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^ Well, not quite... Geoffrey isn't. Geoffrey is actually quite unique overall compared to other characters. The rest.. yeah... they were created under the premise of fitting directly into the Sonic Universe. Period. He can't lay any claim to that. Geoffrey was also based with the comics in mind, which are, once again, owned by Sega, although comparatively speaking, he doesn't come anywhere close to fitting into the game canon.

It should also be noted that... the Nocturnus aren't the Dark Legion. There's a lot of similarities, perhaps. But there are also numerous differences, too. Sega didn't use them at all (technically, it was BioWare, anyway, Sega just green-lighted it).

Honestly, this whole Penders thing is getting out of hand. Sure, you designed stuff for a comic you worked on. Naoto Ohshima CREATED Sonic the Hedgehog. Did he gain the rights to Sonic when he left Sega? He is also credited as creating Mighty. Technically, Mighty hasn't really been around much... but concept art of him has still appeared in recent games. Sega still owns the rights to the character, and he still appears in the comics, too. Ohshima can't do anything about it (even if he wanted to).

Even if it wasn't Ohshima who created Sonic... even if it was Yuji Naka... HE'S gone, too.

Penders. You created characters for another franchise. Get over it and start your own franchise. If you failed to do so, then that's your problem. Maybe you just SUCK and the only reason people ever paid attention to "your characters" is because it was in a comic book slapped with the name "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG" on it. I'm sure the millions of Sonic recolors out there are ALSO fully and 100% owned by their creators and they can claim copyrights over those characters, too.

Here's a hint: Darkspeeds had to redesign his characters because they looked too much like Sonic characters. They still KINDA do, but they look less-so after he made some alterations.

Admittedly, I do have a concern... is the whole Penders issue necessary to the comics? Since now its not even directly related to the comics anymore, maybe we shouldn't be talking about it so much here... just something I want to clarify is all. I don't want to get in trouble for talking about the whole Penders issue in the Archie Sonic topic (since this doesn't necessarily related strictly to the comics).

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You're fine to talk about the issue here, as it does pertain to the comics, and this is a dry patch anyway for the most part. Once the Scourge preview pages come in, or more Genesis news is revealed, people will likely move on to that. But as long as no one gets abusive on either side, I don't believe there's any problem with discussing it here. I for one like keeping an eye on the whole situation without having to visit three different forums to piece it all together =P

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Saying Penders won, what would this do to the comic? I'm not too on top of this.

Even if he does win, it's pretty immoral what he's doing. He might wreck a great long running comic, for kids and longtime fans alike. It's obvious he can write comics, he did okay with Archie. But, no one will hire him after the crap he gave Archie. Even if he does do this Knux rip off comic like he's planning, I might read it at the book store, but I definitely won't buy it.

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Saying Penders won, what would this do to the comic? I'm not too on top of this.

Even if he does win, it's pretty immoral what he's doing. He might wreck a great long running comic, for kids and longtime fans alike. It's obvious he can write comics, he did okay with Archie. But, no one will hire him after the crap he gave Archie. Even if he does do this Knux rip off comic like he's planning, I might read it at the book store, but I definitely won't buy it.

If Penders were to win it would be hard to say what would happen.

Most of the important storylines in the book are connected to Penders work in one way or another. And if Archie wasn't able to use past storylines then the book would most likely have to reboot which would turn away alot of longtime fans.

I certainly don't think that his Echidna project will ever see the light of day. It would take a long time to redesign the echidnas so that they no longer look like Knuckles. Plus the characters personalitys would have to be changed. Characters like Julie-Su would be completely different. Julie-Su will always be known as Knuckles girlfriend. If you change her story she stops being Julie-Su.

Locke is Knuckles father. Change the story and he has no purpose.

Lara-Su is Knuckles future daughter. If you change the story then she has no purpose.

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This guy is head deskingly retarded. Did you ever LOOK at your characters? They're a bunch of Knuckles retools! Not only do you have no claim to them but then you actually think SEGA will let you use Sonic and Knuckles after this? Damn, are you HIGH?

Even if you some how manage to get away with all of this they're all characters that can be done without. Half of them are already dead anyway! No one would ever accept his fiction as actual Sonic canon either. The SEGA logo goes a long way bub.

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^ The only thing he can POSSIBLY do in this case is RECREATE the characters so they look absolutely NOTHING like the Sonic characters, and replace any "canon" characters with brand new characters (or rewrite the plot to not include them). By the time you get to this point... well, they're practically brand new characters! Its like the Nocturnus--they're way different from The Dark Legion, except that they are still in the "Sonic" style of anthro characters (which you'd also have to change) and they are still echidnas. That's really about it.

The whole thing about him owning the "Twilight Zone" also calls something else into question... What else is out there that's called the "Twilight Zone," hmm? If he can claim ownership of that in regards to the "Twilight Cage," couldn't THEY claim that he's infringing on THEIR copyrights?

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I hope I am not the only one here who wants the Chronicles storyline to make it to the comic if not the whole thing just a part. I like the idea of Shade being introduced to the comic and Julie-Su possibly being axed just to spite Penders. Take the Dark Legion with her. Shit, they are nothing but Eggman pawns. While we are at it, lets just retool Knuckles' entire overly convulted background. Shit, if the character that I am not naming because I am too lazy to use spoiler tags doesn't die, kill Geoffrey in such an anti-climatic way and I won't even complain. Do all of this just to give the man a middle finger when he realizes how utterly pointless his contributions were.

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Julie-Su, Locke, Geoffrey St. John, Julayla, Kragok, The Dark Legion, Enerjak, Dimitri, Edmund, Lien-Da and Queen Alicia, to name but a few of the many characters appearing in my stories -- they're all mine.
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You're thinking of the Sonic Underground character who was Sonic's mom. In this series she's Sally's mom (and all the other hoopla that comes with that).

It's just a case of two characters in the same series having the same name :V

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You're thinking of the Sonic Underground character who was Sonic's mom. In this series she's Sally's mom (and all the other hoopla that comes with that).

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Actually, Sally's mom was named Alicia according to SatAM canon. Therefore, she technically was made by DiC.

Nate Morgan was a DiC character, even if he never appeared in the final cut of SatAM.


You're thinking of the Sonic Underground character who was Sonic's mom.

You mean Queen Aleena. :P

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^This is what Penders is spending all this time and money on.

And they in no way look alike.

It's hard to believe that the US Copyright office approved any of his copyright claims in the first place.

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I got some of these references. I can remember the purple dragon and I get the Iron Queen complaint. Are you referencing Enerjak and Mogul? As for the evil twin thing, I think Scourge and the Suppression Squad are a-okay since they were just assholes instead of just outright villains as opposed to what they are now.

The wizard with the power over emotions is that kinda shapeless fellow with the pointy teeth. Among his other traits is that he's so creepy that the characters have to explicitly say he's creepy. He probably can do other things.

Actually everyone thought Eggman was up to something, they didn't know what as all they had were a few clues. They also couldn't find him or track him down so they resorted in taking down bases that were suddenly becoming active. The reader knew since Eggman told us through sublimital messaging initially and then outright showed us before he began his attack. It probably would have been handled better if Flynn just kept Eggman's plan unknown to us. As for the Iron Queen realization, to be fair, Snively has always been portrayed as not quite at Eggman's level in the diabolitical scheme department so it would make sense that he is a tad too slow when it comes to obvious holes. Of course, it doesn't excuse Sally(the so called intelligent one) for not noticing this and putting two and two together.

I mean the Iron Queen should have thought to use her power on her own. Why does she need to be told such a thing?

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I mean the Iron Queen should have thought to use her power on her own. Why does she need to be told such a thing?

Did she already know the city was made of nanites before being told? That might be a reason.

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Did she already know the city was made of nanites before being told? That might be a reason.

I believe that it was said on Bumbleking that she didn't know.

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It sure is a mark of great writing when you need to read posts on internet forums to fill plot holes.

And I forgot a major example of the characters acting in service to the plot: That whole Sally Monkey Kahn relationship that came out of nowhere and suddenly broke up because I have no idea.

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The wizard with the power over emotions is that kinda shapeless fellow with the pointy teeth. Among his other traits is that he's so creepy that the characters have to explicitly say he's creepy. He probably can do other things.

Ixis Naugus. He has the power of elements and I think(correct me if I am wrong) he can increase whatever fear or paranoia you have about something.

It sure is a mark of great writing when you need to read posts on internet forums to fill plot holes.

To be fair, I remember you asking why she didn't do this before she did and I guess her not knowing was the only justifiable excuse. Snively,who knew, should have recommended it from the get-go, but love makes you stupid and/or incompetent.

And I forgot a major example of the characters acting in service to the plot: That whole Sally Monkey Kahn relationship that came out of nowhere and suddenly broke up because I have no idea.

Romantic plot tumors? Another reason to hate Sally for me.

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I'm probably one of the only people who actually liked the Monkey Khan/Sally relationship dynamic and arc, and felt refreshed by it. I would have actually liked them together for longer. But ah well. It was not to be, and I knew it couldn't last from the moment it came into play.

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I like Sally, but I felt that that relationship with her and Khan was too out of the blue for me flow with. It was like "I may like you, but I'm still feeling Sonic," and I'm not sure how to make heads or tails of that or even if I want to.

I'd say so was the whole Fiona fiasco with Sonic too, but I haven't seen the full relationship to know where it started.

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Don't get me started on Fiona XD;; If there's one Archie character I really do not like, it's her. Not because of her own personality, specifically, but rather because of how other characters acted around her. I mean, Sonic turned into a grade A dick when he was with her, which is ironic because initially she was dating the Sonic who was supposed to be a dick (evil Sonic), and then Sonic prime turned into an asshole of almost similar proportions >_> But really I suppose I should be more angry at Sonic. I mean what the hell, Sonic ;_;

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I really like Fiona now that she's a villain, and no longer a source of conflict for Sonic and Tails. She's really come into her own as a character, and she has become my favorite Archie Sonic character.

I kind of feel bad for her. She spent most her childhood in Robotnik's prison camp. She clearly has some emotional problems.

I can't wait to see her in the "Scourge arc".

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I admit that I found her more interesting and palatable once she went off and did her own thing in Journey to the East. But I'm afraid that the Scourge arc is just going to turn her into Scourge's arm-candy again and undo any actual character development she had. I'm kind of hoping she'll help Scourge out, he'll try to take her back, and she'll tell him to proverbially eff off. If she does that, my respect for her will increase, for sure.

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I agree. I do kind of worry that she'll just go back to being Scourge's girlfriend again.

I loved her role as leader of the Destructix. And I'd hate to see that go to waste just to have Scourge take over.

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Hell yeah, I knew Eggman was going to be the Warden! Of course he wouldn't be a cop. Look at the crazy 'stache on him! Zintobor or Zobotnik then?

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