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Exactly, and if he didn't know then he shouldn't have answered the tweet, or at least could have said "This information is unknown at this time, I will pass it on to higher ups and get back to you shortly" Instead of point blankly saying "No, we own your games".

Edited by Super Soniko
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I kinda wish Microsoft would just turn around and say "Bazinga!" already. It all just seems like a bad joke to me.

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Just goes to show Microsoft don't have a fucking clue what they are doing, or any direction in what they SHOULD be doing if their own employees is either A. giving out false or incorrect information B. The head honcho of the service they offer either doesn't know the correct details, or is lying to cover up the mess Microsoft left behind at E3.


How can we trust Microsoft if they can't even give reliable information when we ask for it?


It's like we're talking to someone in a wrong department when you ask for help on a specific thing, they kind of just look around in hopes someone who knows the right answer is around, and if not they pretty much just sweat, clear their throats and say "Sorry this isn't my department, I can't help you" or simply lie to you, so they can quickly escape and hope you go away.


Because burying your head in the ground and hoping it'll go away solves all the world's problems. It also makes me wonder how much this will plunge Microsoft into debt if it doesn't sell enough units to the ratio of what they're expected sales will be, I can't imagine the Xone is going to be cheap for them when the retail price is so high...

Edited by Super Soniko
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"It's a lower number than some of the analysts had forecasted," Mattrick said on Bloomberg TV. "We're over-delivering value against other choices I think consumers can get. Any modern product these days you look at it [and] $499 isn't a ridiculous price point. We're delivering thousands of dollars of value to people, so I think they're going to love it when they use it."

Competitor Sony will offer its PlayStation 4 at $400 this holiday season, but Mattrick believes consumers will choose Xbox One for its suite of exclusive services and applications like an improved Xbox Live, as well as Skype, Twitch TV, SmartGlass, and Kinect.


TLDR? "The Xbox One is over-delivering on value."




Now... yesterday, some people were saying that they were sick of all the negativity in the Xbox One topic, and to be honest I'd actually like to see some good news come this consoles way so we can actually talk about it.


But Seriously!? What planet are Microsoft on!? How can a company get this so wrong and continue the way it has? Yeah back in 2006 the Sony PR machine was spouting equally ridiculous things, but this is nearly a daily basis with the Xbox One, I've never seen anything like it.

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So any news about that Sunset game? It is pretty much the only game on this console that I give a shit about since the news about Titanfall may be going to the PS4.

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So any news about that Sunset game? It is pretty much the only game on this console that I give a shit about since the news about Titanfall may be going to the PS4.

I find it hard to find that game interesting since it was just a cgi trailer.

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I find it hard to find that game interesting since it was just a cgi trailer.

I'm trying to be positive. 

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TLDR? "The Xbox One is over-delivering on value."




Now... yesterday, some people were saying that they were sick of all the negativity in the Xbox One topic, and to be honest I'd actually like to see some good news come this consoles way so we can actually talk about it.


But Seriously!? What planet are Microsoft on!? How can a company get this so wrong and continue the way it has? Yeah back in 2006 the Sony PR machine was spouting equally ridiculous things, but this is nearly a daily basis with the Xbox One, I've never seen anything like it.


...Better value?!


How is the Xbox One a better value! You don't get a bundled game (like DriveClub for Plus users + indie games), or demos of the games showed at e3, or anything but a stupid (abet improved) Kinect and are forced to have a pay wall for online play and have to "phone" home to Microsoft every 24 friggen hours....


You are abouslity right about them screwing up left and right, and now its just getting old.

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...Better value?!


How is the Xbox One a better value! You don't get a bundled game (like DriveClub for Plus users + indie games), or demos of the games showed at e3, or anything but a stupid (abet improved) Kinect and are forced to have a pay wall for online play and have to "phone" home to Microsoft every 24 friggen hours....


You are abouslity right about them screwing up left and right, and now its just getting old.

I don't understand what you mean by forced here. Sony has a pay wall for online play with the PS4, too. Neither Xbox One's or PS4's is forced on you.

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I don't understand what you mean by forced here. Sony has a pay wall for online play with the PS4, too. Neither Xbox One's or PS4's is forced on you.

Isn't Sonys new pay wall far more affordable and better on the perks side of things? XBLA gold is introducing free games I know but, as far as I'm aware PSN+ still offers more. XBLA gold is required for any meaningful online activity.
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Isn't Sonys new pay wall far more affordable and better on the perks side of things? XBLA gold is introducing free games I know but, as far as I'm aware PSN+ still offers more. XBLA gold is required for any meaningful online activity.


Not to mention that the free games from Live are games that everybody who wanted to play them already have.


I am not saying that Plus' free titles are brand new either, but at least you are getting more variety and quantity to choose from. On one hand, sure, it sucks you don't ultimately own them at the end of the day, but having access to Plus for a year, and playing the free titles and beating them, if you really want to keep them you can buy afterwards.


In other words, Plus offers the games you have always been interested to play but never really felt like paying for.

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Not to mention that the free games from Live are games that everybody who wanted to play them already have.


I am not saying that Plus' free titles are brand new either, but at least you are getting more variety and quantity to choose from. On one hand, sure, it sucks you don't ultimately own them at the end of the day, but having access to Plus for a year, and playing the free titles and beating them, if you really want to keep them you can buy afterwards.


In other words, Plus offers the games you have always been interested to play but never really felt like paying for.


That's not really a fair argument though. The title that come in the future for XBLG could be great, and PSN+ could be shit. You never know what's coming up next.

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Not to mention that the free games from Live are games that everybody who wanted to play them already have.


I am not saying that Plus' free titles are brand new either, but at least you are getting more variety and quantity to choose from. On one hand, sure, it sucks you don't ultimately own them at the end of the day, but having access to Plus for a year, and playing the free titles and beating them, if you really want to keep them you can buy afterwards.


In other words, Plus offers the games you have always been interested to play but never really felt like paying for.

I... I haven't played Halo 3 :<

bring it to pc dammit.

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That's not really a fair argument though. The title that come in the future for XBLG could be great, and PSN+ could be shit. You never know what's coming up next.


What I meant is that the Ps4 is a great value (for the price of the Xbone + Xbox live and tax you could get at least a additional game and a 3 month Plus subscription) and combined with the fact that it is better hardware makes it a stronger sell.


In regards to PS plus getting worse, I don't think that will happen as Sony made it optional for the PS3 and PSV, they could have very easily put both systems behind a pay wall when the service launched but they didn't and made it a wonderful value with free games and discounts.  If it does turn into XBLG in regards to its lack of benefits, that will happen (if it does) in the next year or two when everyone has the service and Sony feels like they don't need make it better anymore.

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Here's the box the Xbox One will be in...maybe.




Same box they've been showing in all the promo stuff so far (with the exception of the Day one stuff) isn't it? Oh well, I'd be happy if it showed up in that. 


Better then most of the 360 boxes for sure :)

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Here's the box the Xbox One will be in...maybe.



....I'll pay anybody 25USD for the empty box.
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Hey, wait a minute. What's that wierd square in the centre of the controller? Did the pad get an update while I wasn't looking?


Other than that, I think cutting off almost half of the console, Kinect and controllers is kind of stupid looking to be honest. It's like the designers couldn't even be fucked to crop the art properly.

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Hey, wait a minute. What's that wierd square in the centre of the controller? Did the pad get an update while I wasn't looking?

Other than that, I think cutting off almost half of the console, Kinect and controllers is kind of stupid looking to be honest. It's like the designers couldn't even be fucked to crop the art properly.

It's a bit of text saying "day one edition".


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Now I have the Spongebob Squarepants episode Idiot Box on my mind for some reason:


Now someone edit this with the XBONE!





Edited by AdventChild
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It's a bit of text saying "day one edition".


Wait, seriously? That's it? No gold-coloured console stand? No Halo-themed custom decals? Not even a message reading out "I AM A MASSIVE FUCKING TOOL" spread along the length of the Xbone in giant Comic Sans font? I dunno about you guys, but a tiny cube of text in the middle of one controller doesn't really seem like much of a special edition to me.

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