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Agent York

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Since Metal Sonic will be in Episode 2, I think that episode will be more like Sonic CD or something.

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Since Metal Sonic will be in Episode 2, I think that episode will be more like Sonic CD or something.

It's a personal joke I have, I don't know what SEGA's doing, but I would laugh if episode 1 was a Sonic 1/2 rehash, episode 2 was a CD rehash, and episode 3 was a 3 & Knuckles rehash.

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Also, the guys at Retro are being dicks - plain and simple. Why should we be forced to not talk about the game? It's a game that's got fans around the world excited. Why should we suffer for one guys mistakes? Oh well, I've got all the videos and music backed up, and you guys are awesome for not taking the same drastic measures.

I believe the case was that something relating to actual Sega and Retro were in the works (that supposed "something in store" that was ruined), and that I'm sure for the leaks Sega gave Retro a C&D. Of course I don't know for sure, but I believe it was for them to sorta show their anger and let you put the peices of the puzzle together on the issue.

The only thing that's bothering me is this: what would've Sega done with Retro? Possible Mr. Needlemouse in Sonic 4? Super Motobug? Taking parts of their leftover Project: Retro and giving it to Sega to make HD-itized for new levels in S4? A classic Sonic skin?! Shadow being stabbed to death by a Spin Attack in the final scene?!?

If any of that was the case then I HATE YOU ALL >=(


Edited by Azukara
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My god. My god.

You know what guys? A bad game is a bad game. Even on release day, if Sonic 4 was not up to your expectations, you would have been able to find out everything you wanted to know about it. Information would have spread in much the same ways... and the difference is, it wouldn't have been nearly as insane or disrespectful as this.

By all of this being leaked, the fandom gained absolutely nothing they wouldn't have been able to gain legitimately.

These aren't assets like the kind that are left wide open. This was a blatant breaking of trust between the fandom and SEGA... for what? To get things early?

A bad game is a bad game. At the end of the day, it hurts no one else but its creators. But this is THEIR PROPERTY, and they have the right to control how its exposed. If creators don't have any control over their product even before it's completed and ready for release, what DO they have?

You guys talk about how it's Sega's fault that this happened. Either that it's because they didn't lock it up tight enough, or because they goaded the fandom into doing it by not showing anything? Well, guess what... if you make someone want something you have to the point they break in to steal it, that is STILL THEFT.

I'm going to echo what I said from the beginning. The fandom should have stifled this from the moment they heard about it. Would it have succeeded? Maybe. But there would actually some modicum of decency in the whole dang enterprise and curtailed it away from what it is now.

This fandom doesn't deserve a good classic Sonic game. A bad game would have only been a bad game. This fiasco showed us that the fandom doesn't respect anything but its desire to take and have things.

This fandom doesn't deserve Sonic.

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Well, I've read bits and pieces of the ending (no thanks to untagged spoilers) but have yet to see Acts 2&3 of Mad Gear, the boss and the Final Boss.

I'm excited to play it so I can see the ending UNSPOILED and I feel sorry for those who peeked under Sega's skirt without their permission.

p.s. - Cute fluffy kitten's "11 year speech" made me lol. Truly and utterly bulls**t. :lol:

Btw, I'm posting there, despite being banned along with Shadz. ;)

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My god. My god.

You know what guys? A bad game is a bad game. Even on release day, if Sonic 4 was not up to your expectations, you would have been able to find out everything you wanted to know about it. Information would have spread in much the same ways... and the difference is, it wouldn't have been nearly as insane or disrespectful as this.

By all of this being leaked, the fandom gained absolutely nothing they wouldn't have been able to gain legitimately.

These aren't assets like the kind that are left wide open. This was a blatant breaking of trust between the fandom and SEGA... for what? To get things early?

A bad game is a bad game. At the end of the day, it hurts no one else but its creators. But this is THEIR PROPERTY, and they have the right to control how its exposed. If creators don't have any control over their product even before it's completed and ready for release, what DO they have?

You guys talk about how it's Sega's fault that this happened. Either that it's because they didn't lock it up tight enough, or because they goaded the fandom into doing it by not showing anything? Well, guess what... if you make someone want something you have to the point they break in to steal it, that is STILL THEFT.

I'm going to echo what I said from the beginning. The fandom should have stifled this from the moment they heard about it. Would it have succeeded? Maybe. But there would actually some modicum of decency in the whole dang enterprise and curtailed it away from what it is now.

This fandom doesn't deserve a good classic Sonic game. A bad game would have only been a bad game. This fiasco showed us that the fandom doesn't respect anything but its desire to take and have things.

This fandom doesn't deserve Sonic.

I agree with your post except I don't think it's SEGA's fault, I think Sonic 4 looks fantastic, and I think too many people are judging without playing it. I respect SEGA, trust me, but I did look at the leaks. I am planning on purchasing the game three times though on the consoles I can buy i on to show my support. Some people are complaining and bitching, not realizing most Sonic games without playing them can look worse by footage (really, it's true). and that we still have much more to see, in the form of level paths, hidden secrets, etc. But some are too quick to jump and judge on something that looks unsettling to them in concept at least.

If any whole game was leaked before release, there'd be whiners for anything. Just watching a whole game before you play it isn't the same as actually playing it. From what I hear, the guy who was playing in these videos had a blast with the game. We'll all see for ourselves in time. I am buying it though and think I'll love it.

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I agree with your post except I don't think it's SEGA's fault, I think Sonic 4 looks fantastic, and I think too many people are judging without playing it

I don't think it's Sega's fault either. I'm replying to the people who do think that.

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All I see in the future for this game is Episode 2 ripping off of Sonic 2 & 3, then Episode 3 ripping off of Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles......

Ripping off S3K means I get to see a finalized, official, modern Super Knuckles. I want that so effin hard. MAKE IT HAPPEN SEGA!

My god. My god.

You know what guys? A bad game is a bad game. Even on release day, if Sonic 4 was not up to your expectations, you would have been able to find out everything you wanted to know about it. Information would have spread in much the same ways... and the difference is, it wouldn't have been nearly as insane or disrespectful as this.

By all of this being leaked, the fandom gained absolutely nothing they wouldn't have been able to gain legitimately.

These aren't assets like the kind that are left wide open. This was a blatant breaking of trust between the fandom and SEGA... for what? To get things early?

A bad game is a bad game. At the end of the day, it hurts no one else but its creators. But this is THEIR PROPERTY, and they have the right to control how its exposed. If creators don't have any control over their product even before it's completed and ready for release, what DO they have?

You guys talk about how it's Sega's fault that this happened. Either that it's because they didn't lock it up tight enough, or because they goaded the fandom into doing it by not showing anything? Well, guess what... if you make someone want something you have to the point they break in to steal it, that is STILL THEFT.

I'm going to echo what I said from the beginning. The fandom should have stifled this from the moment they heard about it. Would it have succeeded? Maybe. But there would actually some modicum of decency in the whole dang enterprise and curtailed it away from what it is now.

This fandom doesn't deserve a good classic Sonic game. A bad game would have only been a bad game. This fiasco showed us that the fandom doesn't respect anything but its desire to take and have things.

You confuse me, you know that? You make such good posts on the Allspark, and then make totally crazy ones here! XD

Anywho, I've already had the projecting morals on people over the internet debate with you, so I'll project a different side.

If the game was doomed to failure anyway, what difference does it make when it's revealed?

This fandom doesn't deserve Sonic.

That's basically saying Sega doesn't deserve money. I can count on one hand the amount of critically popular franchises they have that AREN'T Sonic, and Sonic is more popular than all of them combined

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If the game was doomed to failure anyway, what difference does it make when it's revealed?

Because then it would have given Sega a chance to succeed or fail on the same terms as everyone else on the market.

That's basically saying Sega doesn't deserve money. I can count on one hand the amount of critically popular franchises they have that AREN'T Sonic, and Sonic is more popular than all of them combined

Let me clarify. The online Sonic fandom doesn't deserve Sonic.

And Sonic has, for good or ill, succeeded in spite of us than because of us.

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Because then it would have given Sega a chance to succeed or fail on the same terms as everyone else on the market.

That makes sense.

Let me clarify. The online Sonic fandom doesn't deserve Sonic.

And Sonic has, for good or ill, succeeded in spite of us than because of us.

I suppose it's true. I'm undecided whether it's for good or ill myself.

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Let me clarify. The online Sonic fandom doesn't deserve Sonic.
Sonic doesn't deserve a fandom.
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Making a bad kids game is reprehensible to me, that might be the only game that kid will get for months.

One, again, there would have been enough information to make an informed purchase anyway, and two, kids usually don't have a whole lot of concerns about games so bad and good become subjective anyway.

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If that's how you think, why are you even here?

I'm pretty sure most of the mods aren't even Sonic fans (anymore).

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If that's how you think, why are you even here?

The collapsing arcade market will put a fire under Sega, Sonic will suddenly become a "do or die" item. I'm just waiting for it to happen.


Does that logo remind anyone else of something?

One, again, there would have been enough information to make an informed purchase anyway, and two, kids usually don't have a whole lot of concerns about games so bad and good become subjective anyway.

Kids used to have a sense of excitement associated with new games, now they've all just become a procession of tepid movie license games.

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If that's how you think, why are you even here?

Have a think about it, and maybe you can figure it out!
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All the nastiness in this thread is a bit disturbing. O_o This is only a game, not everyone has to like it, but some of your attitudes are appalling. Discussion is fine, debates are fine, but this is like personal level attacks, ignorance, and taking a game too seriously. It looks fun to me, am I wrong for thinking that? Not the cup of tea for others, that's fine. I don't mean to backseat mod, but shouldn't we be having a more pleasant, intelligent, discussion, respecting others opinions and having a nice chat even if we differ in our stances?

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Personally, I think more along the lines of SEGA don't deserve the support they've been getting from fans over the past decade or so due to the sub-par to poor quality games they've been churning out. The series itself is still pretty cool in my books.

It does still look like fun though, and bear in mind, the asking price is presumably around £4.79, right?

Edited by bolt7
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I don't know about that. Personally, I think more along the lines of SEGA don't deserve the support they've been getting from fans over the past decade or so due to the sub-par to poor quality games they've been churning out.

It does still look like fun, and bear in mind, the asking price is presumably around £4.79, right?

That's how I think of it, it's cheap, and quite frankly it continues SEGA's rise in going into the right direction. Sonic Unleashed was a step in the right direction, Sonic 4 is a further step into turning Sonic into a fun franchise again for all ages. This game doesn't look perfect but it looks far from bad. I'm happy to see the rise, the asking price isn't high, this looks fun to me. I know some are more serious because of the title, but I think I'll enjoy this more than I enjoy Sonic 1 at least, maybe Sonic 2. Yet to be determined, but I do know I'll have fun.

Edited by Dusk the Wicked Keeper
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Despite having not seen the ending, I've heard Metal Sonic being in Episode 2 which makes me pleased as punch.

Funnily enough, this would be Metal's first appearance in a numbered Sonic game. It would also mark Metal's fourth appearance in a traditional 2D Sonic game (CD, Chaotix and Triple Trouble), his third appearance in a main console 2D game and his third 2D confrontation with Sonic (as Chaotix was sans Sonic).

It's funny to think that Metal has never appeared on the Genesis/Mega Drive. :P

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Sonic doesn't deserve a fandom.

So, we're wrong for being Sonic fans?

...I don't think I need to point out how ignorant that sounds.

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I've only watched the Splash Hill videos. I did not want to spoil the other zones for myself.

Supposedly the final boss has been leaked? Perhaps one of you guys can tell me if any other music composers other than Jun Senoue are listed in the credits.

I ask this because some songs like all the Mad Gear songs are totally his style, but others are definitely not. And I have a suspicion that Ohtani did some music.

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