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Season 1 | Sonic Boom: TV Series Discussion

Ming Ming Hatsune

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So just when I mention Shadow, BAM! there he is

Looks to me like Shadow's whole shtick in Boom is that he acts ultra serious and badass but doesn't do anything besides that. Not sure whether that's good or bad mind you, we'll just have to watch the episode to see how it plays out.

Edited by Gabz Girl
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Do we have any idea on whether or not this show will be renewed?


I guess for the last several episodes it's been getting only 7-800,000 views compared to the million plus it was raking in for most of its run.

Why are people making spoilers tags when this is an "Untagged Spoilers" thread?


I guess more as a courtesy than a rule, since this episode is still a good deal in the future, 2 months or so. Unlike an episode that was up next or just aired.

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Do we have confirmation that this is actually the episode that introduces Shadow? Because if the other people in that screenshot are to go by, then it looks like only show villains are being included (ie. not Lyric, I understand he's probably dead or something but still), so might Shadow actually show up in an episode before this? Or something? I dunno.



Shadow's foot is partially clipping through Eggman's floor here.

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Shadow looks really good in those screenshots. I dunno, the model is just...handsome? xD 

Will it be enough to get me to watch Sonic Boom again? Probably not...but I'll at least read spoilers when it comes out, and that's something. :P

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Shadow's foot is partially clipping through Eggman's floor here.

Isn't the underside of Shadow's shoe a bit higher than the red trim?


It doesn't seem that implausible he might just be standing on a part of the floor where it gets slightly higher, with the underside on that slight height increase. We'd need to see the actual animation to be sure.

Edited by Ty the Tasmanian Ogilvie
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More Spoiler images inbound!

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This is looking like a really fun way to end the series ( Unless there's a second season, which I'd be totally down for!)

Well, there is a second 3DS Game coming out, next year. So, yeah we might get a second season. I mean, it's not like we'll see the show become able to be purchased on Digital Mediums, like Youtube, Google Play, iTunes, and Amazon Instant Video, and eventually on Instant Streaming on Netflix.

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Eggman and Shadow working together again, eh? It's been a while.

Careful, Doc. It didn't work so well for your Sega counterpart. :l

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New Boom episodes are incoming for the UK. (The promo below btw isn't just for Wabbit and Be Cool Scooby Doo. It's about all of the new shows and episodes coming to Boomerang UK in Autumn) 


Edited by Ryannumber1gamer
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 Shadow's foot is partially clipping through Eggman's floor here.

I don't actually think it's clipping through the floor, it doesn't really looks like it.

But I'm just gonna wait and see.

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Wow, the Mario Bros. Z reboot is looking really good!

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OMG! That's so badass! This is certainly going to be an awesome episode even if Shadow isn't going to be in it for long, Alan & Greg aren't going to screw this up for sure! 

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So, what? Shadow is just randomly a villian in this yet again for no apparent reason?

He was a villain in the game. He does what he wants and is an anti-hero. And a bit of an asshole.

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So, what? Shadow is just randomly a villian in this yet again for no apparent reason?

Probably not a straight-up villain but more a rival who's more than happy to kick Sonic's ass. Also do we need a reason for Shadow to appear, if I can guess properly, Eggman probably called up Shadow to beat Sonic and Shadow was than happy to beat up Sonic but half-heartedly deals with Eggman's fanboyism and just leaves when he has enough.

Is that a good enough reason or do we need a very insight and deep backstory to him as well to justify him appearing as well even though Boom is a semi-action sitcom.

Edited by Puli Soni
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"So, what? Shadow is just randomly a villian in this yet again for no apparent reason?"


Don't know if this is entirely true or not, but apparently, the synopsis mentions that Eggman broke Shadow's lawn chair and now Shadow is essentially following Eggman around and doing as he asks until he gets him a new one, which is also a good way of comedically bringing in a darker/ more serious character. I don't remember where I heard it from, but it's backed up with this image.



See the broken chair behind Shadow? The guy just wants to chill in peace!

Edited by Miitoons
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Yes. Because this is apparently Shadow now. He beats up Sonic without any justification.

My god dude, its a fucking comedy show, can you lighten up. 

Its not even like this is the main series Shadow we're talking about, he's literally an entirely different character so he's not bound by the same rules or standards as his main series counterpart. I mean god, the episode hasn't even aired yet lol.



But yea, I haven't watched this in a minute, so I guess I can check out this final episode, I'm curious to what they're going to do with Shadow; and him following Eggman around just to get a new lawn chair is pretty lulzy.

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Yes. Because this is apparently Shadow now. He beats up Sonic without any justification.

You make it sound like Boom is replacing the main series even though it was said NUMEROUS times that it won't.

Shadow doesn't like Sonic, maybe because he doesn't like his bro attitude or something. He just doesn't like him and finds himself superior to him. I don't recall sitcoms to give major reasons, simplicity can be just as good.

Don't know if this is entirely true or not, but apparently, the synopsis mentions that Eggman broke Shadow's lawn chair and now Shadow is essentially following Eggman around and doing as he asks until he gets him a new one, which is also a good way of comedically bringing in a darker/ more serious character. I don't remember where I heard it from, but it's backed up with this image.



See the broken chair behind Shadow? The guy just wants to chill in peace!

lol That's hilarious, if it's true. Shadow just wants to chill out and mind his own business but lol nope Eggman just has to screw his day, guess that's why he just wreck Sonic, just so he get his damn chair back and be done with this.

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Don't think there's anything wrong with having Shadow a grumpy villain again, like he was in RoL. It's not like Maria exists in this universe or anything like that; this Shadow is his own character, with his own rules.

Though I have to ask... why, if the lawn chair synopsis is correct, is Shadow following Eggman around doing what he wants if he broke his lawn chair? Shouldn't he be beating the tar out of Eggman instead if he's refusing to owe up to the damages he's done? Seems a little too tame for this version of Shadow, imo.

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Maybe he was about to kick his ass but Eggman promised that he'll fix it or buy a better one for him if he kicks Sonic's ass, we just have to wait and see.

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That... Doesn't even make sense. Eggman breaks Shadow's lawn chair, and he does things for Eggman till Eggman replaces it?

Yeah, it's a silly, comical reason but hey fits for a silly, comical show. Don't really see the complaint here.

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