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Ultimate Spider-man (cartoon)

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My short review of the Iron spider/Iron man episode.

Just like the previous episodes, there was a ton of jokes good and bad being thrown around here. But by now it's kinda expected. I either I'm so use to the 4th wall crap or I didn't notice much in this episode. Yes, that's how often USP has thrown it at us that I no longer really notice it. Seeing Iron man and Iron spidey on the same screen is something I really doubt I will see again. As for Iron spidey, it's just how i dreamed it would be. Pure amazing. Sure he is basically Iron man with a few changes here and there but who cares? Spidey looks great in the suit. What I loved most about the episode is how it proved how freaking smart parker is. Not many other character would have just used the Iron spider's tech to stun and bring Stark back. Greatness, and how Spidey came up with the idea of how to get rid of the human laser......And the appearance of the Super hero squad was amazing. Personally I think this may have been the best episode so far. Oh I forgot to mention, there still is not much character development with the other 4 characters....Which is kinda depressing but it's only episode 4 or 5 so I can live with it for now. Now to await next weeks errr this week's episode.

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After seeing the new episode, I really can't stand this show. The characters are poorly written. The cut away gags are too annoying and frequent. Peter makes Tobey McQuire Peter look humble, and I hate Sam. I am starting to question just how involved Dini and Bendis are into this because when i read Quesada was involved, I was immediately worried about this shit. Dini is an excellent writer who has had his share of awesome series. Bendis is the sole reason why Ultimate Spider-man is Marvel's best comic book investment. This show is just stupid and...argh.

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i just stopped caring about this show altogether, its a walking gag series that thinks its funnier than it really is. Even if this wasn't succeeding Spectacular i couldn't care about it.

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Taskmaster was a force to be reckoned with in the recent episode. He was menacing and cunning hell I dare say he's the Slade of this show. I want more of him. And Peter actually displayed intelligence in this episode........ at the end, b-but still!

Easily the best episode shown, but the show is still sub-par. All the usual problems are present, characters you still don't care about, bad jokes that pop up in the most inappropriate times, weird pacing, and no chemistry between the heroes.

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Didn't see this one. what was your overall opinion on it?

Synops for the next 3 episodes:

Spider-Man finally agrees to a video interview with Mary Jane and she gets the exclusive scoop when she records Spider-Man and Hulk in an all-out battle across Manhattan until Zzzax attacks the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.

When the terrifying Venom returns, Spider-Man tries to stop the villain and save Harry Osborn. Spider-Man must decide if he can trust his new teammates with the shocking truth about Venom before asking for their help.

Due to a clash with Mesmero, Wolverine and Spider-Man end up switching bodies.

8 and 9 sound like there worth watching. but 7 sounds like another pass, I'll wait to see a clip of the hulk before i judge.

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Taskmaster was a force to be reckoned with in the recent episode. He was menacing and cunning hell I dare say he's the Slade of this show. I want more of him. And Peter actually displayed intelligence in this episode........ at the end, b-but still!

Easily the best episode shown, but the show is still sub-par. All the usual problems are present, characters you still don't care about, bad jokes that pop up in the most inappropriate times, weird pacing, and no chemistry between the heroes.

This explains the episode perfectly. It was by far the best so far but still has a long ways to go just top come close to Spidey of the 90s and SSM.

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Okay, I understand that this show isn't really focusing on Spidey's usual villains. But is it just me, or is this show kind of a plug for all of Marvel's C-listers? Nova, White Tiger, Zzax, Mesmero, Taskmaster...mostly a bunch of nobodies that only the most die-hard comic fans have heard of. On one hand, it's cool they're taking obscure characters and placing them in the limelight. On the other hand, it just makes the show feel more unimpressive to me. I rarely feel like the stakes are high when the villains are strictly small-time. I mean it's supposed to be a SPIDER-MAN show, right? I'm not really interested in third-tier X-Men and Fantastic Four villains, though that's more personal preference.

Am I alone in thinking this?

Edited by Speederino
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Am I alone in thinking this?

No, you aren't. I'm really bummed that it isn't a Spider-Man show either; I expected Ultimate Spider-Man, not Shitty Friends Co-Starring That Spider Guy.

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Okay, I understand that this show isn't really focusing on Spidey's usual villains. But is it just me, or is this show kind of a plug for all of Marvel's C-listers? Nova, White Tiger, Zzax, Mesmero, Taskmaster...mostly a bunch of nobodies that only the most die-hard comic fans have heard of. On one hand, it's cool they're privking obscure characters and placing them in the limelight. On the other hand, it just makes the show feel more unimpressive to me. I rarely feel like the stakes are high when the villains are strictly small-time. I mean it's supposed to be a SPIDER-MAN show, right? I'm not really interested in third-tier X-Men and Fantastic Four villains, though that's more personal preference.

Am I alone in thinking this?

Its essentially Marvel's attempt at "The Brave and the Bold", but that show had charm despite how campy it was, this show is just obnoxious in its attempt to be funny and kiddy. Its a shame too, this show would be miles better if it focused on developing the characters instead of trying to cram as many imagine spots, and fourth wall breaks as possible because the characters are horribly unlikable; Spidey's a manchild who thinks he's Deadpool, Nova is a jackass with no redeeming qualities, White Tiger is whiny, and Power Man and Iron Fist are too bland for me to care(Now compare that to Avengers: EMH when these two showed and up, and they had plenty of personality and were sure as hell memorable, Luke Cage is now one of my favorite heroes because of that episode).

So yeah...I wonder how long this show will last giving its less than stellar reception with the fanbase.

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Has anyone gone outside here like say, the marvel forum or toonzone, to see what the fanbase is saying about this show?

And I thought this was Marvel's attempt at "Young Justice"? Seeing is how they rival eachother for ratings on Sundays.

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Has anyone gone outside here like say, the marvel forum or toonzone, to see what the fanbase is saying about this show?

And I thought this was Marvel's attempt at "Young Justice"? Seeing is how they rival eachother for ratings on Sundays.

Its mostly divisive everywhere else, especially when compared to Spectacular and Avengers.

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This explains the episode perfectly. It was by far the best so far but still has a long ways to go just top come close to Spidey of the 90s and SSM.

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Has anyone gone outside here like say, the marvel forum or toonzone, to see what the fanbase is saying about this show?

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Got any choice posts you could show me?

All I know is that if the fanbase is universally not liking this show and are complaining about it, then if this show gets a second season we will see some definate changes.

I still think this was all Disney's idea of injecting this pointless humor into this show.

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Got any choice posts you could show me?

It'll take some doing since a good portion seem to be "They canceled Spectacular for this!?" But I'll post them later.

All I know is that if the fanbase is universally not liking this show and are complaining about it, then if this show gets a second season we will see some definate changes.

I don't like to be the negative guy here but I don't really think we'll see much improvement on the second season. Now I know Paul Dini and MOA said season 2 will be darker, but I think it'll be just that. Darker tone but filled with the same problems the show currently retains.

I still think this was all Disney's idea of injecting this pointless humor into this show

Nah this was all marvels doing to a tee, remember how the showrunners went on and on about this being marvels first in house project, and Loeb going on and on about Ultimate Spiderman carrying Marvels DNA? This was their first shot at showing the world what Marvel could do if they had free creative reign over a show, and this is what we got.

And FTR Dini contributed the fourth wall jokes.

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Still got to get around to watching Ep 5......how good is it guys?

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Ugh, I didn't like this show at first but I told myself to give this show a fair chance and watch a couple more episodes and see if I'll like it better. Well a few episodes layer and I'm still not feeling this show. At least I'm not alone on thinking that this cartoon is seriously underwhelming.

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I really dislike the look of the Hulk here.

@goku262002, Here are a few comment's about the show pulled from Toonzone, Hero Hype,Comicbookmovie.com, and Comicbookresources.com.

Granted, I'm one of the few folks who really dislike Venom, but that said, the animation remains the high point of the series; the humor style still grates, and even my eight year old is sick of it already. He says he'd rather see Deadpool; Come to think of it, that may be my problem with the humor, which is more Deadpool that Peter Parker (Come to think of it, isn't Joe Kelly, of Men of Action fame, a former Deadpool writer? That would explain a lot...).

I'm trying to give this show a chance but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. For the most part, the animation is very good, but I can't get into the chracters or the story. The cut away scenes are getting to be too long and Spidey isn't likable at all. I so miss The Spectacular Spider-Man...

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I'm sorry, but this isn't my cup of tea. I tried to judge the series based on its own merits, but unfortunately it doesn't meet the standard of what I consider good, especially when comparing it to The Spectacular Spider-Man. I don't mind the concept, the character designs, or the animation, despite being inferior to Spectacular Spider-Man, but the overall execution of the writing and direction of Ultimate Spider-Man does not impress one bit. The producers seem too interested in the overly frequent use of gags, which aren't even that funny, than any deeper storyarc or character development. The humor in Ultimate comes off being too silly and childish for my taste, unlike the humor in Spectacular, which leans more on sophisticated wit and sarcasm with genuinely funny results. Plus, Spectacular's humor is balanced with great drama (something that Ultimate is totally missing) and incredible action (something that Ultimate falls short of). Even if I didn't have Spectacular Spider-Man as a standard to compare to, I can honestly say that I wouldn't care for Ultimate Spider-Man anyway. It's just not a show for me, just as Marvel Super Hero Squad is not for me.

Whenever someone tries to defend this pilot from criticism, they usually argue that it is just "a new way" to do a Spider-Man series. That a new version should be accepted and encouraged in order to keep things from going stale, and that a light-hearted stance on Spidey mythos is just as valid as any other. That is a sentiment I actually agree with, especially considering how famous franchises like Batman and Spider-Man continue to be refreshed every few years with a new animated adaptation.

The problems that plague these two episodes, however, are not necessarily caused because "its different". Sure, I may had trouble accepting the premise of a Spider-Man that was portrayed as an incompetent loser that is "reckless and irresponsible" for fighting crime solo, and is blatantly shown to be "correct" when he plays along with Nick Fury and gets fancy, toyetic new S.H.I.E.L.D. technology, and joins a team of de-aged heroes. As a long-time Spidey fan, that premise alone made me cringe. But then I realized that true quality is not often measured from a concept itself, but the execution. And so, despite less-than-promising news and a disappointing sneak peek via a comic book version of the comic, I decided to give it a shot and see if it could at least make the questionable premise work.

So far, it does not.

The story and dialogue are rather weak. Due to the heavy emphasis on breaking the fourth wall and use of sketches, the pacing is often rushed, with no quiet moments in order to let the audience breathe and take in the material shown Part one had a solid story to tell, but part two was worse, dedicating more air time to Spidey's bike and new tech than to his new teammates and villains. The jokes themselves are mostly basic slapstick and immature, with nothing too clever and witty. The breaking of the fourth-wall is excessive, removing any novelity from it. Aside from a couple of well-timed moments (like the elevator ride and Connor's arm fake-out), the jokes and gags fall flat. Spidey's quips, often the main source of humor in a traditional story, are either lame or non-existent. As mentioned, Spidey's main dilemma is incredibly ham-fisted, and not in a good way. I cringed when "Fury's side" was shown as the "correct" and "right" side to follow, while having Norman Osborn showered in shades, encouraging Spidey's "irresponsible" behavior. Even by children's show standards, it felt forced and cheesy, and I found it hard to believe that Paul Dini wrote this script.

The voice acting was not that impressive either. While I was optimistic that Drake Bell could deliver a solid performance since the very first snippet of footage, he sounded incredibly forced, scratchy, and whiny as Spidey. It made the bland jokes even more painful to listen to. The rest of the cast, though fitting of their roles and not as offensive as Bell's Spidey, did not stand out or won me other. The show's soundtrack is mostly filled with electric guitar riffs, not unlike another Man of Action show, Generator Rex. It is okay, but so far, lacks variety.

The designs are rather realistic and detailed, while still having a level of simplicity to animate well. The animation itself is gorgeous. One of the absolute highlights of this pilot was Spidey climbing his way to the Helicarrier in the middle of the storm. The scene looked gorgeous and well-animated. However, the rest of the choreography is rather pedestrian, with no impressive fight scenes. I do hope this show can use the strong animation to its advantage in the future to deliver some strong fights, but for the moment, nothing impressed in this department.

Overall, this show did not make a good impression. Its pacing problems, weak script and dialogue, mediocre voice acting, and bland music failed to make a troubled premise work. Despite this, I will still keep track of the next few episodes to determine whether this show simply had a rough start, or it will have problems that will continue to plague it.

To repeat: the BEST thing you can say about this show is it is trying very hard to be a 1980's cartoon. The problem is that the 1980's ended in 1989, and when a character has had as many shows as Spidey has, a new incarnation has to offer more than hot air, cheap jokes and all the focus of a manic depressive on a sugar high. Even comparing this to a 1980's show is insulting as many shows of the era (not all, but many) attempted to make up for their cheap expectations with imagination or ambition. This show's ambition is to turn Spider-Man into a fart joke at the same time it wants us to feel sorry for him every time Uncle Ben is mentioned. The fact that this is the show that will replace "SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN" on Disney XD's schedule as well as in the hearts and minds of kids with short attention spans is perhaps the greatest tragedy of all. The fact that otherwise great characters like Iron Fist, Luke Cage and even White Tiger have to make their animation debuts as regular members of a show in a show like this is additional bitter repulsion. It will be for them that I keep watching, not for the web-slinger himself. Which is akin to watching "SPIDER-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS" for Iceman and/or Firestar.

But, in the end I am glad I watched these episodes, because at this point I think I was in need of some perspective. For quite some time I have been endlessly nitpicking the flaws and imperfections that are within "YOUNG JUSTICE". But after watching a show like THIS, I can truly appreciate that even "YJ" at it's worst has more heart, more intelligence, more imagination and more flair than this show may have at it's best. The sad thing is that there may have been something to a MARVEL TEAM-UP style show; a shame that it has to be executed this crudely and ineffectively.

Essentially it's Spider-man for idiots. But we just say "it's for kids". Because you know, we want what's best for our kids. Dumb cartoons. Who needs quality?

When you think about it this show is actually a good thing. I watch this and think "How do I get this out my head?", then the Avengers comes on. Thanks Ultimate Spider-Man for making Avengers: EMH 2x better.

with each episode this show lessons my opinion of Spider-man and nova. Why didn't Marvel just have Dan Slott write this cartoon

This show is complete ass. Marvel did a major misstep on their first animated show. At least there was no Shield & Spidey's teenage friends versions of other Marvel heroes in this clip. Do not watch this show if you're a fan of Spidey or Marvel.

I tried to like this show but it is just too goddamn goofy. I facepalm every time he does the stupid talk too the screen shit like every 20 seconds. The only thing I like about this show are the cameos and the animation is really cool. Avengers EMH is a far superior show.

I have watched every episode and tried to like it. Fact is its an awful show. Even for kids. They have bastardised the marvel universe in ways kids should never see. EMH is good but it pains me to say ' as a marvel fan boy' the best superhero animation on tv right now is young justice. It really is fantastic
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I do like this show, I just wish they lightened up on the jokes/4th-wall breakage a bit, it gets annoying after a while, especially when Spider-Man doesn't act anything like that.

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Thanks for the quotes. its good to know that some of the fanbase shares in our compliants.

I love Stan Lee's cameos in this show. its like Adam West cameos in batman cartoons, you never get sick of seeing them. I guess the Hulk episode is worth a tune in.

Edited by goku262002
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Its like the Sonic Colors of the Spider Man series.

I'll just stick with superhero tights, if that's O.K. with everybody.

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Its like the Sonic Colors of the Spider Man series.

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While Colors did have it's share of bad jokes some did stick, and it did have proper characterization of it's cast. Ultimate Spider-man on the on the other hand.... well doesn't do a competent job handling it's characters as we've previously established, and an astonishing number of the shows jokes are quite bad. I'd even go so far as to call them terrible due to the jokes set-up's, delivery, and being crow-bared in at the most inappropriate times.

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