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About this blog

This is where I talk way too much about my favorite topics, which include video games, movies, and lots and lots of Pokemon. Sonic Stadium will be a temporary host while I get my act together and eventually (God willing) move to my own website; life is kicking me in the teeth right now, so it could be a while.

Entries in this blog

Ken Penders, Dr. Starline, and Pride

This article contains major spoilers for the Sonic IDW comics, and also mention of heavily implied character suicide. Which, uh, I guess is also a major IDW spoiler. Sorry? Breaking news: In the wake of the mass outbreak of Nac Mac Feegle in Paldea and their presumed theft of Gardelade's entire stock of Booster Energy Drinks, Team Booster has announced their intentions to search out the Prison Bottle and find Hoopa to warp the Nac Mac Feegle back to Discworld and be done with them. Please


Lorekitten in Opinion

Opinion: On the Nature of Art

So my original plan was to have this week's blog article be about my ideas for what Mega Evolutions for the Kalos starter trio of Chesnaught, Delphox, and Greninja could look like, but due to artist's block on figuring out two of the three mons (and debating giving one of them the Mega X and Y treatment; it's not who you'd think), I decided to go with another, shorter article today, written on a whim when certain statements I'd heard years ago started living rent-free in my head and I had to add


Lorekitten in Opinion

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