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Our community blogs

  1. TitansCreed
    Latest Entry

    I kinda felt like I was spamming the blog updates with daily ones, so taking my own advice, I'll be moving it more to a weekly (Monday update) with everything in the past week. Since we finished the daily blog with the first episode of Sonic Frenzy Adventure, we'll start from after that...

    Thursday May 2nd: Sonic Frenzy Adventure (Part 2)

    It's very strange to post a game over screen on your second outing in a video, but this fangame is no joke. It definitely does not hold back with badnik placements and difficult bosses...

    Friday May 3rd: Sonic Frenzy Adventure (Part 3)

    Do you like auto scrolling sections in your Sonic game? Are you a fan of tight spaces? Do you like getting lost?
    Well fear not, because Oil Tower has that for you in spades.

    Saturday May 4th: Sonic Frenzy Adventure (Part 4)

    As has now become a staple of my daily upload series, everything with "PAIN" in the title seems to become me stuck on an irritatingly simple premised boss (or bollock hard one), and then forces me to actually edit the damn thing to be more enjoyable instead of just dying relentlessly for an hour...
    At least Frenzy Adventure has a decent save state system....

    Sunday May 5th: Sonic Frenzy Adventure (Part 5)

    We got a new fit going down with a new awesome tee, and a quick dash through the Forest Core in our latest jaunt into Sonic Frenzy Adventure.

    Monday May 6th: Sonic Speed Simulator

    A new event for some cool skins, and our first jaunt into Sonic Prime's New Yolk City. Lets take a look!

    Hopefully this new weekly digest will work better... 


  2. MasonMania
    Latest Entry



  3. Dreadknux
    Latest Entry

    By Dreadknux,

    Got a bit carried away today. There I was, minding my own business restoring a bunch of ancient site content from around 2003, and I come across some news articles for the Sonic Amateur Games Expo in 2003. Including a story about the debut showcase of plucky UK fan gaming studio, SHADOWTEAM.

    I could have just restored the article. I should have just restored the article. But boy, oh boy, seeing those screenshots of our fledgling fan game, Sonic Avalanche, on that ancient microsite I made twenty years ago, just gave me intense enthusiasm to bring as much of that back as I could. It looks a bit bum by today's standards, sure, but forgive this old man for getting an attack of severe nostalgia.



    That's actually mad to think about.

    Anyway, it has been a million years (well, twenty) since any of this was relevant in the community, so allow me to explain. SHADOWTEAM was The Sonic Stadium's in-house fan gaming crew, with a core UK-based unit consisting of myself, @Roareye Black and a chap we were both pals with called 'Anarchy Rat' (that wasn't his real name. Obviously...). Together, we felt like we could take on the fan gaming world with some unique and interesting concepts.

    Sonic Avalanche was our first project, and became a bit of a cult classic (even if it was a little simple). It's a score attack game for up to four players at once, where characters had to avoid fireballs that fell in waves of ever-increasing speed. You could 'wall-grind' to gain points, and wall-jump to escape various traps, but it came at the risk of getting hit by flames. Green fireballs would restore health, but would appear at rare intervals - and only one at a time, meaning players had to fight over who got it in multiplayer.


    It was a fun little game to make, and thanks to @Rlanthe entire game is still available via the Internet Archive (although I still have the zip here too, maybe one day I'll add it to this site - but the archive link works for now). You can visit the restored website by clicking here (warning, it might not be friendly to mobile devices!).

    Bringing that micro-site back made me look back through the long lost archive of the SHADOWTEAM 'studio' website itself, too. There were some other great projects we pulled off - from Game & Watch-inspired micro-games to a hilarious tug of war game starring Eggman. Our big flagship project was 'Sonic the Fighters 2', and the engine Anarchy Rat had developed was insane for the time... but sadly we never got to finish it. As is the case with most community fan game teams, things fell apart and people went their separate ways.

    A lot of stuff has been lost to time, but I'm keen to pull as much back together as I can. Maybe once I'm a little further in with the main site restoration than bloody 2003, I'll give SHADOWTEAM my full attention. In the meantime, I've made a wee landing page for people to find the logo (and a link to Sonic Avalanche) in case they're as old as me and fancy a trip down memory lane.


    Conceptually, SHADOWTEAM was formed in late 2002, but I'm going by our site launch in June 2003 as our real starting point. So, as we're nearly 21 years in, let me get in there quick and say a late, "Happy 20th Anniversary" to the old crew. 

  4. Reala is who NiGHTS would be now if Wizeman succeeded in keeping NiGHTS obedient: if NiGHTS had the good and the rebellious spirit crushed out of him by Wizeman's brainwashing, cruelty and persistence.

    Reala is what NiGHTS fears in himself becuase Reala represents what would happen to NiGHTS if Wizeman really got a hold of him.

    NiGHTS is what Reala fears in himself becuase NiGHTS is a living reminder of what he could be- the things he's too afraid to pursue for himself.

    Either way,  I do believe the importance of Reala's role is a reason why the appearance of a pre-rebellion NiGHTS might potentially be a harm rather than a benefit to the NiGHTS series. Reala seems to be the avenue from which the life NiGHTS would have lived under Wizeman's rule is explored, and it's the avenue from which NiGHTS is forced to confront that part of himself.


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