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Say what you will but sonic 06


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After Rouge returns from the future and gets a call from GUN asking if the "Book" of Darkness has been retrieved.

I meant the bit where the actor stumbles, the "Book of Darkness" was way too obvious to miss. :P

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I meant the bit where the actor stumbles, the "Book of Darkness" was way too obvious to miss. :P

Towards the end of Shadow's story. After you get back the Scepter of Darkness,

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Was actually a fun game. I rebought it the other day. Thank god for it has the original manual and box *the games pretty rare around here now* and after the horrible glitches and horrible camera *which only time it bothered me was during boss fights *dont auto correct me camera I know what im tryig to do* The game was actually pretty fun. I may be the only one but i actually liked the taller model of sonic and slimmer version of eggman. And the game had probably the best CG cutscense i have ever seen in a sonic game. The music was also top notch. The story had a lot of holes in it.....a lot. but the boss intros,music,cg movies,and levels were pretty nice. the only bad things were glitches that killed you, camera and story plot. dang you sega you need to let us know if you killed off a villain or not.

Meta77 I agree with you on this one even though everybody hates this game I dont. Every time I play this game I dont experince glicths at all and the character models were okay. But black knight in my opinion has the best CG graphics escpically the first scene, the music in that game was pretty good except for the orcatra music. (but solaris phase 2 was amazing) So yeah all around it was A-okay but the stories at first were confusing but then became pathitic other than that its a decent game. A 7.5 out of 10

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I'm sorry, but I will never consider Sonic 2006 to be anything less than gaming toxic waste. That may sound like an exaggeration, but nothing's too ridiculous enough when this game is the center of attention. You mileage can vary on if you can personally enjoy it or not, but there's no denying that the game is bad. And no epic music or faux-badass villains can change that.

I believe that, while still awfully terrible, even ShtH is better. At least ShtH was doomed from the very beginning, so there was really no point in putting effort into it from the get-go. Sonic 2006 on the other hand could have been something great, an amazing title... but ultimately ended up as nothing more than an almighty disappointment with lotsa plotholes and general tarnishing of characters and gameplay.

In fact, I consider even the crappest of the Game Gear games to be superior - no one will pay much attention to a series of fairly unimportant spinoff-esque games. But a main title that promises (like Heroes before it) to bring the hedgehog "back to his roots" and also happens to be the title representing an anniversary? You know that s***'s going to be major. And as such, the bigger the importance, the bigger the shame.

There's a reason why this game is often considered SEGA's wake-up call.

Edited by Dr. Crusher
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It's just as glitchy as Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast (I would say Sonic Adventure has more glitches, but is more finsihed). People can make it look a thousand times worse by making videos, but it isn't.

Sonic Adventure is over a decade old. A game made in 2006 doesn't have any excuse for being even that glitchy.

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Sure, Sonic 2006 may be glitchy, but many other games have glitches and bugs as well. Instead of throwing a hissy fit about it, it's nicer to ignore the bugs, glitches and other problems and just enjoy while playing the game.

Don’t worry about Sonic and Elise being a romantic couple. Sonic 2006′s story never really happened despite the fact that Silver makes reappearances in future games, and Sonic 2006′s storyline can be seen as an alternate universe if anything. All she did was a kiss that brought him back to life, and there is nothing erotic there, so why should people complain? Sonic’s true love would be either Amy Rose in the games or Sally Acorn in the TV show and comics, so you don’t have to worry about Elise. However, none of the couples in the Sonic universe are canon (just hints and speculation) at this point. The most hinted couple in the games would be Sonic/Amy, and even though it has the most evidence, SEGA still went as far as saying that “Amy will just continue to chase Sonic”.

Other then the bugs/gltches, everything else people say negatively about this game is a matter of opinion and not fact. Not everyone hates this game, and you must accept that. It was just an incomplete game released to the public too soon. If SEGA took more time working on it and released it much later (Like 2011 instead of 2006), then it would be considered 'great' and no one would complain at all.

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Sure, Sonic 2006 may be glitchy, but many other games have glitches and bugs as well. Instead of throwing a hissy fit about it, it's nicer to ignore the bugs, glitches and other problems and just enjoy while playing the game.

Edited by Tornado
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Sonic Unleashed is a game that was arguably technically flawless. Despite that, I think you would find a hard time finding that many people that would call it "great," let alone finding anyone who didn't have any complaints about it whatsoever.

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Sure, Sonic 2006 may be glitchy, but many other games have glitches and bugs as well.

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Other games with bugs (usually) aren't released in a state so unfinished that they could probably be classified as a Beta. And other games with bugs (usually) don't suffer from so many fundamental and severe problems with the programming that it can become outright unplayable.

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Sure, Sonic 2006 may be glitchy, but many other games have glitches and bugs as well. Instead of throwing a hissy fit about it, it's nicer to ignore the bugs, glitches and other problems and just enjoy while playing the game.

Don’t worry about Sonic and Elise being a romantic couple. Sonic 2006′s story never really happened despite the fact that Silver makes reappearances in future games, and Sonic 2006′s storyline can be seen as an alternate universe if anything. All she did was a kiss that brought him back to life, and there is nothing erotic there, so why should people complain? Sonic’s true love would be either Amy Rose in the games or Sally Acorn in the TV show and comics, so you don’t have to worry about Elise. However, none of the couples in the Sonic universe are canon (just hints and speculation) at this point. The most hinted couple in the games would be Sonic/Amy, and even though it has the most evidence, SEGA still went as far as saying that “Amy will just continue to chase Sonic”.

Other then the bugs/gltches, everything else people say negatively about this game is a matter of opinion and not fact. Not everyone hates this game, and you must accept that. It was just an incomplete game released to the public too soon. If SEGA took more time working on it and released it much later (Like 2011 instead of 2006), then it would be considered 'great' and no one would complain at all.


I've seen this pulled card so many times. "Just ignore the glitches! Stop nitpicking!" No, that's not how things work. You can't just blindly ignore things that make up a good majority of a game. It's one thing for a game to have a few glitches. It's another entirely to have a game almost made of glitches. And these aren't even the fun, amusing kind of glitches, they're the ones that want you to punch something. If I "ignored" glitches, then how am I supposed to react to Sonic suddenly falling through the floor with no warning? Pretend that I just messed up like any other game? Even if there was no reason at all for him to fall through it?

And let's be honest - it's for the best that pairings and couples don't get mentioned much in the games in general. And this is coming from a guy that prefers crack pairings. But you don't see me expecting anything to actually happen, do you? As long as the good guys are stopping the bad guys by using the super power of good gameplay, life is good.

And while it may not be a fact... there's no question that Sonic 2006 is for the most part unanimously hated, and you must accept that there's a reason for why the game has been (rightfully) treated negatively. Even SEGA themselves show signs of not thinking of it fondly. That's saying something. And yes, it was incomplete. But the incomplete mess was what we got in the end, and no amount of updates and whatnot can save it now. It's best to bury it to the graves and just march into the present time - for I have forseen Wisps and space theme parks, and it is good.

Edited by Dr. Crusher
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I for one simply hold Sonic to a higher standard. I am much harder on the things I love than just some other random title that I would be compelled to set aside in a heatbeat. For that reason alone, 06 was an atrocious failure. It doesn’t mean I couldn’t get my fair share of enjoyment out of the title. I still was pleased by some of the gameplay segments here and there, and I enjoyed parts of the storyline too. But still, I am not going to be blinded by Sonic enough to ignore the inhumane amounts of loading or the busted loops (seriously, they somehow messed up the loops - WTF).

Sure, Sonic 2006 may be glitchy, but many other games have glitches and bugs as well. Instead of throwing a hissy fit about it, it's nicer to ignore the bugs, glitches and other problems and just enjoy while playing the game.

I see it differently. When I get a game like 06 in my hands, it makes me wonder why there wasn’t an influential person on Sonic Team/Sega who loved Sonic enough to stand up and stop this abomination. Any of us would have done it. The game wasn’t ready.

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Then again, no matter how much you say otherwise, your endless negative whining does not stop me from liking and playing the game. Everyone's opinions are different from one another, and even I realize that.

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Then again, no matter how much you say otherwise, your endless negative whining does not stop me from liking and playing the game. Everyone's opinions are different from one another, and even I realize that.

We don't care that you like the game, we have a problem when people keep saying "Ignore the glitches", we can't ignore the glitches because they're so damn glaring ,and should've never been there to begin with, and no amount of "enjoyment" will change that.

We don't care that you like the game, but don't downplay the problems because you liked it. If you really liked the game you would aknowledge the problems and agree they need to be fixed, and should by no means be ignored.

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Then again, no matter how much you say otherwise, your endless negative whining does not stop me from liking and playing the game. Everyone's opinions are different from one another, and even I realize that.

So people who have constructive complaints about a game that was obviously not finished is considered negative whining? :o

Don't get me wrong, it's cool for you to like the game but the complaints about the game are just as legit as your opinon.

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Then again, no matter how much you say otherwise, your endless negative whining does not stop me from liking and playing the game. Everyone's opinions are different from one another, and even I realize that.

And your completely entitled to enjoying your game. I enjoy certian parts of it too from time to time

However if I were to order a soup in a restaurant, only to find a fly in it, I'm going to say something about it. The same goes for the glitches in 06. Its hardly whining to call out the dev's when their end result is this busted. Even if the product itself is fine, that "fly" shouldn't be there. It could be the best soup on this half of the world, but at the end of the day the people who made it should be mighty ashamed of themselves for knowingly shipping out a product that they knew was infested with a "fly", especially of this magnitude. Every game has glitches, but 06 goes above and beyond the allowable threshold.

Go on, play the game and have fun with it. I'll even recommend a few stages to pass the time if you want. However, regardless of how much fun you can suck out of 06, the dev's deserve any amount of flack they got coming to them.

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Vulpine, if you're entitled to liking Sonic 2006, then others are entitled to criticizing it. What you're saying about people ignoring the glitches is hypocritical. Loosen up; it's not "endless whining" as you put it.

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Yes, I understand that people have the right to have constructive criticism, but I still am entitled to my opinions, much like everyone else is entitled to theirs.

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Yes, I understand that people have the right to have constructive criticism, but I still am entitled to my opinions, much like everyone else is entitled to theirs.
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I may have weird priorities, but my main gripe with the game is with what it did to Blaze's backstory.
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Yes, I understand that people have the right to have constructive criticism, but I still am entitled to my opinions, much like everyone else is entitled to theirs.

Then don't say other people are whining.

I could be just as much of a dick and say you're bring blind and you could just stop and think, but it would be mean and simply not true. Nobody likes this game because the glitches ARE there, and they ARE constant, and no amount of ignoring them will make them go away. Even if I wanted to, it gets hard to ignore the loading screen just for a line of text, or the parts where I can't move because Sonic got stuck on a pebble on the side of a wall, or when every amigo except for Blaze (blaze was actually kinda fun) just sucks.

It's not whining, these are actual problems that the game has, and ignoring them does not make them go away and it dosen't make them easier to deal with for most people. The game is unfinished, it's buggy, and it shouldn't have been released in the state it was released in. I don't care if you like it, that's the truth.

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