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Wow. So Ian actually DID want Phoenix Wright in, but Capcom denied it.

This is starting to confirm my fears that Ace Attorney is turning into the new Mega Man in terms of how done Capcom seems to want it to go away. Things are looking bleak for Dai Gyakuten Saiban getting translated.


Don't they have at least two Ace Attorney games in development right now, though?  (I think it's been confirmed that they're working on AA6.)  Seems to me more like Capcom has simply become less interested in localising anything which they don't think will make pots of money.  Which I agree is a big shame especially as part of the reason these things become lost causes is precisely because they aren't willing to push it (see also Square Enix's treatment of Dragon Quest and JRPGs more generally in the west).

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Don't they have at least two Ace Attorney games in development right now, though?  (I think it's been confirmed that they're working on AA6.)  Seems to me more like Capcom has simply become less interested in localising anything which they don't think will make pots of money.  Which I agree is a big shame especially as part of the reason these things become lost causes is precisely because they aren't willing to push it (see also Square Enix's treatment of Dragon Quest and JRPGs more generally in the west).


I thought someone said that the reason Phoenix wasn't allowed in was that there would be no way for him to take part in the massive battle scene at the end? 

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Um, yes? That was posted twice now.


Not in order though 

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Oh, actual progress with an ongoing plot point during the crossover, wasn't expecting that.

Also why is Sonic acting as if the last emerald is out in the open when he should know Eggman has it?

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Are the Sigma suits exclusive to the comic? Or were those in the games?

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Are the Sigma suits exclusive to the comic? Or were those in the games?

If you're talking about the suits the Deadly Six are wearing, they are comic-exclusive. Sigma uses the suits to take direct control of them

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Jealousy...rising! Hope my issue gets here soon, as I'm SOOOOOO itching to read it! (Heh. Seems like just yesterday I posted the first pics of Worlds Collide. XD)

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Also last picture won't show up for me.


EDIT: Ninja'd.


It works fine on my end.

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Oh it was Sigma that was controlling Orbot!


And the last one, this is where they will be robotisised into Sonic Man and M'egga Man or something right?

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Oh it was Sigma that was controlling Orbot!


And the last one, this is where they will be robotisised into Sonic Man and M'egga Man or something right?


Sonic is going to be robotized into Sonic Man, part of the robotized masters line from Worlds Collide. Mega Man's going to be reprogrammed by Eggman into M'egga Man 

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Think you can link the destructoid source article?


I knooooow! too bad hes only a guest artist I'd love to see him as a regular. ;-;

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OOH. Diggin the style in this issue!


I'll be really nice if he was a regular artist.

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It's always possible Schoening will get more gigs in the future with Archie, especially if his work is well-received by the fans. I definitely think it'd be nice to see him added to the bullpen.

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With a little practice, and making sure he doesn't go down the Ron Lim route* (overdependence, rushed pencils, etc), I think Schoening could be a great contributing artist to either Sonic OR Mega Man.


*Not that's possible now with the number of talents they have for pencilers nowadays...

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It depends entirely on what his schedule is I suppose. He's basically the artist for Ghostbusters (Luis being his regular colorist) but that's in a state of being mostly 4-issue crossovers (TMNT, The Real Ghostbusters cartoon) so who knows?

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Actually, last I checked, IDW has at least temporaily stopped making Ghostbusters comics. The last one I can think of was the Ghostbusters/TMNT crossover which he did draw.

Point is that I don't know what IDW is doing with the GBs, but it's no longer an ongoing anymore.

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Actually, last I checked, IDW has at least temporaily stopped making Ghostbusters comics. The last one I can think of was the Ghostbusters/TMNT crossover which he did draw.

Point is that I don't know what IDW is doing with the GBs, but it's no longer an ongoing anymore.


I wanna say I heard there may be a relaunch down the line? I think Tristan Jones had mentioned it briefly on his facebook, but as of right now, the current on-going is over. The TMNT crossover was indeed the last thing they did.


But hey, if the work at IDW has dried up for right now, I'm glad Archie is offering him some cool gigs in the meantime.


EDIT: Never mind, the next thing they're doing is a mini-series called "Ghostbusters Get Real". Schoening will be working on that as well.

Edited by Zaysho
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