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Kid Icarus: Uprising


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One thing that sorta worries me about the controls in Uprising is the thought that you might not be able to manually jump. And I know that's not entirely uncommon in games, and that a lot of great games won't let you jump manually(Zelda being one of them), but it's kind of strange considering it's supposed to be the sequel to a platformer.

The game looks awesome though. I just want to see some focus on platforming here and there.

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I've been playing Kid Icarus: Of Monsters and Myths the last few days (I'm only on world 3. Thebosses are fucking hard and take like more than 50 hits >_< Or I just suck...) And there are hot springs that heal you in the game. I the trailer to Uprising, there was a scene where Pit was in water. I wonder if that was a hot spring? What does everyone else think?

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Yup, it looks like it will be a good mix of mythological inspiration and originality.

When you get down to it, there is very little in the way of Greek mythology in Kid Icarus at all. You have Medusa and Pit's burning wings and that's pretty much it. Hell, Medusa isn't even some monster, she's a god. The way Pit, Palutena and Medusa are styled is kinda greekish and so do the towns and stuff, but in terms of mythology I would expect very, very, very little.


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When you get down to it, there is very little in the way of Greek mythology in Kid Icarus at all. You have Medusa and Pit's burning wings and that's pretty much it. Hell, Medusa isn't even some monster, she's a god. The way Pit, Palutena and Medusa are styled is kinda greekish and so do the towns and stuff, but in terms of mythology I would expect very, very, very little.


Yeah, it's not going to be a whole lot like actual Greek legends. There are references here and there, but they're pretty minor in comparison to the original things.

Zelda has a number of references to Greek mythology; Pegasus Boots and Pegasus seeds give you "the speed of the legendary steed". And one of the bosses in the Oracle games is a giant Medusa head. It's still largely a theology of its own though. Granted, Kid Icarus has more to do with the actual myths than Zelda does, but they're still, for the most part, in name only.

I think it's the name "Kid Icarus" that immediately evokes images of Greek lore that has people associating the game and its theology. When you actually play it though, you'll realize how thin it is. For this reason, I think they should have kept the original Japanese name, Light Myth: Palthena's Mirror. "Kid Icarus" hardly makes sense anyway. Icarus was a PERSON, not a race. And Pit isn't even him.

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When I say "mythological inspiration", I don't mean the game is going to have to be completely indulged in Greek myths for me to enjoy it - it's just that it looks and feels like something that could have come out of Greek mythology, or at least is loosely based on it. In a way I suppose it's its own myth, borrowing elements from others while still being entirely original.

I dunno, I'm probably making my thoughts far more complicated than they actually are :P

All you need to know is I'm loving the look of the game so far.

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I understand what your saying and I agree. I like it becaus eit looks like the Greek Mythology things, even though it isn't. I like how Nintendo handles it. If I want a game really based on greek mythology, I guess I can play God of War...

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Yes it's definitely inspired by and very loosely based on Greek mythology. They're tossing ideas around a lot, but the basis in there. it's Nintendo's own Greek mythology if you will, and it's pretty common for JRPGs for get Norse mythology and throw in their own ideas too.

I mean Persona 4 has quite a large basis in adaption of Japanese mythology, and that game is set in modern Japan.

And Okami is just the perfect example of a mythological adaption. Things may be more accurate than they are in Kid Icarus, but the amount of details changed and added are supposed to show a "hidden chapter of Japanese mythology"

So yeah, I assume we'll be seeing more Greekness in Kid Icarus, just don't expect it to be accurate in the slightest. It doesn't really need to be.

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If I want a game really based on greek mythology, I guess I can play God of War...

That's a lot closer then Kid Icarus, but it still takes it's liberties.

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That's a lot closer then Kid Icarus, but it still takes it's liberties.

Liberties indeed. God of War is much tame compared to the actual myths and not nearly as interesting plot-wise.

No, seriously, Kratos is par for the course when it comes to 'Greek' heroes, there's only one requirement for a Greek hero in the myths - badassery. Hell, there's more psychotic heroes than Kratos ever was *coughAchillescough*.

Edited by Masaru Daimon
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Huh. So he could've made Starfox? Wonder if it would've still been a remake? But, Sakurai is right, that the game wouldn't work as a Starfox game, but he could've altered it to do so.

I don't know what to think about Kid Icarus just being slapped on to a preexisting game. I mean it doesn't really matter as long as its good and the story is interesting.

Shooting on all sides reminds me of Panzer Dragoon Orta or maybe Sin and Punishment. Actually it seems more like a mix of the two.

I do wish they would've made a Kid Icarus more like an improvement of the older titles, but this looks great as it is, too ^^

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Huh. So he could've made Starfox? Wonder if it would've still been a remake? But, Sakurai is right, that the game wouldn't work as a Starfox game, but he could've altered it to do so.

I don't know what to think about Kid Icarus just being slapped on to a preexisting game. I mean it doesn't really matter as long as its good and the story is interesting.

Shooting on all sides reminds me of Panzer Dragoon Orta or maybe Sin and Punishment. Actually it seems more like a mix of the two.

I do wish they would've made a Kid Icarus more like an improvement of the older titles, but this looks great as it is, too ^^

They might, Sakurai is a smart man. It is possible for something that started as something else to change a lot in development. Like we've already seen the Eggplant Wizard. What immediately springs into my mind is how Devil May Cry was originally a Resident Evil game but they thought it was too different so they made a new franchise, and I know for a fact there was a SEGA game that had something to do with Sonic but then turned into something else. Darn, I need to remember since there are some great examples... But what starts off as one thing turning into something else doesn't mean it's just a repaint of the other, it changes in development.

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and I know for a fact there was a SEGA game that had something to do with Sonic but then turned into something else.


and i'm pretty sure ristar was awesome.

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Ristar was more awesome than Sonic has been since Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

I want my damned sequel already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Giving Pit a carefree personality sounds like it will make him rather adorable. I'm ok with this.

What exactly is an Eggplant Wizard?

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Giving Pit a carefree personality sounds like it will make him rather adorable. I'm ok with this.

What exactly is an Eggplant Wizard?

Eggplant Wizards are the most insanely fucked up enemies in video game history.

Basically, they're these weird, purple sorcerers with eggplants for heads. They shoot eggplants from their wands, and when one touches you, it turns YOU into an eggplant as well. When this happens, all you can do is run and jump, but not shoot. And the only way to get rid of it is to find a nurse in the dungeon(the levels where these things are found). What makes this such a problem is that the dungeons are like mazes, and the nurse who's able to lift the eggplant curse is usually located very far away from the wizards themselves, so if you turned into an eggplant, you are as good as dead- probably worse, actually, since you're just wasting more time and energy trying to turn yourself back.


Anyway, it's good to know that this game's story won't take itself too seriously. I'm glad they're trying to have some real fun with the characters and universe.

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Characters and story are all sounding very promising.

Gameplay is sounding more and more like Sin & Punishment every time I hear about it, which can only be a good thing in my opinion.

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Kid Icarus Uprising could feature online versus play (Official Nintendo Magazine)

Kid Icarus Uprising developer Masahiro Sakurai has told GamesMaster Magazine that his new 3DS game could feature an online versus mode.


In an interview that will appear in the September issue of GM, Sakurai told the mag that his team are working on online modes for the game.

"The online capabilities are currently being tested," said the Project Sora boss. "There could be some versus play but we can't go into any detail. There are a lot of capabilities that expand on what was in the DS that people are taking advantage of."

A versus mode is something that Kid Icarus fans wouldn't have dreamed of seeing back in 1987. After all, the original NES game was a 2D platformer but Kid Icarus has been re-imagined by Sakurai as a 3D Sin & Punishment-style shooter

Edited by Crash
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A versus mode? Well, that would be interesting. I'm not sure how it could be implemented considering the portions of the game that take place flying seem to be railed, but I welcome it as long as it isn't half-assed and compliments the style of gameplay.

Who would you control though? Recolors of Pit?

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Who would you control though? Recolors of Pit?

No... Palutena and Medusa's fashion designers, of course!

The ultimate mythological bitch fight.

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Playing as Palutena would be fantastic, but unless Sakurai introduces some more recurring characters to the franchise, like a rival for Pit or something, we'll probably be stuck with Pit recolours :/

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If it's anything like Star Fox Assault's multiplayer I will be more than happy.

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If it's anything like Star Fox Assault's multiplayer I will be more than happy.

...And the rest of the fanbase will act like it's a sin against nature. D:

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Playing as Palutena would be fantastic, but unless Sakurai introduces some more recurring characters to the franchise, like a rival for Pit or something, we'll probably be stuck with Pit recolours :/

Playing as Palutena would be interesting, but she has never struck me as a particularly capable character, despite being a goddess and all. When she's not being rescued by the captain of her guards, a mortal angel who can't even fly without help, she's sending him on very dangerous missions. Alone.

I do like the idea of Pit having a sort of rival, the same way that Medusa is a rival to Palutena. That could work well, but I would want it to feel like the character was actually written for the story as opposed to being an excuse to have multiplayer.

To be honest though, I think a lot of people oversell the importance of online multiplayer. If Uprising has it, it should be highly reflective of the single player mode and how it plays. If it were any character but Pit/Pit clones, they couldn't make it play as normal.

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