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About this blog

This is where I talk way too much about my favorite topics, which include video games, movies, and lots and lots of Pokemon. Sonic Stadium will be a temporary host while I get my act together and eventually (God willing) move to my own website; life is kicking me in the teeth right now, so it could be a while.

Entries in this blog

Lapsed Lego Fan Reviews Amy's Animal Rescue Island

So admittedly I'm one of those 'lapsed Lego fans' that gave up their childhood hobby when they reached a certain age and made the mistake of giving away their collection, not realizing that the Lego company literally encases its old molds in concrete and buries them to prevent bootleggers from printing their own copies, meaning that there's no way on Sonic's green Mobius that I'm ever getting all of those Bionicle pieces back. I don't consider myself a full-on AFOL (adult fan of Lego) yet becaus


Lorekitten in Sonic the Hedgehog

Archie Sonic Online review: Endangered Species pt. 1

In many ways, the Archie Sonic series "Endangered Species" was the end of an era, or at least the beginning of the end. I won't go into all the details of the Ken Penders drama or try to determine which side was 'right' (or at the very least, less wrong than the other), but suffice to say that due to Penders suing for the rights to 'his' characters, the arc was completely gutted of its original plan and most of its cast, leading up to the imminent reboot of the series to cut out any characters f


Lorekitten in Sonic the Hedgehog

(Canon) Characters I'd Like to See in the Sonic Cinematic Universe

So it's been like two months since I first moved my blog over to The Sonic Stadium, so it's about time that I actually wrote an article about Sonic. Admittedly, I haven't even seen any of the Sonic movies yet due to chronic health issues affecting my attention span, but there was an article recently and I wanted to comment on it. Recently Toby Ascher, the producer of the Sonic cinematic universe, revealed in an interview in Paste Magazine that he wants the Sonic movies to "be these Avengers


Lorekitten in Sonic the Hedgehog

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