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Don't think that's too crazy. The PS2 launch was huge, but it was also plagued with massive production shortages (though not PS3 bad).




Windows 8 didn't exactly do badly I think. People just didn't like it much.


Not only have sales been well below Microsoft sales targets since it came out; but the arrival of the OS was supposed to reverse the recent trend of people defecting away from traditional PCs to tablets for most of their "light computing" needs. That was, indeed, pretty much the entire point of the Metro UI.



It instead seemed to accelerate the decline of PC sales, even while Apple sales remained good over the same period.






It's no Zune, but it hasn't exactly revolutionized computing.

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Good post Indigo. I sorely hope one of those things happen, I don't want the Xboned to ruin gaming forever. 


I see people claim the One will ruin gaming everywhere. Why exactly do you thing it's going to "ruin gaming forever" potentially?


I mean the One definitely has the potential to change the market place and how games are distributed if it's successful, but I don't think anything it's doing will ruin gaming. Though it could change it.


We'll still get great games whether the One is successful or not, but as I said before I don't it'll ruin gaming.

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I see people claim the One will ruin gaming everywhere. Why exactly do you thing it's going to "ruin gaming forever" potentially?


I mean the One definitely has the potential to change the market place and how games are distributed if it's successful, but I don't think anything it's doing will ruin gaming. Though it could change it.


We'll still get great games whether the One is successful or not, but as I said before I don't it'll ruin gaming.

They're specifically saying it would ruin your right to legally own a video game. You can't buy XBox One games and own them. All you can do is rent a licence with a ton of strings attached. If you fail to obey Microsoft's instructions on when, how, and where you play the game you've licenced, then they revoke your permission, leaving you with a very expensive paperweight. Granted, they'll give your permission back when you step back in line with their instructions, but you still don't own the game.


That said, I think it's fair to say that not being allowed to own a game you paid full price for can ruin the subjective experience of gaming.


I personally am happy to give Microsoft the middle finger for this practice. Fuck them.

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"Why on earth would I live there?"


Are you fucking kidding me?

Edited by McGroose
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Come on guys, it's totally reasonable. Poor people who live in unfortunate areas should just stop being so poor and move out of those areas.

The best part is this is what Microsoft employees actually believe.

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I just can't believe that MS would turn their backs on so much of what made the 360 so popular to begin with.


I sincerely hope that systems which refuse anti-consumer policies somehow succeed and ones like the Xbone fail as much as possible. Even if the 3rd parties abandon the Wii U completely, I would rather they put their games on the PS4 (so long as its policies remain similar) than let them run amok on the Xbone. If the Xbone is a success and the 3rd parties feel that they can continue such practices, I do fear how long anyone like Sony could refuse to institute similar polices in order to keep them on board, unless they are willing to pay them off forever.

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They're specifically saying it would ruin your right to legally own a video game. You can't buy XBox One games and own them. All you can do is rent a licence with a ton of strings attached. If you fail to obey Microsoft's instructions on when, how, and where you play the game you've licenced, then they revoke your permission, leaving you with a very expensive paperweight. Granted, they'll give your permission back when you step back in line with their instructions, but you still don't own the game.


That said, I think it's fair to say that not being allowed to own a game you paid full price for can ruin the subjective experience of gaming.


I personally am happy to give Microsoft the middle finger for this practice. Fuck them.

Yes, the 24 hour online check-in is annoying, but If you're also referring to being banned from Xbox Live, they've already said that you won't lose access to your games. 

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Yes, the 24 hour online check-in is annoying, but If you're also referring to being banned from Xbox Live, they've already said that you won't lose access to your games. 

I was actually referring to the fact that you can only play a game for an hour if it's not on your own profile. Hour over - permission revoked.

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11 Xbox One myths debunked - Kinect, online checks, game prices and more
Clearing the waters muddied by Microsoft messaging

Seven reasons to buy an Xbox One
How you'll benefit from jumping in

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GB/WH Rumor: Microsoft dropping basically all Xbox One DRM, announcement today





Microsoft is set to announce it will remove DRM restrictions on Xbox One games and the need for you to have the new Xbox "always online".

Sources tell us that Microsoft is set to announce the changes later today, with games developers being informed first.

It seems Microsoft has listened and is set to change its mind on both DRM on Xbox One games and the always online requirement.




No more always online requirement
The console no longer has to check in every 24 hours
All game discs will work on Xbox One as they do on Xbox 360
Authentication is no longer necessary
An Internet connection is only required when initially setting up the console
All downloaded games will function the same when online or offline
No additional restrictions on trading games or loaning discs
Region locks have been dropped

Giantbomb is reporting it, but the site is currently down from everyone reading the article.


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11 Xbox One myths debunked - Kinect, online checks, game prices and more

Clearing the waters muddied by Microsoft messaging


Seven reasons to buy an Xbox One

How you'll benefit from jumping in


"Official Xbox Magazine"? Definitely damage control.


All those "debunked myths" are not things that most informed gamers are worried about, nothing in that article made me feel any better about things that I am informed about. Nothing is any less shit than it was.


However if those rumours of MS backpedalling on DRM and mandatory-online are true, that'd be a great first step.

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You guys should check this out. Rumor has it that the DRM may be stripped completely, among other things.


...I sadly doubt its true


They would have stated this at E3 after Sony stated it and it would make them lose their since of "pride" following Sony when they are the "leader" in the gaming industry currently.


That would be wonderful if it was true, as many Xbox fans would happily get a Xbone then :)

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Q: Will Xbox One allow players to trade in, purchase and play pre-owned games? 

A: We are designing Xbox One to enable customers to trade in and resell games. We’ll have more details to share later.




Q: Does Xbox One require an “always on” Internet connection?
A: No, it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet. We’re designing Xbox One to be your all-in-one entertainment system that is connected to the cloud and always ready. We are also designing it so you can play games and watch Blu-ray movies and live TV if you lose your connection.


With the update, these two polices are rumored to have undergone changes. Update has not occurred as of yet.


from NeoGAF.

Edited by Ringo ~
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So all that was changed was the used game thing?

Eh, better but still not worth the price tag. Still getting a PS4.

Edited by Chaos Warp
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It's all a bit of a muddle at the moment. GAF is going insane, pages explaining the update aren't live yet, apparently.

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Weren't they already not calling the 24-hour check-in thing "always on"? And wasn't their line on used games always that there was ~a policy yet to be disclosed~?


It just seems vaguer than before, not necessarily different. I'll stay tuned, I guess.

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