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Sonic Boom announced (Wii U/3DS)


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I'm more worried that they seem to be just mashing ideas together ( from what I can gather from the interviews). I wouldn't mind it being different than SEGA!Sonic but I'd rather it be it's own beast rather than a Jax/Crash/Ratchet ripoff, that's my main concern. As soon as I see some footage showing some more gameplay I'm sure I'll like what I see even more than I do now.

I do like what I see but I'm concerned about what I just mentioned

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Even if that's true, there is literally nothing on the market that offers a Crash/Jak experience any more, the only series still going strong is Ratchet, Sony are sorely lacking a new Jak title, although I had this discussion with my friend the other day, frustratingly Jak works well with just being a trilogy as much as I want a new instalment in the series (Final Frontier doesn't count you bitches, and X was a spin off) I'm just desperate to get a chance to play something of that quality again.


From the small bit of footage I've seen, this already looks super different to how Jak plays, for one it is a lot faster (Sonic running across water is proof of this) The worlds also look hella bigger than Jak could ever be, with the exception of Haven City and the Outlands in 3, but even then it was very linear, when here, the levels may be sandbox but they're both big in depth, scale AND height as seen by all the high platforming. We're going to be seeing some stuff brought over from the SEGA! Sonic games, like ramps, spin dash, loop-de-loops etc.


I know it's a bit Jak-y/Crash looking with the locales and stuff, but I have faith BRB will definitely keep it from being a Crash/Jak rip off.


But keep in mind that they're experience in the field is in the vein of the fundamentals of how Jak/Crash were programmed, so no matter how you look at it, it's still going to feel pretty similar as an experience, I'm just hoping the quality will transition through the team into this game, they seem to know how to keep things fresh, so I have complete faith in their ability to deliver a Sonic experience over a Jak/Crash one.

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A new interview has surfaced. This one goes into detail about inspirations and what gamers can expect from the game (though very broad) and more.

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Thanks for your rationalism but he indeed saying it'd be a bad game. The quote said something like "So you think it won't be a great Sonic game, but it MIGHT be a great game?" And he pretty much said no because of the team working behind it. And I'm fine with people disliking Boom but honestly if they had 1) all the classic models with black pupils or 2) all the Generations models and green hill looking place. Exact same place but checkerboard hillside everybody be'd flippin' for it. But because they want to take a new spin everyone looses the whole it's still Sonic and rather complains that something TRYING to be different is being different, like. Warrant I'm not saying this is exactly how their behaving or exactly their thoughts but it sure does feel like it. Some are being concerned over the smallest details in what is BRB first attempt at a Sonic game.

Your worry is legitimate Jolt. But I assure you that any good developer knows how to not just mash things together/make someone else's thing well if not better. But this is not as much Phoses' worry. TO ME it seems he's just really biased towards a Sonic that fits with how HE think it should be and almost shows nothing but pessimistic attitude.

Every one can be a little frustated at times as I am now, for many reasons. His seeming to be that SEGA/ST cant simply do what BRB is doing. You have the right to be worried or even mad but don't .. I don't know... be totally gloom while every one else is trying to enjoy finally being happy for a Sonic game. I understand you don't want Crash/Spyro/Jax the Sonic game. But with how inconsistent ST is, how can we even judge what IS a Sonic game. Lost World was essentially putting Sonics moves in a Mario platformer. No major Slopes no paths rewarding you for skillfully accomplishing a task heck even a RUN but something that defies Sonics nature. But why is this still acceptable when Boom is not.?

I just ask for fair judgement before this is considered a bad game. The same could go for saying its good but would you really want to think so negatively for no reason (besides legitimate concerns) I get everything has this guideline you SHOULD go by but Sonic Team has already broken that guideline so long ago that it seems unfair to judge this game by those (broken) guidelines.

I guess thats all my venting back to speculation, shall we?

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When the company who owns Sonic isn't capable of carrying the series past mediocrity then I honestly don't care how it plays as long as it's good. Sonic changes shit up all the time and I honestly can't see anything that makes a Sonic game, a Sonic game this day in age besides series staples like loop-de-loops, rings and Eggman being the main villain. Please tell me what was the last game to use Classic Physics of curling and slopes, even Generations Classic Sonic didn't get everything perfect to how it used to be.


If Boom! ends up playing like a Jak or Ratchet title, then I'll take it as long as it's good. Since I'm honestly sick of Sonic Team disappointing every time, and this is coming from someone who supported all the shit titles too, even I'm getting sick of SEGA failing to deliver :l

Well said.


As for me, I've often had a blast with Sonic games as of late. But they still harbor severe detriments.


If not being a "REAL" Sonic game means I still get my high speed thrills, complete with a game that isn't barely 4 hours, actually can make it past the 70s on metacritic, and be throughly enjoyable, than so be it. I'll take a "REAL" Sonic Boom game in that case.

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This is truly a Sonic reboot as you truly imagined it ~~~

You can't really expect an awful lot more from the just yet. Boom hasn't been announced as a new TV show or new game, it's practically an entirely new product and IP, and so SEGA's current mission is to make sure that's made as clear as possible. What exactly it entails isn't important so long as everyone knows what it is. Proper info should start coming in once the dust has settled, perhaps around E3 when they'd normally show of new Sonic stuff. But they have to get the whole issue of "Sonic Boom", not "Sonic the Hedgehog" out of the way first.

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When the company who owns Sonic isn't capable of carrying the series past mediocrity then I honestly don't care how it plays as long as it's good. Sonic changes shit up all the time and I honestly can't see anything that makes a Sonic game, a Sonic game this day in age besides series staples like loop-de-loops, rings and Eggman being the main villain. Please tell me what was the last game to use Classic Physics of curling and slopes, even Generations Classic Sonic didn't get everything perfect to how it used to be.


If Boom! ends up playing like a Jak or Ratchet title, then I'll take it as long as it's good. Since I'm honestly sick of Sonic Team disappointing every time, and this is coming from someone who supported all the shit titles too, even I'm getting sick of SEGA failing to deliver :l


A little late but I wanted to respond to this.


Honestly, if we're to the point that we're okay with the series changing it's own identity because we can't even hope the main team developing for the main games can do a competent job I think there's a problem here...


Sonic changes shit up all the time? What was really that different about Sonic Adventure to Sonic '06? The controls and abilities were similar with added on gimmicks, no different from Unleashed through Generations. In fact, Sonic Adventure's style didn't really leave at all until Unleashed showed up to reinvent the wheel. On the grand scale they still had many things in common even then. The design of the characters, (other than '06, really) springs, boosters, loops (even though they were really eye-candy) and arguably "Sonicy" music, but we don't know how Boom's soundtrack will be so I'll hold off on that.


Aesthetically, they were still pretty similar. Speed Highway and Radical Highway, Windy Hill to practically any of the Hills, the boost trilogy had different art direction each time, but the visual style was still similar, you could tell you were looking at one of the modern games, usually. Sonic '06 is heavily inspired by the original Sonic Adventure/Adventure 2 aesthetically, but made more realistic (which could look bad or good depending) Sonic Heroes harkens back to the Classics, Shadow was basically Heroes but darker and edgier, etc.


Sonic Boom seems to have it's completely own thing going on in most of these aspects so far, the only familiar thing we've seen that I can recall is rings.


I don't mind a good game, but I sure would like a good Sonic game, in the end.

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Yeaah, I'm still not seeing how Sonic Boom can't be a Sonic game, let alone a spin-off series, by any reason other than personal preferences at this point. Frankly, I'm still surprised that to some, Sonic Boom's presence has apparently made Sonic Lost World a full-fledged Sonic game in their eyes; oh the irony.


But yeah, consider me someone who still gets the Sonic vibe from Boom's current previews so far.

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To be honest, I like how Boom doesn't really feel like a Sonic game, but rather sonething fresh. Sonic's image is so tainted nowadays.

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To be honest, I like how Boom doesn't really feel like a Sonic game, but rather sonething fresh. Sonic's image is so tainted nowadays.
And so if you happen to like Sonic games and don't want something that feels totally alien... Well, fuck you?


(In hindsight, best to clarify that I know this isn't what you're saying. It's what it feels like SEGA is saying to other fans, especially those sceptical about Boom's overall influence).

Edited by Blue Blood
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No more like go wait for 2015 game, be happy with Lost World and go home? But no, on a serious note if you want to give Boom a chance if not, wait for the 2015 game. That's what'd we'd be doing normally.

Btw I was joking with that first sentence.

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In fact I'm going to invent a new game.


The Sonic Boom "World" Drinking Game


It's a very easy game. Basically, every single time theres an interview and the word 'World' is mentioned you take a shot.


You take a double shot if the word 'world' is mentioned and it sounds like it was just said for the sake of it.

How many shots do we take whenever someone mentions "X is key"?

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How many shots do we take whenever someone mentions "X is key"?




 12. Actually I just wanted to say a random number but where or who says that? O: Forgive my lameness.

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It is annoying how the interviews keep repeating the same things over and over and over and over and over again but remember that they probably don't want to hmm, I dunno, spoil anything? They probably want to keep most of the details under wraps before E3 and that's when they will eventually spill the beans and tell us more about the story and stuff.

Sonic fans, patient as usual. =P

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With any luck, come next Monday, there'll be that upcoming SEGAbits interview with Stephen Frost and by Tuesday we'll know something more hopefully.

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I might be jumping the gun a bit here, but I don't think it's too much of a stretch to assume we'll see more talk about gameplay when they actually unveil some of the gameplay.



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I might be jumping the gun a bit here, but I don't think it's too much of a stretch to assume we'll see more talk about gameplay when they actually unveil some of the gameplay.


It's a bit bit of a stretch sure, but I'm willing to bet you might just be right about this.

No seriously, SEGA have announced and unveiled the game, but like I said before the first thing they want to do is make everyone aware of it. It's not like a standard announcement (which can be followed by slow reveals anyway) where consumers and the press already know more or less what to expect.

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It is annoying how the interviews keep repeating the same things over and over and over and over and over again but remember that they probably don't want to hmm, I dunno, spoil anything? They probably want to keep most of the details under wraps before E3 and that's when they will eventually spill the beans and tell us more about the story and stuff.

Sonic fans, patient as usual. =P

They keep making these interviews to re-assure us about what's in the game and to save us from our own crazy predictions, not that it's going to stop any time soon.laugh.png


About the things in the game, the only thing I'm worried about is the "more sinister and dark than Eggman villain". I like that they're trying to incorporate some Adventure and Unleashed elements, but why have that part? Can't Eggman be considered dark and sinister?

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When the company who owns Sonic isn't capable of carrying the series past mediocrity then I honestly don't care how it plays as long as it's good. Sonic changes shit up all the time and I honestly can't see anything that makes a Sonic game, a Sonic game this day in age besides series staples like loop-de-loops, rings and Eggman being the main villain. Please tell me what was the last game to use Classic Physics of curling and slopes, even Generations Classic Sonic didn't get everything perfect to how it used to be.


If Boom! ends up playing like a Jak or Ratchet title, then I'll take it as long as it's good. Since I'm honestly sick of Sonic Team disappointing every time, and this is coming from someone who supported all the shit titles too, even I'm getting sick of SEGA failing to deliver :l

Part of why I'm being down on this game is I don't think this sort of game has aged well.  Spyro in particular, but all that comes to me when I think of Spyro is... Turtles.  I'm starting to think Spyro 2 might have singlehandedly turned me off this genre.  


Sega frustrates me every time they announce a new Sonic game nowadays because I know how fun this sort of movement can be in 3D.  (On a related note, a CTF type of game could make for a fun Sonic multiplayer mode).  


Thanks for your rationalism but he indeed saying it'd be a bad game. The quote said something like "So you think it won't be a great Sonic game, but it MIGHT be a great game?" And he pretty much said no because of the team working behind it. And I'm fine with people disliking Boom but honestly if they had 1) all the classic models with black pupils or 2) all the Generations models and green hill looking place. Exact same place but checkerboard hillside everybody be'd flippin' for it. But because they want to take a new spin everyone looses the whole it's still Sonic and rather complains that something TRYING to be different is being different, like. Warrant I'm not saying this is exactly how their behaving or exactly their thoughts but it sure does feel like it. Some are being concerned over the smallest details in what is BRB first attempt at a Sonic game.

Your worry is legitimate Jolt. But I assure you that any good developer knows how to not just mash things together/make someone else's thing well if not better. But this is not as much Phoses' worry. TO ME it seems he's just really biased towards a Sonic that fits with how HE think it should be and almost shows nothing but pessimistic attitude.

Every one can be a little frustated at times as I am now, for many reasons. His seeming to be that SEGA/ST cant simply do what BRB is doing. You have the right to be worried or even mad but don't .. I don't know... be totally gloom while every one else is trying to enjoy finally being happy for a Sonic game. I understand you don't want Crash/Spyro/Jax the Sonic game. But with how inconsistent ST is, how can we even judge what IS a Sonic game. Lost World was essentially putting Sonics moves in a Mario platformer. No major Slopes no paths rewarding you for skillfully accomplishing a task heck even a RUN but something that defies Sonics nature. But why is this still acceptable when Boom is not.?

I just ask for fair judgement before this is considered a bad game. The same could go for saying its good but would you really want to think so negatively for no reason (besides legitimate concerns) I get everything has this guideline you SHOULD go by but Sonic Team has already broken that guideline so long ago that it seems unfair to judge this game by those (broken) guidelines.

I guess thats all my venting back to speculation, shall we?

People think I like Sonic games that I don't like #PhostWorldProblems.  Like I said Lost World was already a Sonic game pretty much in name only to the point where one of their new mechanics was actually a direct replacement for one of the franchise's original core mechanics.  Why I'm doing this basically comes down to a mix of frustration and confusion.  Sega completely misunderstands their own franchise so they ship it off to someone else so they can misunderstand it and write jokes based on contrivance and then they can make a The TV Show The Game of it like some kind of self parody.  

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They keep making these interviews to re-assure us about what's in the game and to save us from our own crazy predictions, not that it's going to stop any time soon.laugh.png


About the things in the game, the only thing I'm worried about is the "more sinister and dark than Eggman villain". I like that they're trying to incorporate some Adventure and Unleashed elements, but why have that part? Can't Eggman be considered dark and sinister?


Eggman hasnt been dark or sinister in a long time if they changed him to be that way everyone would be complaining that hes nothing like eggman and may not  able to take him seriously due to their past experience with him.

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Eggman hasnt been dark or sinister in a long time if they changed him to be that way everyone would be complaining that hes nothing like eggman and may not  able to take him seriously due to their past experience with him.

So I guess harvesting cute aliens and turning them into fuel for a giant mind control ray isn't in any way dark or sinister?


Plus this is an alternate take on the good doctor, they can still give him comedic moments and balance that with some darker moments in the story when his plans come to fruition.

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Aren't all these interviews with different media outlets?  Of course the content is going to be more or less the same.  They have information that they're prepared to release at this time, and everything else is under wraps.  They aren't out to provide information exclusives at the moment, they're getting the word out about their basic goals and concepts to as many different news sources as possible.  I wouldn't expect the announcement trailer to be different depending on which news source was hosting it.

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And so if you happen to like Sonic games and don't want something that feels totally alien... Well, fuck you?


(In hindsight, best to clarify that I know this isn't what you're saying. It's what it feels like SEGA is saying to other fans, especially those sceptical about Boom's overall influence).


Don't complain about the new stuff if you still have the original to enjoy!

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I'll complain about what I want thank you very much. Or alternatively, stop shoving your PSX on my Sonics if you've still got the original Jak and Daxters to play. :P

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