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Sonic-related pet peeves?


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Frankly, I hate when people start ascribing moral legitimacy or lack thereof to any kind of broad position during conversation about this series because it does nothing but falsely elevate positions and inflate the egos of those who pertain to any particular side, which is the last thing this community of all communities needs. Cynics are called insatiable, masochistic nitpickers; optimists are called ignorant, misguided apologists. Both sides claim that their insensitive, insulting frothy-mouthed rants are in reality out of pure love or some noble need to save a franchise belonging to a company that doesn't give a damn about them. I find it all to be bullshit. :|

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Actually has some reasoning in Archie in the form of the childhood friend thing they had going on. Although it's very flimsy considering that they both decided to move on.

...Carry on. Nothing to see here.

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Knuckles X Sally is a thing?


What happened was that Knuckles and Sally met in childhood for a short period of time, but they parted ways. As such, Sally was Knuckles' first friend (>:/). Sonic #232 showed Knuckles still cares very deeply for Sally.

But yeah, even though it does have that, it's clear that they've moved on from that and so fans of that ship are basically basing it on events that are moot.

Edited by VEDJ-F
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See, that's a shot where the side mouth is warranted. It's a smirk, it makes sense to pull to the side. But why is it like that all the time?

Because it suits him to have it all the time. It make shim look more mature somehow, and does a good job of putting across his personality. Of course, it's entirely subjective, but I just think it looks better. It's a concious part of the characters design used to subtly distinguish age and whether they're more cool or cute. Compare Sonic, Knuckles, Rouge and Espio (side-mouths) to Tails, Amy, Cream and Charmy (central-mouths).



Top, left to right: central-neutral, central-smile, side neutral

Bottom, left to right: no mouth, original, EVERYBODY HAPPY

Edited by Blue Blood
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I remember when SASASR was announced and there were countless comments such as "OMG WHY DOES SONIC NEED A CAR, HE CAN RUN LOL".

It's a car race.

Thats why he needs a car.


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I remember when SASASR was announced and there were countless comments such as "OMG WHY DOES SONIC NEED A CAR, HE CAN RUN LOL".

It's a car race.

Thats why he needs a car.


And maybe he just, I dunno, wants to drive?

And I know this has been brought up before, but I'm saying it anyway - people who want an SA3 because it's 'the only way to save Sonic'.

I have some news for these kinds of people; Shut. The hell. Up. If you want a Sonic Adventure 3 because you really like the Adventure series and think they deserve another installment because you thought they were fun games and all....that's different. That doesn't annoy me at all. It's the people who basically have to bitch and moan that we need a Sonic Adventure 3 because the series will die without it that I want to smack.

I have a revelation to make.

It will blow your minds. (well, probably not, but still)

You ready?

A Sonic Adventure 3 could be the worse game in the series. Not saying it would be, no. It could also be one of the best things to ever happen to this franchise (not that I personally ever WANT to see an SA3 though...). The point I'm trying to make is; the title of a game does nothing for the quality. Nothing. Stop acting like it does.

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Also, I hate that when I disagree with a popular opinion among the fanbase, they say I'm "not a true Sonic fan".

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Suprised this hasn't been brought up yet, but I hate it when people bring up bestiality when it comes to the infamous kiss in 06'.rolleyes.gif

It was awkward to watch, yes, but calling it bestiality isn't the proper term to use at all.

Edited by DarkLightDragon
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And maybe he just, I dunno, wants to drive?

And I know this has been brought up before, but I'm saying it anyway - people who want an SA3 because it's 'the only way to save Sonic'.

I have some news for these kinds of people; Shut. The hell. Up. If you want a Sonic Adventure 3 because you really like the Adventure series and think they deserve another installment because you thought they were fun games and all....that's different. That doesn't annoy me at all. It's the people who basically have to bitch and moan that we need a Sonic Adventure 3 because the series will die without it that I want to smack.

I have a revelation to make.

It will blow your minds. (well, probably not, but still)

You ready?

A Sonic Adventure 3 could be the worse game in the series. Not saying it would be, no. It could also be one of the best things to ever happen to this franchise (not that I personally ever WANT to see an SA3 though...). The point I'm trying to make is; the title of a game does nothing for the quality. Nothing. Stop acting like it does.

So in short, it's basically the same reasons why classic fans wanted a Sonic 4.

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So in short, it's basically the same reasons why classic fans wanted a Sonic 4.

Oh look, a new pet peeve I have.

I'm also kinda getting annoyed who think that classic fans wanted a Sonic 4 or a (spiritual) successor to the classics only because they/we thought "it would save the franchise." Some classic fanboys may have thought that, but it sure as hell definitely wasn't why I wanted another classic-styled Sonic game.

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I dunno, I like the look of Tekno. If you ask me, she'd be pretty easy to remodel into the Sega format.

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I dunno, I like the look of Tekno. If you ask me, she'd be pretty easy to remodel into the Sega format.

I mean't more along the lines of characters like these;


Fleetway is particularly guilty. It's like there's no real effort to make the characters correlate more with the designs of the SEGA characters and it really really sticks out like a sore thumb.

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Okay, Verte. I take your Fleetway and raise you one Archie:





Quite a few Archie artists had no real grasp of drawing Sonic. Rendering them as creepy manimals like in that image or getting even the basics of design so wrong. Shadow's yellow chest fur and Sonic's horrific quills on Sanford Green's covers ring a bell?

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- The depiction of characters in fanart with overtly human proportioning and aspects such as defined musculature, visisble necks, toes etc. Basically designs of the characters in fanwork that deviates a lot from the character design standard.

Agreed, I really dislike art like this as well.

Okay, Verte. I take your Fleetway and raise you one Archie:

I take all three of your images and raise it with Butler and Kenders art:



Edited by Zinos
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Silver's design.

Seriously, why did they think a a a guy with a weed plant and two turds lunging from his head was good design?

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Agreed, I really dislike art like this as well.

I take all three of your images and raise it with Butler and Kenders art:


this art style is the only comic style i prefer Sally in, makes her look amazing imo

my pet peeves is Sonic fans that complain about everything, and classic game elitists.

i have a lot of peeves, but i can't recall them right now.

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That Sally really doesn't fit but it's still the least horrifying picture currently in this discussion.

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- People who keep whining for Sonic Adventure 3. They technically already got it. No not 06, I'm talking about Unleashed. Because you want to know what Unleashed was originally called when it went into production? That's right, it was originally called Sonic Adventure 3.

- People who want the freedom fighters in the games. Hell to the no. The games are already over crowded so let them stay in the comics where they belong. Besides, even if they were in the games, a lot of the roles they would have are already taken by other characters:

Sally (love interest): Amy already has this role to an extent.

Bunnie (action girl): Already taken by Amy, Rouge and Blaze.

Rotor (Mechanic): Sorry Tails beat him to that role.

Antoine: There aren't any characters like Antoine, but we definitely don't need any like him.

- Shipping wars between SonAmy and Sonally shippers. These pairings exist in 2 entirely separate continuities. What's the use in fighting?

- People who still want a third season of Satam to be made. It's been almost 2 decades. Give it up already.

- People who still want Ryan Drummond to return to voice sonic. The guy has moved on with his life, why can't you?

- People who want Jason Griffith back as the voice of Sonic. Oh sure you were crying to Sega to fire this guy for 5 years straight, and when Sega let's him go then you want him back? Wtf? And since all your attempts to bring back Ryan failed what makes you think attempts to bring back Jason will fare any better?

- People who say sonic collects coins. The fuck? Does this look anything like a coin to you?


No, I didn't think so.

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-Sonic Adventure 3 whining takes a lot of my patience, which I've shown once or twice before. It's the same reason I don't like Sonic 4 being called Sonic 4, a name has no value so people shouldn't expect there to be. Even if Sega does SA3 there's no guarantee the SA1-2 fans will even remotely care for it. Also, everything they ask for except for Chao Gardens have been in other games that just didn't happen to be named SA3.

-People claiming Sonic 06's infamous kiss scene (which I agree, was stupid) is bestiality. It's not. In a world where antropromophic animals of the sort that Sonic and his friends are exists, they share the same rights and life-style as human beings. The reason bestiality is considered horrible and wrong (and most often illegal) is because the animal can't make the same decisions and have the same values to life as as human, it's practically rape/molestation every time it would occur. But if we take Sonic's world into it, then animals of Sonic's sort should have the same rights and views upon them as a human being. Imagine what would happen if we lived in that world and said "My daughter/son can't kiss one of them animals!", that's pretty much racism (or whatever the proper version would be for a different species, specism?) and thereforth claiming it's bestiality is just wrong and (fictionally) offensive. ...But damn, it was a stupid scene.

-Sally Acorn. Never liked her as a kid, never liked her as an adult. Be it cartoon or comic I always found her annoying and badly written in 9 times out of 10, not to mention how it bothers me that they give her more humanlike physiqe than the male characters, but I'm always iffy when it comes to inconsistency in design... Speaking of that.

-The moon. I know there are so many different theories on how the moon reassembled, but until Sega themselves state how it happen this is going to bother me to no end. Would it really hurt ANY of the games to have the broken moon in them? If anything, it'd be a nice throwback, but not even Generations had it.

-Shadow the Hedgehog vs Sonic Adventure 2's ARK flashbacks. I hate how inconsistent the Maria dialogue and things are when we see the same scene in Shadow as we did in SA2, always bothered me.


-'Shiny' graphics. Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog and SADX are probably the best examples of this, when the characters look like they were made out of polished metal. It looks so silly to me and to this day I can't understand how anyone in the development teams could look at that and go "Yup, that's the style we're going for".

-People who decided Shadow the Hedgehog was a bad game before playing it. I'm not saying you need to like Shadow, hell, I perfectly understand why most people didn't. But I'm always put off by people who just saw the game and said "This sucks, Sonic shouldn't have guns." to which I would respond "It's not Sonic, it's Shadow" which they then respond to with "Still the same type of game."... ...Yeah, BUT THAT WAS NOT YOUR ORIGINAL ARGUMENT. But fine, my response then is usually "Well the weapons are mostly a tool to help you, I think you very rarely NEED to actually use them" and by then they've stopped listening and just decided that the game is bad without even trying it.

-People who forget the good games. I've seen this a lot lately, since 2008 I've met people saying "I like Unleashed, nice to see Sonic back on his feet", then when Sonic 4 arrived the same people would say "Finally a good Sonic game, phew.", then when Sonic Colours came out they said "Cool, a GOOD Sonic game? That was unexpected, finally!", then when Generations came out they said "Sonic is finally good again after 10 years!" etc. etc. Such a pain to read/hear.

Aaaand, those are the ones I could think of at the moment.

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