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Animal Crossing New Leaf~


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You trip if you have bad luck. Katrina can tell you whether you have good or bad luck that week and how to avoid bad luck.

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Tripping is avoided in a plentiful of ways, I believe. I had a change of clothes and I haven't tripped since. As said previously Katrina can also help solve said bad luck.

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Basically what she does will tell you what clothes you need in order to avoid bad luck. These are on very broad terms, like pants or a unisex hat.

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Well I uh, glitched:




Basically if you dig in a spot against something like a diagonal river edge or a cliff like here with 3 holes around the corner of the invisable wall, you can wedge yourself in it. After that throw on the King Tut Mask and start sprinting toward the invisible wall until you trip, where you'll land in the next space over, thus being the top of the cliff or in the river LOL. Though to get wedged it's kinda complicated:


\ x0


Basically the slashes would be the edge you want on, the 0's are the open dig spots, the "a" is you, and the "x" is where you bury any item. Go stand in "a" after you bury the item, and then dig it up while standing in there (the only way to lock on to that dig spot from standing there), so when you dig it up, you're trapped in that "square corner" that you aren't supposed to be in technically, then yeah, do what I said about the mask.




It's pretty fun to mess around in, like in the river you can freak out your friends or you can even legit fish in there and still catch fish. To get out in the river you just run along the sides until a sweet spot lets you out, but the cliff is less forgiving. You'll have to save/quit to get off the cliff or manually boot your visitors out if you have anyone over so you meet them at the train station.


Fun stuff though, you should give it a whirl haha.


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So the controls in my game randomly froze just now. I'd opened my menu to release a flea, and then as soon as the I'd released it the controls just stopped working.The game is still running and it's not just idle animations either, since one villager keeps walking past me. It's really annoying though. I don't want to turn it off since I've spent ages making designs and landscaping today. Though, IIRC, if I leave the game on until 6am, won't the game respawn me back at my house? I'm hoping that I can just do that and continue playing then.

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^ The same thing happened to me once. It was really frustrating since I'd just finished collecting a full basket of bugs on the Island. I didn't know about it respawning at 6am, so I just reset and started over. =/

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Omg yes finally! Shampoodle is under construction! TwT

Anyway, quick question. Does anyone know if you can catch cockroaches in this, since I know you couldn't in City Folk? Besides that I've still got two more bugs to go from this month's newest catches, which are the house centipede and the giant petal tail. The ones I've already caught are the soft shelled turtle, rice grasshopper and turban shell.

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^ The same thing happened to me once. It was really frustrating since I'd just finished collecting a full basket of bugs on the Island. I didn't know about it respawning at 6am, so I just reset and started over. =/

Oh bugger bugger bugger. While the game would normally reset at 6am, it hasn't done so this time because the menu was open. Ugh, this is really really quite upsetting. I'd made so much progress yesterday.
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Anyone have any good Turnip prices today?


Mine are currently at something like 143, but earlier on they were 473. I even posted in the statuses so people could could get in on the good prices! Oh well...


This was the first time I ever bothered with the Stalk Market, and I got the big spike pattern. It was like this:

Monday: am- 94, pm- 90

Tuesday: am- 181, pm 200

Wednesday: am- 473, pm 143


Back on Sunday when I bought the turnips I only about spent 100,000. I wish I'd spent a lot more now.

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My Turnip prices have been absolute piss, The highest I ever had was 143. At first I thought that meant something, but then I heard that it sometimes spikes to 600 or so bells per turnip and that shut me up.


Anyway, I gave the Animal Crossing Plaza a whirl today. It's pretty cool. All the characters look great on the Wii U and they like to either talk about their lives or react in funny ways with some of the MiiVerse post. I've already update my Mayor, town and Dream Village info. Plus, I added my favorite character.




"Kicks is best character. He's best at every!"


Otherwise, all I did was upload my designs and called it a day. Tomorrow, or later today, I'll probably do a bit more when the community isn't updating so quickly.

Edited by YoshiUnity the Joke Killer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well for the first time ever in any Animal Crossing, my town is at perfect rating! :D I have two Jacobs Ladders aswell, now just to keep it going for 14 days and see if I get anything :)

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Well for the first time ever in any Animal Crossing, my town is at perfect rating! :D I have two Jacobs Ladders aswell, now just to keep it going for 14 days and see if I get anything :)

I was just coming here to say the same thing actually. Didn't expect it at all!

Thing is, now I'm getting quite fed up with my town. I really dislike the layout of it. The river is painfully awkward, I've only got one pond everything is just quite poorly placed. I'd restart if it didn't mean I'd have to reinvest 2 months of near daily playing.

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Yeah it just happened, last I looked my town was "so-so" then I came on and saw a wierd flower, didn't think much if it till a day later when I saw another, then Isabelle told me that I had done it.

My town used to annoy me, but after building two more bridges (and moving the existing one) I managed to make it work. I can't really see anything I want to make on the projects anymore though and I have no idea how ill fit 30 in!

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The Jacob's ladders just showed up for me this morning. And of course, bein a Sunday in August I'm unable to go into the town hall to ask about them, but I'd already read online what they meant. Earlier in the week I decided my town was too devoid of of trees so I went and built a whole forest in front of the town hall. That must be what pushed it over the edge into the perfect rating.

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Well, at long last that bitch Rocket finally moved away. Thank god! Now I hope the person who replaces her is at least halfway decent.

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So got a little obsessed lawl.


Currently have 4 of 8 of villagers available in the game. I don't think I'll go for all of them, only 6, since the wolves total only cover 4 of the 8 personality types. Sadly like 4 of those wolves are of the "cranky" type, which I have 2 already (Lobo and Fang). Then I have the lone representatives: Kyle as smug and Skye as normal. This means I just need one of the two snooty type wolves, Whitney or Freya, but will probably go for both.


That way I can get the other 4 villager types with other animals, totally out to the cap of 10. So in a nutshell, I'd be doubling down on the "cranky" and "snooty" personality types since I gotta double down on them anyways.


The question is the rest of them XD. I already nabbed Cookie for my peppy (don't really like any of these anyways), Beau as my lazy (wanted Lucky but didn't want to grind for him for days), and then I still need to find my jock and my uchi. Probably gonna get Bam as my jock since the deer are awesome, but no clue on the uchi XD. Most of the uchi are unappealing to me *shrugs*.




Aside from that I've been slowly getting more bored of this game and might take a break. The villager obsession lately has kinda been the main thing tying me to it still, but I'm almost done with it.

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I was told a new villager had moved in, so the first thing I do after my town loads is check the map for the new house.

"Cube." Huh. That's a peculiar name.

I arrive at the new home. Other than the roof and fence, it is entirely steel, featureless except for the rivets. Even the sign appears to be made of metal.

Weird, but it's their house, not mine. So I step inside.




I step back outside.



It's been several weeks since it took hold on my peaceful neighborhood, and so far I have had no luck it removing it.

I have never spoken or interacted with this creature, this "Cube". The only thing I want to do with it is to destroy it.

None of the officials or my friends will help me...strangely, they never mention Cube at all. If I ask specifically, they just gloss over its existance without details and quickly change the subject. It's enough to drive a man mad.


But there is a glimmer of hope.

Just a couple days ago, a laptop showed up in Re-tail. Its last owner? Cube. I purchased it immediately in the hopes of finding valuble information on it.

I haven't opened it yet, because I want to find a place where I can't be seen using it. There is also the risk that it is some kind of trap, but what choice do I have?


Wish me luck.

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Two of my villagers have left because I didn't find them very appealing. First there was Coach who was really boring, and two days ago Violet left who has been in my town for quite a while but...I thought she was boring and ugly. XD


Now I've got two dogs (Marcel and Daisy <3), two cats (Rudy and Katt), two pigs (Chops and Gala), Twiggy and Roscoe. The only one of those I'm meh about is Chops, who seems to have a crush on my character too. o_o Hopefully he'll be the next one to leave!


Still waiting for Jacob's Ladder but haven't seen any. There's loads of flowers scattered in my town and even a couple of Azaleas and Hydrangeas but nothing yet.

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I think I'm just about done with this game, at least with playing it daily. Getting pretty burned out of playing it every single day especially since I now have 9 villagers I want to keep. I might try doing the reset trick to see if I can get anyone in the campsite I really want (I'm crossing my fingers for either Olivia or Kitty, but it probably won't happen), but that's assuming if I want to remain tied down to this game for much longer. Of course I'll go back to the game during major events and to continuously fill out my bug and fish encyclopedia (I just recently got all fossils), but checking shops every day can only last me so long.

There's a trick to not losing your villagers even after not playing the game for a really long time, by the way. When a villager approaches you and says that they're about to move, tell them to stay. Save and quit on that same day, and you'll be safe for however long you decide to stop playing. That way, you won't give the game a chance to load up a new moving villager flag.

So if you're like me and you want to stop playing the game for a while, but don't want to lose any of your villagers, then you can effectively enable the Beautiful Town ordinance and suffer absolutely zero repercussions even if you go back to the game a year later. If you want to test it out just to be on the safe side, set your 3DS date one year in the future and create a new character (DO NOT load up an existing character such as your mayor). If you check your map and all of your villagers are still there, then that means the game has not triggered a moving flag without your knowing.

Later on I'll post my dream code if anyone wants to check it out. I might also talk about my villagers, including past and present ones.

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A new villager is moving in, and he has built his house on top of ONE of my orange trees. Meh, I can grow a new one. Let's see who it is though...ah, Puck. I wonder what he look like?





Ehhhh no thanks... D: Also, he's a lazy type but I already have one and his name is Marcel!


Blah..better ignore him so that he eventually goes away again. XD

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I lost interest in this game after about a month of playing and just cannot bring myself to get back into it.

I'm surprised though, I remember playing the original and Wild World for months and didn't get bored until I had done almost everything. I haven't even finished paying off the house or anything this time around, I guess my adult self doesn't get as much of a thrill out of 'life sim' games as my younger self did.

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I've been playing the game for awhile now myself. I'm not playing it as much as I used to, but its still fun in short bursts. I do think I've gotten a bit burned out on it, but its still ok. The recent things I have build was the lighthouse and I just  got offered to upgrade the town hall. It takes quite awhile to earn money in this game, since the main way to me seems to be fishing. I only earn about 15,000 to 30,000 bells a day normally in the short bursts I play it. I just can't seem to be able to sit for long bursts like I did when I first got the game anymore. Would like to, but sometimes just can't make myself do it.

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I was told a new villager had moved in, so the first thing I do after my town loads is check the map for the new house.

"Cube." Huh. That's a peculiar name.

I arrive at the new home. Other than the roof and fence, it is entirely steel, featureless except for the rivets. Even the sign appears to be made of metal.

Weird, but it's their house, not mine. So I step inside.




I step back outside.



It's been several weeks since it took hold on my peaceful neighborhood, and so far I have had no luck it removing it.

I have never spoken or interacted with this creature, this "Cube". The only thing I want to do with it is to destroy it.

None of the officials or my friends will help me...strangely, they never mention Cube at all. If I ask specifically, they just gloss over its existance without details and quickly change the subject. It's enough to drive a man mad.


But there is a glimmer of hope.

Just a couple days ago, a laptop showed up in Re-tail. Its last owner? Cube. I purchased it immediately in the hopes of finding valuble information on it.

I haven't opened it yet, because I want to find a place where I can't be seen using it. There is also the risk that it is some kind of trap, but what choice do I have?


Wish me luck.


Knowing that Cube is in this game has made me the happiest person etc.


I had some moron who moved into my town a few weeks ago.  Why is she a moron?

Well, I planted a Perfect Fruit tree RIGHT WHERE SHE BUILT HER HOUSE.

Guess where that was? RIGHT IN FRONT OF MINE.

So now, instead of freely walking in front of my house , down to the beach, I have to walk AROUND the house.

Damn it.





I know how to do a secret trick and get heaps and heaps of bells so I payed off my second mortgage all ready. Or was it the third? I'm saving up for a Kings' Crown now.

Edited by AzureHedgehog
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Knowing that Cube is in this game has made me the happiest person etc.

I had some moron who moved into my town a few weeks ago. Why is she a moron?

Well, I planted a Perfect Fruit tree RIGHT WHERE SHE BUILT HER HOUSE.

Guess where that was? RIGHT IN FRONT OF MINE.

I know that exact same feel, bro. It happened to me twice. On the first time I built a new town, and on the second time it happened immediately on the day when I planned to build a public works project to prevent it. It was right at the start of the game on both fjles, so they were the only perfect fruit trees I'd planted.

Go to hell, Diva!

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