, you're already very familiar with this task, but we'll cover it anyways for anyone who hasn't fought Neo Metal as of yet. So when you're ready, jump into the boss event ring.


You'll automatically be placed in control of Super Sonic for this fight, even if you haven't unlocked him, and it's a pretty standard affair for Super Sonic. You'll be placed in a 3D auto-scroller, not unlike the Time Eater's boss fight in Sonic Generations, and you'll chase after Neo Metal Sonic, dodging his attacks while collecting Chaos Crystals and rings along the way.


Chaos Crystals have a very important role here as this determines how many times you can attack Neo Metal Sonic. One attack costs 10 crystals, and once you run out of crystals, he'll reengage his shield and will go back to attacking you. So you want to ensure you hit as many crystals as you can so you can end the fight ASAP. After 30 hits, Neo Metal will go down.


In my experience, each attempt takes around 90 seconds a run. Possibly a little more or a little less depending on your luck. Unfortunately, much like every other task, there's no real way to speed this up, but you can make it go on autopilot, thankfully. If you either have a magnet power-up lying around from a daily log-in, have the infinite magnet power up, or have a daily quest from either Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, or Nine with a magnet power up, you can activate it for the boss.

When active, orbs and rings will draw to you automatically - and in spite of the tips, Neo Metal doesn't do much but kill your speed slightly if you take a hit, so you can easily just use the magnet power-up to mash the attack button while you're focusing on doing something else, which will make the time fly by for at least a few of the attempts. Strangely enough - the event multiplier seems to work here too, which will cut down your attempts by half if using Chocola, and more if using Red Hero Chao.

Either way, when you take him down ten times, you'll unlock the best character theme of Sonic 06. If you haven't unlocked Neo Metal yet, again I would highly recommend continuing doing so before continuing the ESP Silver quests. 

Task 6: Rescue Animals in Metal City Skatepark - REWARD: Silver Blur Trail


Our next task brings us into the ninth world, Metal City Skatepark, which unfortunately requires a pretty high team level of 55 to access, which as mentioned above can be raised by either unlocking characters or raising character mastery. Once you have it unlocked, head there. You'll find a capsule with a rabbit in front of you that can only be unlocked by hitting into it with a hoverboard equipped.

There's a crap-ton of hoverboards in the game, from the race store, to events, to purchasable ones. You'll likely have quite a few of them by this point, and if not, you can easily attain one from the Neo Metal Sonic event covered in the previous task. Either way, head there and start flying around the map on your hoverboard, collecting animals.


You can hold onto five animals at once, and you can easily see them around the map via the rabbit icon, so this should be fairly easily done. Once you've got five animals, a arrow will show up, directing you to the event stage of Amy's animal rescue - the event will only count when you hand these animals into Amy, so you need to make a drop off here every time you have five animals. Luckily however, given the map size, the speed of the hoverboard, and the low requirement, it shouldn't take long at all, and you'll also be working towards unlocking Riders Amy as well. 

Once that's done, you'll gain your trails, and be able to finally move on into the final task needed to unlock ESP Silver. It's been a long journey to get to this point, but we've nearly got him.

Task 7: Pop Balloons in City Escape - REWARD - Soleanna New City OST

We're finally onto the last world of this long road, and with it - the last task. Unfortunately, this task proves to not be any less grindy than previous tasks. You'll also need a staggering team mastery level of 65 to even access City Escape in the first place.

Either way, the mission here is at least pretty self-explanatory. Dotted all over the map, you'll find red balloons that form homing attack chains to get your character up to the rooftops. There's numerous tossed all around the city. The problem is the game wants you to get a staggering 1000 balloons to finish the task and acquire Silver.

Still, there's a few locations we can use to get large chunks of balloons in one shot. For example - to the immediate right of your spawn location, next to the park you're in - you'll find a massive series of balloons all next to each other:


Furthermore, if you go left, and slightly downwards, you'll find the platforming segment from Generations where Classic Sonic had to climb the platforms in order to escape the GUN truck. This also has a huge series of balloons to chain together:


But as usual, there's no real shortcut beyond going between the large balloon clusters and hoping they respawn quick enough. If you've followed the previous guides, you'll also know Neo Metal is practically a cheat code for City Escape due to the super tier characters' flight functionality, so you can also use that to fly around the city and scope for more balloon clusters.

In my experience, the balloon respawns are quick enough that the second location can be reliably farmed to complete the task. So my personal recommendation is balloon location 2 (IE - the platforms from Gens' Classic level) due to abundance and respawn timing, but either or works. 

Either way, keep searching and popping balloons, and you'll finally complete the last task, acquiring the last music note of the event.

Conclusion - REWARD: ESP Silver - Super Rarity Character

Once you've finished all of the tasks, you'll get one final piece of dialogue from the event's unique story, where Silver admits defeat about finding out how he ended up within the past. However, due to your help and all of the exploration you've done, ESP Silver decides he's going to remain in the past for now and join your adventure.


Head into your character menu and scroll down towards where the Silver characters you own are located, and you'll find your brand new character waiting for you with a unique background and pose. You've worked very hard for this moment, so enjoy it.


With that, ESP Silver is officially yours. He has unique animations for idling, walking and running, a unique aura, and even a unique flight animation that uses his animation from the ending of Sonic 06. Fitting given this Silver is a what if where 06 Silver unlocked his true power.


Silver also has unique idle poses and is constantly levitating as well, similar to his counterpart in Sonic Runners. Needless to say, he's a cool addition to anyone's collection.



With that, we bring another event guide to a close. I hope it managed to help everyone through this pretty grindy event and help gain all of the rewards. As usual, if you've enjoyed the guide, have feedback, or even just wanna drop a like for the hard work, feel free to do so.

For now, enjoy a few Sonic 06 inspired shots I grabbed with special help from @Failinheartsand @Haalyle!




Til next week, enjoy your brand new ESP Silver, and have fun! 

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Posted (edited)

Cool! Thanks for sharing, @Ryannumber1gamer! I'm still trying to unlock the character mastery zones, I just have 12 characters😅. And amazing photo shoots! 


Again, I am SuperSonical984

and I'd be honored to join ya guys in the next one!

Edited by Maple Syrup
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Just now, Maple Syrup said:

Cool! Thanks for sharing, @Ryannumber1gamer! I'm still trying to unlock the character mastery zones, I just have 12 characters😅. And amazing photo shoots! 

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Again, I am SuperSonical984


Cool, I'll send ya a friend request next time I'm online!

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Been a ton of fun shooting these photos with @Ryannumber1gamerand @Haalyle! Hope we can do more of these in the future! And of course, amazing guides as always Ryan!

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Posted (edited)

I had a lot of fun with the photo shoot! We absolutely gotta hang out more for these.

Excellent guide! I am looking forward to the next one!

Edited by Haalyle
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Hoo boy. I don't blame you all for reporting on this because this is Sonic News, but I really hoped this game would fade into obscurity or lose official support by now. I am very tired of bring reminded Roblox exists, and The Sonic Stadium used to be one of the last places I expected I would keep seeing it brought up. But it's here for the long haul isn't it?

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Finally an event I beat before the guide came up!

I too was bothered/annoyed by Chocola not affecting anything except the Neo Metal fight count. Thankfully, the little extra grind I put in last week also allowed me access to the last few zones before this also dropped. As someone who is relatively new (2 months!) to the game, how often are new worlds inserted?

6 hours ago, Metal said:

Hoo boy. I don't blame you all for reporting on this because this is Sonic News, but I really hoped this game would fade into obscurity or lose official support by now. I am very tired of bring reminded Roblox exists, and The Sonic Stadium used to be one of the last places I expected I would keep seeing it brought up. But it's here for the long haul isn't it?

I mean, it's an officially supported Sonic game. The fact it exists in Roblox shouldn't be a detriment and new players pick it up every day. The fact these guides exist in a written form rather than video is a godsend alone.

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36 minutes ago, TitansCreed said:

Finally an event I beat before the guide came up!

I too was bothered/annoyed by Chocola not affecting anything except the Neo Metal fight count. Thankfully, the little extra grind I put in last week also allowed me access to the last few zones before this also dropped. As someone who is relatively new (2 months!) to the game, how often are new worlds inserted?

It's typically pretty uncommon. There is no set timeframe in which worlds drop. They just... do. For the longest time, New Yoke was the latest world. But more seem to be pumped out at a more frequent basis. I can't really tell.

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58 minutes ago, TitansCreed said:

Finally an event I beat before the guide came up!

Yeah, unfortunately the guide was a little delayed this week since I couldn’t get the event finished on the test server. I got hit with the mastery level cap on Metal City and City Escape out of nowhere and couldn’t get up to mastery level 65 in time. Thankfully, shouldn’t be a issue in coming weeks as I continue to progress on the test server.

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5 hours ago, TitansCreed said:

how often are new worlds inserted?

Recently they have been adding Worlds at a pretty fast rate and a new World and race are currently in the works so expect it to come at latest by the end of next month.

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Just some little tid bits about the event/update, ESP Silver is able to stand on water like No Place Sonic and has a exclusive parry animation unlike Neo and Super Sonic that share the same one.

A new music note can be found in Cyber Station, it's the World theme that was missing on the Jukebox.

(Oh! And the gondolas on Hill Top now move) 

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5 hours ago, TitansCreed said:

I mean, it's an officially supported Sonic game. The fact it exists in Roblox shouldn't be a detriment and new players pick it up every day.

Like I said, I have nothing against anyone reporting on this stuff. I think they should. But this game being in Roblox absolutely is a big detriment. To call Roblox sketchy would be an understatement.

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27 minutes ago, gogs said:

Just some little tid bits about the event/update, ESP Silver is able to stand on water like No Place Sonic and has a exclusive parry animation unlike Neo and Super Sonic that share the same one.

A new music note can be found in Cyber Station, it's the World theme that was missing on the Jukebox.

(Oh! And the gondolas on Hill Top now move) 

Funny you mention that, I just completed a guide for the music note:


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Posted (edited)

With today's weekly update, they've fixed the Event Stat to help with ESP Silver, which is still ongoing (thank goodness)

This will make collecting the Master Emerald Shards in Lost Valley less time consuming

Edited by Sonictrainer
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