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General Nintendo sales/business discussion topic (previously: The Wii U Thread)


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I sometimes find I have just as much fun discussing the state of the industry with other informed and emotionally invested people as I do actually playing games. It's something I genuinely enjoy.


My frustrations stem from people who deliberately ignore or deny factual information, or act aggressive and angry for no reason at all. You might notice my debates in here with certain people like SuperLink are civil and detailed because I really enjoy tossing ideas around with him. Getting sales data and looking at charts, and interpreting them in different ways and discussing possible future moves for the companies involved is fun. It stops being fun when people fall into ad hominem and accusations of imaginary bias.

Yet you make statements like "they should kill the gamepad" "they should drop the Wii u and make a new system" it gets to the point where it gets annoying and frustrating but I'm getting way too off topic

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Eh, bias is present here and there; certainly not fit to be called "imaginary", but truthfully both sides do have a tendency to jump the gun when it comes to these sort of things.

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Yet you make statements like "they should kill the gamepad" "they should drop the Wii u and make a new system" it gets to the point where it gets annoying and frustrating but I'm getting way too off topic


Yes, that's my opinion and I enjoy thinking of strategies that would work in the better interest of the company as a whole. If you disagree, I'm happy to discuss it with you. Bear in mind that that second quote is very simplified, though. I wouldn't suggest a public announcement like with the GameCube, rather, I think that from this point on they shouldn't greenlight any more big budget projects for the system and instead simply release what is already announced or in development on schedule while diverting resources to the development of a healthier successor platform. That would give the Wii U about another year or two of support, most likely.


I'm sorry that you find my opinions annoying, but I'm not exceedingly stubborn about it. If you want to debate another point of view I'd be happy to hear it.

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It's fun having a back and forth argument that leads nowhere and gets people(yourself at times) irratated? Ch'eah ok

This forum would be so boring without Discoid and me.

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1. Constant influx of new information.

2. It's fun.


Talking about sales is fun? Maybe for you, but sorry to be kind of a jerk, but it's not for most of the members posting in this topic.

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To be fair, I do often enjoy a joyous battle-esque debate here and there.

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Talking about sales is fun? Maybe for you, but sorry to be kind of a jerk, but it's not for most of the members posting in this topic.


Sorry to be kind of a jerk, but I have to question why you're speaking for everyone.


The ignore function is there for a reason if you find it that unbearable.

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It seems a bit much to ignore all your posts when you're a pretty ok guy otherwise.


I won't take offense. :V


Look, some of us enjoy talking about these things. Sorry you don't. I don't know what else to tell you.


This forum would be so boring without Discoid and me.







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Not to really sound like a jerk either but if there is any new wii u news up it would be a pretty good idea to post it up if you don't like debates like this, I mean this is the wii u thread and its not like its really interrupting anything when there isn't much else to talk about already. Sorry if it sounds a bit backseat moddish but there really is no reason to be a jerk about other people having a proper debate on something (heck I don't even care that much about debates and you don't hear me complaining).

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And not to sound like one myself, but I see no point in repeatedly bumping a thread with the same old debate every other page. Apparently I'm the only one who is tired of it, though.

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And not to sound like one myself, but I see no point in repeatedly bumping a thread with the same old debate every other page. Apparently I'm the only one who is tired of it, though.

I'm tired of it too (in fact I mostly just skip through it to see if there is any actual news) but once again, it seems kind of rude to constantly come back in here to harsh on somebodies debate when there is no actual news to share yet, it seems pointless if the topic is just not going to see much use at all, sure its not something we're into but it doesn't mean we can just come in here and say "hey your argument annoys the heck out of me, stop it so we can talk about stuff".

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It's more that, when I see it bumped, I keep coming in expecting to hear news. Instead it's sales talk again. I don't know, it just doesn't seem to happen nearly as often in any other topic, if at all. I'm just tired.

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It's more that, when I see it bumped, I keep coming in expecting to hear news. Instead it's sales talk again. I don't know, it just doesn't seem to happen nearly as often in any other topic, if at all. I'm just tired.

Understandable, I guess I just typically don't mind that much since most of the wii u news we get here isn't much of anything im  too interested in.

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Am I the only one that preordered Donkey Kong?

Can't wait to load up that game when it gets here.


Nope. Luckily, Amazon had release date shipping for a Nintendo game for once. I really prefer the cheap shipping to the alternatives.

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And not to sound like one myself, but I see no point in repeatedly bumping a thread with the same old debate every other page. Apparently I'm the only one who is tired of it, though.


Not at all.


I get that Nintendo's not doing well. I get that they really could be doing better. I think everyone here understands these things. The people who thought that Nintendo shouldn't put out a new console aren't likely to change their minds in a day, and the people who think that Nintendo is better off jettisoning dead weight aren't likely either. There's not much that's going to happen that will change people's minds on things Nintendo should be advertising. A minutely different piece of evidence from the evidence we already had is unlikely to sway discussion. Bringing F-Zero back will doom Nintendo and save it at the same time. Going mobile is Nintendo's salvation and damnation. It is the best of times, it is the worst of times, it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness. We've said so much with so little point to it, myself included, that it astounds me. I dearly wish that each side would stop trying to check-mate the other and just let it be. 


So much words to say that I'm rather sick of the way this thread turns. It's such a waste of time and energy to say the same three things to each other on and on for eternity.


/tired rant over

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Am I the only one that preordered Donkey Kong?

Can't wait to load up that game when it gets here.

I'm getting it depending how how things work out ill get it immediately

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Anyway I'm looking forward to Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze at the end of the week (hopefully get it on Saturday, if not a bit later) and Mario Kart 8 but after that, I'm actually worried in terms of the games. All those indie games that were talked about on the latest US Nintendo Direct? Never mentioned once on the EU one and from what I've read from Nicalis who is a publisher who will be publishing one game that interests me (The 90s Arcade Racer), Nintendo of Europe gets the lowest priority out of the 3 regions and mention that they aren't sure when the game comes out in Europe. All they know is that it will be much later than the US.


(Note: 3DS talk, but the same principles apply:) From what I hear, Shovel Knight should be releasing in all regions at around the same time, but it's harder to say for Renegade Kid's games; Mutant Mudds took five months to get to Europe, and I'm pretty sure I've heard Jools Watsham talk about how it's difficult getting stuff over here.  Likewise, Nicalis took about six months to get VVVVVV to Europe, and never got Cave Story+ or Ikachan over, even though I think the former was at least rated.  On the other hand, Retro City Rampage is only about a fortnight late in Europe, so who knows?


Apparently getting games rated is a pig's ear in Europe.  Where's that quote I saw from Renegade Kid's Jools Watsham... not the one I was thinking of, but it's more comprehensive - here's what it takes to get PEGI to rate something:



250 Euro. 30 minutes of gameplay footage + cutscenes, and final game ROM (mailed on separate DVDs). ESRB? On-line form ONLY.


I used to not be quite so bothered about Nintendo region-locking their consoles now, but I might be changing my mind as things are looking rougher and rougher for Europe.  It'd be nice for Nintendo, too, if it was easier for us to give them our money.

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I wouldn't be surprised, but perhaps it's all integrated into the online form, i.e. you can send them the game footage digitally with the form.  Far more convenient than mailing stuff to another continent.  Some other remarks Jools Watsham made indicate that the ESRB don't demand the final version of the game, either - he indicated that this requirement was going to cause a delay with PEGI and therefore Europe.


Hmm.  Would it be possible to have an international eShop but give individual publishers the right to choose whether or not their game will be region-locked?  Publishers which intend to license abroad could lock their content, but smaller publishers who can't afford it or those who don't care could leave games unlocked in the hopes of gaining all-region profits.  I don't know if that's technically or legally possible or desirable, though.

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There's nothing technically wrong with the dominating discussion, and such subjects like sales, or what was wrong with Sonic 06, and other shit is likely the crop up several times anywhere so its not unique to this topic. I hope people are getting their Wii U news from elsewhere instead of relying on this topic being bumped as a news source. If I do get some news here, I'd literally have to stumble upon it by accident, rather than come here expecting to see news that I don't already know.


I understand that you do hear a piece of news, and then to come here to a pre-existing topic or a new topic discussing that news, but then find there's nothing of the sort because everyone's talking about something else. Then you go and make the first post discussing the new news.


Maybe if people were so up in arms about it, the future of Nintendo could be split into its own topic, and leave the Wii U topic alone for nice stuff.

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Am I the only one that preordered Donkey Kong?

Can't wait to load up that game when it gets here.

eh, while I am interested, currently have to hold off due to a tight budget, thinking of getting MK8 upon release however

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IS there any reason why we can't make a separate Nintendoomed thread? While this discussion does pertain to the thread, it really IS getting tiring.


It's like having a malformation like a second nose, and everytime you want to discuss something about your life Discoid jumps up and shouts YEAH BUT YOU HAVE A SECOND NOSE :V

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I kinda did, though it kinda ended up evovling into something else

So try using this, thats what I made it for

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