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Day-am! I normally cannot stand such a game, but bloody hell! This is just looking so freakishly terrific. Too many awesome games have been coming around lately... I need a better job. =(

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I can't wait to play this game! I really hope there are some references to Sonic or NiGHTS in the game.

Edited by Fangz The Wolf
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^Not likely but PG's last title "MadWorld" had a bit of humorous Sonic bashing so I can't say it's impossible.

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^Not likely but PG's last title "MadWorld" had a bit of humorous Sonic bashing so I can't say it's impossible.

Can you provide me a link please?

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  • 1 month later...

Hold on Turbojet, we have to hear how she talks down her enemies. She got Dante beat in combat, but his trash-talking mouth is what really makes him shine.

If she pales well then...ah, take your pick.

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Well she does playboy poses while fighting which is almost like having your girlfriend start a fight with you while she is butt naked. Plus it's like she is hitting on her enemies while kicking their asses... :blink:

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I'm excited about this game, but probably just because I haven't killed an angel in a video game since Guardian Heroes, and even then, I didn't do it with my character's hair. But the whole "Dude it's a semi naked chick c'mon it's awesome she's fighting and stuff real girls aren't as appealing apparently" aspect really turns me off. Deep down though, I think that if it's a rad enough game, I'll just insist that it's an allusion to Lady Godiva (and highbrow and artistic, just to be pretentious) and play the shit out of it.

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I'm excited about this game, but probably just because I haven't killed an angel in a video game since Guardian Heroes, and even then, I didn't do it with my character's hair. But the whole "Dude it's a semi naked chick c'mon it's awesome she's fighting and stuff real girls aren't as appealing apparently" aspect really turns me off. Deep down though, I think that if it's a rad enough game, I'll just insist that it's an allusion to Lady Godiva (and highbrow and artistic, just to be pretentious) and play the shit out of it.

They are Demons posing as Angels.

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May 27, 2009 - Hideki Kamiya is no stranger to the action genre. With games like Devil May Cry and Okami under his belt, Kamiya and his team at PlatinumGames are tackling another stylish action outing in the form of Bayonetta for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. This over-the-top gun-fest, which features one of the most insanely cool female characters in recent memory, feels a lot like the Devil May Cry franchise but boasts several unique elements. Our very own Cam Shea from the IGN Australia office wrote an extensive article on Bayonetta in March, so I encourage newcomers to check it out. I had the opportunity to see two levels from the game in motion, and what I saw blew me away.

Bayonetta is one of the most ridiculously over-the-top numbers I've seen in a long time. It gives Devil May Cry a run for its money.

Bayonetta revolves around a dark-haired witch named -- appropriately -- Bayonetta, who is part of a long-standing clan of witches that has all but vanished. Bayonetta finds herself in a massive battle against a legion of menacing angels, with a few other characters coming along for the ride. Although very little is currently known about the game's backstory, I'm already sold on the game's overriding themes. At first glance, it seems like Bayonetta is fighting for the forces of darkness, but these angelic creatures don't always look so angelic. There's something pure about the elegance of Bayonetta's character that makes her feel like a "good guy," so the dynamic between her and her adversaries is already intriguing.

Our interview with Director Hideki Kamiya.

Our interview with Director Hideki Kamiya.

For those of you who have already seen trailers of the game, the gameplay mechanics are very similar to those found in Devil May Cry. Bayonetta moves around lavish, 3D environments, fighting enemies with an assortment of flashy moves and powerful weapons. Battles are very arena-like, as you progress from one section of the stage to another in a fairly linear sequence. Clearly, the highlight of the game's design is not the environmental exploration but the action.

And what action it is. Bayonetta can equip weapons on both hands and both of her feet, making her an extremely versatile hero. There's nothing quite as badass as blowing away rabid cherub monsters with gun-stilettos, and such a thing is commonplace in the Bayonetta world. Not only can our warrior use these more common weapons, but her hair is also a weapon in and of itself. Bayonetta can use dark magic to transform her hair into giant fists and feet, crushing enemies with an incredibly slick attack. She can also create torture devices like guillotines and iron maidens to finish her enemies in one swift motion.

The brilliant thing about Bayonetta is that her immense power is tied in with her sexual flair, as opposed to being a separate (and potentially unrelated) element of her character. As her hair also forms her clothing, using powerful magic often drains her of her normal outfit, revealing ample amounts of skin. This means when Bayonetta is at her "sexiest," she's also at her most deadly.

During the demo, the first level I saw was set in a charming European town, where a small train car scooted happily down the street. In the next instant, the train car is a flaming wreck, sliding down the cobblestone road as Bayonetta effortlessly jumps over the twisted wreckage and readies herself for an oncoming opponent. Two fiery, wheel-like creatures spin into view and begin the assault.

The entire sequence just oozes style. Bayonetta moves with an almost unnatural grace and fluidity, making the entire game a visual marvel. She quickly dispatches the creatures with a glowing whip and some assorted gunfire, all while a jazzy piano track plays in the background. Once the fiery wheels are defeated, Bayonetta is attacked by two cherub-faced giants, both wielding massive axes that would certainly scare off the average gunslinger. But not Bayonetta.

That's quite an impressive kick.

That's quite an impressive kick.

Once again, the spectacled witch seems to have no qualms fighting creatures of such size, and it was during this fight that I witnessed "Witch Time," which is a slick, slow-motion effect that comes into play as you fight and dodge enemy attacks. After the goliaths were defeated, Bayonetta could pick up one of their axes and use it as a temporary power-up.

As the first set of battles came to an end, the player was ranked on the previous "verse," or section of the stage. After that, it was on to more crazy killing, but not before dropping by the Now Loading screen which is an empty room in which one can practice combos. A terribly underrated feature.

The second level of the demo is when my entire face was blown off by maximum awesome.

As was indicated in the recent "Climax" trailer, Bayonetta fights a horde of frightening angels... on top of a giant clock tower... as it's falling... and being attacked by dragons. This is an actual, playable stage and it puts all other action games to shame. As the crumbling clock tower plummets downwards besides a seemingly endless cliff, Bayonetta and countless angels duel in an incredibly awesome battle. The camera swoops around to highlight the action, huge rocks rip through the scene and the aforementioned two-headed dragon is there too.

Everything about this section is jaw-dropping. The sweeping music, the breath-taking visuals and the insane camera work -- it all comes together to form a remarkable experience. I can't wait to play this game.

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Well she does playboy poses while fighting which is almost like having your girlfriend start a fight with you while she is butt naked. Plus it's like she is hitting on her enemies while kicking their asses... :blink:

She's gotta have a personality I'll really like for me to consider her better than Dante. Dante's the kind of badass with one hell of a mouth, and if Bayonetta doesn't top that she's only better in skill and poor in personality.

That's kinda the reason why really think Afro Samurai has a poor character interaction, nothing drew me in except for Ninja Ninja's always talking shit.

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Loving this game so far

-She doesn't seem to talk trash like Dante but acts nothing like Afro Samurai.

-Is Kamiya using Sonic rings? Awesome.

-Did you guys notice that her shooting bullseye is girl lips with lipstick? :blink:

-The hair attack is awesome and she constantly gets naked on normal attacks as well.

-You can use the enemies weapons(Dante never had too because he always had the most badass weapons).

-She has a katana if you look closely.

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E3 Trailer.. lol surprised no one posted it.. it's like I'm the only one here who even bothers posting stuff about SEGA


Trailer is awesome

make sure you watch it here! it's in 60 FPS and amazing! the youtube and gametrailers versions aren't!

Edited by ShadikatRawr
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-She doesn't seem to talk trash like Dante but acts nothing like Afro Samurai.

-Is Kamiya using Sonic rings? Awesome.

-Did you guys notice that her shooting bullseye is girl lips with lipstick? blink.gif

-The hair attack is awesome and she constantly gets naked on normal attacks as well.

-You can use the enemies weapons(Dante never had too because he always had the most badass weapons).

-She has a katana if you look closely.

Random: Afro expresses his emotions

through NinjaNinja, a charcter who exists only within his mind. If you pay attention he only talks to afro, and appears just after the slaughter on top of the hill, basically when afro because emotionless

and @ the rest Kamiya talks about all this in this trailer dissection thing on the Platinum website. You an also have different weapons on your hands and feet (ie you can have all her guns, shotguns on feet and a whip in her hands, etc) and have up to three sets of each, which are changed on the fly.

New trailer is great. I love the look of this game, hope Platinum deliver.

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Random: Afro expresses his emotions

through NinjaNinja, a charcter who exists only within his mind. If you pay attention he only talks to afro, and appears just after the slaughter on top of the hill, basically when afro because emotionless

and @ the rest Kamiya talks about all this in this trailer dissection thing on the Platinum website. You an also have different weapons on your hands and feet (ie you can have all her guns, shotguns on feet and a whip in her hands, etc) and have up to three sets of each, which are changed on the fly.

New trailer is great. I love the look of this game, hope Platinum deliver.

Oh I thought that was trailer dissection thing was just another link to the same trailer :unsure: .

Edit: Chainsaw...Made of Hair? Dual Boozakas...made of Hair? Dante just give up because she just kicked your ass and the game isn't even out yet.

Edited by turbojet
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Gameplay Videos! (Must watch!)

This is much better then DMC... much better.


(longest gameplay video)

Holy Shit. I'm getting this game.

Crossing into spider-man territory? She is friggin' awesome!

:blink: I'm getting this game...

She is literally posing in an epic battle. What the hell man? It's like a playboy magazine shoot to her.

Damned awesome!

When is this game coming out again?

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I haven't even clicked the link yet and I'm already lol-ing quite heavily. XXD

EDIT: Random comment on-site:

The man behind gaming’s most infamous implementation of anatomical physics has a problem with a chick wearing her own hair.


ahahahahahahaha Edited by Blacklightning
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