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Dr. Crusher Presents: The 30 Days of Sonic the Hedgehog (sponsored by PowerVerte)-Fin, PAGE 150

Dr. Crusher

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First Sonic game I completed

While Sonic Advance was my first Sonic Game ever, it was heroes that I actually completed 100%. And to this day, it still remains the only game in history that I ever got 100% completion on.

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First Sonic game I ever completed? Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Though it did take me a few days to figure out how to get past the Crazy Gadget puzzle. And Aquatic Mine was annoying. And Eternal Engine gave me trouble. As did everything in the Last Story save for the Final Hazard. And have I ever mentioned that it took me three hours just to find ONE emerald shard in Mad Space?


Yeah. Wrap your head 'round that folks.


But it was worth it once I got that final hit in against Final Hazard.


Okay, maybe it wasn't worth spending three hours looking for a single emerald shard. Nothing could be worth that.

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I'm afraid we're on day 5 so the fifth day will only be accepted now, still plenty of time to snag one of the badges but you won't be able to snag the top 30 days complete badge. If you continue to post daily of course! wink.png

Oh I know, I just wanted to post my thoughts and preferences all the same.


Day 6: What is the first Sonic game you won


Hmm, I don't rightly remember. I know that I got into Sonic by buying Mega Collection, Heroes, and Secret Rings after playing M&SatOWG and watching Colors' trailers, but didn't finish Secret Rings until way later, so that game's out. Might have been Heroes, might have been Sonic 1. Don't know for sure, though it was definitely one of the two.


Edit: Yeah, it's definitely Sonic Heroes. Sonic 1 can just after it, though, so it was tough to remember.


Day 6: Completed

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Day 6: First Sonic game I beat:


Not the first I played- that would be Sonic 2. I usually played as Tails in the 2D games.


The first game I actually saw to completion was Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast, while Sonic 3 & Knuckles for PC would be finished later that year. 

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Surprisingly, Sonic CD was one of my easiest experiences with a Sonic title. Granted, I had a lot to motivate myself with, like jamming out to both soundtracks, but the boss battles and stages were piss easy to get through in a hurry (heh). So, after beating one of the most pathetic final bosses in Sonic history and getting a wonderful animated ending showing Sonic doing what he does best and travelling through Zones in a Classic fashion, I am faced with only this.




Yep, I'm faced with the downer image of Little Planet chained up in the sky once again. Crap, looks like it's time to go after all the robot generators (keep in mind I can't complete the UFO stages for the life of me) to get the good ending. Granted, it took me about a year later to accomplish it, but getting this




telling me how cool and awesome I am after hearing Cosmic Eternity play is so much more satisfying. 

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First Sonic game I ever beat was Sonic 2. The final boss gave me and my under-developed gamer mind so much trouble, though. Still, not as much as Labyrinth zone though. I actually didn't beat the original Sonic the Hedgehog until much later when I got it from the Xbox Live arcade. 


The first Sonic game I complete 100% was Sonic 3 and Knuckles. All super emeralds for all characters on all file selects, and you know what? I never get tired of it.

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Day 6. 


The first Sonic game I actually saw to the end was Sonic Adventure, but I had played quite a few of them before that. When I was at that age, though, most of the classic titles were really hard for me. The farthest I ever made it in Sonic 1 was Labyrinth Zone, and the farthest I got into Sonic 2 was Mystic Caves. That didn't stop me from playing those games to death, but yeah, I never beat one until Sonic Adventure. 


I've since beat all of the Classic games and am totally good at them, I swear. 

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The first Sonic game I actually beat was Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I remembered when I was 5; it was a long journey, but I had finally got to the final stage of the game; Death Egg Zone. Silver Sonic was quite easy for me, but when I got to Death Egg Robo... oh man was it a nightmare. I rememebered the frustrating day I had just trying to beat the guy. After so many well earned lives lost; I eventually got game over. I was so pissed off, but I didn't want to quit now, so I fought my way back to the final stage so I could get a second chance at him before the day was over. Got back to Death Egg and finally beat the motherfucker and with the seven Chaos Emeralds already collected, I officially won the game. I was proud that day and have it be a moment I would never forget.

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Day 6 Challenge: First Sonic Game Won
Challenges 5/30 Completed


Okay, Dr. Crusher... While I personally find this to be a stronger day than Day 5, this question still is quite a toughie... It's a tough question for me because I can't remember which game I completed first out of these two. 




This one doesn't really need a long fairytale-esque paragraph,

Sorry, Dr. Crusher! That just isn't how I roll



So anyways, I'm really not sure which one I won first at, but I can say that I certainly did get a good feeling for winning at both games. Though, seeing how it's the Sonic Adventure games and they had nice stories that tried to ultimately get you sucked into the story and what's all going on with the characters, I of course had to feel something for the ending of both games. 




Now, back as a kid I certainly didn't really understand how great the story surrounding Chaos was in Sonic Adventure. I simply was just satisfied back then with completing all the characters respective stories and understanding what roles everyone played during this great story, though when I finally unlocked the final piece of story in the game to see how everything wrapped up, it was fantastic. Nothing really big struck me at first besides the part when I seen the final Chaos Emerald stolen right in front of Sonic and Tails eyes, then the destruction of Station Squared kicking into action. The final piece of story only got better as Sonic turned into Super Sonic and I had to go up against Perfect Chaos. It was an overall great feeling for me because I knew from the very beginning I was going to have to take this beast down. It also helped that I understood what Sonic meant about just sealing Chaos back inside the Master Emerald really wouldn't solve anything, and it really helped when the music kicked in to fight Perfect Chaos and I could only feel the strength build inside me as I knew what must be done. Defeating Perfect Chaos, Chaos and Tikal leaving together, and Sonic leaving to head out for a new adventure was the end of Sonic Adventure, and certainly brought a smile to my face as I have really witness a great adventure. 




"A new day brings new adventure. But for now... Rest easy heroes."

I can really remember the sad feeling I got after completing Sonic Adventure 2 because I mostly feel the same feeling whenever I beat the game now. All through the game I was invested in the story and continued to enjoy every new moment that continued to happen in the story. I started out wanting to fully know who exactly was this mysterious hedgehog, and I then ended up leaving knowing that this mysterious hedgehog was a heroic hedgehog who gave it his all to save the world alongside another great heroic hedgehog. With the final piece of story unlocking and understanding the dangerous situation the characters were in, I knew I had to work hard and complete the final story. I was rewarded with Sonic and Shadow going into their super forms and fighting a monster to save the world. It's still was a bit crazy for me to believe that the story originally started with me finding out that Sonic was accused of something he didn't do and arrested, and all events led up to this final big moment in space. After taking down the Finalhazard, I sat back and watched the final cutscene roll... I watched the Chaos Control activate, I watched the Space Colony Ark get transported somewhere else, and I even watched Shadow's death unfold before my eyes...


"Maria, this is what you wanted, right? This is my promise I made to you."


While the day has been saved, everyone around the world celebrate that their still alive, Sonic had to return back to everyone alone and they all had to realize that Shadow didn't make it back... It was quite the depressing ending for me, to the point where I busted out crying. I would never have never guessed that one of the main characters in the story would end up dying at the end. For me, it really just wasn't normal for me to experience a game where a main character died, especially a character I was enjoying a lot. While yes, I was crying, I was also happy at the same time because I could truly say that I enjoyed Sonic Adventure 2 story, and I felt the entire story surpassed the previous adventure story I experienced. 



So, yeah... While it's hard for me to choose which one of these games was the first one I won at, I can safely say that It Doesn't Matter, since both were quite good games that gave me a good feeling at the end of the day.



Challenges 6/30 Completed

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The first game that I finally won was Sonic Advance and my first Sonic game. I only had played games like sonic adventure on a friend's house, so I never completed much more than a few levels. Until I finally had my own Sonic on the GBA, and I played a lot of it, probably more than I should. 


The last boss was hard for me at the time, but finally after many tries I was able to defeat it. I felt really great to finally defeat Eggman's last robot and went right after and completed the game with everybody else. Of course at the time I had no idea of the special stages goals. I mean I played some of them and got some chaos emeralds, but it never crossed my mind that it would unlock the final zone...


After some years I finally went to my GBA and decided to collect all the chaos emeralds so I could have a completed file. But yeah that's my first victory in a Sonic game, now I normally play that game on summer vacation when I'm at the beach as a little distraction. Can't have a summer without Sonic Advance is like a tradition now tongue.png  

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DAY 6 OF 30


The first Sonic game I completed was 




and it was the first Sonic game I owned and beaten.


I love the living crap out of this game when I was little with the whole tag team gameplay (and it the only game that my sister really liked).


Anyway, I remember having a hell of a time in Cyber Track and Chaos Angel (Seriously, screwed that third act). I did have trouble with the "final boss" (not the real one) but I "cheese" it with Cream: getting the chao ability and that upward dash as Sonic made it ultra easy.


But one part of the game I will never forget is the Super Sonic boss.


Back then, I used to... lick my GBA cartage and not the outside, but the inside... and I'm still surprise that my cartage still work to this day but getting back on topic, I learned that if you licked the inside of Advance 3's cartage, you'll unlocked everything (or get shit ton glitches) which helped me get all the emeralds. I decided to see what would happened if I beat the game with the emeralds and as soon I beat the final boss, the most epic childhood gaming moment started.


Gemerl stole all the emeralds and became his... final form? and flew off to space and that epic cutscene where Sonic became super with the emeralds all spinning around him and having Eggman team up with him just blew my 5 year old mind.


I remember my heart was racing during the fight: Flying in outerspace, Gemerl being intimidating and THAT FUCKING MUSIC. It took me a while to beat Gemerl but as soon I did; I was rewarded with that  cool clear theme and that FUCKING AWESOME ENDING THEME




Seriously, I couldn't stop listening to this when I was a kid.

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The first Sonic game I ever beat was SA2 but I didn't get all the emblems (yes it was because of the chao garden).  So the first game I ever 100%'d ended up being Sonic Heroes.  


Was it worth it? Well, Super Hard Mode was interesting to say the least.

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Question #6: Which Sonic game was the first one that you won at?


First Sonic game I 'won' at?


That will have to be...Sonic Heroes. I haven't talked about how much I like this game (it being my very first main series Sonic game), but it does hold a place in my heart. The visuals, the music, the aesthetics...everything about this game still holds a shine to me. Yeah sure, it hasn't aged well, but I don't let what others have to say about that affects my own liking for this game. 


I remember how afraid I was at facing Metal Sonic for the first time, and how it took me quite a number of tries to actually beat him. Plus; the Special Stages...oh man...hahaha. And while I'm not ashamed to admit this, me and my brother used to rock out to Team Chaotix, Sonic Heroes and What I'm Made Of. At the time, I felt proud of completing a game like that, especially at a time when my parents couldn't afford all these games so many other kids could have.

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First Sonic game I ever won had to be the very first title on the genesis. Start to finish, I got that game up and done.


But then I start thinking what it means to win. Sonic Adventure, thanks to all that Chao raising and emblem hunting was probably the first Sonic game that really game me that 100% completion-ist feeling. Unleashed, thanks to a dedication to speedrunning was the first game that I feel I gained a mastery of. I won in that one by mashing that boost button and whittling down some fairly respectable times.

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The first Sonic game I completed was Sonic Heroes. It's also one of the very few I've been patient enough to 100%.

I-I'm just gonna go find someplace to hide in shame forever, is that alright?

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Seriously, I couldn't stop listening to this when I was a kid.


It is a cool theme, but I listened to the actual credits music a lot. These two themes are definitely overlooked, in my opinion.


(By the way, if you're wondering why I'm not complaining about the whole G-Merl/Robotnik thing... yeah, it was a bit shit, but at least Robotnik was able to do something in this instance, if nothing else.)

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The first Sonic game I beaten might've been Rivals 2 or Unleashed PS2.


Actually when I think about it, it was Rivals 2 that I've beaten first. Since it's not too hard to know how to beat the levels and bosses and such. But collecting all the cards, 100 %-ing, is an entirely different matter all together.


But all you have to do is Race to Win!

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Day 6: first sonic game cleared.

Sonic adventure 2, simply because it was the only game I had at the time, me and my bro would the heck out of it, replay it over and over again. That time I was like 3 or 4 years old.

Edit not 3 years I played lol the game wasn't out. I was 6 years old the same year it came out.

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Day 6: Which Sonic game was the first one that you won at?




Definitely Sonic Adventure DX, which funnily enough, was also my very first Sonic game. Oh, I remember it clear as day.

I was but a wee lad at the age of 7, looking for a new game to play on my good old Gamecube, when I saw on the store shelves a case with the cover of an odd, but cool-looking blue anthropomorphic animal (no idea what a hedgehog was at the time) and a weird water monster with it's brain exposed standing behind him. With my interest piqued, I picked up the copy, went home and put the disc on my console. And what fun times I had from begin to end.

While I didn't understand everything that the story in the game was about (since english isn't my native language), my young self could still get the gist of it. But of course, I was having a real blast with the gameplay of the characters themselves(Yes, even Big's), providing hours of entertainment to my naive and gullible mind. DX definitely holds a really dear and special place in my heart, and I usually go back to play it once a year because of it.

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I think the first one I ever fully beat was Sonic Adventure 2, but I did beat all but Big's story in SA1. Prior to that I'd played but never actually beaten the classics. Was too young at the time. I remember borrowing my uncle's Dreamcast to play SA1 even before I owned my first Playstation, so I must have been about four years old.

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I think mine was also Adventure 2...its the first one that comes to mind in terms of completetion.

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[ Day 6 : First game you beat ]


Although 3D Blast was my first Sonic game, the first Sonic game I owned and beat was probably Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast.  I remember I used to be addicted to beating it.  Perhaps that's because it was one of the very few games I could actually beat at the time, but it was addictive going through the cutscenes and listening to the music and everything.  Like I've said numerous times in the past, this was the game that forever transformed me from casual Sonic fan to foaming-at-the-mouth addict.  It still holds a great deal of nostalgia to me, and no matter how poorly it's aged since 1999, it's a game I could never truly hate.



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I do believe it was either Sonic Adventure 2 or Sonic Advance 3. I actually really liked Advance 3's ending enough as a kid to keep playing the kinda crap final boss every now and then.



If we're talking complete 100% got everything, it was....Sonic Riders I think? Sonic games in general are kind of a pain to 100% a lot of the time so I didn't bother with most until I was older.

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Hooraay I finally has internets at my aunt's house.


Let's see how long it will last . . . >.> 


*cough* Anyway~~ the first Sonic game I've ever finished? That's easy~~! It is:




Yeah that game. The copy I have belonged to my younger cousin. At this point I have 100% the game, not counting the S-Ranks. This game is very special to me cause its the reason I'm a Sonic fan once again. If I never heard and sat down to watch my cousin play I would have gone on not thinking twice about that lovable blue hedgehog. :3 

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first sonic game I beat?? all by myself?? whelp,


Sonic Colors Wii

  I have never been an expert gamer. and while I played a lot of games with help, I finished this one in its fullness with limited to no help. The game was fun and actually finishing a game (i mean, making it to the credits not fining items or whatnot)that starred Sonic was a treasure! the only games I beat outside it was Ocarina of Time and pokemon puzzle league up to extra hard (couldn't figure out how to unlock it)(I am amazing!! :P NOT!)

  this was a blast!

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