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The original Mario & Luigi for the GBA. I can't believe how old this game is.

Older, more forgotten, GameBoy Advance videogames are ace. I'm currently playing Star Wars: Episode II - The New Droid Army, and loving it! :)

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Oh, while Glenn's here:

Recently I played some GoldenEye 007 for the N64 that I got from my cousin. I tried it years ago but not for long; I didn't get very far because as fun as it is, the framerate kills the experience for me. Thankfully my cousin has a completed save file in which I can mess around without worrying about screwing up. I might make a more earnest attempt to beat the game in the future, but the choppiness makes it hard to deal with several enemies in a single room.

Anyway, as I've now beaten Superstar Saga, I've just recently completed every Mario RPG I own save for Bowser's Inside Story. I keep playing the Challenge Node but I doubt I'll get better ranks.

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I've had this game for over a year and I've not played it once until yesterday. But since then I can't put it down.

Prince of Persia on the PS3. Really suprised at how good this is, the graphics look beautiful, it's the best use of cel shading I've never seen and really adds to the magical/mystic nature of the land as well as the story. Platforming is really good, very simple controls but a lot of variety in each area to how you get to the objective, it's not just the same obsticles over and over, theres variety and twists on each one so no one land feels the same as another.

Theres only three problems with it so far.

Combat: Combat is a bit crap. Theres no other way to describe it, theres virtually no enemies, but when you do encounter one the combat isn't the most advanced thing out there.

The bosses: Theres only 4 bosses (well technically 5), and you fight them all 6 times in total, the only thing that changes is how often they block and attack you, it makes for very boring boss fights in the later stages.

Nathan Drake is the star: So this game came out after the original Uncharted and Ubisoft got Nathan Drakes voice actor to be 'Prince' however... theres a problem, they've hired him because of Uncharted (they've gone on record to say this is why they hired him), as a result you're constantly thinking "This is Nathan Drake" Nobody in the game calls Prince by either his real name or 'prince' so I'm always thinking "This is nathan drake."

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I got Dragon Age II today, it's pretty fun for the most part, still kind of dislike having to press A over and over again just to perform a basic attack.

Got back into playing Lord of the Rings Online. Started over with a new Dwarf Guardian, and I'm doing pretty okish so far.

Playing through Pokemon Soul Silver while I wait for Pokemon Black to arrive (still hasn't shipped yet, if it doesn't tomorrow I'm going to be pretty angry). I drove through the Elite Four using nothing but my lvl. 45 Lugia (now lvl. 49). Pretty intense stuff.

EDIT: Oh right, almost forgot. I started a new file in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Pretty fun game.

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Been playing Epic Mickey, and doing a second playthrough to get all the pins and extra content.

It's great when it comes to music, art direction, story and characters. Gameplay on the other hand, is just alright. It's a shame too, because it was so hyped up.

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Well, right now I should be playing Star Wars: Battlefront - Elite Squadron, on Nintendo DS, but my battery light flashed red halfway through the second mission, so am recharging the console and waiting patiently!

Initial reaction is one of slight disappointment. I knew they'd never be able to accurately convey the full experience of Star Wars: Battlefront, itself a videogame barely able to fit on PlayStation2, onto the dual screens of the least-powerful console of the current generation. It isn't so much that I expected more of it, but rather... I don't know. The developer, n-Space, are in my extremely good books of late, as they were responsible for the outstanding Nintendo DS versions of the two James Bond 007 videogames that were released in November 2010, but this falls short of the mark.

And coming fresh from Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes, again on the Nintendo DS and again an outstandingly mindblowing videogame, doesn't exactly help either. They're two very different experiences, but the little touches get to me. For example, the more realistic Elite Squadron, with the more serious storyline, has no voice acting whatsoever. Republic Heroes, meanwhile, offered full voice acting in all levels, cutscenes and menu screens (and it was a long script, too, with a cast of dozens). The environments were also larger in the latter, whereas the sprawling engagements of the former are reduced to corridors and canyons on-foot. Slight redemption comes during vehicle sections. They look gorgeous and spectacular... so shame about the framerate and invisible walls, then.

The final blow came when I tested a Hero Mode brawl (one of the series' highlights, pitting various Jedi and Sith against one another) and discovered it to be a claustrophobic, near-uncontrollable mess of confusion and noise. But hey, at least the Emperor is a playable character, which is always a bonus!

I shall continue with it later, hoping that the promising storyline makes it all worthwhile. :)

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Along with probably half of the planet, I'm playing Pokemon White right now. It's good.

I've played plenty of games, mainly for handhelds, over the five-ish weeks since my laptop died on me, so I'll try and think of most of them. Uhh... Metroid Zero Mission, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Mega Man 10, Pokemon HeartGold, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (which I couldn't force myself to finish again), Cave Story (for the second time), Dragon Quest V (ditto), Dragon Quest IX... probably a few others I can't remember. My individual thoughts on most of them have blended together a bit, unfortunately, but apart from Explorers of Sky I'd give them all a generic seal of approval.

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I've recently gotten Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. I've already played the previous two, and this game is going pretty well so far. The framerate kind of sucks but that's probably because Rome is as big as it is. I feel like this game isn't as polished, but it is still pretty damn fun. I love recruiting Assassins and calling them when I need them. I know people say it's basically a useless addition, but I still love it despite that. :lol:

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Been playing AC:Brotherhood's new DLC. Finished the whole thing aaaand...I'm dissapoint. It was WAY too short! =[ Still, I need to check out the multiplayer. Where's that 2 day trial card I have??

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Just got Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle (otherwise known as Phantom Brave Portable) yesterday, been playing it non-stop. Pretty stellar port I must say.

The game is a lot deeper then I remember, still hard, and still as heart rending as the first time I played it.

I haven't even gotten passed chapter 1 yet, and I've been playing for a good 6 hours or so.

Update: Now I'm playing Nocturne.

Those who know know, those who don't should be half glad they don't, and half curious.

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Ar Tonelico 3 or Qoga, depends on which name you prefer. I've never played a single game in this series before, so I was a bit worried about how it would play. I've enjoyed what I've played of it today. It sucks that my gaming skills have diminished, I just can't progress through a game as fast as I used to :(.

Edit: So disappointed that the soundtrack that comes with the game doesn't have the OP song... sucks, but oh well I'll find them somewhere, least I got a artbook and a shameful purge party calendar featuring the scantily clad heroins.

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Replayed some of my guilty pleasure, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent, yesterday and Wednesday. I had to actually schedule the time in, as well, because the shortest mission takes around twenty minutes... the longest (and my favourite), forty-five minutes. That's what you get when you create both the inside and outside of an accurate, to-scale Hoover Dam!

I should also be starting Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Prophecy, for GameBoy Advance, at some point.

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FINALLY beat Crash: Mind Over Mutant on PSP the other day.


I've had this game since around the time it came out at the end of October 2008, so talk about taking it slow and steady :lol: It was a pretty average game, but the various mutants you can control are pretty fun and a lot more useful now that they can jump, which is something they couldn't do in Crash of the Titans. Another addition I'm glad was added is a shadow, so you can see where you're landing when making jumps. Levels were decent and some of the bosses were challenging, but the last boss was just too easy.

Music is generic, repetitive and quickly gets annoying. Loading times are absolutely terrible, they're so long it's ridiculous. You even have to go through a long loading screen when you bring up the map and mission screen. On the subject of the map screen, it's hard to tell when you're going sometimes, especially when you turn it off and go back to it the next day. All of the levels are all connected on the same island and the map screen doesn't tell you which direction you're facing, so you have to wander a distance and then bring up the map screen and see where you are now, to see if you're headed in the right direction to your mission target, which is represented by a blue star.

The one thing I really loved about this game is the various cutscenes that are all made up of various cartoon animation styles. The DBZ style cutscenes in the final boss battle were hilarious.

Anyway, I won't blabber on. Game was pretty average and I hope any future Crash Bandicoot games will be much better than these last two titles.

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Got the Dreamcast Collection today, due to being the only one not tried half of the games!

I already had all achievements in Sonic Adventure due to buying the XBLA version on release :P

Crazy Taxi is better for me now, becuase back when my brother had it on the gamecube, i couldn't fully get it, like I knew how it played but i just couldn't get into it, loving it, but hate the physics sometimes when i crash :/ and the new music is mehish, better than most punk songs I hear though that aren't mainstream!

First Time I ever played a Space Channel game of any kind, and I'm amazed at how well it plays, it's challenging and probably the most challenging of all games there (especially achievement-wise) but the songs got my feet moving at times aha XD.

At first, I admit, I thought it was pretty much gonna be the same as Big's missions on Sonic Adventure! But I'm more impressed with it! It's nice :P It plays soooo much better than Big and the one level I played at the end of Arcade mode was so random it made me giggle XD

All in all a nice collection, but I would like to try other games that aren't too obvious choices and....I'm probably the only person here who hasn't played Shenmue >.>

Oh, and SEGA? gimme Sonic Fucking Adventure 2 on XBLA D:

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Just played through Bayonetta again today for the first time in a long time. I almost forgot how awesome this game was. Hope they got a sequel planned.

I also think I'm about due to play through a Sakura Wars/Taisen game again. But so many to choose from...

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Playing through Epic Mickey at the moment. Not too far into the game, but I'm actually really enjoying it myself. The music, characters, story, and gameplay are all great. I can't wait to keep playing once I get the chance to. Critics gave this game a pretty average score but, so far, I have to disagree with them and say that this is actually a great game and is really fun to play.

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Playing through Epic Mickey at the moment. Not too far into the game, but I'm actually really enjoying it myself. The music, characters, story, and gameplay are all great. I can't wait to keep playing once I get the chance to. Critics gave this game a pretty average score but, so far, I have to disagree with them and say that this is actually a great game and is really fun to play.

I'm considering getting Epic Mickey at some point... Actually I'm considering several Wii games at the moment, because I only have Zelda Twilight Princess (wii owner of 3 years and Twilight Princess is all I have to show for it, pathetic).

Anyway, still on Ar Tonelico Qoga, I've pretty much had more fun with this than the entire 50 hours I spent in Final Fantasy 13, which is sad considering this game didn't have near the same budget as FFXIII. While I'm at it, I had more fun with Hyperdimension Neptunia, which didn't even have the same budget as Ar Tonelico 3, still need to platinum this game as well.

Then I need to beat Xenosaga Episode 1, so close yet so far away that I don't give a shit.

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I started Ghost Trick just over a week ago, but I'm purposefully taking my time with it. I'm roughly at Chaper 8,

Just after you stop the execution in the prison,

and I'm enjoying it in these small does. The writing is exactly what I expected from the creator of Ace Attorney, which is to say top-notch. I quite like the different approach to puzzle-solving as well, it seems to encourage a slightly different mindset to AA.

To balance out my purposefully slow progress with Ghost Trick, I'm also replaying Brutal Legend, this time on Brutal difficulty. I've also done a fair bit of trophy-hunting on it to be fair, but I'm trying to reduce my video game spend at the moment and trophy hunting was the best alternative.

...that said, I still want to get Okamiden, Ico/Shadow of the Colossus and Stacking (with the forthcoming DLC) before the Summer. Good thing I got a birthday coming up to exploit.

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I've been rocking out three games the past few days: Star Wars Battlefront, Minecraft, and Red Dead Redemption. Fun to cram all that in on my few days off from my night job :P

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Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Prophecy, on GameBoy Advance. :)

Can't believe I failed to start this videogame for almost three months. After half an hour, I'm totally hooked, and wish I had more time to continue with it. The only downside is a password-style save system, but I'm used to those for bigger GameBoy Advance action videogames.

Already shot a dozen wolves. That's classic Lara right there. :lol:

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Call of Duty Black Ops

LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars

Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock


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Pokemon Pearl. I found it at a carboot sale a couple of weeks back for £5, however, I've only really just started getting into the swing of playing it, and now I'm addicted! lol

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Dissidia Duodecim. The 012 storyline was easy as hell. I heard about the level 130 Feral Chaos in scenario 000, but apparently you can just Firion spam him into oblivion.

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