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I just watched the last three weeks worth of episodes, from Vincent and the Doctor all the way to The Pandorica Opens and enjoyed them all! Just a couple of things I want to say, I've seen a good few of you use the word filler to describe some episodes could you please try and keep your anime out of my sci-fi please? ALSO Tealer, you clearly don't know what you're talking about because the Cybermen are no diferent from the old ones. Okay they have a slightly diferent origin but so what? They are more or less the exact same monster with better costumes.

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"Silence will fall........"

Who could be that evil voice saying that in the TARDIS? I'm guessing Omega.

One of the greatest episodes of Series 5 IMO.

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Just to let y'all know, there will be an exclusive clip from "The Big Bang" uploaded to the BBC website later today, along with a LIVE Q&A session with some of the team tomorrow (including the peeps behind The Adventure Games, who will inevitably announce Episode 2 which is due out on Saturday).

Stay tuned. Don't go getting yourself trapped in a Pandorica, 'k?

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Matt Smith introduces "The Big Bang":


On Tuesday we'll deliver an exclusive clip of this series' last episode. And on Tuesday afternoon we'll also be bringing you a live stream from Glasgow, Pacific Quay, where writer Phil Ford, the Voice of the Daleks, Nick Briggs and one of the Adventure Games' Executive Producers, Charles Cecil, will be taking part in a very special Q&A.

It doesn't end there as later in the week we'll have some more surprises...

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So, has anyone read any of the books? I'm reading "The Forgotten War" and I also have "Apollo 23".

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I don't read the books. Firstly because I'm not much of a book reader (I actually don't like that quality about me, books sound awesome and I can't seem to get sucked into them), and secondly because they're not canon until they're made into a Television episode or until their canonicity is confirmed.

If they were all canon I'd probably read them for canon whore/curiosity's sake.

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So, has anyone read any of the books? I'm reading "The Forgotten War" and I also have "Apollo 23".

I've read "The Writer's Tale: The Final Chapter", which isn't technically a Doctor Who story book but it's a great reference for budding (screen)writers like myself.

I also have "The Runaway Train", which is an Eleventh Doctor audio book that came free with some newspaper a couple of months ago. I've yet to listen to it, but it sounds quite interesting.

Oh, and I picked up "The Darksmith Legacy" the other day - a set of 10 (relatively short) individual books all being a part of an overall saga, starring The Tenth Doctor. Again, yet to read them, but they sound quite cool and I got them for a very cheap £6.99 for the whole set. Awesome.

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they're not canon

Hi Stefen, I didn't know you were a Sonic fan, cause you - at the moment at least - are the only person with the authority to say what is and isn't canon so, yeah, hiya Mr Moffat.

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Hi Stefen, I didn't know you were a Sonic fan, cause you - at the moment at least - are the only person with the authority to say what is and isn't canon so, yeah, hiya Mr Moffat.

Ha ha. Very funny.

I remember reading in a few interviews that the canonicity to media other than television, such as books and radio shows, are up for interpretation.


Oh, and before everyone starts going "rofl he used Wikipedia as a source it means absolutely nothing", check the sources of the article.

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Ha ha. Very funny.

I remember reading in a few interviews that the canonicity to media other than television, such as books and radio shows, are up for interpretation.


Oh, and before everyone starts going "rofl he used Wikipedia as a source it means absolutely nothing", check the sources of the article.

Yeah I know, really that's the case for everything ever though isn't? The only canon that exists is the one each fan creates in their mind, every hand wave they create and even every bit of fanfic they write is all canon, to them.

My general support for "everything counts" comes from me asking one simple question, why? Why bother working hard on a novel if you think people will just dismiss it. So yeah, in total agreement with you.

I'd like to appologise for being a bit snarky back there though, the word canon annoys me so much! It's like, why worry? Just enjoy the story, Son of Superman is a fun comic it doesn't matter that it doesn't count you know? ANY WAY! Yeah...

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Yeah I know, really that's the case for everything ever though isn't? The only canon that exists is the one each fan creates in their mind, every hand wave they create and even every bit of fanfic they write is all canon, to them.

I disagree there, especially when it comes to slashfics >>

My general support for "everything counts" comes from me asking one simple question, why? Why bother working hard on a novel if you think people will just dismiss it. So yeah, in total agreement with you.

The way I see it it's not dismissed until the current director says it is. So yeah I worded my original post badly, I didn't mean to say "they're not canon and they never will be", I meant that they're not confirmed as being canon, and as a result I won't miss anything important by not reading them.

If the shows mentioned important or interesting events from the books, I'd be more likely to want to read them is all. Like I said I'm really not much of a bookworm, so I won't really take much interest unless a particular book helps further my understanding of the television show or the series in general in some way.

I'd like to appologise for being a bit snarky back there though, the word canon annoys me so much! It's like, why worry? Just enjoy the story, Son of Superman is a fun comic it doesn't matter that it doesn't count you know? ANY WAY! Yeah...

No problem. To be completely honest I'm a canon whore, and I can get a little obsessive about it, but a series as huge as Doctor Who can contradict itself within canon, so it doesn't really bother me in that way.

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I think we're both canon whores in diferent ways, you're more "Only the stuff that the big man says counts, counts" and I'm more "Let's squeeze as much as we can in" both have good points and bad points of course.

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Did someone ask for an exclusive clip from The Big Bang?


Well sod ya, you're getting it anyway:


Doesn't give away much, but obviously beware spoilers - especially if you haven't seen the ending to The Pandorica Opens yet.

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Just so y'all know, Matt Smith has said in an interview that when filming other episodes he had to do odd little scenes here and there for Episode 13. So stuff like there being a 'second Doctor' in "Flesh and Stone" is likely true.

Expect The Doctor to be going back and visiting a lot of key moments from the series.

Two days.

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Just so y'all know, Matt Smith has said in an interview that when filming other episodes he had to do odd little scenes here and there for Episode 13. So stuff like there being a 'second Doctor' in "Flesh and Stone" is likely true.

Expect The Doctor to be going back and visiting a lot of key moments from the series.

Two days.

I'm guessing that could also clear up that bit in the second episode when a crying Amy recorded that video message in the voting booth. I mean, not really a plot-hole, but a little weird.

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Crossing my own timeline to quote myself, but...

Also, sorry for the double post, but...

Anybody notice that the Doctor was wearing his jacket again when he returned to Amy and told her to remember what he said when she was seven? Naughty Doctor, crossing his own timeline... you watch future episodes, it was too blatant a continuity error and just the sort of thing I can picture this madcap, all-over-the-place season doing.

Yeah. ;)

...aren't I awesome? :D

It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezes are cool.

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