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6 hours ago, Detective Reptiles said:


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-Some tidbits in the Sonic Grams. It re-iterates that Cream has a big role to play in the resolution to the Shattered World Crisis, but there are no immediate plans for a solo arc (it does encourage people to write in if they want to see it).

-Shadow will be playing a huge role in the Shattered World Crisis resolution as well, pointing to seeing it in Shattered. Those who were hoping that Shadow would be a minor part in it will probably be disappointed.



SAY WHAT!? AW MAN, now I wish I wasn't being such an asshole about Cream far earlier. I would be begging every single one of you to help me out with that but I haven't given any of you a good reason to want to help me after all my nonsense. The best I can say is that, if this could happen to your favored character, I would help out in a heart beat (even if I don't even like the character)...

Interesting to hear that Shadow's gonna play a major role in the end for Shattered World Crisis as well. Makes sense, he's the Ultimate Lifeform and all and I'd imagine he'd want to take part in saving the entire planet. Better not interfere with Cream's moment though


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Let's look on the bright side. I'm sure the Shattered World Crisis won't get a heavily rewritten and shit conclusion to the saga we've been reading for near sixty issues between Sonic and Sonic Universe.


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The new members are based off the four guardians of china which symbolize direction, weather,. It is neat, but I don't know, I can't like them at the bottom of my heart...probably the design. I'll get used to them.

I know the phoenix is the guardian, but I'm sad they just squeezed it plus a white eastern dragon in the center instead of making a mobian leader. The "center" guardian is the center of the group and sometimes considered chief/leader of the four guardians, depicted as: another dragon (yellow, obviously eastern) or a frick'n QUILIN (GOOGLE THEM THEY ARE AWESOME). THAT WOULD'VE BEEN SO AWESOME...

...or I dunno. Maybe the white dragon is another mobian. Still wish it was a Quilin tho. (YES QUILIN IS ONE OF MY FAV MYTHOLOGICAL? BEASTS)


For the second story, I'm not really fond of the pattern of random situation with random people, oh no something happen, I had a sad past, then immediately reach happy ending. Bunnie could've done her past story in one of her interaction with Cassia. It would need to be one large issue, but it can incorporate the character's backstories in between the plot without breaking the flow or making it dull for some people.

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8 hours ago, Ernest-Panda said:

Why does the comic keep flip-flopping over whether they're allowed to show the classic designs or not? Last issue it was so small one could easily excuse it as an oversight, but here we have two full flashbacks featuring classic Sonic and Tails respectively.

I'm not complaining mind, but its still confusing P;

If I had to guess, the sepia tone allowed them to fudge it enough with SEGA.

3 hours ago, Toby said:

The only true problem in this issue is that the Tornado in the comic is colored blue instead of the superior red color scheme!

I thought they had two planes like that now, one in each color? Or was that preboot?

5 hours ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

Well, 281 was quite a snore.

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- Artwork passable at best.

- We start... in the middle of the battle Sonic vs Egg Army for a sixth issue in a row. We could start a drinking game. Silver Sonic survives whole 3 pages this time. In that speed he might actually be a threat one day. I do wonder what they planning on Mecha Sonic. It would be weird if they left him out.

- It's a sin putting dragon in your world and making it boring. I never liked a Dulcy and this version keeps in tradition. Funny enough she has very little in common with the Satam Dulcy, at least personality wise. Her team is boring, but nicely design,

- Whatever Chip realized in previous issue, i guess it wasn't that important, seeing how quiet he is today;

- Back-up is ...meh. Old man cries over house and realizes that people are more important, carry on.

I like Bunnie, cyborg with fancy accent be is cooler then another tech guy or french, but character-wise she is the blandest of the team. She's tough, good hearted and cheerful, that's all. It that story supposed to make her more interesting, it didn't work for me.

Last time I was this bored was at the very beginning of the Preboot, but I blamed chaos of rewriting everything (plus re-establishing team for the new crowd). Here...I just wait for Panic in the Sky.

Which one is Mecha Sonic? I forget. I know it used to be roboticized Sonic in the preboot, but I forget which one it is in the reboot.

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10 minutes ago, KingScoopaKoopa said:

Which one is Mecha Sonic? I forget. I know it used to be roboticized Sonic in the preboot, but I forget which one it is in the reboot.

IIRC, any robot Sonic that isn't Metal Sonic is called Mecha Sonic in the games (at least in Japan). This goes for Sonic 2, Sonic & Knuckles, etc.

In the comics, though, the gray one from Sonic 2 is called Silver Sonic, while the Sonic & Knuckles one is Mecha Sonic. Going by the Snively origin comic thing, Mecha Sonic was destroyed by Knuckles (like the game), but it remains to be seen whether or not the comic will bring it back like it's doing with Silver Sonic.

Edited by Mister X
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Boy I'd hate to be impatient and not wait for the issue itself but can someone please be kind enough to show me a pic of Dulcy's team?

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3 minutes ago, Destructo-Dude said:

Boy I'd hate to be impatient and not wait for the issue itself but can someone please be kind enough to show me a pic of Dulcy's team?





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9 hours ago, Mister X said:


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Bad spoiler skills


So... if this is true, Jian in chinese means 'to see'.

I do like the tiger tho the face kinda looks like Blaze...


4 hours ago, RobotnikHolmes said:


Those drawings look cool and all but Nepethy's legs tho....


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23 hours ago, Detective Reptiles said:

Wait, were you lot talking about that one page? Shit, uh, forget you read that and hit the spoiler box instead.


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-Shadow will be playing a huge role in the Shattered World Crisis resolution as well, pointing to seeing it in Shattered. Those who were hoping that Shadow would be a minor part in it will probably be disappointed.


Yooo that tiger girl, who do I talk to to get sega to steal her for the games. 

To the quoted and hidden

" sorry you haven't seen for him for two years and our editor made us blow him up" 

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3 hours ago, Rosy Zebra said:

Bad spoiler skills

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So... if this is true, Jian in chinese means 'to see'.

I do like the tiger tho the face kinda looks like Blaze...


Those drawings look cool and all but Nepethy's legs tho....


Or sword, or splash, or item. We'd need for starters the pronunciation, and ideally the specific hanzi.

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9 hours ago, RobotnikHolmes said:


Still waiting for my "The Ladies of the Eggman Empire" calendar, Archie!

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1 hour ago, RobotnikHolmes said:



...what location is this?

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1 hour ago, RobotnikHolmes said:



This looks amazing. I need this comic.

July is so close, and yet so far...

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7 hours ago, Sega DogTagz said:
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Oh, Dulcy is running an all female team then?


I do have to commend Archie for aggressively expanding the female roster over the last few years. We were hurting for female villains for a while there, and a more balanced gender split among the heroes ranks is always welcome. Makes for better diversity.

So... Mama Robotnik when?

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Even more never than ever. Aside from the family mandate that would render her unable to be used in the story, Ian has vowed never to have her in the comic and Jon Gray, the guy who had her as a regular cameo whenever on off-panels or a cover, has left Archie for good. So, we may never see her again anywhere.

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10 hours ago, Sega DogTagz said:

I do have to commend Archie for aggressively expanding the female roster over the last few years. We were hurting for female villains for a while there, and a more balanced gender split among the heroes ranks is always welcome. Makes for better diversity.

Speaking of female characters, how the heck did Jian the Tiger manage to escape from the Egg Army so easily? I'm curious to know more about her backstory and what her relationship with Conquering Storm was like back then...

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I bet someone talked about it before, but I don't feel like reading 996 pages now;

If Archie was to get another video game comic, who would you want/ expect to get?

Personally I would go for "more Sonic" or "return Megaman", but other then that I think only two groups have any chances getting a comic (by comic I mean "ongoing series from Archie"): either Nintendo mascots (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, DK, Kirby, Star Fox, Kid Icarus), maaaybe Sony "mascots" (Crash, Spyro, Rachet, Jak, Sly Cooper). More serious games would go to Marvel/DC while other mascots (Banjo, Nights) had to few games, aren't remembered well enough (unless someone wants Pac-Man comic).

3 hours ago, SilverStarN64 said:

Speaking of female characters, how the heck did Jian the Tiger manage to escape from the Egg Army so easily? I'm curious to know more about her backstory and what her relationship with Conquering Storm was like back then...

What do you mean "so easily"? They didn't said anything about it. Maybe she walked though the door or maybe it was exiting car chase, with explosions. She's a really minor character, so I bet they won't dwell on that.

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17 minutes ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

I bet someone talked about it before, but I don't feel like reading 996 pages now;

If Archie was to get another video game comic, who would you want/ expect to get?

Personally I would go for "more Sonic" or "return Megaman", but other then that I think only two groups have any chances getting a comic (by comic I mean "ongoing series from Archie"): either Nintendo mascots (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, DK, Kirby, Star Fox, Kid Icarus), maaaybe Sony "mascots" (Crash, Spyro, Rachet, Jak, Sly Cooper). More serious games would go to Marvel/DC while other mascots (Banjo, Nights) had to few games, aren't remembered well enough (unless someone wants Pac-Man comic).

Depend on how  and how long they plan to do the comic. If they want to make it one of their forever-going series like Sonic, they would probably choose a character/game that has a lot of freedom. It would be a little hard for them to do the Zelda series unless its 90% adaption 10% creativity, for example, because if I understand correctly the Links and Zeldas are different in every other game and Link only goes on adventures when something very evil happens. Others like Kirby goes on adventures all the time but the main characters may be a little boring for the reader (esp. Kirby himself), there is little space for development except for the enemies.

Personally the best choice that match how they do the comic is Mario, there are not much concept of time like Sonic and there is a lot of freedom in his world. Or any other character/game that is similar, my head isn't in a good mood enough to think of other characters.

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Various Archie comic artist like Yardley, Herms and Bates actually really want to do a Mario comic or even a Star Fox comic.

But you know how Nintendo is with letting other companies do whatever with their properties.

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42 minutes ago, Dantemustdie00 said:

Various Archie comic artist like Yardley, Herms and Bates actually really want to do a Mario comic or even a Star Fox comic.

But you know how Nintendo is with letting other companies do whatever with their properties.

YEah....but I've heard somewhere Nintendo is starting to loosen their restrictions to get more audience, even planning to let movie adaptions or social games (which they usually don't do) for the main games. If it is true there MIGHT be a chance, if Archie manage to think of a good idea and Nintendo sees Archie worthy of handling their characters.

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