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This is very, very bad. On one hand we have Microsoft who threw consumer rights into the fire, implemented awful DRM policies, will not let you play used games, infringes on your privacy by forcing you to have their always-on camera/microphone thing running in your house, and basically says "fuck you" to everyone who has a problem with it. Also MICROSOFT HAS HIGHER FUCKING PRICES on top of all that. Then on the other hand we have Sony, who dedicated a portion of their E3 conference to saying "fuck all of that shit" and making it explicitly clear that they are not going to have any of that crap.


And yet who's winning? Microsoft. The company who takes a piss on your rights as a consumer, and charges you extra to do it, is selling more consoles. 


This is BAD. This will send a message to the gaming industry that if you do what Microsoft does, you will get better sales.

Microsoft's said you can trade in and buy used games, but only at participating retailers. Yes, it's restricted, but you can do it. Also, Kinect doesn't infringe on your privacy and you can turn it off.

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Microsoft's said you can trade in and buy used games, but only at participating retailers. Yes, it's restricted, but you can do it. Also, Kinect doesn't infringe on your privacy and you can turn it off.


Thing is though... You know, here in the UK, GAME is going to be that retailer, and maybe Tescos... how much do you get now for a game via trade in? Imagine how that's going to go down when they don't have to worry about indi stores, ebay or any other re-selling means.

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Yeah honestly. I sold a bit of my Wii library (that I don't play or Wii U sequels) and I got over $200 for it.


Gamestop? Best I can do is a lollipop.

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Yeah, you can get much better values from selling to smaller stores or especially through things like ebay and the Amazon Marketplace. I got about 400 dollars in funds by selling some older PS3 and 360 games through the Amazon Marketplace a few months ago, I wonder if that would actually be viable anymore since only Amazon sponsored sellers would probably be able to trade in Xbox One games. Speaking of what autosaver is saying. Yeah, I sold New Super Mario Bros. Wii a while back too, for 35 dollars. I probably would have gotten like 4 bucks at Gamestop.

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And I'd say MS' limitations for reselling aren't going to fly in the EU courts, which have explicitly spelled out that you can't get around first sale laws by using "licenses".

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And I'd say MS' limitations for reselling aren't going to fly in the EU courts, which have explicitly spelled out that you can't get around first sale laws by using "licenses".


I have the feeling that they'll get a judge to pull an injunction or something like that.

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GAME are hideous in the UK, I wouldn't even mind if they were going to re-sell them for a similar price. I was going to trade in my sisters copy of Brawl for her (when it was about 6 months old) and they offered me £7 or £9 store credit ( this was the preorder copy with the sleeve), look in their pre owned section and they sell it for about £25!

eBay, amazon, CeX and independent retailers are a lot better and give better value but Microsoft will probably choose the mainstream shops like GAME and Tesco :/

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I've said this before but, GAME basically make all of their money off pre-owned, that's why there's a big mark up. It's not unusual at all and independent places etc will often do similar. They make hardly anything off new consoles, games etc in comparison and the profit window is really small. It's why sales assistants push pre-orders so much, they can't afford to have stock that doesn't move and they need to sell as much as possible at launch to make a profit, which is why they'll also push guides, season passes etc. Not an excuse, but just to give you an idea of why.


I wouldn't say that independent places are always better. Some will still try to rip you off, and with places like eBay there's no guarantees. It's business. It's the same with pretty much any thing you buy really, once you've bought it, the value drops significantly. I'm not saying it's right, or fair, but that's how business works.


It's also why I rarely buy games on launch unless I really want them, then it's not a big deal when the value drops. I also never trade in games or consoles, but that's just me.

Edited by Mollfie
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I like how they state that this is the  BIGGEST GAMING PROMOTION IN BRAND HISTORY. Really?


But I won't lie: I kind want to get these Doritos just for the lols.

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Pre-ordered my Xbox One at GAME today. My parents are going to give me some Christmas money early when it's released towards it, so I should hopefully be able to save up enough for the rest. If not, I'll just put the £20 deposit towards a game. 

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We have our first! Just Add Water and Oddworld Inhabitants have taken a stand against Microsoft and so will no longer release Abe New 'n' Tasty on Xbox 360 and Xbone! This is in contest to Microsoft not allowing Indie devs to publish their games. Good on them.


Note that this is a change of plan since the Xbone was revealed. Up until now the game was slated for all platforms. It's still going to be on Wii U, PS3, PS4, Vita and Steam.




How far we've come.

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Shadzter, I'm really not trying to spite you in any way, but could you please make a case for why Xbox One has your patronage? I'm not condescending here, and I hope I don't sound like it, but could you please make your own personal "why Xbox is for me" post?

For one thing he is interested in the exclusives the Xbox One has to offer as expressed in his status in his profile feed.

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There's a thread over on GAF about how the PC's running demos of the Xbone games at E3 had cards which are twice as powerful as what will be in the 'bone. They weren't AMD cards, either...
4/10. Textures on arse are blurred to shit. Do better next time, MS, or see me after class.
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I don't see why this is surprising, both use the same basic architecture.


That PC is likely more of a Dev unit then anything, which means it'll be doing more then just running games and the extra power would be needed.


If anything it's a good reason to expect some really good PC ports from both the Xbox One and PS4 this coming gen.


Honestly this isn't a big deal.

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Nothing will stop the Xbone train:






“Microsoft has single handedly alienated the entire military. And not just the U.S. military — the militaries of the entire world,” says naval aviator Jay Johnson.

The Internet connection requirement is “the single greatest sin Microsoft has committed against all service members,” he writes in a post on the game developers’ site Gamasutra.

“No longer will the sounds of Master Chief saving the human race echo through the hallowed halls of the USS Abraham Lincoln, or any other USS ship, when we have a few hours respite. No longer will you see Marcus and Dom sawing through the Locust Horde at the bases in Afghanistan after the Marines have returned from patrol and want to escape their reality for a bit. Those days are now firmly behind us.”


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