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Ian has made the comics more like the games but at the same time he has been respectful towards the Satam/Archie characters.

When a kid walks into a store that sells comics and sees a Sonic comic, the first thing he's probably going to notice is the Sega Sonic characters. In fact that's the reason why almost all of the Sonic Universe story arcs have stared Sega Sonic characters(other then the Scourge arc).

I'm not worried about Ian killing off the non game characters. He needs them since he can't give the Sega Sonic characters a lot of long term character development.

I think that the comics doing pretty well right now. I'm glad that Ian's the writer right now. Unlike Penders, Ian grew up playing Sonic games, and it shows. Under Ian we have seen the comic become more like the Sonic games. We now have Seven Chaos Emeralds, Most of the echidna's killed off, Sonic acts more like his game counterpart. Plus Ian has bought in some forgotten stuff as well like Bean & Bark, and the Battle Birds from Tails Adventure.

Ian's not a perfect writer but at least he understands Sonic.

Edited by Rima Touya
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Ian's not a perfect writer but at least he understands Sonic.

If only everyone else felt this way, but alas.

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So, what are people hoping for in #250?

Something better than the Endgame storyline. Ian can actually pull this off, seeing the surprises he pulled off so far.

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So, what are people hoping for in #250?

The Freedom Fighters triumphantly reuniting and kicking some major Ixis, Eggman, and Goodfrey ass.

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So, what are people hoping for in #250?

Just for something bigger than every milestone the comic's ever had and so far, I'd say that's looking pretty promising.

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250? Genesis 2 obviously!! "hunted down by everyone". No seriously, I want to see Eggman beat Naugus and then Sonic beating Eggman. Maybe squeeze in some other stuff and we have a good issue.

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Rima Touya's last sentence basically took the words out of my mouth. Ian knows Sonic like no other person, definately more than us so-called fans that's for sure cause the bulk of us are complete morons who love to make up silly baby excuses and complain. The man knows Sonic better than most of us think.

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Rima Touya's last sentence basically took the words out of my mouth. Ian knows Sonic like no other person, definately more than us so-called fans that's for sure cause the bulk of us are complete morons who love to make up silly baby excuses and complain. The man knows Sonic better than most of us think.

The hatedumb is so strong in this fanbase, I mean people complain about Sally being the focus in a Team somehow emphasis her "sueness" and apparently makes her better than everyone.

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So that recent picture with the gaggle of metal characters has humming the "One of these things is not like the other..." tune, Alright we have the...

Metal Sonic, Metal Sally, Metal Tails, and Metal Knuckles, but wait! Aside from Sally, all three of those are Eggman's creations rather than the result of robotization (man, that is still a dumb concept), it doesn't seem like she really fits the same mold as the other three. I'm also seem to recall that the robotisized (what the hell, 90's?) version of a character gets the "Robo" prefix rather than "Metal". I also notice that there's a change in color scheme on Sally, which really shows off the absurdity of the concept of robotization, what happens to the coherence of the individual if parts are replaced? Can the silly wizard with the pointy teeth still derobitisize them? Could he do the same to something that didn't start out as a living creature? Could he derobotisize a toaster?

Oh, and how was Sally still alive? I thought Eggman made her just like perforated cheese. And what happened to the Vic Viper than Antoine was piloting? That's what I want to know.

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So that recent picture with the gaggle of metal characters has humming the "One of these things is not like the other..." tune, Alright we have the...

Metal Sonic, Metal Sally, Metal Tails, and Metal Knuckles, but wait! Aside from Sally, all three of those are Eggman's creations rather than the result of robotization (man, that is still a dumb concept), it doesn't seem like she really fits the same mold as the other three. I'm also seem to recall that the robotisized (what the hell, 90's?) version of a character gets the "Robo" prefix rather than "Metal".

Actually, roboticized Mobians get the "Mecha" prefix added to their names. Sally has it too.

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Oh, and how was Sally still alive? I thought Eggman made her just like perforated cheese. And what happened to the Vic Viper than Antoine was piloting? That's what I want to know.

At the end of "Genesis", Super Sonic used Chaos Control to reset the world to the point right before she died, and then saved her from the turret, which then shot Silver Sonic.

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Comic-wise, the word "Mecha" is applied on Mobians that have been robotized.

And Phos, obviously you missed a lot of issues, so go to Archie Sonic Wiki or somewhere that has the synopis on all the issues, saves time explaining.

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I was going to write about my particular disdain for the last Sonic issue, but was blown away by the awesome news.

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Oh, and how was Sally still alive? I thought Eggman made her just like perforated cheese. And what happened to the Vic Viper than Antoine was piloting? That's what I want to know.

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I was going to write about my particular disdain for the last Sonic issue, but was blown away by the awesome news.

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For those that complain, We are used to things and characters the way they are

So you like stagnation or the same thing over and over again? Meh.

I prefer progress and develoment myself. It makes the character(s) much more interesting as they react to events that have never happened to them or have happened in ways they didn't expect as they gradually occur. It becomes boring to see the character unchanged in development after so many years without something to add flavor to it, just as it becomes to chaotic to continually change the character after every story. And all this only goes to make Aquaslash's point about you as clear as the air I breathe as you continue to prove his point he made a couple pages earlier.

And I didn't even have to watch the video. I just need to read that one sentence you made. Might watch it later out of boredom tomorrow and see if my point actually stands.

EDIT: Actually decided to watch the video. Yeah, my point definitely stands. But the others probably have larger drive of chewing you out than I do right now, so I'll just leave it to them.

I'll say this tho: thanks for giving me some extra research topics for the editorial I'm in charge of.

Edited by ChaosSupremeSonic
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Where did you leave off exactly?

Oh, apparently it crashed, but it didn't really look like the Vic Viper until its latest use. They might as well start over, a fresh Vic Viper would be useless this late.

Oh, and:

Sonic and the Freedom Fighters have one mission: see Elias and his family leave the city safely. That'll be hard to do as Dr. Eggman attacks with his latest, most loathsome weapon to date! In such a high-stakes mission, even the unthinkable can happen.

Mustard gas? Dirty bombs? Biological weapons?

Eh, it's probably just a bigger robot, assuming that the comic isn't pretending like we don't know about Mecha Sally.

When it comes to not liking characters in different situations, the Archie comic isn't just a change of pace, it's coming from a whole different origin with different world rules. My problems with this other world isn't that it's different, just that it isn't very good in no small part thanks to its SatAM origins.

Edited by Phos
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Mustard gas? Dirty bombs? Biological weapons?

Eh, it's probably just a bigger robot.

There's also death rays, nukes, or the Tails Doll he sent on the city that has yet to awaken.

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This is a text version of "Why fans like characters and things the way they are"

Now as I mentioned in the video version of this which you can see on YouTube, I basically said that the reason we as fans are not used to seeing Sally in this manner even though I did not really specifically name her in that video, the reason I said that is because as long-time fans of the comic as well as the Saturday morning cartoon we as fans this includes even myself are used to looking at her like that, then what we are looking at her as now. The reason being is we're not used to it, nor will we ever get used to it no matter how long it goes for.

And now with the modifications that the head writer has allowed the villain to do to Sally, it makes us as fans not like it even more so than before. Now one can argue and say that we should allow the story arc to play out before we jump to conclusions and others will say that she needed this change to not only redeem herself in the eyes of those that are about who saw she was misused due the works of previous writers, but then also in the end it will hopefully make him more likable.

All that may be true and probably is, but again it goes back to the fact that we're not used to seeing her like this and it makes us as long-time fans hope and pray that she is return to normal sooner than later. In fact one reviewer on YouTube to quote something he said in his latest review I believe speaks for a lot of those that are not happy with what's going on, and I quote from his review, "oh crap" and "this does not look good" . Those are small quotes and sayings from the YouTube member and Sonic fan known as SonicComicWorld or SCW for short. And believe me for what I have seen and heard him say in previous reviews and topic discussions he ain't to happy about what is happened in the comic so far.

Speaking of fans like SCW, there are many or (to easy up a little bit around places like this) about the same amount, if not 10% more fans out there at the other Sonic message boards and forums as well as surprisingly at YouTube and at the most popular and recognized artistic/fan artistic website out there called Deviantart or DA for short. Now some of you may say it's a small majority at DA that's against what is happened, but let me tell you this it's a lot bigger than you think. Because when you search for fan art based around Sally you will see a lot of fan art at Deviantart on her original design, now yes I understand a lot of you will say that "the reason we see more of the original Sally design is because the robotic one is very new and we have yet to see what the robotic one can do in action." Now this is true and even though we have seen some fan art based on the robotic design it seems that fan artists seem to be countering that with more fan art at Deviantart based on her original design. And when you look all over the DA website you see not one, not two, and not even three, but a good chunk of groups that are dedicated to the Sally character, to the Saturday morning show which she came out of it and was introduced to us from, but also supporting her romantic relationship with a certain blue hedgehog. Now there are probably a few groups dedicated to the robotic Sally, but yet there is one group that just begun this past week which is against the robotic Sally and even though it may look small believe me when I say in short possible due time membership to that group will grow and might have more say along with those on the various Sonic message boards and forums than one can imagine.

Now you may sit there and read this and say that "I'm dreaming, it's never going to happen , give it up, grow up, leave it alone and etc." and you may have a point but let's not forget one thing, and I know this may seem strange using these two things as examples but I think it kind of fits for this scenario.

1. The SOPA and Protect IP Acts that Congress and the house of legislation were trying to pass into law. No one thought at first that there would be no stopping them from passing but yet the whole Internet community even those as you would probably say are small fishes swimming in a big pond or ocean surrounded by bloodthirsty sharks with no chance of surviving have all the sudden not only survived but come out victorious, and that is what happened when the entire Internet community and even though small websites and corporations came together to voice for their disapproval and disdain for what these acts could have done to the Internet overall.

Now you may say to yourself and ask what does this have to do with anything that he is talking about,. Again even though they were strange examples to use it shows you that you cannot judge something like this DA group that's against the robotic Sally just yet, nor can you judge those that you call at times obsessive Saturday morning Sonic fanboys/fangirls because if you keep judging them, you may wake up one day and find out that they have accomplished their goal.

What is that goal you may ask? Well it's real simple. To not only restore Sally to normal, but to show Ian Flynn that he could have done things differently instead of going this route or with no disrespect when I say this because quite honestly I don't want to see it happen to him, have him removed as the head writer of the main comic or even going as far as have him removed from Archie comics altogether. That my friends is their goal, the first one being the main goal.

However to shed some light for you all that think this is nothing more than bashing let me tell you this there are those even at this anti-group that are saving their coming judgment for either later this month when 234 comes out or into a few issues later, because only then will they serve judgment on how they feel Ian Flynn is doing as a head writer. That judgment being if he is still worthy at a chance to redeem himself heading into the 250th anniversary issue or if it's time for him to be shown the door or just removed as the head writer.

Honestly I'm just going sit back along with many others and see what unfolds. However in closing let me say this , if I was in Ian's shoes and because what I wrote or was going to write, If I knew it was going to cause even more dissension among the fan base with what I'm writing in the comic as a storyarc, as crazy as this sounds I would've made a proposal to the board of directors at Archie comics and even to those representing Sega of America or just the Sega Corporation in general that this story arc and even the anniversary issue of 225, that we should do a separate alternate comic of the main comic book with the same story and storyarc, but in this alternate comic book have it more focused on what many feel the comic book (the main one) should be focused on more so and that is the game characters. Because knowing that my decision to turn one of the most popular female characters, if not the most popular female character in the comic into a robotic slave for the main villain to use, that I would be why I would make that suggestion to do an alternate comic of the main comic and storyarc. Now some of you may say that's a dumb idea and some you may agree that it probably would been better than what we are seeing right now. Because you would be giving everyone overall in the fan base what they want.

Honestly though to get back on topic here, as I was saying everything that I mentioned above is the main reason we as long-time fans like things and characters the way they are and for no matter how long, we cannot get use to seeing a character or thing in a different form.

And before I go let me use one more example as to why as long-time fans we cannot get used to seeing Sally into robotic form. This example uses two of the most iconic animated characters or in this case animated couples in the history of animation and even comic book's. And that couple/characters are Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Now the example I will use is by question and that is, What would your reaction be if the head writer of any of the Mickey Mouse related comic books currently being published by Boom Studios decided to use a similar scenario in story arc as we have seen in the past few months with the Sonic comic book? What would your reaction be if Mickey had to go back in time to prevent Minnie from being wiped out from existence only to return to the normal timeline having resaved her from being wiped out only in return to have her somehow do a similar situation like Sally did and instead of being turned robotic she was turned into a female version of the Phantom Blot. What would your reaction be? Would you be happy? Or would you be pissed off as hell? Well if you're a long-time Disney fan you probably wouldn't be happy and you'd probably want the head writer removed from the comic or even worse fired from the comic book company. Now the reason I used this as a final example is so you can hopefully understand how the other 50% or even 60% or as you look at it less than that feel right now about what's going on with Sally, because you wouldn't be used to see Minnie as a villainess female Phantom Blot now would you? Now I know you're saying that won't ever happen because Disney won't allow it, which is quite probably true, but again I'm just using that as an example of showing how the fans that dislike what Ian has done to Sally feel, that is all it is.

And quite honestly that's all I'm going to say.

Why fans like characters and things the way they are.rtf

Why fans like characters and things the way they are.rtf

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Wait, Sally being robotisized is what you're angry about? This is one of the only worthwhile things I've seen done with the character because it substantially changes the dynamic of the conflict between the good guys and Robotnik (foolish as it was to miss the chance to kill Sonic, having mechs Sally is an asset unto itself, and it makes it very hard for Sonic to get Eggman one on one), and unlike a lot of deaths in other comics it isn't for or for the sake of some stupid contrivance or thrown in as cheaply manufactured drama (pick and major event comic from the big 2 for plenty examples of both).

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