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To be honest even tho the PS4 is by far the better choice for me, this news is critically important. I have gone from saying outright no to the Xbox One til these things changed, to "probably gonna get one once it gets some games that are down my street"


I'm in no hurry to get one, but I'm very happy about this news. If it's all legit and they see it through, it's good news for gamers everywhere in the world.

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I wonder how Sony feel about this change of events? I mean they can't really use Xone's weaknesses against them now, because now they've fixed the main problems (besides the price) Microsoft fans will follow suit with the rest of the community, it'll just put Xone back on top again.


Not that I'm bothered any more, but from Sony's standpoint this could be worrying news.

I don't think they'll care because their system is still competitively priced and it offers a lot of the same games.

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Microsoft fixing their shit..........................Good for gaming, still getting a PS4 because of the lower price. Still not getting your Xboned.

Good that our combined voices did something though! Vive la gaming rights!

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Y'know, it would've done Microsoft WONDERS if they didn't do this DRM bullcrap in the first place...just saying.

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I wonder how Sony feel about this change of events? I mean they can't really use Xone's weaknesses against them now, because now they've fixed the main problems (besides the price) Microsoft fans will follow suit with the rest of the community, it'll just put Xone back on top again.


Not that I'm bothered any more, but from Sony's standpoint this could be worrying news.


Sony still has a few aces in the hole; making clear the advantages of PS+ over XBLG, some key first party games like Santa Monica's and Naughty Dog's PS4 games, indie support, cheaper price point, and some money hats (buying KH and FF XV exclusivity, getting Gears of War, ect) to utilize.

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Sony kinda have the upper hand right now because they used E3 to drive Microsoft's buyer confidence right into the ground. Microsoft will need to spread this out pretty sharpish to pick themselves up to where they were before. 

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And not to mention that first party exclusives are something that could change with ease as Microsoft has a history of just not keepingup with the other two when it comes to that.

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Y'know, it would've done Microsoft WONDERS if they didn't do this DRM bullcrap in the first place...just saying.

At least this has gotten them a lot of attention now, I guess :P

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I still stand by my decision, that I'll only get one if Banjo 3 comes out.


So in that case, no I still won't be getting one.

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Call me a stubborn fool, but I'll still gladly oppose the company that wants to impose those restrictions. I don't care how far they backpedal- if they could get away with that level of dickery then we now know full-well that they would.


Fuck off Microsoft.


At the very least give the credit, they knew they fucked up.

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To all the people wanting a price drop; as long as the Kinect is bundled with the system, that ain't happening. That thing costs £80 as normal RRP (some places sell it for £100), and is likely the sole reason the Xbone isn't $399. 

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I still won't get it, because it's 500 dollars more than the more powerful PS4, and has no exclusives that I give a damn about.

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At the very least give the credit, they knew they fucked up.

It took Sony of all people calling them out after millions of people had already done so. They didn't know they fucked up. They just knew their profits would probably drop.

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Call me a stubborn fool, but I'll still gladly oppose the company that wants to impose those restrictions. I don't care how far they backpedal- if they could get away with that level of dickery then we now know full-well that they would.


Fuck off Microsoft.


Yeah, I'm with you on that one.


That, and I was admittedly kiiiiiind of hoping for #PLAYSTATIONDOMINATION this year. Ah well. We won.

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Call me a stubborn fool, but I'll still gladly oppose the company that wants to impose those restrictions. I don't care how far they backpedal- if they could get away with that level of dickery then we now know full-well that they would.


Fuck off Microsoft.

To be fair as a consumer who speaks with consumer money, buying an Xbox One when it has fixed features sends a generally consumer friendly and positive message towards them, it says "This is what I want, if you keep fucking around it won't be hard for me to drop it, but if you behave yourself I'll bite"


So basically

More support for this Xbox One > More support for the old Xbox One

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So, in relation to the no DRM/anti-used games news, is anyone getting the Xbox One now?
The console has absolutely nothing that interests me, but with this news, I'm still hoping for a successful holiday season for Microsoft.
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I'm still not getting it on account of being more interested in Sony's titles, but I'm really glad about this shit. Its nice to know the consumer's voices are actually heard for a change.


Microsoft, you dun did guud.

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At the very least give the credit, they knew they fucked up.


This is completely wrong.


They got scared because people loathed them and their product. They could either continue to pretend that they were right and watch the Xbox go down the shitter, or they could backpedal to the nth degree while they still had a hope in hell.


I can't wait for a time in the future when Microsoft silently rolls out similar policies where most people won't be aware. We know they will. It's merely a matter of when.

Edited by Blue Blood
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I still won't get it, because it's 500 dollars more than the more powerful PS4, and has no exclusives that I give a damn about.


I assume you got the RRP and the actual price difference confused there. I'd laugh if I ever saw a $899 console. 

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It took Sony of all people calling them out after millions of people had already done so. They didn't know they fucked up. They just knew their profits would probably drop.



Its the same difference, they knew their policies wouldn't appeal to their audience and after Sony kicked them in the balls last week, I'm glad they did this. It means Sony will actually have some competition and that's always good for the market. 

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