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Gameplay Trailer for Sonic Generations


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Regardless, there was still a tendency for Unleashed's levels to throw you past multiple types of sets-- You went from docks to rainforested canyons to oceans to world-class waterfalls to ancient temples in the same level. So what if the progression was linear? I still felt like I was going somewhere, like I was seeing new things as I went along, like I was exploring.
Edited by Black Spy
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Well the thing about multiple routes is that they make the level feel more open. It adds that extra pinch of variety to the levels and gives them more depth.

While I do agree fully that linearity doesn't matter when there's a feeling of going somewhere, alternatively, alternate paths open up the environment more.

See that pic down there? Imagine being able to go around that big, green, juicy loop, or a path along that long, thick, dangerous wooden bridge, or a high up path along that tall, slender, sheer cliff on the left.

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As far as gameplay is concerned I just that there is more platforming for modern Sonic and that they do take cues from Colours. I think having the rings not go to zero in one hit is probably a good idea. In other words, blah blah blah nothing that hasn't been said before.

As for Classic gameplay, I have no complaints so far.

Since there really isn't a topic that completely fits this, I post it here. For those who care, BSC has posted a 1:03:18 long impressions video with Lewis back, finally.

Edited by PeanutButterDimond
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Man, looking at that screenshot of C.Sonic reminded me: Remember the time when people were falling head over heels for this:


How much standards have changed. tongue.gif

I find it interesting how that picture's environment is MORE realistic than the actual GHZ it seems based off of.

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Quick request, guys. Has anyone got the Facebook trailer in HD download? ArtFenix linked me to this but it's slightly corrupted. At 0:34 it will crash in most players, and become briefly distorted in other. I'd appreciate any links.

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Blue Blood, I actually found the teaser HERE and then uploaded it to megaupload. So, you can still download it from


or from


Edited by ArtFenix
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Man, looking at that screenshot of C.Sonic reminded me: Remember the time when people were falling head over heels for this:


How much standards have changed. tongue.gif

I always thought that was totally ugly.. I'm much happier with what SEGA did. I was worried it was going to look like Seaside Hill, which I especially never liked the checker patterns on, but they made GHZ look great.

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Blue Blood, I actually found the teaser HERE and then uploaded it to megaupload. So, you can still download it from


or from


Aha, awesome! I shall give those both a shot. Thanks again!

EDIT: Both work a treat, thanks. There must have been an error when uploading it to MegaUpload.

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I find it interesting how that picture's environment is MORE realistic than the actual GHZ it seems based off of.

I my honest opinion. The Green Hill Zone in Generations looks about a million times better than that image.

Also as to what Nepenthe said, I do agree.

Unleashed did have you go in what is essentially a straight line, but you felt like you've covered a lot of ground rather than just be movething through a lit of very similar geometry. I feel that that was what was missing from Colours. Everywhere you went in that game looked very similar to where you just were. Though with generations this sense of progress is starting to come back, even based on the Green Hill Footage we've seen now. You started far away and you could see pretty scenery and waterfalls in the distance, but that doesn't stay in the distance, later in the stage you find actually platforming over that very waterfall you saw in the distance, and go underneath it to discover a cave, then you come out on top, and you can see the area that you started at, except now its way back in the distance.

Kinda like Launch Base, where you can see the Death Egg in the background, but by the end of act two, you've actually at the Death Egg.

This is one thing that our current Sonic Team is brilliant at doing; crafting a beautiful environment, with actual topography which changes as you go through it. Arid Sands did it, Jungle Joyride did it, Skysraper Scamper did it (to an extent), Savannah citadel did it, so did Rooftop Run and Dragon Road. I certainly hope Sonic Team keep doing it and do the classic stages justice.

Edited by Scar
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Scar, you really put something about Unleashed into perspective for me. Kudos to you! We need a City Escape now which sees us at the top of the hill whilst in the distance we see where we are headed.

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Google is your friend.

I was actually looking for an instrumental version. Google yields no results.

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I was actually looking for an instrumental version. Google yields no results.

To back this up, I've done some searching (only on Youtube and the first page of Google, mind) for it too and not come up with any results.

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I just noticed that this is gonna be the first decent plattformer on the 360, or at least the first (presumably) univerally acclaimed one.

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After watching the gameplay again and again again....I think something that may bug me is when the tempo of the music (M sonic) speeds up and slows down depending on if you are boosting or not. I mean I kinda really liked the fade away effect from unleashed HD. It to me made it seem like sonic really is moving uber fast and is or about to break the sound barrier. But the speeding up tempo thing...That's something I'd expect from the wii or older systems.

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After watching the gameplay again and again again....I think something that may bug me is when the tempo of the music (M sonic) speeds up and slows down depending on if you are boosting or not. I mean I kinda really liked the fade away effect from unleashed HD. It to me made it seem like sonic really is moving uber fast and is or about to break the sound barrier. But the speeding up tempo thing...That's something I'd expect from the wii or older systems.

Yeah, as of right now it's kind of jarring. I hope they smooth out the transition a little more.

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Ok alittle more about the trailer music.

We already know its by Kele Okereke and the song's name is Tenderoni. Now the instrumental version is from a single named (what else) Tenderoni. but this single is very odd if you'll refer here:


This single has 5 different versions! and this particular song SEGA decided to use is from the "European CD single" version which is incredibly hard to find both legally and illegally.

I'm at wits end. if anyone can find the album and get the song through either means, i wish them good luck.

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Why can't we just WAIT for the music to be released?:huh:

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It's just trailer music, not the theme of the game. Do people think this is the new theme? O_o

I mean, the Sonic 2006 trailer had music from Pirates of the Caribbean, and that was nowhere found in the game.

Edited by Indigo Rush
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Why can't we just WAIT for the music to be released?:huh:

As Indigo said, it's got nothing to do with the game. It's not something that SEGA will release.

Also, lol @ whoever made that trailer and mistook Shadow for Sonic >.>

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I mean, the Sonic 2006 trailer had music from Pirates of the Caribbean, and that was nowhere found in the game.

Looking at that trailer now, I can't believe I'd thought that trailer was awesome back in 2006 especially now since I know that the game and that trailer is full of lies.

Edited by sonfan1984
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Looking at that trailer now, I can't believe I'd thought that trailer was awesome back in 2006 especially now since I know that the game and that trailer is full of lies.

Let us leave that abomination behind us

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Part of me was disgusted at the 06 trailer for having Shadow and driving a vehicle, a deviantart recolour, a disgusting lanky Sonic, and realistic enviorments and humans(especially afetr Heroes,it's kinda disheartining). But another part of me, thought it just looked cool, for being an equavilent of Next-gen Adventure of some sort.

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Is it just me or does the classic sonic look so.. obsolete.

Just watched that extended gameplay trailer, and to me it just doesn't look right. The same environment just to me looks silly.

I don't know.. Can't help but say the classic sonic is really just a marketing stunt. And i'm almost certain this is a way they can get out of making the huge levels they need to create for the modern sonic. Basically unleashed day levels, which I guess will be pretty good. Either way very anticipated.

Physics aren't looking the best on classic sonic either.. But i'll leave you lot to argue about that.

ps. That sonic 2006 trailer is so fucking awesome, makes me wanna cry.

Edited by mark
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