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Dragon Ball (Warning: Untagged Spoilers)


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Well, Mr. Satan did give the peace prize money to the Son family (to thank them for their part in taking down Buu), who don't want nor need fame and recognition. Hercule in general is pretty much the guy who takes the fame and recognition so people don't have to bother the 'actual' heroes. That last part of the next episode preview is definitely him telling another tall tale.

But in any case, dude's pretty good towards his family. He had a huge house built for his son-in-law and daughter, and gave his brother-in-law a massive load of cash, enough for his family to live comfortably, so Goku could focus on training rather than working.

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Derailing from the whole DBS discussion for a bit:


And there it is, Dragon Ball Heroes finally crossed that line. Gohan is now a super saiyan 4.

I gotta thank DBH for at least forfilling some of these fanboy wetdreams and nailing official designs to them. never thought in 1000 years that I'd see official designs of SS4 Broly and Gohan.

EDIT: if anyone remembers this was the first image of gohan as a super saiyan 4 that floated around the 'net in the 90s heyday:


We were pretty close.

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I've always liked the idea that Super Saiyan 4 is pure-blood exclusive, but I gotta admit, Gohan rocks Super Saiyan 4 pretty well. 

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Alright, for those who are interested in the Universe 6 arc of Super, here's the dialogue for Chapter 5 of the manga adaptation:

ベジータ「フン!!きさまより強いヤツはここにいるだろう オレを倒してからほざきやがれ!!」 
ベジータ「先にビルス様を倒すのは このオレだ!」 
ウイス「いけませんね ベジータさんまた心が乱れてます」 
ウイス「むっ 青髪!」 
743 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止:2015/10/17(土) 18:02:48.67 ID:GCJJ+0/L0
悟空「なぁベジータ この長ったらしい呼び方どうにかなんねぇか・・・」 
ウイス「ところでお二人さん これは変身禁止の勝負ですよ 言いつけ通りに修行していただけないと困ります」 
ウイス「ゴールデンフリーザに勝てたからといって 調子に乗っているんじゃありませんか? まったく・・・」 
ナレーション「実はこの少し前 かつて宇宙を震撼させた恐怖の帝王フリーザが復活し地球に攻めてくるといった出来事があった 
悟空「も~ おめぇのせいだぞベジータ!」 
シャンパ「なんだその2人は?新しい弟子か? ひさしぶりだなウイス」 
ウイス「これはめずらしい シャンパ様ではありませんか」 
ベジータ「オイなんだ ビルス様みたいなヤツがいるぞ!」 
ウイス「お休み中なんですがね・・・わかりました しばしお待ちを」 
悟空「なぁあんた誰だ? デブのビルス様みてぇだけど」 
ヴァドス「これ!失礼ですよ こちらはビルス様の双子の兄弟シャンパ様です」
744 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止:2015/10/17(土) 18:03:14.44 ID:GCJJ+0/L0
ヴァドス「クチに気をつけなさい 第6宇宙の破壊神ですよ」 
悟空「!! な・・・なぁ!ビルス様とどっちが強い?」 
ヴァドス「あら!ほほほ これは失礼しました ちなみに私とウイスも姉弟です こちらの実力は私の方が少し上でしょうが」 
ウイス「姉上!今のは異議ありですよ 鍛えていただいたのは千年も前のことですから」 
ビルス「なんだお前らいったい何の用だ そんな話をしにきたのか?」 
シャンパ「フフン!ビルス ひさしぶりだな いつもの対決をやるぞ 準備しろ」 
シャンパ「はっはっはっ なんだこれは!カップに湯を注いだだけじゃないか」 
シャンパ「食べてみろ!新発見のドンドン鳥の玉子を茹でたものだ あまりのおいしさに言葉を失うぞ」 
ウイス「えぇ シャンパ様がみえるといつもこうなんです」 
悟空「なんだよ!オラ ビルス様の実力が見られると思って期待しちゃったよ」 
ビルス「フッフッフッ どうだ?」 
シャンパ「ゴクゴク ぷは~っ ふ・・・ふん まぁまぁかな・・・」 
745 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止:2015/10/17(土) 18:04:04.22 ID:GCJJ+0/L0
ビルス「これだけじゃない 地球には他にもおいしいものが数えきれないほどあふれかえっていたんだぞ!」 
シャンパ「おいヴァドス!我が第6宇宙にも地球があるはずだ 探せ!」 
ウイス「おや 知りませんでしたか?宇宙は全部で12個あるんですよわれわれがいるのは第7宇宙なんです」 
ウイス「シャンパ様は第6宇宙やってこられたのです この第6第7宇宙はほとんど同じ双子のような関係なんです 
ものにはたいてい表と裏 対となるものが存在するんですよ たとえば第1宇宙と第12宇宙 第2宇宙と第11宇宙 
悟空「よくわからなかったな もう1回説明してくれ」 
ヴァドス「!ありましたシャンパ様 わが第6宇宙にも地球が」 
悟空「まぁそういうこともあるだろうな オラ達の地球だって何回もピンチあったしな! だいたいベジータだってそうするつもりだったし」 
746 :風の谷の名無しさん@実況は実況板で@転載は禁止:2015/10/17(土) 18:05:35.38 ID:GCJJ+0/L0
シャンパ「ぐぬぬ・・・ ・・・ビルス 勝負をしよう・・・・・・・・・」 
ビルス「はっはっはっ オレとおまえがか?」 
シャンパ「そうじゃない おたがいの宇宙から選び出した人間だけの勝負だ ・・・そうだな5人ずつの団体戦はどうだ? 
1人ずつ戦って最後に大将を倒した方が勝ち 第6第7宇宙破壊神選抜格闘大会を開催しよう!」 


Planet Beerus (Goku and Vegeta training begins)

Goku: “I’m gonna get much stronger so I can battle against some really tough guys!! ”

Vegeta: “Hmph, there’s already a stronger guy and he’s right here!! You can keep prattling on like that only once you’ve defeated me!!”

Page 87:

Vegeta: “The person who will defeat Beerus-sama first… will be me!” “Like I’ll let you overcome me as always!”

Page 89: (Vegeta is having a hard time keeping up with Goku)

Vegeta: “Damnit!!!”

Whis: “He’s not faring well is he. Vegeta-san’s mind is still in disarray.”

Vegeta: “There you are!!!”

Page 90: (Goku’s surprise attack)

Goku: “Take this!!!”

Vegeta: “Oh sh..”

Page 91: (Vegeta does a surprise blast and goes SSGSS)

Whis: “Huh.. Blue Hair!” “Sigh…”

Goku: “Hey Vegeta that really hurt!!!”

Goku: “We were told that going Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan is off the table in this battle!!!” “Fine, if you’re going to go Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, then we’ll just have a SSGSS duel!!”

Vegeta: “Hahaha, exactly what I wanted!” “Even though we are both SSGSS, the great elite SSGSS Vegeta will always come up on top!!”

Goku: “You’re wrong! When I go SSGSS…. OW!!!” “I bit my tongue!!” “Hey Vegeta, why do we have to call it such a long name…”

Page 93:

Whis: “How does… Super Saiyan Blue sound?”

Goku: “Blue…”

Whis: “Oh and speaking of, remember how I told you that going Super Saiyan was prohibited in this training. If you are not going to follow the rules then it’s going to get problematic.”

“Do you feel that you can act like that just because you defeated Golden Frieza?”

Narrator: “A little while before this story; Frieza, known as the Emperor of Fear who shook the whole universe with his mere presence, headed to Earth to take his revenge upon Goku.”

“But as this was happening Goku and Vegeta were receiving training from Beerus and Whis and managed to reach a new level of Super Saiyan even above God now known as Super Saiyan Blue.”

“And finally they defeated the revived Frieza once and for all.”

Page 94:

Whis: “This is a little punishment for breaking our former promise.” “From now on you`ll be battling in this extremely heavy suits.”

Vegeta: “I can’t move that well..”

Goku: “Eurgh.. This is all your fault, Vegeta!”

Vegeta: “What the hell did you just say!!?”

Goku: “You wanna go Vegeta!?

Champa: “Who are those two? Your new students or something?

Page 95:

Champa: “It’s been a long time, Whis.”

Whis: “If it isn’t Champa-sama. Now this is indeed a rare sight. ”

Vegeta: “Look, he looks an awful lot like Beerus-sama!”

Goku: “There’s even a woman that looks similar to Whis too…”

Whis: “What may I assist you with?”

Champa: “Call Beerus for me, will ya?”

Page 96:

Whis: “Ahh, well he’s currently napping.. I`ll go wake him up, please wait a little while.”

Goku: “Hey! Who’re you?” “You kinda look like a fat Beerus.”

Female Whis: “How rude of you. This is Beerus-sama’s Twin Brother, Champa-sama.”

Goku: “His Twin!? Seriously!?”

Vodos: “Watch your tongue. Champa-sama is the 6th Universes God of Destruction.”

Translator Note: (Vodos’ name does say Vados (ヴァドス) but whole names connected to Alcohol I can’t think of another alcohol that it could be and Vodka seems to be the closest)

Vegeta: “Go..God of Destruction!?”

Goku: “Hey, so which of you is stronger, you or Beerus-sama?”

Page 97:

Vodos: “You cannot ask such a question!” “Just by looking at Physique alone should answer your question.”

Champa: “Vodos!!!”

Vodos: “Oh my! Hohoho.” “My apologies Champa-sama”

“Oh and by the by, me and Whis are also brother and sister.” “Although I have to say that if you wish to compare our strengths, I would be a little bit stronger than my brother.”

Goku: “Woah this is crazy! We`ve found people who are much stronger than us!”

Vegeta: “Why do you look so happy about that…”

Whis: “Sister, I must object. I’ve been training for more than a Thousand years prior.”

Vodos: “Hehehe, then shall we find out who truly is the strongest?”

Page 98:

Beerus: “What the hell do you two want? You just wanted to talk about who’s stronger?”

Champa: “Haha Beerus, it’s been a while huh.” “Get ready, it’s time for our usual showdown.”

Goku: “Showdown?”

Champa: “Hahaha, what’s this then? It’s not just hot water, right?” (He’s referring to Ramen Noodles)

Beerus: “This is ermm…”

Champa: “Try this recent delicacy I found. It’s a boiled egg from a Don Don Bird. It is so tasty that there are no words that could be said to explain its deliciousness!”

Page 99:

Goku: “Oh… when he meant Showdown he meant a Food Showdown, right?”

Whis: “Indeed. Every time Champa-sama comes to visit it’s always like this.”

Goku: “Seriously? I was looking forward to seeing Beerus-sama go all out against someone as strong.”

Champa: “What do ya think? Crazy delicious right! The 6th Universe really is heaven when it comes to our food!”

Beerus: “Hehehe.. alright I get it, now shut up and try my choice Champa.” “Hehehe, so how is it?”

Page 100:

Champa: “Hmm.. I guess it’s alright..”

Beerus: “You say that but you even and drunk all the soup!”

Champa: “Beerus… where did you get your hands on this?”

Beerus: “On a planet called, “Earth”.”

Champa: “Earth?”

Beerus: “Not only that but Earth has an infinite number of delicacies that grow by the day!”

Champa: “Vodos, There has to be an “Earth” in my 6th Universe right?” “Search for it.”

Vodos: “At once!”

Vegeta: “What exactly do you mean by “The 6th Universe”?”

Whis: “Oh don’t you know? There are 12 different universes, we are on the 7th Universe.”

Vegeta: “The… 7th Universe… that’s the first time I’ve heard of it..”

Goku: “I think I’ve heard that before…”

Whis: “As mentioned Champa-sama is from the 6th universe and the 6th and 7th universes are somewhat like Twins.”

“Or you could treat it as the front and back. For example, the 1st and 12th Universes or the 2nd and 11th Universes. Basically the related universes number will always add up to 13, that’s another way you can tell which universes are twin universes.”

Vegeta: “I never knew…”

Goku: “I don’t quite understand, could you explain it one more time?”

Vegeta: “I’ll tell you later.”

Vodos: “I’ve found it Champa-sama. There is indeed an Earth on the 6th Universe.”

Vegeta: “What did you say?” “There’s even an Earth in your universe?”

Vodos: “Although.. I’m afraid to say that this Earth was devastated by war and there seems to be no sign of Humanity on that Earth.”

Champa: “What?”

Beerus: “Hahaha, Unlucky eh, Champa!” “There are no humans in your universe that can serve up some of this delicious food!”

Goku: “Yeah that kinda things often. We’ve been in a pinch numerous amounts of times!” “Even Vegeta here tried to destroy Earth.”

Vegeta: “Don’t bring up the past!”

Champa: “…Beerus, let’s do battle…”

Beerus: “What, you want to do battle?” “What do you mean battle?”

Page 102:

Champa: “A battle as in Fist to Fist, 1 Vs. 1! If I win we trade Earth’s!”

Beerus: “Hahaha, you want to fight me?”

Champa: “No no no, We will choose humans to fight for us from our own Earths.” “…yeah, how about a 5 man group battle?”

“It’ll be 1 Vs.1 until we have a clear final champion!” “Let the 6th & 7th God of Destruction Battle Tournament begin!”

Goku: “Yayyyy!!!!”

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That's extremely interesting!! Quite a bunch of info in this chapter.

I definitely prefer Super Saiyan Blue over SSGSS.


I love how they skipped the Frieza arc altogether xD 

Seeing how Champa's universe is like a twin to Universe 7 is pretty cool, plus now we know Whis sister is called Vados and we also got a universal tournament ahead of us!  That's an awesome way to start things up!

The earth will belong to Champa if Goku & company loses, so they have something to fight for at least.

Can't wait for more.

Edited by dabbido
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Oh, this is definitely interesting and we're finally getting new things revealed. 

Skipping ROF makes sense, it didn't really add anything plot wise.

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I really like the premise. 

Beerus and Champa starting a tournament over Universe 7 Earth's food :lol:.

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Who is your favourite villian in thw whole db sersies and why? Mine is Perfect Cell, i really like his attitude, hes really funny....also hes the only guy ever who revived without the dragonballs. Also hes really awesome in xenoverse...he broke the 4th wall, and the z rank quote is hillarious

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Freeza. He had a huge impact on the series as as a whole. He was the strongest mortal being in the known universe, he was tied to the destruction of Goku's and Vegeta's home planet, and sparked the first Super Saiyan transformation. I also really like his personality. His polite mannerisms coupled with his short temper is really amusing :lol:.

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Yeah, Cell was interesting and Buu was....err....Buu, but Frieza was truly a sinister villain who cause hell of a lot of trouble, and if not Frieza, than another member of his family like Cooler.

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My personal favorite antagonist is Cell.

He's well designed with a very interesting theme based on evolution. He's a bit more simple than Frieza since he's focused on evolving and then doing things for the evlulz but then again Frieza was doing the same thing while also being fueled by paranoia. Cell is also one of the two major antagonists (the other belonging to Piccolo since he was regarded as a bad guy at the time) to actually kill Goku which is a pretty impressive feat. His massive amounts of trolling he does really makes the character for me. He's just a pretty great villain if you ask me in general.

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Couple of months ago I really wanted to watch Dragon Ball Z, since Dragon Ball Super is out, so the only way to properly watch the series is from the beginning, Dragon Ball. Can wait until I get into DBZ, but I dont know if I should watch the origonal with all of the fillers, because ew, or the Kai version. And yes, im going to watch GT, the one every hates for some reason but dont know why...well I guess I'll figure that out once I actually watch it lol

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i dont hate gt, just has some plot-holes...also, i would reccomend the kai version, but more the japanese version. the voice acting is billion times better than the english version, it sounds more natural and you cant tell they are reading it. Its kinda interesting you started watching dragonball, as more dont care about it, but i rally like it.

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Fuck it, because this board IPB tags are ass and refuses to cooperate and since theirs no way to disable Rich Text Editor so I can properly edit my post, ~Spoilers ahead.~

Zephyr - Posted Yesterday, 11:41 PM

This is fucking great.


But yeah, new chapter revealed where the story's going after Resurrection F.

Long story short:
>Whis renames Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan "Super Saiyan Blue"
>Beerus and Champa are brothers
>Whis and newly named Vados (probably a pun on "Vados" (ヴァドス), from the apple brandy "Calvados" (カルヴァドス) are brother and sister
>They're both from Universe 6, Champa being U6's God of Destruction
>Last time the two compared, Vados was stronger than Whis
>Universe 6 and 7 are sort of "twin universes", 5 and 8 are the same way, as are 4 and 9, etc. each number of pairs of universes adds up to 13
>Champa challenges Beerus to a 5 vs 5 tournament between the toughest fighters of Universes 6 and 7, and the winner gets to keep Universe 7's Earth (which has better food than Universe 6's, on account of humanity being wiped out by war)
>The four gods don't seem to be participating in this

Pretty hyped.


Edited by goku262002
This board new IPB tags live to aggravate me...
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Lol I thought that was hilarious as well, I mean how much better does it get that they recognized the name was just too friggin' long.  

Anyways, yeah awesome set-up chapter, can't wait to see what happens next,  Also am I the only one who's very interested in

who will be in that 5 -man team?

My guess is Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Gotenks and Piccolo maybe ? Knowing Toriyama he probably won't even put Gotenks in, and if he does he'll just make him comic relief.  Oh wait... Majin Boo would be also one of the strongest beings in Earth right? 

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So I'll admit that I haven't really been paying any attention to dragon ball super, is it really as bad as everyone says it is? 

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No, it isnt. Most people hate on it because its more funny, but they forget that thats how dragonball was, until z appeared.

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So I'll admit that I haven't really been paying any attention to dragon ball super, is it really as bad as everyone says it is? 

Who's everyone? The opinions on the show vary depending on where you go. In my opinion, it's adequate. I think people went into this expecting some grand continuation, which I find incredibly silly, but found themselves disappointed because they set their expectations far too high. Dragon Ball was past it's prime by the time the Artificial Human arc rolled around, so I don't see why people expect greatness. All people can really hope for is a fun romp, and I feel Dragon Ball Super provides that. 

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What you fvourite dub, guys? Japanese, or English?

Mine has to be Japanese. The English baclground music didnt really fit.

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Well, the Japanese version isn't really a dub, but yeah, I prefer the Japanese version of the show. 

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Yeah, i didnt know what term to use... so im not the only one who likes jap. version better. Most people hate it because it hasnt Bruce Falcouner ,, gloroius'' OST, or because Goku is voiced by a woman

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I prefer the japanese version as well, OST and seiyuu included ~ I'm one of the few who enjoy the japanese voices. ^^  The english voice actors are very good too though. 

@nintega137:  I'd say it definitely isn't a glorious return like ThePrinceofSaiyajins states, however, It's not really bad per se, the negative views come mostly from some poor animation in episode 5, which I admit was actually pretty bad, but the poor guys don't have a very good budget to begin with xD, and they were mostly pics taken in between a fluid scene, where we know they don't put as much detail, compared to close ups. (It's not like that's an excuse but yeah) It's gotten better since then though. And the other thing is that it's not a new saga they're beggining with, but rather retconning BoG and RoF, so seeing the same thing with some differences is boring for some. (Me included in some parts, but for me some changes are enjoyable) However on the latest manga chapter, they skipped RoF altogether and they're finally starting with an all new arc (and a promising one at that)

Edited by dabbido
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