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Parts in it were great... But it was too overloaded with glitches and embarrassing cut scenes for me... But there were moments in it which were some of the best in Sonic history, so I'm really really pleased it gets included in Sonic Generations.

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The only things I liked about '06 are;

- The FMV cutscenes. That were so beautiful. Also, some aspects of them, such as Sonic tapping one Egg Gunner with his foot making it keel over backwards. What made that extra funny is the "PING!" sound effect. Just frikkin' ROFL.

- Silver. He's not a massively loved character but I thought he was a very interesting, loveable character.

- The soundtrack is just incredible. Of particular acclaim are the themes to Aquatic Base, Crisis City and Kingdom Valley. And who could ever forget Solaris Phase 2? Ah, let's just say that the whole OST was made of win.

Those are the only things I liked really :/ The rest of the game is...well....horrible.

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Sadly to say, the game, even as a diehard/hardcore sonic fan, really did suck.

It's because I did not find any fun in it whatsoever as it was boring when compared to Sonic Unleashed (Day Stages at least) despite it being fast at times, its controls were very fiddly, the graphics, for 360/PS3 standards were dull and the detail wasn't as next gen as we'd have hoped, it felt very cheap in areas, some of the level design wasn't very good, some moments never made any sense (The orca chase in wave ocean), the storyline was just utterly stupid (many characters never showed impact for example), the VA was the worst in ANY sonic game ever and the town missions were just lame (Apple festival? Sonic Man? Maths challenges? Really?).

And do NOT get me started about the load times.

At least Sonic 06 had SOME redeeming factors

The music was great (His World and Dreams of an Absolution are some of my best sonic themes ever), despite the storys moments of stupidity, it looked beautiful in the FMV cutscenes (Especially the scene where sonic and Elise were in the forest) and Silver, despite his flaws (The whiny nature got annoying at times), wasn't too bad of a character.

It's not the worst sonic game ever because some parts of it are just so bad its hilarious, the worst goes to Labrynth.

But if you somehow liked it, that's cool, but to me, its just a stain on the franchise that almost killed it.

Edited by Aleekun107
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I wouldn't go so far as to say I loved it, however I did enjoy it, which is more than I can say for games like Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Chronicles which seem to be so highly favoured amongst fans for some reason.

'06 Had some memorable moments. I liked the stages, loved the mach speed stages, loved Radical Train and Kingdom Valley, really liked Silver as a character and his powers and stuff and think people's arguments about "different" gameplay deviating from Sonic's by default being bad is stupid logic, I liked the break in gameplay that Big's fishing added and I really liked Silver's "slow" (which wasn't really) gameplay, however I was annoyed that he was yet another hedgehog, I still think their original decision of making him a Mink would've been better.

The music was good, the levels were fun, the gameplay was goodish, the cutscenes were nice and actually some of my favourites (I really really like Sonic's ending with him carring Elise and almost failing but for the blast which propels them upwards)

Oh and the whole Elise thing, to the haters I say GET OVER IT! Seriously, it's a game, a design of fantasy and fiction, it's not like some real girl is going about humping an animal in real life. And how can you really classify Sonic as all animal anyways? Anthropomophising things doesn't leave them as they originally were, also; ITS A GAME!

I for one never minded, even liked the idea of a mini romance between the two. Was a chance to show off Sonic's more romantic (?) side without actually jeopardising his image as the single dude cuz it was all gonna get erased anyway.

I liked the Amigo characters, though I hated the way the did Blaze and make everything regarding her backstory all confusing now. Yes the glitches were hair-pulling frustrating and the town missions and how they were set up to re-try were designed pretty idiotically, and Eggman/Robotnik's redesign was HIDEOUS, and I didn't like the idea of Silver having a Super form as it makes Sonic seem less unique with every hedgehog apparently transforming and looking slightly like him when they do so, but all in all I actually enjoy Sonic the Hedgehog '06 quite a bit.

EDIT: Forgot the tone. Now while I support a more varied style in tones between games I am pretty disappointed that Sonic Team seem to be going the direction and ONLY the direction (if current vids are anything to go by) of Sonic Colours humor with cheesy kiddy jokes about mustache hair and name calling. Persoanlly I liked a bit of the epicness and drama some of the more serious Sonic games gave us, that isn't to say I didn't like the more family friendly stuff like in Heroes, but I just find Colours dialogue and humor to be.......eck! Annoying.

Is it the most underrated Sonic game? I don't think so. To me that would be Sonic Heroes, another awesome game fans bafflingly seem to despise despite it being probably the best 3D Sonic game out there, but then I'm pretty biased when it comes to Sonic Heroes! :lol:

Edited by The-Master-Board
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Sonic 06 was a great game, one of the last greatest.

It was amazing, it was another epic tale for the hedgehog, as well as the most legendary. The gameplay is good since its very reminiscent of the Adventure series when compared to the other games in the series. The story again was epic but it was fun too. Silver however is a bit too cliche but he does deserve his warm welcome. Also the game is very considerate of the player in that it let's you finish that book while it gets ready.

Sonic doesn't get better than that. Now I want to play it all over again. :P

Edited by Crow the BOOLET
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I'd never claim to love (or even particularly like) Sonic '06, but I don't bear it any particular grudge. I mean, it's a pretty terrible game, but I don't froth at the mouth whenever someone mentions it or anything. I wasn't a particularly big Sonic fan in 2006 (or 2005, for that matter, which is probably why I tolerate ShTH so much), so I never had to experience the crushing disappointment and fear for the franchise's future that a lot of people probably did when they played that game for the first time. I picked it out of a bargain bin a few years later fully aware of the game's reputation (and that the franchise had recovered considerably since then), so I can't claim to have been disappointed.

The game does have a couple of things going for it, too. The soundtrack isn't one of my favourites in the franchise, but it's still pretty good, and few of the CG cutscenes are very pretty to look at. It can also be an immensely entertaining game to play with friends if you're bored and everyone's got a sense of humour.

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I really enjoyed it, except on the chase part of the first level, where it lauches you off a loop after you made NO error. What was up with that?!

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If there is one thing that I can give Sonic 06 credit for, it's that the soundtrack was utterly amazing. The FMV scenes were really nice, too, I suppose, and Silver's gameplay was unique albeit poorly executed (as was almost everything else in the game). Aside from that, there's not really anything about the game that I don't find to be gear-grindingly horrible...except for the level themes, maybe. Crisis City in Generations FTW!

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It's an unfinished mess, but I do enjoy it a lot. It's the closest thing to Sonic Adventure 3.

Some -repped you, so I +repped you.

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I don't hate Sonic 06, but I would have to try really hard to say I really like it.

In fact, I might even go as far as to say I even in the same way I like Superman 64.

Once you can navigate everything that makes it bad, you can just about extract the positive points and turn that into some form of enjoyment.

Surprisingly, I tend to hold it in higher regards than Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. But maybe that's because '06 was (despite the flaws) closer to being Sonic Adventure 3 than any other 3D Sonic game was.

Maybe that's why I don't dislike it as much as others do. :)

Maybe I've got a bizzare taste in games.

Edited by Sir Mihael
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I just got it a few weeks ago. It's really not that bad. If you didn't know anything about the hyped up features that didn't make it, the game itself is quite decent. Sure, it needs improvement, but you can tell that Sonic Team really tried hard. It actually reminds me more of the Adventure series than any other game.

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Here are the things I liked about Sonic 06:

-The Robots were drop dead awesome in design. They had humanoid robots, but a lot of people tend to forget there were a number of animal ones as well.

-Shadow was much better portrayed in this than he was in the previous game before it. Although it wasn't anything exciting, he was practically seen to be able to redeem himself somewhat after that fiasco of a game ShTH which unbelievably managed to be better than Sonic 06. And he had a good number of abilities that would work to separate him further from being a Sonic clone than what he's usually seen as gameplay-wise.

-Silver was rather unique. It was incredibly satisfying to have enemies shoot at you with their guns and missiles only for you to throw them right back at them.

-The Music. Nothing more needs to be said here.

-Sonic's intro scene.

-Crisis City.

And that's about it. Everything else was just bad. While I can see the potential this game had, it would take a lot more than fixing the glitches to make this game worthy of being a great milestone. Too bad it became the opposite.

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I loved it and still do.

- It was the last game that had a serious story

- It was the last game with multiple playable characters involved in the story

- It was the only game with FF like style which I love very much

- It was the last game which had humans I could look at without wanting to puke

- The CG cutscenes were the best in SNG. Even in Unleashed they are a bit worse, IMO

- It was the last game with such an awesome soundtrack

- It was the last game with amazing enemies design

- It was the only game where Eggman looked like a real human. Well, kinda).

These are the main reasons why I simply love the game and I wish they brought some ideas from it in the new games.

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Well I find it boring and without any redeemable qualities... so no.

The only thing I can give it is that the first section of Kingdom Valley is actually quite bitching, with lots of yummy alternative routes. Oh, and the mach speed section of said-level is just beautiful, even if it does control like pants.

Silver also had potential, if only they gave him a better character design, and implemented his psychokinetic powers into a faster gameplay style.

Beyond that, and one or two music tracks, its complete pants... and pants do not make for fun gaming experience. :/

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- It was the last game with such an awesome soundtrack

It had an awesome soundtrack but it wasn't the last game. Sonic Colors also had an awesome soundtrack.

Anyway, the only thing I liked about Sonic 06 is the music cause everything else wasn't a good experience for me. I used to enjoy the cutscenes back then but looking at it now, I realized how horrible they really are and I can't really take the events in the game seriously at all.

Edited by sonfan1984
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.... I don't feel like getting into a huge argument today, so I'll keep my absolute hatred for that abomination out of this thread.

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I like Sonic 06, it's such a shitty game it manages to be enjoyable in a sort of strange way. Running around breaking the game and abusing glitches is pretty fun. It has an okish soundtrack I guess, I can kind of remember a few songs from it, but none of them are really catchy and I don't tend to hum/whistle them like some other songs.

Edited by Nix
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The level tropes were either ripped from Sonic Adventure or dull and uninspired. The plot right down to the very concept was flawed and convoluted. It was a mess from the beginning.

This, and also with tropes being dull and uninspired, I thought the Music was too for th most part. No Idea why people like it so much, to me it just seems the composers didn't really try hard like the people who made the damn game.

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Well, to be fair the music was pretty decent. For Sonic games, however, that's pretty standard, so it's nothing much.

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Well, to be fair the music was pretty decent. For Sonic games, however, that's pretty standard, so it's nothing much.

As far as Sonic Soundtracks go, it's probably on the bottom along with Chronicles and Shadow. It's not ear-grating or anything, just really bland.

Edited by ChikaBoing
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This, and also with tropes being dull and uninspired, I thought the Music was too for th most part. No Idea why people like it so much, to me it just seems the composers didn't really try hard like the people who made the damn game.

Its just a difference of oppinion really. The music in the game wasn't like music in most other Sonic games. It wasn't the bouncy, fast paced music we'd all expected......well Radical Train was...but...yeah.

I thought the music was really quite sophisticated, and really suited each environment. Kingdom Valley and some majestic music following it about. I really like Aquatic Base's music for Level 1. It was a unique sound, that would never return, but it definately suited the tone of the game.

Irs probably not the best fit as Sonic music, but as stand-alone tracks, they were really good. Great background music.

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It had an awesome soundtrack but it wasn't the last game. Sonic Colors also had an awesome soundtrack.

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