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A step to weekly.



I kinda felt like I was spamming the blog updates with daily ones, so taking my own advice, I'll be moving it more to a weekly (Monday update) with everything in the past week. Since we finished the daily blog with the first episode of Sonic Frenzy Adventure, we'll start from after that...

Thursday May 2nd: Sonic Frenzy Adventure (Part 2)

It's very strange to post a game over screen on your second outing in a video, but this fangame is no joke. It definitely does not hold back with badnik placements and difficult bosses...

Friday May 3rd: Sonic Frenzy Adventure (Part 3)

Do you like auto scrolling sections in your Sonic game? Are you a fan of tight spaces? Do you like getting lost?
Well fear not, because Oil Tower has that for you in spades.

Saturday May 4th: Sonic Frenzy Adventure (Part 4)

As has now become a staple of my daily upload series, everything with "PAIN" in the title seems to become me stuck on an irritatingly simple premised boss (or bollock hard one), and then forces me to actually edit the damn thing to be more enjoyable instead of just dying relentlessly for an hour...
At least Frenzy Adventure has a decent save state system....

Sunday May 5th: Sonic Frenzy Adventure (Part 5)

We got a new fit going down with a new awesome tee, and a quick dash through the Forest Core in our latest jaunt into Sonic Frenzy Adventure.

Monday May 6th: Sonic Speed Simulator

A new event for some cool skins, and our first jaunt into Sonic Prime's New Yolk City. Lets take a look!

Hopefully this new weekly digest will work better... 



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