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Well what do you know, someone found the original I WANT YOU.

... it sucks. But I WANT YOU > FLY AWAY NOW. Always.

Hey! I've only got four more episodes of Bebop to watch. I have no idea what to choose to watch next...

The new Pokemon anime is actually VERY good, suprising.

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Anybody here read Mirai Nikki? Recent developments have pretty much caused it to spiral into a half-fucked retarded-ass mess with the biggest series of ass-pulls I have ever seen since the holocaust.

Is Yukiteru close to killing off all of the players in the game? Since he's about to accomplish the very goal of the manga's premise, while we're at it, we might as well kill off the entire main cast except for Yuki and Yuno. Sure it's as idiotic as anyone would expect, but at least it means the ending is right around the corne-


Now we have a third alternate world to worry about! Not to mention the second and third ones are intermingled in a way that you can never figure out what's going on. And suddenly we find that the dead characters have been (directly or otherwise) revived just so that we have an excuse to see them again in a setting. Worst of all, Esuno is just bullshitting us so that the comic has reason to go on. This comic has continuously set itself up for an ending, yet the author continuously finds ways to keep this artificially alive. So now we have yet another non-conclusive arc to worry about, and to punctuate this inanity, we get to brace ourselves for the entire fucking thing again. That montage shot at the beginning of chapter 57 sure as hell wasn't there to look pretty!

To add insult to injury, we have far too many unnecessary emotions being thrown around like tomatoes, ones that have already been stretched and tried to death. Yukiteru is still "BAWW MY PARENTS ARE DEAD" upon entering the third world. We have Yuno proving to be utterly unsympathetic beyond any recognition, yet the characters of this manga end up caring about her for whatever reason I will never have the honor of figuring out. And how is it that Esuno tries to actually make the whole fucking thing so sentimental? Here's just one example of many, one that's merely pronounced in this saga's latest entries: nevermind the fact that Yuno has repeatedly tortured or attempted to murder Yuki throughout the series and that she just killed his parents in front of him a second time, noooooo, we're supposed to feel for Yuki for not valuing her enough when she was by his side. And the author expects us to take this seriously. Are you shitting me? No thanks!

I can't believe this manga has gone on for as long as it has. It was supposed to have ended long ago. It set up its own ending. But now we have the whole thing on life support, just so it can maintain the capacity to survive beyond its intended span. It's a colossal trainwreck of the highest caliber, and while the manga served to be quite interesting before everything went to hell (as well as being one of my bigger guilty pleasures), its sheer ludicrousness prevents me from enjoying it for what it is anymore. I can't even revel in watching it crash and burn. Mirai Nikki's very existence has become cancerous. Just kill this manga in a fire right now PLEASE.

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Anybody here read Mirai Nikki? Recent developments have pretty much caused it to spiral into a half-fucked retarded-ass mess with the biggest series of ass-pulls I have ever seen since the holocaust.

Is Yukiteru close to killing off all of the players in the game? Since he's about to accomplish the very goal of the manga's premise, while we're at it, we might as well kill off the entire main cast except for Yuki and Yuno. Sure it's as idiotic as anyone would expect, but at least it means the ending is right around the corne-


Now we have a third alternate world to worry about! Not to mention the second and third ones are intermingled in a way that you can never figure out what's going on. And suddenly we find that the dead characters have been (directly or otherwise) revived just so that we have an excuse to see them again in a setting. Worst of all, Esuno is just bullshitting us so that the comic has reason to go on. This comic has continuously set itself up for an ending, yet the author continuously finds ways to keep this artificially alive. So now we have yet another non-conclusive arc to worry about, and to punctuate this inanity, we get to brace ourselves for the entire fucking thing again. That montage shot at the beginning of chapter 57 sure as hell wasn't there to look pretty!

To add insult to injury, we have far too many unnecessary emotions being thrown around like tomatoes, ones that have already been stretched and tried to death. Yukiteru is still "BAWW MY PARENTS ARE DEAD" upon entering the third world. We have Yuno proving to be utterly unsympathetic beyond any recognition, yet the characters of this manga end up caring about her for whatever reason I will never have the honor of figuring out. And how is it that Esuno tries to actually make the whole fucking thing so sentimental? Here's just one example of many, one that's merely pronounced in this saga's latest entries: nevermind the fact that Yuno has repeatedly tortured or attempted to murder Yuki throughout the series and that she just killed his parents in front of him a second time, noooooo, we're supposed to feel for Yuki for not valuing her enough when she was by his side. And the author expects us to take this seriously. Are you shitting me? No thanks!

I can't believe this manga has gone on for as long as it has. It was supposed to have ended long ago. It set up its own ending. But now we have the whole thing on life support, just so it can maintain the capacity to survive beyond its intended span. It's a colossal trainwreck of the highest caliber, and while the manga served to be quite interesting before everything went to hell (as well as being one of my bigger guilty pleasures), its sheer ludicrousness prevents me from enjoying it for what it is anymore. I can't even revel in watching it crash and burn. Mirai Nikki's very existence has become cancerous. Just kill this manga in a fire right now PLEASE.

Sean, sometimes I really want to know what the hell you are talking about. The anime or manga that you mention is so far over my head it makes me wonder if you truly are tired of the material. No offense, but you have to go through some digging or have an account with the Anime Network or whatever(which I don't do because there is nothing more irritating than uppity otakus bitching). It is not an insult because I think we both establish that our taste(yours is more adult and mine is a lot more childish) is completely different. Although I do try to evolve or atleast look up some of the stuff you mention, it's just some of the stuff you mention seems like very hardcore "otaku" and I don't mean that in an insulting way.

So I think I am a bit tired of mecha anime. I wish they had another Angel Beats. No cartoon has made me cry so hard...

Edited by turbojet
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Yeah, I bitch a lot about anime/manga but I'm still a fan, and every once in a while I find myself knee-deep in truly obscure shit. Some shit more shittier than others, it seems!

Oh and I dug through some of my older posts in this topic and I found this:

Also, Mirai Nikki is fun and adorable. Best romantic comedy manga ever!

Exactly one year ago, things were so simple that I could enjoy Mirai Nikki for the guilty pleasure it was, even if it was fucked up. Now it's just... fucked up in a bad way. Argh.

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The new Pokemon anime is actually VERY good, suprising.

I agree! I'm actually very impressed with Best Wishes so far. Not only have they sped things up and not have a ton a filler episodes for once, Team Rocket has been dead serious, and not as a comic relief this time around. I'm not sure if the series got new writers or not, but I really hope they keeps this up!

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Welcome to years ago, PSI. The video is new but the post it's quoting is old as dirt.

Boku no Pico is a masterpiece though.

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Well well, this week's Star Driver

sure was differant.

So long, monster of the week!?! Hope the plot picks up in pace a little from now on. Really liked the fight in this ep too.

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How the fuck does Boku no Pico get so much notoriety when it's barely the only one of its kind?

/a/ and /v/

Not the first time they made me question my sexuality

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Please, Kodomo no Jikan is real morality crushing shit. They say if you watch three episodes in a row Chris Hansen will appear next to you.

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I'm kinda impressed with Pokemon Best Wishes that Team Rocket is more competent and the animation is an upgrade, but still the downsides or things I don't like is Ash STILL 10! Not to mention how noobish he is in the first couple of episodes he is even after all his travels, which would made me appreciate it more if they created a new male protagonist instead of Ash. Also, the new female tagalong isn't leaving much of an impression to me, maybe after a couple more episodes, but don't like it how she calls Ash a child and its pretty annoying so I hope that goes away soon.

Well, if there is one thing that is certain even with some of the improvements, it is still the same old Ash collecting badges and sh!t, and I'm pretty tired of it, but will still watch it nonetheless. Though I do hope that in the future they would try to make a new anime series probably involving the Pokemon rangers or better yet, IMO, that they could make a PMD series or a show that has Pokemon as the main chars because it is at least something new, interesting, and fresh, and something different than Ash doing the same old, same old.

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How the fuck does Boku no Pico get so much notoriety when it's barely the only one of its kind?

Because Pico is delicious.

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Not to mention how noobish he is in the first couple of episodes he is even after all his travels

Are they doing that "Ash runs into an adventure absolutely identical to ones he saw in Season 1, yet acts surprised anyways" shit that they did in D/P again?

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Are they doing that "Ash runs into an adventure absolutely identical to ones he saw in Season 1, yet acts surprised anyways" shit that they did in D/P again?

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Ah, it's just like the silver age of comics, where they expected the readership to be completely different from year to year. They reused stories, a common one in "Superman's friend Jimmy Olson" was Jimmy becoming a Wolf Man.

Edited by Tornado
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Watched the first two episodes Shinryaku! Ika Musume today. Pretty good anime.

Awesome, I though I was the only one who was liking Ika Musume on this board. Episode 5 has one of the cutest things ever at the end.

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I'm kinda impressed with Pokemon Best Wishes that Team Rocket is more competent and the animation is an upgrade, but still the downsides or things I don't like is Ash STILL 10! Not to mention how noobish he is in the first couple of episodes he is even after all his travels, which would made me appreciate it more if they created a new male protagonist instead of Ash. Also, the new female tagalong isn't leaving much of an impression to me, maybe after a couple more episodes, but don't like it how she calls Ash a child and its pretty annoying so I hope that goes away soon.

Ash is 10 only in Japan.

That girl is calling Ash a child for a reason. She is the final gym leader and is one of the strongest trainers in the country.

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Didn't feel like making a topic for it, and this seemed like a pretty good place for it.

I wish that that new Fist of the North Star game had been made by Team Ninja instead of the dynasty warriors people.

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