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No way Microsoft could have raised prices after Sony said in no uncertain terms that they would be the same as last time on the PS4.

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I only saw like 2 posts of it. this is sort of a big deal, microsoft was going on and on about how they are usng parts of windows 8's core as a medium for XBO gaming and yet a random E3 goer plays a random booth and the fucking thing crashes for us to find out that not only they are not even running on show floor Ones but standard upgraded gaming PCs that don't even have the same specs annnnd it has windows 7 as a base, not windows 8.


I can understand a Devkit or a show model crashing at least they are trying to demonstrate their console as working prototype, but this stunt proves that they don't even have confidence in their own console to be working at an event like E3. They can spew whatever PR bull they want, at the end of the day if they don't trust their console to be working at E3, how am I, a consumer of their products, supposed to trust them that their console will even 100% work for me come launch?

Thats some of the thoughts going on in my head when I saw those pics.



Couldn't have said it ANY better honestly. Good post there.

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And here I was thinking Rickrolls had gone out of style.


The internet:  Where everything is timeless.


Even though it isn't.

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I was never going to tell a lie and hurt you.

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It's Microsoft. 


We should know better.

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Nothing like going into a 90 page long discussion while not getting the joke.


Interestingly, me and my two brothers all got into games at the same time and started with very similar interests in terms of titles and genres. As the years went by, our interests separated in such a major way, we practically each supported a different console.


Sibling one <3 - PS3

Sibling two <3 - Wii

Sibling three <3 - 360


But we are once again united in our hatred towards the xbone.


Heehee. people calling it xbone makes me laugh. It looks like a rude joke. xP

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I only saw like 2 posts of it. this is sort of a big deal, microsoft was going on and on about how they are usng parts of windows 8's core as a medium for XBO gaming and yet a random E3 goer plays a random booth and the fucking thing crashes for us to find out that not only they are not even running on show floor Ones but standard upgraded gaming PCs that don't even have the same specs annnnd it has windows 7 as a base, not windows 8.


I can understand a Devkit or a show model crashing at least they are trying to demonstrate their console as working prototype, but this stunt proves that they don't even have confidence in their own console to be working at an event like E3. They can spew whatever PR bull they want, at the end of the day if they don't trust their console to be working at E3, how am I, a consumer of their products, supposed to trust them that their console will even 100% work for me come launch?

Thats some of the thoughts going on in my head when I saw those pics.


Not it's sort of not a big deal. Some games were running on proper Xbox One's and some where not, this is normal for new consoles and games at E3. The PCs not having the same specs makes sense as well because they're running development versions of games which are often buggy and unoptimized. On top of that these PCs are used for dev related stuff and are likely logging and doing other important things in the background. This is the first time many of these games are being played by the public and you can be sure they want to know exactly what happens and why.


Devkits, software and other dev stuff started going out in 2011/early 2012 to my knowledge which is well before Windows 8 was released let alone stable. The games should have no issues on Windows 8, but some of the dev programs might, hence why they elected to stay with Windows 7 for these PCs.


They do have confidence in it. As I said before we've seen the both Xbox One's and PCs were being used to demo games so that point become moot.


And how can you expect it too work right at launch? The Xbox we've seen is not the final version as the hardware and software will undergo many more tweaks before release. Any early adopter will run into issues, that's a fact, but the consoles they deliver in November should be excellent machines...at least on the technical side of things.

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I was never going to tell a lie and hurt you.

Kind of did actually, for a moment I thought they may have finally removed their heads from their assholes. I may be biased towards Sony but I understand how detrimental the loss of the Xbox would be to console market. I'd much rather see MS learn from their mistakes and provide good competition for Sony and Ninty instead of falling on their own sword.
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Not it's sort of not a big deal. Some games were running on proper Xbox One's and some where not, this is normal for new consoles and games at E3. The PCs not having the same specs makes sense as well because they're running development versions of games which are often buggy and unoptimized. On top of that these PCs are used for dev related stuff and are likely logging and doing other important things in the background. This is the first time many of these games are being played by the public and you can be sure they want to know exactly what happens and why.


Isn't this game that crashed Forza, a game being designed for XBO exclusively?

Bull to the rest of your quote segment, they had time to build a demo based on a current build, keep it stable, and get it running on a development/show floor One before E3. E3 isn't some private last mintue thing, its known big and they had tons of time to work for this 1 big reveal event.

To me, this looks like they pushed everything last minute and made developers bring their own development computers to have run buggy yet semi-stable builds of games. having it crash like this didn't do the game, console, and company itself any good because now look what happened, the console gets to look like even more of a sham because they didn't even have stable running demos running on consoles to begin with.

Show me a game that was running on a proper show floor One at E3, if you don't mind. then I'll buy that they were doing a half/half thing.


Devkits, software and other dev stuff started going out in 2011/early 2012 to my knowledge which is well before Windows 8 was released let alone stable. The games should have no issues on Windows 8, but some of the dev programs might, hence why they elected to stay with Windows 7 for these PCs.


Released PUBLICLY, remember the games division and software divisions are practically in the same area of Microsoft's mother base. they probably been sharing builds of windows 8 with them since the conception of the XBO.

Development Kits are supposed to show what the console would be in certain stages, some are released bi to tri monthly during a development of a console depending on changes internally software and hardware. there should've been at least 1 last development kit released this year, which should be damn close to the final model and architecture of what a retail one should be. so this whole win8 thing should've been finalized LAST YEAR if not earlier when developers started construction on their games for XBO.

And if MS wanted people to be on board with "using windows 8 as a base" thing, shouldn't development tools be working both on windows seven and eight? why cripple developers with tools that work on 1 OS but not on another? and Win8 is basically built off of Win7 anyways, programs should be working regardless, why still use an outdated OS if this whole win8 thing has allot of confidence in developers and publishers?


They do have confidence in it. As I said before we've seen the both Xbox One's and PCs were being used to demo games so that point become moot.


Again, the one that crashed was at an xbox one booth, I believe games there were shown exclusively to the one. any of the other games that were going multi-platform were at their publishers' booths. anyone feel free to correct me on that though.


And how can you expect it too work right at launch? The Xbox we've seen is not the final version as the hardware and software will undergo many more tweaks before release. Any early adopter will run into issues, that's a fact, but the consoles they deliver in November should be excellent machines...at least on the technical side of things.

You REALLY think that in the month of June in the year of 2013, the final fucking stretch of this consoles' launch countdown, that they don't have everything cemented?! theres no more physical tweaks they can really do before launch, this console is about to go gold and start mass producing soon if they do anything at this point its going to require a full delay, something I know they wont do for anything.

Thats unsettling what you said, because your expecting faults already. a console should be trusted to work 100% because were putting hard earned money into this. I don't buy consoles to expect a 10% chance of failure, no I buy consoles and expect them to work 100% all the time anytime.

And I'm damn sure Microsoft wants to avoid the RRoD scenario that afflicted the 360 consoles during launch. but seeing this incident leaves me with doubts anyways...

Edited by goku262002
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Not it's sort of not a big deal. Some games were running on proper Xbox One's and some where not, this is normal for new consoles and games at E3. The PCs not having the same specs makes sense as well because they're running development versions of games which are often buggy and unoptimized.


This specific thing isn't normal for new consoles, actually.


The early 360 "dev kits," meaning what they used before they had the final hardware ready and also used when they went to E3 to try to match the theoretical performance of the 360 while having something to show, was a PowerMac G5 with two physical 2.0 ghz CPUs and a Radeon x800 and 512MB of RAM. These were reasonable facsimiles of the Xenon (single triple core @ 3.2 ghz) and Xenos (Radeon x1800 with some extras) based on what Microsoft had ready access to at the time (late 2004); and the RAM was the same. They perhaps had more raw processing power, but not nearly as much power in the GPU. Later development kits running finalized hardware actually looked like the 360.


There are also images of those PowerMacs hiding under desks for 360 games for the first couple years just like this one.



The really early PS3 development kits were 2.4 ghz CELL processors with SLI GeForce 6800GTs with 512MB of system RAM and 512MB of VRAM; compared to the later dev kits of the 3.2 ghz CELL with a GeForce 7800GTX with 512MB of system RAM and 512MB of VRAM; and the final production spec dev kits with the 3.2 ghz CELL with a (closest equivalent to the RSX) GeForce 7600GT with 512 MB of system memory and 256MB of VRAM. The retail system was identical to the very last dev kits (including in appearance), but with half the system RAM (and later dev kits had only 256MB or system RAM as well).





Going back to 2001, the original XBAWKS was literally a PC in a custom case. Even closer to PCs then the new consoles are. Pentium III, GeForce 3, 64MB of RAM. You could build your own Xbox if you could find a way to flash the PC hardware to work the same as the XBAWKS'. The earliest dev kits had the exact same specs as the system, except in a beige tower with Windows 2000 installed and 128 MB of RAM:















These, however, are PCs with a GPU that is at least twice as powerful than the one in the Xbone based off of a completely different architecture, and a main processor that will probably be more powerful than the Xbone's as a matter of course. All power to the Xbone games running actual Xbone dev kits, but if the rest of those games were running off of not too far from top of the line gaming PCs when they were supposed to be representing what would be more like a multimedia PC in power, they are about as useful for "what will early Xbone games look like" as the original Killzone 2 trailer. More importantly, unlike the PS3 and 360 where they built the earliest dev kits based on what they had on hand to try to get similar performance, they were running these massively more powerful "dev kits" (and I use that term extremely loosely for reasons goku pointed out above) despite the hardware for the Xbone being readily available and contemporary PC components.

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Dunno if this has been brought up, but some good points were made about banned or frozen accounts whilst using Xbox One's services.



I thought to myself when I saw this, “no. This has to be some one being silly. This has to be something some one fabricated to make microsoft look worse and people just aren’t checking the source.”





I want everyone to think long and hard on this information.

This means that you are not buying your games.  You are paying 60+ dollars to rent the games from Microsoft, and they can take their game back whenever they feel like it.

You will not own your game.  You will not own your console.  Essentially, Microsoft is saying “We can disable your games and cut you off from accessing your console whenever we choose to.”  Because a ban that locks your XBox Live account means that you will be locked out from all non-game functionality of the system, and by revoking your ‘licenses’ on all your games associated with your account, they can then disable each and every game you own for the system.  Leaving you with a five hundred dollar cable receiver.  Or, in the case of most users of the console, a five hundred dollar paperweight.

All because you accidentally walked into some online glitch and the rest of the players rage-report you for cheating.

This is unacceptable.  Buy any console but an XBox One.  Do not support Microsoft’s sudden belief that they own everything despite our purchase of it, and we have to prove we’re worthy of being shared with by paying exorbitant fees and jumping through constant hoops and hoping someone doesn’t report us for cheating because we made them mad in an online game.

Tell Microsoft ‘No,’ and do not give them your hard-earned money for what amounts to a video game subscription service with a $500 starting fee and $60+ dollar purchases.


This just keeps getting better and better.

Edited by Super Soniko
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And considering Microsoft rarely allows an appeal of bans or suspensions ( the "Fort Gay" incident comes to mind) they could hypothetically ban you for any reason they want, taking all your games with them.

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Dunno if this has been brought up, but some good points were made about banned or frozen accounts whilst using Xbox One's services.





This just keeps getting better and better.

Major Nelson already confirmed in an E3 interview posted a page or 2 back that you won't lose access to your games if you get banned.



Here's the video:


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Major Nelson already confirmed in an E3 interview posted a page or 2 back that you won't lose access to your games if you get banned.


This is directly from a tweet posted to Xbox Support's official Twitter feed though, they can't just lie like that without some truth behind it, so for now I'm taking both sources with a pinch of salt, knowing how rocky Microsoft's relationship is with the consumers right now.

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Major Nelson already confirmed in an E3 interview posted a page or 2 back that you won't lose access to your games if you get banned.



Here's the video:



But it begs the question: If you don't lose your games when your account is banned, what DOES happen to them?


Xbone games require an XBLA account verification to be played. How do you play your games if your account is no longer available?

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Microsoft's chief of interactive entertainment, Don Mattrick admits the xbox one was a "flop"




We did it!


Microsoft hasn't given up on us or let us down thankfully.


Screw you man...I thought it was real! tongue.png

Edited by KrazyBean
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Sunset Overdrive: Insomniac discusses Xbox One exclusivity
CEO points to quicker production cycles and timely content updates

This is directly from a tweet posted to Xbox Support's official Twitter feed though, they can't just lie like that without some truth behind it, so for now I'm taking both sources with a pinch of salt, knowing how rocky Microsoft's relationship is with the consumers right now.

I think the Xbox Live Director of Programming is a bit more credible than a support rep. 

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I'm just curious... what are the confirmed launch/day 1 titles for this thing?

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I'm just curious... what are the confirmed launch/day 1 titles for this thing?


Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag

Battlefield 4

Call of Duty: Ghosts

Dead Rising 3

FIFA '14

Forza Motorsport 5


Killer Instinct

Kinect Sports: Rivals

Madden 25


NBA Live


Need For Speed: Rivals

Ryse: Son of Rome


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Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag

Battlefield 4

Call of Duty: Ghosts

Dead Rising 3

FIFA '14

Forza Motorsport 5


Killer Instinct

Kinect Sports: Rivals

Madden 25


NBA Live


Need For Speed: Rivals

Ryse: Son of Rome



And if you live in US (Though not a game) The TV functionalities I think

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I think the Xbox Live Director of Programming is a bit more credible than a support rep. 


Ordinarily I'd agree, but Major Nelson was the one giving bad info about how the used game thing would work during the shit storm back in May when the customer support reps were giving somewhat more (though not completely) accurate info; so at this point it really is a wash because it doesn't seem like Microsoft as a company knows.

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