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Another point I just realised. The Duke obviously had the Sceptre of darkness on hand, in case something like this happened...why didn't he have something to deal with Iblis? He seemed to k or enough about the flame and its properties, aswell as Mephelies to know that the sceptre would work, so why nothing for Iblis? Maybe he did and it got destroyed, it just seems like he hasn't thought of it


Iblis is Solaris' raw power, whereas Mephiles is Solaris' conscious mind. Presumably he only had dealings with Solaris' mind and not so much his power... and so he had a means to contain that mind. Iblis not being of the same "soul" per se, instead being Solaris' power made flesh, perhaps that is why the Scepter or anything of the sort would not work on him.


Actually there's an idea. Since Iblis is technically soulless and is just a force of nature, he needs to be attached to a soul in order to be contained. Now, since Solaris' mind was sealed away he needed another soul... lo and behold, he chose his daughter because he had no other choices.

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Of course, whether Elise could avoid being sad or distraught for ten whole years beggars belief is a point I wouldn't dare contest, but in a better game I'm sure that kind of restraint would be admirable.

(You showed the endgame scene...but then put that in a spoiler? I...just...what?)


Anyway. Your point is very well made. Suspension of disbelief is a wonderful thing. The more invested I am in a story, the more easily I'll overlook minor plot holes or logical inconsistencies.


I'm not entirely sure at which point my suspension of disbelief snapped like a twig in Sonic 06, but I'm sure it was at a much earlier point than the explanation for why Elise crying is a bad thing.

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I can think of a handful of stories where the emotional state of a child influenced their surroundings. Though a lot of the time they have let the emotions get the better of them before, they just can’t slip into a deep enough emotional state before damage is irreversible.


I probably would have found Elise’s back-story a bit more believable if everyone around Elise never told her her father died and simply said the King was on a very long field trip.

That would suggest a wedge between her and her people and an inner conflict. Her partially knowing nobody trusts her enough to tell her the truth and the other part wanting to believe the lies and not trusting herself to be able to come to terms with her father’s death without frying the planet.


Then again that wouldn't explain why Mephiles had to hire a random hedgehog from the future to chase Sonic everywhere or why he tried to get Shadow to join him after trying to kill him several times. I guess when you have all the powers of the universe, efficiency doesn’t matter as much.

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Well once again Ogilvie you thought much deeper than I and made my points seem silly by comparison! :P

But yeah that seems to make sense, it needs a conscience to control it, or else it just turns into a destructive force of nature!

I'm guessing Mephelies got silver to do it to safe time and be more efficient, if he was off killing sonic himself then he would have to collect the emeralds after releasing Iblis, which may not be a wise thing to do. This way he can get both jobs done at once saving time...wow I never thought my Decision Maths course would actually be useful.

Edited by Jolt_TH
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...but Mephiles warped the emeralds straight to him in the end. He never needed to get them physically.


And what if Silver happened to kill Sonic and release Iblis while Mephiles was still pointlessly looking for the emeralds?

Edited by Spin Attaxx
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See this is where not actually playing 06 and just watching the playthroughs sucks, I wonder why he was collecting them in the story then? Maybe Sonic Team jus wanted to have him do something, apart from trolling Shadow.

I dunno, maybe he knew Silver wasn't very capable.

On that note, how did he even k ow silver had failed? It's not like Silver see's Mephelies after to tell him, nowhere between kingdom valley > Flame Core > Iblis phase 3

Does he tell Mephelies or even see him

Nor do we see him in sonic's story it pretty much goes

Kingdom Valley > Aquatic Base > Egg Wyvern > Death

Unless he is omnipotent or something

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He collected the emeralds for no reason because 06 said so/the left hand didn't know what the right was doing/they forgot to edit that part of the fan-submitted terribad fanfic out.


And if Mephiles knew Silver wasn't very capable of killing Sonic, then it begs the question: Why did Mephiles ask Silver to kill Sonic in the first place?

Edited by Spin Attaxx
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Maybe he doubted him? I mean wouldn't you doubt someone if they decided to blindly follow your word without any real thought behind it?

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That still doesn't answer the question: Why would Mephiles use Silver to kill Sonic if he doubted him and didn't think he was capable of doing that in the first place?

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The doubting he would have done after I imagine. But like I said I dunno, this is the guy who came up with an elaborate plan and then just killed the guy himself anyway

I never really intended that to turn into a discussion, I'm not the most versed in Sonic 06 or at debating and tbh it was a ludicrous idea anyway. I concede defeat :D

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Silver was just a catalyst. His interference kept Elise in danger, requiring Sonic to save her repeatedly, which strengthened their relationship to the point where she'd cry when he died.

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Considering the way we are dissecting and explaining the reasons behind so many of the odd things that occurred in this game's story, do you figure if these explanations were added into the game (subtly of course), then the story might have upgraded from "Clunky and poorly written" to "slightly less poorly written and clunky"?

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No, because any improvement to Sonic 06 would only decrease its entertainment value in playthoughs and in the ohmygodlookhowbadthisis factor. That is the beauty of Sonic 06.

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Silver was just a catalyst. His interference kept Elise in danger, requiring Sonic to save her repeatedly, which strengthened their relationship to the point where she'd cry when he died.

You know, somehow reading that just made Mephiles scheme almost seem coherent...almost.


The haphazard handling of the plot just screws with that element and makes it appear more convoluted.

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Well, Mephiles was in the future, he probably saw the hell that is Sonic's rival battle and saw how damn easy Silver's Sonic fight was.

TABLE RAPE and IT'S NO USE in that super small area makes me wonder how Sonic even stood any chance from the start.

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Does anyone else find the soundtrack a bit forgettable for the most part? I do adore every vocal theme, but I don't find Aquatic Base, Tropical Jungle, Dusty Desert, or end of the world memorable. Cutscene music is admittedly fantastic as well, but nearly everything else... meh. I just can't find most of the melodies in my head. Like every 3d soundtrack, it's perfectly fine and competent, but I don't think it even comes close to Adventure 1 and 2. Still better than the soundtracks in Heroes and Shadow, at least.

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Does anyone else find the soundtrack a bit forgettable for the most part? I do adore every vocal theme, but I don't find Aquatic Base, Tropical Jungle, Dusty Desert, or end of the world memorable. Cutscene music is admittedly fantastic as well, but nearly everything else... meh. I just can't find most of the melodies in my head. Like every 3d soundtrack, it's perfectly fine and competent, but I don't think it even comes close to Adventure 1 and 2. Still better than the soundtracks in Heroes and Shadow, at least.
Soundtrack is okay, especially tracks like Crisis City or Kingdom Valley, but there were some tracks that I couldn't really care for. It's okay, but that's kind of it for me, to be honest.
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Does anyone else find the soundtrack a bit forgettable for the most part? I do adore every vocal theme, but I don't find Aquatic Base, Tropical Jungle, Dusty Desert, or end of the world memorable. Cutscene music is admittedly fantastic as well, but nearly everything else... meh. I just can't find most of the melodies in my head. Like every 3d soundtrack, it's perfectly fine and competent, but I don't think it even comes close to Adventure 1 and 2. Still better than the soundtracks in Heroes and Shadow, at least.

I mostly agree actually.  I do like Aquatic Base and Tropical (the Jungle version not the ruins) but the others I couldn't care for.  I share your opinion on the Adventure games soundtracks being superior and more memorable and I actually think Heroes is better as well.  Sonic 06's soundtrack may be better than Shadow's but of all the Sonic games (including ShtH), 06's soundtrack is one I find myself coming back to the least.

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Silver was just a catalyst. His interference kept Elise in danger, requiring Sonic to save her repeatedly, which strengthened their relationship to the point where she'd cry when he died.

Nice. "Elise gets kidnapped and saved repeatedly with no reason" was one of the few actual flaws of 2006 plot.

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Nice. "Elise gets kidnapped and saved repeatedly with no reason" was one of the few actual flaws of 2006 plot.


Oh, is it? Tell me: exactly what are the things that you like about its plot?

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Would you guys consider Elise to be a Damsel Sue or a Damsel Scrappy?  I lean towards the latter because the former would imply she had somewhat positive qualities.

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More of a Damsel Scrappy to be sure. The characters don't shill her quite enough for her to be a major "sue" as it were (I don't like that term btw), but she's definitely disliked because she does next to nothing and gets kidnapped all the time.

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If she was a Sue she would be perfect, powerful and loved by everyone. But she has next to no personality, yet Sonic eyes her more than Amy (who he knows FAR longer than this random human girl)...wait, maybe she is a Sue then!

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I guess she has her due moments AND her scrappy moments, I mean she escapes White Acropolis with Amy, that's fairly scrappy, but she then does sit back and not do much, she appears to be loved by most of Soleanna (although not even their royal guard are doing much about getting her back). And she gives herself up to Eggman, wether that is scrappy or sue I'm not sure.

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