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this picture made me sad a little. It's kinda feels like she sacrificed herself and everything and remembering things.

I hope they don't kill her off. Like I said on the SoA forums, it's be stupid for the writer to do so.

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She's smiling before it happens, obviously not going to last long.

Edited by Blazey Psychounicorn
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...I still want Sonic to race Sally on Stardust Speedway. :3

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Why the fuck did you post, then?

That was majorly uncalled for. Why did YOU post, only to blatantly break both the spam rule and the flaming rule? Don't do it again.

@bwrosas - I don't think there's many people here willing (or able! My computer can't handle video at the moment) to watch 10-20 minute videos to get one sole fan's opinion, as interesting as it may be. You'd find better reception, I think, if you briefly summed up your views in text to make them more accessible and so it feels less like the thread is being spammed with contextless YouTube videos.

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I will say that I'm glad that at least Sally wound up doing this out of her own choice instead of her just being stuffed in a tube and going "No" really loudly. It feels a lot less depressing than when she got shot to death earlier in the year, at least to me. So, part of the reason this is more amusing then sad to me right now is that Sally's not as broken up about it as I thought she'd be, even though she obviously made a difficult decision.

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I don't think she had time to break down over it. She couldn't allow herself the privilege. It would have cost everything. It seems pretty obvious in her insistent and forceful manner with NICOLE that she had little time to act - not only because of the crisis at hand, but also because if she faltered and lost courage, it would all be over for everyone. I can't imagine that she was actually at peace, only a forced illusion of peace in the knowledge of doing the right thing. But perhaps I'm reading too much into it.

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I don't think she had time to break down over it. She couldn't allow herself the privilege. It would have cost everything. It seems pretty obvious in her insistent and forceful manner with NICOLE that she had little time to act - not only because of the crisis at hand, but also because if she faltered and lost courage, it would all be over for everyone. I can't imagine that she was actually at peace, only a forced illusion of peace in the knowledge of doing the right thing. But perhaps I'm reading too much into it.

You could be right. A device that was more or less a time bomb was threatening to go off, and, like you said, she had very little time in light of the situation. Her emotions could have been all over the place.

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Advice for Sonic Fans that don't want to deal with Ian's Post Genesis Story

For those that don't want to deal with Seeing Sally as A Robot for the time being, I give some advice on how to pass the time.

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Brian, I understand that you've got a lot of thoughts, and it can be rather entertaining and interesting to hear your angle on things, but posting videos on the board...it's not working out very well. I'm not sure anyone is paying attention to your vids but me, or anyone who is otherwise already checking your youtube channel from time to time. So, as other have mentioned, you'd probably get better responses using text. I don't think it's so much that people don't want to listen to you as it is that the format you are using is not very convenient on a forum as opposed to a video sharing site.

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How many times do we have to tell you that your videos only interests you. I've been saying that for years!

Use your keyboard ! We're on a message board, not a live chat. A mod just told you that a few posts earlier !

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What I'am saying in that last one, is to pass the time, watch SatAM once a month, one eps. per month to pass the time or/and watch Underground or X or Adventures to Once a week (in a row if you must) to pass the time, that's all I was trying to say.

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Ah, a way to bide one's time until 250. Sounds fair enough. :)

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Ah, a way to bide one's time until 250. Sounds fair enough. smile.png

It does, and if any of you recall, when 222's cover was released, how many artists drew/redrew over that, Amy in Sally's place, hmm? Lots! And they can do the same with Sally, just draw here more recent design before her Mecha one, over her mecha and there you go.

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chaoscontrol14, you are a good man for unfailingly typing up such detailed and unbiased comic summaries, month after month. Those of us who can't easily get hold of the comics but still wish to keep up with them sincerely appreciate it. I most certainly do, anyhow (:

Edited by chaoscontrol14
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It does, and if any of you recall, when 222's cover was released, how many artists drew/redrew over that, Amy in Sally's place, hmm? Lots! And they can do the same with Sally, just draw here more recent design before her Mecha one, over her mecha and there you go.

It might be difficult to do something about those claws, but I'm sure a talented artist could figure something out. ^_^

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A well-written tale and actually gave Sally some character for once. Now we have at least 25 issues without unnecessary romance....Wait did Eggman get rid of his entire Dark Egg Legion?

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A well-written tale and actually gave Sally some character for once. Now we have at least 25 issues without unnecessary romance....Wait did Eggman get rid of his entire Dark Egg Legion?

No, not yet at least.

Until he get's a new robot army, he won't dispose of them yet.

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Received the newest issue in the mail today, and thank goodness they put that plastic wrap around the issue, because we got a snow storm going on in the northeast (U.S.) and snow got in my box, ruining the rest of my mail, but Sonic comic is perfect condition. :D

Anyway, I flew right through this to see what happens. We all knew what was going to happen in the end, but how it unfolded was really good. The touching moment between Sally and Nicole before the climax is easily one of my all-time favorite moments in the entire series. And the final image of the main story, as well as Sonic's and Eggman's opposite reactions on the previous page, are things that will stick with me for some time.

And someone has to get me a scan of that one image of Eggman early on in the issue when he realizes something just aint right with his plan. That's one of the greatest FAIL faces in history. LOL

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After reading a new issue I sometimes poke my head in here to see a few general opinions. But then I leave and effectively push the comic out of my mind until about the time the next issue rolls around. So yeah I'm actually little surprised by some things lol.

Also I love Sally and all. But now I'm itching to see what Ian has planned for Amy.

Edited by Dejablue
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I hope Amy gets more chances to show heroism through compassion and not just through combat. It's great and all that she's been shown to be a brave, competent melee fighter, but it gets dull after a while if she does nothing but go the "Hulk smash!" route to solve her problems.

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