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[Roleplay] SSMB Crossing: In Another Time, In Another Place. [Read page 345]


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Serena got up and spin around:

Serena: "Ugh, my head, ... what am I doing back here?"

Dreamy: "Look what you done, you made her lose her memories!'

Meowkie: "I'm going back to being small again, being this big is weird."

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Sonic sees that everyone's afraid of him now. He understands that this is what Mephiles meant by "you're all alone." As much as he helps others, he has the potential to ruin the lives of others too.

Sonic turns to see Serena awake. He sighs, knowing that the fight is hopefully over. Mephiles continued to speak to him, though.

"Pathetic as usual. You still let her live. You're nothing special after all, you're just obsolete."

Sonic tried not to believe him. He's a Golden One, not many exist. However, he felt that something about him made him seem not special enough. A part of him felt that killing Jollyness could allow him to be something more significant. Ruthless, but significant.

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Serena questioned Sonic:
Serena: "Have I been gone that long? Have you forgot I can hear inside your head and not be killed by normal means?"

Serena: "That voice doesn't sound like you."

Meowkie: "

"Sonic has been mind controlled by someone who done very little research!"

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Tails did a scan. "No, it isn't mind control. He's seriously just going through an emotional crisis. Not sure why, though."

Tails leaned up and gave his brother a pat on the head, hoping he'll feel better.

Sonic then pulled Tails into a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

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"'s alright. Feeling useless? Boy, do I know that feeling...I know it all too well..." Conker said, remembering his Bad Fur Day and Berri's death. "If I wasn't being so stupid, she'd still be alive..." he muttered to himself.

"I don't really get it, but I hope you feel well..." Amitie said, not fully understanding what's happening, but clearly worried for Sonic. "It'll be okay!" She proceeds to give him a hug, too.

"Hey, what do you have bothering you anyway, uh...Sonic, is it?" Honker said.

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"Something's telling me that I don't deserve all this recognition." Sonic says. "Like..... I'm not who I think I am. I may have spent millions and millions of years helping others, but something's telling me that my time as the leader is coming to an end."

"I see what's going on... I think." Tails realizes. "After what happened to Serena, Sonic started recieving these thoughts. Caused him to open his eyes to darker possibilties. Plus, I guess he was so used to being the main hero of the team, he couldn't imagine himself being something else."

"Heh, I'm pretty damn selfish now... am I?" Sonic replies.

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Rosie tried her best to cheer him up:
Roisie: "Hey, you got mad at Jollyness when he made us change forms! That doesn't' sound selfish to me!"
Sweetie Belle: "Yeah, you ought to get a Cutie Mark for selflessness!"
Rarity: "Trust in yourself, darling."

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"Yeah. And plus, you still didn't kill her, so you still shown that same heroism you always have. Don't worry, bro." Tails gives Sonic a little noogie. "You'll always be my hero."

Sonic smiles and stands up. "Thanks guys." He turns to see Mephiles, angry at him. "This isn't over! You'll see that I'm right! You'll see-"

"Buzz off." Sonic says to Mephiles, causing him to disappear.

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"Um...what will we do now?" said Amitie.

"Well, since he's here, I've been wanting to...catch up with Conker here." said Honker.

"Yeah...catch up. So, you want revenge on me, then?"

Honker laments this; on one hand, this squirrel did cause him trouble all those years back. On the other hand, he learned that Berri is dead, which makes him wonder if he should do it, seeing as how Conker's already none too happy.

"Eh, maybe another day." He finally decides. He doesn't really know what came over him, but he decided to just go with it. "Sounds like you've been through enough as is."

"Get really real...revenge?! What?!" said a surprised Amitie.

"It's...a long story." Honker said. "But for now, Amitie's right, what do we do?!"

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Ragna and Rachel were hanging out at Castle Alucard, chatting about recent events. Rachel then felt something.


"I sense a disturbance in the force."


"You're from the wrong goddamn universe Rabbit" Ragna snarking off Rachel's comment, "anyways what's going on?" "I sense someone is in deep pain somewhere but time alone won't heal these wounds." Rachel then stared off at the distance. "Hmph sounds like a pain. So should we go help then?" "Yes of course when the time arrives." Snow fell on the castle as they stared off to the scenery.


Around the village someone has washed up on shore. It was a kid wearing a jacket over his shoulders and has a pendulum styled pendant. He also had a strange device on his arm. He then got up. "Huh? Where am I?" he looked around and then he remembered something. "Yuzu!" he shouts but no answer. "I have to find Yuzu..." He got up and walked around a bit. "This doesn't look like any the other dimensions I've been to. Is this the Fusion Dimension? I'm sure the XYZ Dimension is mostly destroyed and I left Synchro so..." He went to explore the world before him.


Name: Yuya Sakaki

Occupation: Villager, Duelist

Personality: His wish to make everyone smile and he tries to do so through his dueling. He plays Duel Monsters from his universe. He tries to take this ideology from his father. He loves fun and does his best to entertain everyone, both the crowd and his opponents. But deep down under the fun loving clown personality he's hurt due his father disappearing one day and has been mocked for ever since. He knows he has big shoes to fill and does his best to make everyone smile. He also really cares for his friends, especially Yuzu. Also lying within his soul Yuya has a darker personality that cares nothing for destruction. It seems to go off whenever he's dealing with a harsh situation like summoning Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon for the first time or when people are being hurt through dueling. Yuya also has counterparts that look like him that come from different dimensions that have something related to him. His ace monster is Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon which gained powers through Yuya's pendant and will usually appear in a duel and he runs a Performapal/Magician deck which features various circus animals and powerful magicians.


(Yes I finally decided how to handle a Yugioh character in SSMB Crossing. It will make sense later when Yuya does things. Also I might use parts from the manga where he switches with his other counterparts. Dunno yet.)

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"Well..." Tails' DEUS began to blink like crazy. "What the?"

Sonic looks at his DEUS, which was blinking as well. "Oh, I know what that means! A new universe has spawned!"

A map of the multiverse opens, as the Yu-Gi-Oh realm emerges.

"Ah, the gift of life. Looks like a writer added something new here! That's what Christmas is also about, right? Birth?" Tails says.

"Yup." Sonic replies.

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"So this is what usually happens..." Conker said.

"Goody goody!" said Amitie.

"Bah, why the $%#@ not, I'll come along." said Honker. "Maybe I can use my natural skunk abilities or somethin'...or that, sensitive context..."

"Context Sensitive."

"Yeah, Context Sensitive thingie!"

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"We should start a party! I mean, new universe AND it's Christmas!" Tails says.

"I'm down for a party, I have gifts all wrapped up and ready!" Sonic replies to his younger brother.

"Do we have a tree decorated?"

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Serena was going to return to the Realm of The Gods, but deiced to stay:

Serena: "Ah, what the hey, it's just two days."

Punchy: "Noot!" (Can we be changed back now?)

Rosie: "Yeah, I would like to move again, thank you."

Meowkie: "Hmm, this form changin' might be useful for me."

Jollyness: "It's all undone now, you can go back to your transformations by shouting transform!"

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"You get on that, I'll get the music started!"

Tails flies over to his village house and presses a button in his room. Just then a speaker emerges from the roof and begins playing festive music.

"I think this'll set the mood!"

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The music filled the village with joy and Christmas cheer. The musical managed to spread to Castle Alucard.


"People and their Christmas festivities are disgustingly contagious." Rachel did appreciate the cheer regardless. "Ragna we're leaving to join in."


"Its about time! I'm ready to get my party animal on." "You disgust me sometimes Ragna." Rachel waved her hands and the two disappear in roses.


The music pass by the Hakurei Shrine where the girls are enjoying a hot cup of tea. Near by Yuya was riding his Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to get a better view and better way of transportation. He then heard the music playing and wondered where it was coming from. "Odd-Eyes lets go towards the music! There must be a party nearby!" His dragon roared and went towards the source of the music.

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"Hey, you hear something?" Sonic asks.

"Yeah, like... the sound of a dragkn coming towards our festivities." Tails replies to Sonic, with a hand to his ears.

"That's... oddly specific." Sonic says back, after the unusual description Tails provided.

Tails gave a smirk. "It pays to have ears!"

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Rachel and Ragna entered the scene.


"Sorry that we're late but Rabbit insisted that we ought to hang out in her depressing castle." Rachel kicked his shins. "What the hell Rabbit!? You wanna fight or something?" Before Rachel got to answer a giant red dragon entered the scene.


"It seems like I came at a bad time." The kid on the dragon said.


"What the hell is that?" Ragna got into a battle ready pose. "Its my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. Its just some hologram made with solid mass or something like that." The kid then jumped off the dragon and turned off his duel disk making it disappear. "I'm Yuya Sakaki and I'm an Entertainment Duelist." Yuya introduced himself with such confidence. "Well I guess he does have Christmas colored hair so I guess he can't be all bad then." Ragna lowered Death-Scythe and the party continued.

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BFZ was building a snowman when the dragon showed up and startled her.

"EGAD!" She yelled. "Where did you get that?!" She asked. 

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Amitie's been helping with the decorations, then she continues to party. Then notices that Conker and Honker are playing catch-up.

"So, Honker, what's that Evil Acorn bozo been up to?" said Conker.

"Ah, who the %#*@ knows?! Haven't seen 'im since our little run in." said Honker. Remember, he used to work with the Evil Acorn.

"Hey, whatcha talking about, guys?" said Amitie. She's never heard of this evil acorn fellow.

They catch her up on what happened in their past adventures.

"Oh...sounds...interesting..." said Amitie in a nervous tone. She...doesn't sound too thrilled with what Conker went through.

"Story time!" said a voice from out of nowhere, surprising everyone!

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"Now who said that?! BFZ said turning around. She had already finished the snowman and was helping with the decorations as well.

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"Dragon holograms, duelists and squirrels? Who else is next?" Sonic asks, with a bit of snark in his voice.

He turns to the direction of the new voice.

"Well, I guess we'll find out."

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"Huh? That's weird. It looks like another no show." Yuya knows this feeling all too well. Suddenly Amane appeared out of the blue yet again.


"You can't have a party without me! I need to show every single one of my dance techniques!" Everyone got quiet for a moment. "What's with the awkward pause? No matter let's continue the party!" Yuya was slightly startled by the new person before him. Amane noticed him almost instantly. "My what a cute looking boy. Why not join my dance troupe since you have what it takes to join." Amane was throwing his usual recruitment speech. "I have to decline your offer. I'm looking to entertain people with my dueling." "Oh that's too bad then. If you ever change your mind always look for the beautiful Amane Nishiki." Amane then ran to join the rest of the crowd.

A voice resonated from Yuya's soul. "These are good people Yuya. It almost feels like home back in the XYZ Dimension before Academia destroyed it." The voice seemed rather calm and collected compared to Yuya. "I know you're still looking for Yuzu and trying to stop Academia from ruining the rest of the Dimensions I have a feeling they won't be attacking for a while so relax for a while before you go back into the fray." Just before the voice slips out of Yuya's conscience he says one last thing, "make everyone smile." Afterwords the voice in Yuya's head stayed quiet and he placed a hand on his pendant. "Alright I'll do my best to make everyone in this world smile too" Yuya thought to himself.

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Rarity and Sweetie Belle knitted everyone a nice sweater:

Rarity: "You know,, I felt like I was in the background lately ... but I'm still Forest Crossing's provider of style!"

Rosie: "Oh, wow, Rarity these are great I love the ... snowmen ... wait a minute..."

Sweetie Belle: "The snowmen were my idea!"

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"A sweater for me? Aw, you shouldn't have!" Sonic says, holding it. "I barely wear any shirts or sweaters myself, but I'm sure I'll use it!"

Tails observes his, which has a gear on it. "It can make a good display in my lab!"

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