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Sonic Runners (iOS/Android) - Thread Version 2.0

Dr. Dipshit

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Ahhh. Well it's letting me fight Zazz now. I guess it requires someone to "discover" the fight (whatever that means), and then people can join in from there. There are also multiple levels of Zazz, as I fought a level 2 one and got a decently sized reward relative to the reward I got for a level 1 Zazz.. I'm not sure I like this event format at all, I barely understand it.

At least now I vaguely get why they called it a raid boss.

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Yeah this event is confusing to understand, and the roulette for it is meh. Really could have done without it, but AAA practices yada yada yada.:/

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Well, if you don't want to do the roulette to get the evil sun as I call it lol, you just need to fight zazz 40 times...yeah...

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Finally the Chaotix are gone! Now I can try spinning for Metal-Sonic again! .. I know Omega will be in the way now... but my odds are still better then before. >.>


As for the new event... it sounds confusing, meh... I should get the hang of it tho after a bit.

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Can someone post the times i need to kill Zazz to finish the event? Everytime i go down the list the game crashes.

Edit: also, it crashes when going in the character details menu.

Oh, and me not getting any boost on score for getting a buddie at lv5 again, was a bug, its been fixed, so now those 3 special eggs are better :)

Edited by Hundjäger18
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Ohh, okay, I suppose I should have read the notification that popped up. Oops. Everyone has a chance to "discover" the fights with Zazz just by playing the game normally. Once a fight is discovered, it appears in the event menu, and anyone can join into it to defeat it. You also have the chance of discovering rare Zazzes (?) which yield better rewards.

So, it's completely stupid. Got it.

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You're supposed to play the regular game before  Zazz appears. But the question is for how long? The game only says "clear any stage" but what is the definition of clear.

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You're supposed to play the regular game before  Zazz appears. But the question is for how long? The game only says "clear any stage" but what is the definition of clear.

I think it means either clear your episode or episode part. I got Zazz to appear after finishing 50-1.

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I think it means either clear your episode or episode part. I got Zazz to appear after finishing 50-1.

I got Zazz by dying in the second speed phase lmao. You don't need to clear anything 

Also got moon mech!

The super rare eggs are in the jackpot section of the power ring roulette :/


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I got matched with random people, i want back to the game a min ago and a silver moon fight was at 35/40, i defeated the boss on 2 hits(thanks to Cream, the wisp and the 2 new buddies at highest levels) i wonder, would i be getting more power rings if i keep hitting him, or should i keep the buddies to make the fight end faster? Btw i havent charged at all.

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This update is disappointing. The Facebook issues are still unfixed. If they can't fix them, then they should give affected players unlimited tokens. 

The notifications still appear as black boxes. Again, if they can't fix them, they should have the option of displaying the notifications as text (instead of graphics).

The ability to save sets of characters is sweet. However, the option causes my device to restart!

There's lot of crashing. I'm not bothered about it, as they are usually quite good at fixing the crashing bugs (and given the number of devices it's expected that every new updated will have teething issues). 

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If you fight Zazz 150 times(the max amount before you just won't get anything from it.) all you get is 30 RSR's. Are you fucking pulling my leg SEGA lol?

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Also, the fight i had with the metal moon, didnt count on my reward list, so, i guess if we play others fights, they get the kill, and we get the power rings.

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I'm not connected with Facebook on this, and don't intend on doing so, so I'm assuming this event will be annoyingly difficult to do because of that huh?

Edited by Michael Munroe
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The Raid Event is completely dull. It's far worse than Dragon Coins' one of the events & Pokémon Shuffle's Escalation Battle.


It's pointless to wait for my next turn for a long time.

And, looks like that Caliburn is useless in this event.

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Wasted 500 RSR and no character egg...


And we have to defeat Zazz 150 times to complete the event!? we can only even fight him 3 times once every 30 mins... how is this even possible to finish? and the prizes are not even much better then other events... disappointing.


At least some bugs got fixed. 1 I noticed was on Eggman fights the fire comes out in the right spot now on the eggmobile.

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This event is janky. The timeframe you can activate your items against Zazz is super small and yeah Caliburn and a good chunk of boss companions are useless so you are better off using the RC ones. Also there's a stage glitch? It will show the speed stage on the main menu but when you hit play, it will show you an entirely different stage on the item screen.

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At least some bugs got fixed. 1 I noticed was on Eggman fights the fire comes out in the right spot now on the eggmobile.

WOO!! Finally. lol.


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I think I got another way to make a Zazz battle appear: Run through a regular stage and then deliberately die!

Out of curiousity, after tapping this one...


... this happens:


Edited by AshGreninJovan
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Huh, there's another roulette in which you pay 5000 power rings?! But it looks like the item roulette to me!

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I hit the 1 million score again and jumped to number 10 in the runners league! :o

And the new buddies like the Star missile can come in handy for this event...

Edited by Disembodied Charmy
It's 10, thanks lag.
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