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About this blog

This is where I talk way too much about my favorite topics, which include video games, movies, and lots and lots of Pokemon. Sonic Stadium will be a temporary host while I get my act together and eventually (God willing) move to my own website; life is kicking me in the teeth right now, so it could be a while.

Entries in this blog

Fangame Concept Project Announcement

So for any of you who came here from the Nuzlocke Forums, you probably know that I've had this Pokemon fangame concept in the works called Pokemon Destiny: Tantalum Chapter. (Believe me, it went through a LOT of name changes in its several years of development hecc.) It's set in the Kanto region about two decades after the events of Gen 1, the storyline revolves around the Pokemon Meltan and Melmetal, which serves as a second starter Pokemon to the player and has an evil team centered around it,


Lorekitten in Fangame Concepts

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