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Jurist system basically enabled people to be declared guilty or innocent based on jurists' intuitions, rather than the presence of cold, hard evidence. Apollo didn't have to prove anything, he just needed to get Vera declared innocent.

Sorry, I think I worded my question pretty poorly.

I understood that the Jurist system allowed Kristoph to be declared guilty and Vera innocent, but does the Jurists' decision mean that Phoenix is innocent of forging evidence?

After all, Kristoph could very well have been guilty of the murder of Drew Misham without having to plant the forged evidence.

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Phoenix being declared innocent for using that piece of evidence might still somewhat be blamed on him, as he used it in court without proper research or approval. He just took it from some random girl and expected it to be another one of his case-saving miracles, and it sort of ended up being his downfall, even if that bastard Kristoph set him up for it. But I wouldn't put it past the court to pardon him for the incident seven years ago (I mean, Edgeworth more or less got off the hook when the same thing happened to him in case 1-5).

I hope that's what you're talking about, anyway.

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Dragon ages, RE5, with some need for speed undercover thrown in. All for the wonderful PS3!!! Oh forgot GOW 3.

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Phoenix being declared innocent for using that piece of evidence might still somewhat be blamed on him, as he used it in court without proper research or approval. He just took it from some random girl and expected it to be another one of his case-saving miracles, and it sort of ended up being his downfall, even if that bastard Kristoph set him up for it. But I wouldn't put it past the court to pardon him for the incident seven years ago (I mean, Edgeworth more or less got off the hook when the same thing happened to him in case 1-5).

I hope that's what you're talking about, anyway.

Yep. And thanks.

Anyway, I'm now playing Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. It's fun, but there's one word that comes to mind when I compare it to the other games.


From the main menu (it takes longer to display and select "New Game" or "Continue") to the actual investigation gameplay (it takes longer to walk around and inspect everything), it's a lot slower than the previous games.

The Logic feature is a nice touch, though. It was frustrating sometimes to have Phoenix find something and not realize how it's related yet. This does help a bit.

No courtroom tho'. I am dissapoint. Sure, there are arguments and rebuttals, but they're just not the same without the Judge and a witness AND a prosecutor on the opposite side.

If this doesn't change quickly I will be of the opinion that this is the worst of the Ace Attorney games. It is by no means a bad game, it's just not the best it could be.

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I've been playing the heck out of the games I got for my birthday. Here's my current progress:

Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing - Started playing a few days ago and loving every second of it. I've completed a few cups and unlocked about half of the achievements. I took a little break afterwards, but I'm hoping to get back to it soon.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Only had a short sample of this one. I played until I beat the first world, then took a break. I'm definitely going to have to revisit this one shortly.

Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars - Been playing this one like mad. I've already unlocked all the characters, everything in the gallery, and pretty much everything except for alternate colors and player icons. This game is a lot of fun and is easy to pick up and play. I'm going to have to take a break from it soon, though, as SMG2 needs a lot more love.

Transformers: War for Cybertron - Like SMG2, I've only played a sample of it. I've completed the first two chapters of the Decepticon campaign and unlocked a few achievements. So far, it's been great fun and I can't wait to get back to it.

Sonic Classic Collection - Been playing this one occasionally and so far I've completed Sonic 1 with all the chaos emeralds. So far, it's been an awesome way to finally beat the classic games I've only played occasionally despite owning numerous collections.

Mega Man Zero Collection - I've played this one a bit more recently and so far I've defeated a few bosses in Zero 1. This game is yet another awesome chance to enjoy games I never got the chance to complete or even play.

As you can see, I've got a lot on my plate. Even more will stack up next month when Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep releases. When that releases, I'm expecting it to take up the majority of my gaming time. Until then, Poison! I mean, Cheers!

Edited by chaoscontrol14
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Well, I just played Batman: Arkham Asylum for the first time today and marathon'd it. XD

Oh well, I still have P4, Peace Walker, and Scott Pilgrim to keep me occupied.

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Ovarloard, if you think Ace Attorney Investigations is slow, wait until you reach the final battle. :|

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My main obsession at present is Final Fantasy III DS, which I'm appreciating a lot more now than I did when I first purchased it years ago. Since then, I've played altogether too many RPGs that constantly screw around with your party for the sake of the story: Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy IX and especially Dragon Quest V stick out at me for that. It's not normally a big deal to me, of course, but after all that I was starting to get a little tired of it, and Final Fantasy III was exactly what I needed. Four party members who never split up or die, a simple story, cute graphics and plenty of classes to play around with. It's the comfort food of RPGs... or at least it would be if it wasn't so goddamned hard sometimes.

...I am somewhat annoyed with the game for making Scholars so useless, though. Seriously, you can't throw glasses and pigtails at me and then tell me I can't use them. That's just cruel.

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Ovarloard, if you think Ace Attorney Investigations is slow, wait until you reach the final battle. :|

Also known as International Politics, The Game.

Though I personally like the actual investigating far more than I ever did in the proper Ace Attorney games.

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I just got out of a recent co-op in MGS: Peace Walker.

Pretty fun having a buddy to sneak around with and watch your back.

We just fought the Pupa unit for the first time, and it gave us quite some hell. We had to make sure one of us was alive, and it was a pain when the AI weapon shoots you while staying close to your dead partner making sure you don't revive him.

Took us a bit to figure out his strategy as well. But we managed to beat it...

Then we did Versus Ops. The first round was funny: I picked a spot and hid in a box (classic) and stayed there until my opponent got close. It was even funnier when my opponent got the same idea, but was moving around nearby me while inside the box. Unfortunately, I kept shutting off my PSP by accident during the first match.

Tis a fun game, it is.

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Been playing around with Mafia again recently. Not because I'm actively awaiting Mafia 2 (which I sorta am, but I probably won't pick it up for a little while), but because San Andreas is still broken and because I wanted something to fiddle around with my new wheel with that wasn't a straight racing game,

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Been on a big retro gaming binge lately and pulled out a bunch of my old DOS games so I'm currently playing Ultima Underworld, Might and Magic, Forgotten Realms: Eye of the Beholder 1, 2, and 3, and Forgotten Realms: Dungeon Hack, Thor's Hammer, and The Elder Scrolls: Arena, and probably the Ishar Compilation if I can get around to buying it later.

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Been fooling around with the demo for Valkyria Chronicles II.

It's pretty fun. I haven't really noticed any major improvements that it had over the first game (it is just a demo though). And the characters aren't quite as likable as the cast from VC either. But this certainly isn't a crude translation of the franchise on to the PSP like those Ratchet & Clank games High Impact made. Sega did a great job of taking the great look, feel, and gameplay mechanics of the first game and translating it to a handheld platform.

I'll definitely have to pick this one up sometime.

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Dragging this back from Page #2... :blink: ...to say that I've just unlocked the Stormtrooper/Scout Trooper hidden character in Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi, that classic PSone beat 'em up. I also, this morning, got past the frustratingly frustrating speeder bike chase on Endor, in The Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force for GameBoy Advance.

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Now, it's been Dead Head Fred, Sonic and Sega Allstars Racing, Brawl, and Battle Network 4 Blue Moon. I am a little upset on how I can't even connect to a race online with allstars racing though (damn you Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection). I guess not many people race online with it at this point. Also, I forgot about Battlefront 2 on the PSP. I'm finally using the highest control scheme, so now I can roll out of the line of fire.

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I just beat Ryuji, one of the best boss battles I have ever enjoyed. It's just perfect. It feels like you're not fighting someone who's trying to beat you, it really did feel like you were fighting someone for the pure joy of fighting, for the pure adrenaline rush. It helps that Ryuji gives off enough of a Travis vibe to make it seem like two people after the same thrill are just enjoying the fight.

I had an issue with switching from the Peony to the Rose Nasty and he got in some cheap hits, but that's about as far as any frustration went despite my dying like seven times.

This is so much better than the first game in every possible way except for the gym.

Seriously I am paying 10000 LB for this 'sparring' session, don't make it so goddamned hard because I don't have cash up my anus.

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Megaman Zero Collection (Megaman Zero 3 to be exact) on a train getting an S rank on every stage with the Buster (trying to unlock the mini games)

I was playing and about 10 minutes from my last stop and a some kids come up and watch. And then one of them says:

"Whoa, is he playing playing poke mon?"

"Nah, this is some dbz stuff right here"

And I just shook my head left and right =\

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Taking a break from my epic Castlevania binge (and I haven't even played SOTN or old ones yet) to play Nifflas's games. Beat Within a Deep Forest this morning, a pretty fun Metroidvania style game, but really hard and frustrating at times, and then beat Knytt a little while ago. Not a Metroidvania, but it's got the same non-explorative feel, and I enjoyed it even though it's simple (infact, probably for that reason).

Within a Deep Forest's ball thing was really cool, but the glass ball sucked... well... balls ._. and some of the endparts just requires trial and error. Thankfully save points were frequent enough, and the great atmosphere and music helped a lot. Such cute games.

I am starting Knytt Stories now.

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I finally, finally got around to beating Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. I would've done it a lot sooner, since all I had left to do was beat the Shadow Queen, but all of those goddamned unskippable cutscenes scared me off after I lost the first time. Ah, well. I built up some courage and got it on my second try. That's one game off the list.

I'm also playing some Wind Waker, a game that I swear only looks prettier and prettier as time goes by. I'm honestly hard-pressed to think of a single other game of that generation that looks as good in hindsight. It's fun, too, obviously, but for some reason the graphics are what's really standing out at me now.

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No More Heroes 2 done. Fucking amazing game, I recommend you play it in front of small children and certain specific fragile and high-risk of cardiac arrest elderly.

Now, off to get Mass Effect.

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Would be playing Dragon Age tons more if it didn't decide after about 33 hours to start crashing randomly about every 15-60 minutes.

Bioware I love you but your continued game stability issues are bringing me down.

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Would be playing Dragon Age tons more if it didn't decide after about 33 hours to start crashing randomly about every 15-60 minutes.

Bioware I love you but your continued game stability issues are bringing me down.

Sadface, >=. I've had the game tits up on me a few times, but never that constant, D;.

I've been at Crash Team Racing again since it was on the PSN. I have it on disc, but it freezes up sometimes, and as you can imagine, it's annoying. Aside from that, I've been popping in other games from time to time since I'm quite honestly bored with every as sad as that is.

First of all, the GC memory card I had corrupted itself somehow ages ago, so just a month ago I got a new one. Been trying to beat all my Gamecube games again, but it's pretty boring since I've beaten them all so many times before. But, I still continue to put in SA2 and Windwaker *shrugs*

I need money. I need games.


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I've just finished a session of Devil May Cry 4 on the PC and I haven't felt so satisfied in my life after ripping dozens of demons to shreds. Plus I did a few sessions on NFS Most Wanted trying to unlock every car.

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Wind Waker in anticipation for Skyward Sword. When I beat this I'm probably gonna go straight to Twilight Princess.

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