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Some user on Sonic Retro named "infinity" who apparently has access to the game. He/she provided the screenshot and the video leak. I imagine the user in question is going to hold off for a while now.

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I can't help but wonder why SEGA gives materials to people who are so untrustworthy(is that a word? lol!) They give them the stuff and they just leak it all out instead of keeping quiet and not post it up for all to see. As usual I'm not going to report on it out of respect, besides it's no doubt going to get removed anyway.

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So Sonic can get to stupid fast speeds without even trying and go up slopes and walls with little effort, and the devs seem to have a hard-on for speed boosters.

Good to know.[/sarcasm]

Yeah, I'm finding the gameplay increasingly cringe-worthy.

Edited by Masaru Daimon
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Some silly comments on that video, anyway the game looks freaking awesome from the looks of that video this has me wanting it even more now ^_^

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Ahaha, I love that pose when he's launched up off a quarter pipe.

Sonic's acceleration seems too fast (does the homing attack still break the game if you build up speed so fast anyway?), but aside from that I'm really liking this.

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So Sonic can get to stupid fast speeds without even trying and go up slopes and walls with little effort, and the devs seem to have a hard-on for speed boosters.

Good to know.[/sarcasm]

If you actually paid attention to the part where he walked up a slope, you would have heard that he had collected a "Super Sneaker" powerup right before getting to that point, which is why he was able to trot his way up there with little effort, although I have to add he looked like he was about to fall.

But I'll agree that his top speed is insane, but the acceleration rate in which he gets there is fine.

Edited by Indigo Dude
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Level design looks pretty good actually. I see lots of alternate routes and shortcuts Sonic could take throughout the level. I'm sure later zones will be even more fleshed out.

Graphics look great, of course. Sonic full-speed running animation looks AWESOME in-game.

Physics are still horrible though. Look at the way Sonic accelerates at 0:18....like what the hell? And he can walk up walls and slopes so easily. At least the floaty-ness has been toned down somewhat since the last leaked video.

Oh, and THANK GOD Senoue used the Sonic 3 Act Clear jingle. The soundtrack has been saved. *shot*

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Yeah, I'm finding the gameplay increasingly cringe-worthy.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Is there ANYTHING you liked in that gameplay video? Probably not right?

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Well excuse me for not being a paragon of optimism. <_<

If you actually paid attention to the part where he walked up a slope, you would have heard that he had collected a "Super Sneaker" powerup right before getting to that point, which is why he was able to trot his way up there with little effort, although I have to add he looked like he was about to fall.

Ah, I had my sound off. But he didn't really look like he was gonna fall off at all to me.

But I'll agree that his top speed is insane, but the acceleration rate in which he gets there is fine.

You sure? At the beginning, one simple jump and he's suddenly at top speed. His acceleration is broken.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Is there ANYTHING you liked in that gameplay video? Probably not right?

Actually, I did. The level design seems promising. Still not happy about the homing attack chains, though.

Edit: Also, about those screenshot leaks... Wow, Sega's security is really shitty this time around. On the other hand, that level seems to look half-decent, which doesn't surprise me, because stone and metal seems to be the only thing that seems to actually look good besides water with Sega's CGI.

Edited by Masaru Daimon
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Pants have been jizzed. Acceleration is still a bit off but otherwise I love the level design. Even the "god awful" badnik trails seem to be used properly. Already downloaded the vid for safe keeping.

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They brought back Sonic 3's 1-up tune........ THEY BROUGHT BACK SONIC 3'S 1-UP TUNE........ THEY BROUGHT BACK SONIC 3'S FUCKING 1-UP TUNE!!!!


Ahem, as for the actual gameplay, it does look a bit too fast, he really seems to accelerate too quickly. Though even the first level looks filled with many an alternate route as well as shortcuts from badniks, no bottomless pits to be seen, and while platforming is at a minimum in this particular act, it's not out of the ordinary for a Sonic game. Looks good, only complaint is that it looks too fast. Feels like Advance 1 more than anything, which is a good sign.

No signs of speed abuse, no signs of Homing attack abuse, it looks to be as Iizuka and previews described, no signs of linear level design, no signs of speed pad abuse, so I can rest assured that at least it isn't looking to be anything like Rush or Advance 2 by a long shot. The speed could definitely be toned down(looks like Advance 3's acceleration), but overall, looks very promising.

*looks at Youtube comments*

0_0......... damn.

Edited by Black Spy
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Music accompaniment.

Edited by Indigo Dude
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AHAHAHAHA. Oh, that slaps me on the knee.[/Heavy impression] Good one, Indigo. I was wondering why the hell Sonic is colliding with a badnik without looking like he had mercy invincibility, myself.

Edited by Masaru Daimon
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Well, that footage certainly is telling.

The level design looks really good; there look to be a load of branching paths to see, and it doesn't look like another hold-right to win affair. It looks FUN. And visually, it's also nice to see the amount of animation cycles Sonic has, all with smooth transitions. The animation for when he launches off a ramp is especially funny to me, as is his death one.

But the physics look off- I can't even say that they look bad, but something doesn't seem completely right. Sonic still look like he accelerates too quickly and in odd places, but it's certainly nothing compared to Rush. He's also floaty, but that doesn't look nearly as bad as it did in the leak. Sonic should probably be a little bit heavier and a little bit more restricted in terms of movement but I can't say for sure that what we have won't actually work on its own merit.

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I'll just say this: If SEGA can fix some physics before release, I'm sure I will thoroughly enjoy the game. I'm sure I'll even have fun otherwise, I'll admit the level design looks ace, and for the first stage not too easy, not too hard. However, some of the physics still look a little wonky. They look better, but still need some fine tuning.

I agree with the one preview that said it looks like a mix between Sonic 2 and Sonic Rush (Adventure).

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Can anyone please make a download link for this? I'm sure this will vanish soon.

Also Sonic just runs way too fast...

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Can anyone please make a download link for this? I'm sure this will vanish soon.

Also Sonic just runs way too fast...

I already have it backed-up for just such an occasion.

And I first thought that, until I realized Sonic got speed shoes at 54 seconds in. I agree Sonic has a high top speed, but then I think this is also a solution to the problem in Unleashed where Sonic's low speed is hard to platform. Actually, I think I like it-Sonic can go fast, but still completely controllable slow. different momentum for al different types of players.

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Have you got a link at all? Would be ever so grateful. All the "download from youtube" sites seem to be giving me errors.

Edit: I just hope they slow him down. At the beginning of the level everything just wooshes by until he runs into those Motobug. Both times there was no time to see them coming.

Ugh I really like everything about this game, it's just that acceleration. I just hope they'll release some official video of a more recent version soon so I know I'm not going to be playing a game of avoid the badniks in milisecond reaction times.

Edited by II Sora II
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Wow, I'm...actually a little disappointed, the acceleration is seemingly out of control, looks like the homing attack can easily be abused, and it does seem that there are loads of boosters, and I just noticed this, but all the moving objects (Sonic, Badniks, rings) look too big for their environment to me, or it's just that those loops are really small.


no signs of speed pad abuse

Look at 1:36-1:40, four speed pads in four seconds,

Though honestly, I'm almost completely sure I'll like this game, but from the discussion I've seen, I'm sure that this game is going to divide the fanbase (not like that's anything new :lol:.)

Edited by Ekaje
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I'm going to wait before I complain. I don't want to bring down the mood in here. Maybe tomorrow.

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The fanbase was divided well before Needlemouse was announced, and I think it can survive further divisions. I never suspected everybody to like Sonic 4. Heck, I've been entrenched in both Star Wars and The Simpsons fandoms and both of those are strongly divided. Funnily enough, Sonic, Star Wars and The Simpsons all suffer from classic vs. modern splits. Thankfully, I just like being entertained, so I ignore the haters (or in the case of SSMB give them negative rep) and have a good time.

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I feel so ****** sorry for Sega right now, not for the leaks, but for the freaking reactions that video is getting.

Here are a few from NeoGAF (YES, these reactions are SERIOUS):

Fuck SEGA.

That looks so shitty.When Sonic made it up and over a vertical incline FROM STANDING this game showed just what form of lazy trash it is.


And compared to Sonic 3 & Knuckles, it does look like complete shit. Looking like a Sonic Advance game is not a fucking achievement when you're called Sonic the motherfucking Hedgehog motherfucking 4, sequel to the best game ever created. I'm sorry that my standards haven't dropped so low after eight years of shit that I'll take whatever they give me so long as it looks halfway decent.

That was fucktrocious.

Anyway, I was going into this with the idea that I would still purchase the game regardless of what happens. I mean it's only $5. This video was so bad it single handily has me doubting even making this purchase. It's that bad.

I am deeply saddened by this.

Yep, looks like a $5 game alright

Oh my god I can't believe they called this Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

I am in disbelief.

Edited by 220
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Yeah it looks good, but the physics look nothing like the classics to be honest. I've never been one to rag on Sonic 4 and I still think it looks pretty fun, but seeing Sonic take off like a rocket in a few seconds and also seeing him walk straight up big ass hills while he wasn't moving very fast certainly proves that the gameplay is a far cry from the classics.

Oh well, still looks fun. Also Sonic 3 act clear! :D

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