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Dr. Crusher Presents: The 30 Days of Sonic the Hedgehog (sponsored by PowerVerte)-Fin, PAGE 150

Dr. Crusher

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I just want to forewarn you guys that I don't have anything particularly funny or insightful, I'm just... I'm just gonna gush about this one.




Zone 4: Favorite First Boss





Egg Beetle from Sonic Unleashed (HD)


I don't count that first feud with the Dark Gaia monsters or the Egg Cauldron as first bosses. The fight against the Egg Beetle is your first true boss battle, and man is it awesome!




Hot dang, now THIS is a boss that gets your blood pumping!


"Haha, are you fast enough to dodge this?"


Just pure action. Right away you're running straight ahead at Eggman and it's high-speed antics.


Really, the best thing about this boss is how fast you go in it. And then you boost into him, and he goes flying through the trees, and it just feels so smooth and fluid, it's perfect. It's the perfect first boss.


Sure, if you're skilled enough you can waste him in 30 seconds or so, but that's kind of how first bosses go anyway. It's just fun and chaotic.



I love it. 






Sorry for not being funny.





Here's fat Sonic.




I hope you find it funny.

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I don't have many favourite bosses...but here's some that stick out.


Wrecking Ball and Drill Eggman, because they're very iconic and, whilst really easy to beat, are so fun to play against and blow up!


Big Foot from SA2 is really cool too, because unlike the Eggman bosses it was slightly challenging to play against and it was different and unique to see a GUN robot coming after Sonic and not the good Doctor!

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Ugh *sniff* fuckin' cold got me *blows nose*. Couldn't do day 3 sooner, but uh hey, the day hasn't ended yet where I live so I'll just do both day 3 and 4 in one post.


DAY 3: Favorite First Zone/Stage/Level/Racetrack/etc.


It's City Escape!cool.png



Follow me, set me free! Trust me and we will escape from the city!


So yeah, this is the first stage of the first game that got me into the series back in 2009. Can someone have nostalgia from only 5 years ago? Whatever, this stage is AWESOME! Snowboarding down the streets, running away from the military, jump ramps and grinding! This is the stage when I said "Sonic the Hedgehog is my shit."


DAY 4: Favorite First Bosses


Dun da Dun da Dun da Dun Da...





This THE Sonic boss fight. The most iconic, the Egg Wrecking Ball smashed it's way into the memories of all those first time players. Ivo Robotnik doesn't need giant mooks doing all the dirty work, he does it himself!

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So the question for Day 4 has to do with our favorite first bosses. Well then, it’s time for a



Blaire Top Five!


That is trademarked, by the way. ;P



5: Bx-3 Hot Shot (Sonic Adventure 2 Dark Story)


I’ve always preferred this over F=6t Big Foot from the Hero Side, partially because of that cool little homing missile it has. Not only that though, but given his history with them, I don’t think there was any better way to properly introduce Shadow the Hedgehog then having him fight a GUN Mecha.


4: Fire Breath (Sonic 3)


Do sub-bosses count? I mean, it is the first one you fight in Sonic 3 after all. But anyway, Fire Breath. Awesome boss. And you want to know what makes it awesome? It’s introduction. While the boss itself isn’t really something to write home about (else it would be higher on this list) the fact that it comes in and sets Angel Island on fire I feel really makes it deserve a spot on my list. If Knuckles knocking all the Emeralds out of you didn’t already, then this boss was what made you realize that Sonic 3 was totally different beast from Sonic 1 & 2.


3: Egg Hammer Tank (Sonic Advance)


Was anyone expecting this? Probably not, but I do like this boss quite a bit. I’ve always thought it was a cool one. Plus the way it uses its hammer to vault into the air when it only has one point of health left in a last ditch effort to flatten your character never gets old.


2: Egg Beetle (Sonic Unleashed)


Ah Unleashed, you had a great first boss. Part of what makes this memorable for me is the arena you’re running along – a giant tree. That in and off itself I find cool. But not only that, this is one of the few first boss battles that actually has a bit of a challenge to it. Of course, that’s probably because it happens a bit later than the bosses in most games, but still, I’ve always kind of appreciated that.


Honorable Mention: Wrecking Ball Boss (Sonic 1; 16-bit)


For just how iconic it is, this boss is getting an honorable mention. It’s not the greatest of first bosses out there, but I feel it did a pretty good job at introducing us to Eggman and showing how he was different from most main gaming villains in that he actually takes matters into his own hands throughout the game instead of having lackies do all the work for him until the end.


Which leaves us with my favorite first boss. And again, I hope sub-bosses count, because my choice is…








1: Metal Sonic (Sonic Generations)


My oh my, what can I say about this boss? First, you got this awesome cutscene that involves Classic Sonic getting chased by Metal Sonic – and then the floor starts collapsing underneath him. Ah, but luckily Sonic manages to jump back up and then the fight truly begins. And running through a gorgeous HD version of Stardust Speedway, deftly dodging Metal Sonic’s attacks and hitting him with your own, all while an awesome rendition of Stardust Speedway Bad Future plays is nothing short of awesome. And the ending where Sonic pretty much kicks his robot doppelgänger into oblivion is just great. Sonic Generations really knew how to do bosses well.

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Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with Metal Sonic from Sonic Generations like the others did, mostly due to scenery and music. I've never been particularly fond of bosses in Sonic games if I'll be honest.


For iconicness I like the first boss in Sonic 2, the car with the drills attached. I remember when I was very young and Eggman was just "car guy" to me.

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Man, Sonic Unleashed was a pretty cool game. Even today, the only other series that's managed to catch the feeling that Unleashed gave me back when I played it for the first time as a kid. It's super fast, super exciting, and just a ton of fun to play. Figuring out how to beat him in about thirty seconds flat felt super rewarding, and I just can't talk enough about how awesome it felt to feel like I actually got to play a fight from Sonic X or something. It plays out like a fight in the Sonic universe really would without gameplay limitations, and that's awesome.


Below is a 110% accurate representation of the mind of Young Twelve Year Old Discoid's mind being blown - 


"Oh cool, the first real boss! I wonder how they're going to slow the game down with these controls for a boss fight... *expecting Egg Hornet-esque fight*"

"Pshhhh, Egg Hornet? What a chump, you wanna go fast, kid?"

"Yes, talking game disc! Yes I do!" 








... Yep.




When I think of Sonic games with awesome bosses, Sonic Unleashed is rarely one that comes to mind. And that's weird when I think about it, because the daytime bosses were absolutely fantastic. Egg Beetle is no exception by any means. But aside from what Discoid said up here, I'd like to mention just how satisfying it is to watch it slowly tear apart as you beat up on it. Not to mention that feedback you get when you land a successful homing attack on Egghead's sorry face. It's just like - BOOM! And he just goes flying and there's the smoke and everything, it's just one of those super satisfying "EFF YEA" moments you get when playing a game. It's lovely.


As for other faves...





This is so hilariously piss easy that I can't help but love it. It's easily one of the most utterly pathetic creations Eggman's thrown together. I can just imagine what was going through his mind.


"uh uh okay sonic's ALMOST to the end of Palmtree Panic what do I do I gotta have SOMETHING ready what does sonic not like um okay uh SPRINGS HE HATES SPRINGS I CAN HAVE FISTS MADE OF SPRINGS AND ALSO SPIKES SPIKES ARE VERY PAINFUL YES YES THIS WILL DO OKAY OKAY YES YES"


And it dies in








I love it. I can't help it. It just stands out so much for that very reason.





Throwing this in here for nostalgia, mostly, but as far as first bosses go, it's quite nice. After all, what better way to introduce the main antagonist of the story but with a boss fight? Just think about it: the first time you face it, you don't even know quite what it is. You've just watch it pretty much absorb all bullets thrown at it, and now Sonic's so cocky and arrogant that he has to have a go. It's easy and a great way to get used to Sonic's controls, but it also really sets the tone for the story and gets you more engaged than you might have been if, say, Chaos had been introduced through lots of exposition and junk. By the way, I love the Adventure games. That's probably going to come up a lot.

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Favorite first bosses... in my opinion, none of the first bosses are really that cool, but if I had to pick... I'd go with ol' Green Hill Ball 'n' Chain Eggman. It was the first Sonic boss battle I remember playing, and it just stands out to me. Gives me memories of playing Sonic 1 on the Dreamcast back in 2000 or so, dying more times than anyone should on the first boss of the game (I was 5 years old and had less-than-stellar motor skills, cut me a break).

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"uh uh okay sonic's ALMOST to the end of Palmtree Panic what do I do I gotta have SOMETHING ready what does sonic not like um okay uh SPRINGS HE HATES SPRINGS I CAN HAVE FISTS MADE OF SPRINGS AND ALSO SPIKES SPIKES ARE VERY PAINFUL YES YES THIS WILL DO OKAY OKAY YES YES"


Horrible slander, this. You want to know what Robotnik was really thinking? This is what Robotnik was really thinking.


"Tch, it's alright. He'll fuck up in Wacky Workbench anyway."

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Day 4: Favourite First Bosses


If the first zones of any Sonic game symbolised the beginning of an incredible journey, the very first big encounters represent the fact that such an endeavour won't be so easy. Much like the previously discussed first zones, first boss fights also hold a big degree of importance, and in this case is due to the fact that you will experience your first contact against the real enemy in the game, being in most cases Dr Eggman but also other threats within different game installments. This time, I'll list at least 3 of my favourite first boss fights (once again, in no particular order).


Dr Robotnik's Wrecking Ball (Sonic The Hedgehog) - The game that started it all is also the game where you first ever face against Dr Robotnik. On board of his Egg Mobile, he introduces the checkered Wrecking Ball and it's all ready to crush you mercilessly. Swinging from one corner of the screen to the other, making sure you don't reach him and destroy his precious Egg Mobile, Wrecking Ball holds a special place in the hearts of many Sonic fans who experienced the first entry of the series. This boss even makes a nostalgic comeback in Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 with a little unexpected twist when he's in a pinch.


F-6T Big Foot / BX-3 Hot Shot (Sonic Adventure 2) - Depending on whether you start with either the Hero Side or the Dark Side story arch, you will fight either the F-6T Big Foot or the BX-3 Hot Shot respectively. These are your very first G.U.N. boss robots to fight not only in Sonic Adventure 2 but in the main series as well. In the case of Big Foot, this big robot will try to stop Sonic after a great escape from the G.U.N. agents back in City Escape, while Hot Shot will attempt to take Shadow down after being awake by Dr Eggman. They are essentially the same boss fight only with one little difference on their attack pattern (lock-on laser attack on Hot Shot), yet the strategy is the same: homing attack on their cockpit four times and done.


Egg Beetle (Sonic Unleashed) - The epic world adventure of Sonic Unleashed couldn't be completed without some epic boss fights, and in the case of Dr Eggman... well, he sure was up for a big fight! Being part of Mazuri's boss fight, the Egg Beetle's chasing battle is quick and straightforward, yet intense as Eggman's attempt to school Sonic with its giant claws will require you to keep your homing attacks well timed and your boost ready to kick when needed. Sonic Unleashed featured, in my opinion, one of the best looking designs for the game's boss fights, and the Egg Beetle is no exception at all: menacing and cool, all in line with the most genius doctor in the world.

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Oh dangit, I missed two questions! Time to fix that.


Day 4: Favorite First Bosses


Sonic Rush Adventure: Ghost Rex



Ghost Rex was a really great opening boss for Rush adventure. Nevermind the fact that it's a freaking Robo T-Rex ready to gnaw you whole whenever it can get the chance, the fight itself is a good showcase of how different and unique the boss battles in the game will be, especially in regards to the first game. The song that plays alongside the boss fight is also pretty rad.


Sonic Advance 2: Egg Hammer Tank 2



While Eggman may not be the best car driver in the world, he can sure work a mean stick shift, though only in reverse. I'm a sucker for running bosses, since I think these are fights most suited for a series such as Sonic (not to say that the other types aren't great either). This mech in particular is not only an improvement from the prequel's first boss (duh) but also a good homage to Sonic 2's opening fight. Only this time, rather than a pathetic drill, it's a swinging hammer of death.


Sonic Unleashed: Egg Beetle



And here we have just about the perfect amalgamation of running and uniqueness when it comes to a first boss battle. The Egg Beetle is pure high-octane Sonic action, thanks to all that extra crisp speed you got. Even though you could say this boss is relatively easy, I think it really lends itself to that difficulty. The simplicity of the boss is what makes it so charming, whether it be smacking it around with the almighty boost button or just simply homing attacking it (and actually letting it attack with the bombs for once). Overall, Egg Beetle is just an immensely fun experience through and through.

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Robotnik can get his weak ass shit out of my face. It's a robot T-rex, and although the fight itself was nothing special, SRA in general has really neat boss designs and I wish they would revisit this sort of thing again. Sometimes I forget that SRA technically takes place in a parallel dimension, and the weird boss designs in this game drove the point home.

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Alright, Here we go!


Favorite First Boss:


Wrecking Ball Machine: Sonic the Hedgehog 1


It is THE boss of bosses ever to face in a Sonic. Eggman's just chillin' in his mech just swinging that wrecking ball of his back and forth. You gonna find the right timing to hit without yourself getting hit by the wrecking ball in the process. Quite the iconic fight against the doctor.


Egg Beetle: Sonic Unleashed


This first boss of Sonic Unleashed. The first fast paced boss battle against the mad doctor himself. Gotta watch out for its pincer attack and get up close and use the homing attack to strike Eggman where it hurts. I remember that tactic when I fighting this boss. I also love this boss music, it's so fitting for these fast paced battles.


Egg Hammer Tank: Sonic Advance


One of my favorite first bosses in Sonic games is the Egg Hammer Tank. The suspense builds up as you approach the bridge and encounter Dr. Eggman. Of course he runs away the moment you lay eyes on him, but as soon as you chase him far enough... BOOM!!! In comes a big ass hammer coming its way to smash you into the ground. This fight kept me on my toes because the more times I hit him, the faster the hammer kept going until it starts hammer vaulting like crazy. That music also adds the creepy intense feeling of fighting a formidable machine of Eggman's. 


Bigfoot: Sonic Adventure 2 


The big bad G.U.N. walker sent to take down Sonic. I love fighting this boss, because there were two ways I could beat this boss; I could either use the crates for an extra jump into Bigfoot to make the fight short and pathetically easier or take the long way and dodge its missiles then come in for the kill. 


Antlion Mecha: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit)


It is the first boss in the game and to me it was the hardest boss in the game. A steep hill with metallic balls bouncing down the hill and just jump out of the way and let them hit Eggman. As easy as it sounds, it isn't. Because the ball will randomly bounce higher or lower and are a bit unpredictable, it makes it a little bit harder. Let's not forget the fact that this game is pretty infamous for being ball-bustingly hard in a lot of areas, add that with no rings during boss fights. This was a nerve wrecking first boss for me back then and still is.

Edited by Electro Pipe
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Day 4: Favorite First Bosses


Like with Day 3, since ranking the bosses isn't required in this round, I am going to mention each one in chronological order when the Sonic games came out:




Green Hill Zone-Wrecking Ball (Sonic the Hedgehog/Sonic 1): I have to acknowledge this infamous first battle between Sonic and Dr. Robotnik/Eggman known to the Sonic fanbase. That makes it this boss battle iconic and all the more special. It's impressive that the Egg Mobile can even carry that wrecking ball seeing that it is nearly the same size of the Egg Mobile itself! This boss battle here in Green Hill Zone marks the beginning of what would be many battles between the two over the years...




Egg Beetle (Sonic Unleashed): A modern-day showdown between Sonic and Dr. Eggman in my favorite Sonic game that is actually my favorite boss battle due to the speed, banter between them, and Sonic having a good time amid that boss battle. But instead of me talking about it, I think it would be better so see and hear the fun for yourself:




This battle may be all "boost to win" and really short, but I found the boss battle to be both sweet and fun. Most people may not like all the chatter, but I enjoyed the banter back and forth between Sonic and Dr. Eggman in the boss battles, especially here where Dr. Eggman does all that menacing talk throughout the battle, only to have Sonic scoff at him and basically say he is nothing but talk after defeating him. I love it! tongue.png





King Arthur (Sonic and the Black Knight): This is the first of two battles against the ruthless King Arthur; this one at Misty Lake. But the main reason this first boss is so great is because of Caliburn. Caliburn makes everything better. wink.png I like now Caliburn guides Sonic through the Boss fight, which was fitting considering how inexperienced Sonic was with swordsmanship at this point and despite that, with Caliburn's experience and guidance and Sonic's speed and determination, the two worked together as a team to defeat King Arthur as opposed to them arguing and taking jabs at each other. Again, see it for yourself: 






Tropical Resort-Rotatatron (Sonic Colors): To say that I'm not the most skillful in regards to video games is a severe understatement. That said, I honestly don't like my boss battles to be all complicated...so the combination of easy and simple bosses that Sonic Colors provides suits me just fine. I like how Rotatatron has lots of colors, lights and details on it, making it a very interesting robot to look at.




Windy Hill Zone Act 2-Zazz (Sonic Lost World): This is another easy boss battle much to my delight. This battle also has intrigue due to it being a battle happening at night and the fact that this involves Zazz, my favorite member of the Deadly Six, with his wild and out of control ways, and unpredictable personality. The boss battle may be quick and easy, but I never fail to get a laugh out of it due to Zazz's crazy outbursts yelling at and taunting Sonic. 

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Day 4: Favorite First Boss


For some odd reason, I am syoooooper tired, as in "yawning during the awesomeness that is Winter Soldier" tired, so I'm going to make this brief and potentially riddled with nonsense:


Wrecking Ball: Green Hill gets a lot of love and overrepresentation, but this boss doesn't so I've still got happy nostalgia for it. It's easy, but iconic for being the first in the entire series. Also, it's fun when you're goofing off and running towards the edges of the screen for no reason, the wrecking ball missing you by mere pixels.


Chaos 0: Oh hey, it's a really strange water monster thing that gave absolutely zero fucks when the entire Station Square police force tried to riddle him with bullets. I have to fight it? Coolies. Also, it's awesome that the game starts you off with an immediate boss fight.


Big Foot: Hot Shot is fun in that wrecking ball kind of way due to being simple to exploit, as well as going in knowing that it's some of the best tech the entire freaking military has to offer you. Shadow showing you up moments after though put everything into perspective.


Iblis: Iblis has that Chaos 0 feel of "Oh, I have to immediately fight the ridiculously huge entity that is responsible for destroying everyone and everything I love" kind of way. The use of telekinetic powers on the thing to send its ammo and whatnot hurtling back is also relatively satisfying.

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Day 4: Favorite first bosses!




Bigfoot was awesome, and not just because I'm a horrbily disease-ridden Adventure fan. After the rush that is City Escape (which I kind of vomited my love for all over my last post here), after the GUN truck race, after running down a skyscraper, you fight this guy. You fight a giant japanese mecha animé that Sonic kills with his face. It was the best possible way for the game to show off, like "hey you nerd, our game is so cool that we put Metal Gear Ray as the first boss." It was a trick so good that Kojima had no choice but to write in Sonic Adventure 2 as the canocal sequel to Peace Walker so he could let Platnium ape it when Rising rolled around. And when Platnium reuses a trick of yours, you know you've done good.




He ain't much to look at, but Flame Mobile does an excellent job of introducing the player to the plot of Sonic 3&K, all without uttering a single line of dialogue and without the need for the manual. We first see Knuckles, the island's only anthro inhabitant, come in and take our stuff, and then after a brief island exploration we come across this guy. His very presence creates a storm of questions: Is Eggman working with Knuckles? What would the sole resident of this lovely island allign himself with someone burning it down? Heck, why is Eggman so concerned with this one random scrap of land? It's definitely a whirlwind for only the first couple of stages, and figuring out just what's going on in this tiny little mystery plot is a neat incentive for such an old platformer. It's a good example of holistic gaming, using all the parts of your game to tell your story, and it's one I'm hoping the series takes notice of again someday. So hats off to Flame Mobile, you're one heck of a first boss for being so simple.

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Day 4: Favorite First Bosses
Chaos 0. I must have been like, 9 at the time. Ol' Dad got us a SEGA Dreamcast and after going through the (kind of long at the time) process of configuring the system for the first time set up we popped in Sonic Adventure. Didn't really know anything about the game at the time, not even a little, so I was really surprised when the first thing you had to do was fight off this monster.

Yes, it comes after a cutscene with some shitty acting (oh no our weapons are useless) but it was pretty intense. This was the first time you ever had to face a foe like this in a Sonic game, and this was the first time I ever got to control him in 3D, so this left a really big impression on me. 
Fire Breath from Sonic 3 is also a great boss... well not really fighting him. You just sort of jump on him, get stuck on the corner and keep bouncing until it dies... but the fact that this thing is what torched Angel Island to begin with is worth an honorable mention, right?

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Day 4: Favorite First Boss


Chaos 0. Sonic Adventure was a game that shook things up in a lot of ways. A lot of people are tired of the idea of Eggman losing control to some crazy monster he's trying to command, but it was a new concept when it happened in this game. If you had been playing Sonic games before this, you hadn't fought anything like Chaos before. Sure the boss is actually really easy, but you never know what to expect from him because he's not a normal badnik; he's a monster. When you win the fight, you don't kill him, he simply retreats and comes back even stronger. He's a problem that's just going to get more and more out of hand, and you're always a step behind in stopping him. This allows Chaos to continue being a believable threat. The boss fights with him usually have more weight than the few you have with other characters for this reason.


He's also got a really awesome design.

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Antlion Mecha: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit)






I swear, that thing was the bane of my existance when I was a kid. Far to difficult to be a first boss, that thing stonewalled me from getting the stage 2 for years.


... and yet I kind of respect it for it these days. That GG title is notoriously nasty, and that boss right there sums up a good deal of it. 



But thats still not enough to beat out Egg Beetle. Like many of the rest of you here, I simple adore that boss for its sheer awesome factor. Bringing the pain to eggman at mach 1 felt right in that sequence, and it really did put the power of the hedgehog in the palm of your hand. Throw in some explosions and whiplash and you've got yourself a ten bell first boss.



Alright, I am 4/4 so far. Keep em coming.

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My favorite first bosses? I guess they would be...


...these guys.


The fight against Chaos was the perfect way to begin a game in my opinion. The rain helped set the mood really well, and the whole fight was hand-to-hand combat, which I prefer over fighting someone in a machine. Zazz is awesome because as far as I know he's the only boss to actually start fighting you before the fight itself begins, if that makes any sense.

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Question #4: What are your favourite FIRST bosses?


Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Angel Island Act 1 Sub-Boss




So halfway through the level you watched as an army of these things came and set the entire jungle on fire. Now it's time to take it out. Its pattern is pretty easy to remember: it flies to one side of the screen, shoots a flamethrower, then flies to the other side of the screen and repeats. You can only hit during the moments when it's flamethrower isn't firing. If you try to hit it while it's flying, you'll take damage from its after burners on the bottom. While the battle is easy for Sonic and Tails, Knuckles has to deal with its flamethrower and missiles that it fires from its top.


Sonic and Knuckles: Mushroom Hill Act 1 Sub-Boss



Ah, yes. The lumberjack. He stays on one side of the screen, chopping down a tree, sending the bark flying in Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles' direction. For Sonic and Tails, the bark flies in a straight line, while for Knuckles they fly in a straight line and sometimes bounce off the ground. Sonic and Tails can wait until he gets to the bottom of the tree, where his axe gets stuck, and jump on top of him. However, for Knuckles he'll cut down the entire tree and then his head will fly off. Yeah, Knuckles' Boss Fights were like Hard Mode sometimes.


Sonic Adventure: Chaos Zero



So Sonic is out enjoying Station Square's Night Life until he hears police sirens. Once it seems the police can't stop him, Sonic jumps in to take down Chaos Zero. I can't think of any other Sonic game that starts out with a Boss Battle.


Sonic Adventure 2: Bigfoot (Hero Story)/Hotshot (Dark Story)


After you've completed the first level of either story, you'll have to face off against G.U.N.'s giant walkers. They have 2 different defeated animations: one that's similar to Gamma's in Sonic/Tails' fight in Adventure and the legs up one that can only be done if you   can hit it the final time while they're flying.



Sonic Advance 1, 2, and 3: The Egg Hammer Mk. 1-3



You have to hand it to Dr. Eggman. He went back and upgraded one of his boss machines at least 2 times in the Advance games.


So after you get through the grassy areas of Neo Green Hill Zone, you come across Dr. Eggman on a bridge (similar to the one from Radical Highway). Then he goes and gets his Egg Hammer. Now the first one is simple. He goes back and forth across the bridge as the hammers swings back and forth in front of and behind the vehicle. However, Sonic and Friend can jump between the space of the hammer's arm length to hit Eggman in front and behind. After taking 7 hits, Dr. Eggman tries to copy Amy and start doing hammer jumps, but resistance is futile.


In Leaf Forest, Dr. Eggman uses the Egg Hammer Mk 2, a faster vehicle with a extendable hammer that can change its length and a giant arm and hand to grab wooden creatures with. Not only does Sonic have to catch to Dr. Eggman but he also has to watch out for when the hammer drops.



Finally, we have the Egg Hammer Mk. 3. A giant hammer that swings down to hit Sonic and friends on both sides of the screen. Dr. Eggman can only be hit once the hammer hits the ground. You can try to squeeze underneath Dr. Eggman to rush to both sides to hit his cockpit, but you have to be quick because the space is small and Dr. Eggman will try to squish Sonic and company if they're underneath him. Oh, yeah and Gemerl's here too.


Sonic and the Secret Rings: Sand Scorpion



Oh yeah. This thing. After you complete certain missions in SASR, you'll be able to face certain bosses. I remember that in order to take this boss down quickly you need Sonic to slow down a bit. I think, if we don't count Sonic's Friends, this is the first non-robot Boss Battle.


Sonic Unleashed: Egg Beetle



While he personally looks more like it should have been a spider or another insect, Egg Beetle is a fun boss. After you collect some Rings, get close enough to make Dr. Eggman open the pincers and then Boost into him to send him flying into trees and objects on the pathway. You should be able to ram into him at least 3 times. If you don't hit him quickly, he'll start dropping bombs and missiles.

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 I think, if we don't count Sonic's Friends, this is the first non-robot Boss Battle.





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I'll most likely be seen as unorginal for this, but I'll jump on Solly and Captain Fun's pick and also use the former's same image for representing my favorite first boss in the Sonic series if he/she doesn't mind:


I liked Chaos 0 for how it's the very first thing you're introduced to besides Sonic right off the bat when the game starts off, and let's you know right off the bat it's supposed to be a force to be reckoned with because of the policemen's 'amazing' aiming and observation skills and promptly retreating, thus putting Sonic up on front to deal with him, only to find out he's really easy as a boss fight.

Although the boss fight was really easy and somewhat underwhelming in my opinion. (Seriously, only 3 hits?)  But the presentation of it all was really nice, and it's kind of a weird subtle message that Sonic Adventure foreshadowed when you think about it.

It all starts and ends with Chaos.

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Favorite first boss? It'd have to be Death Egg Robo from Sonic Generations which is a remake of the Sonic 2 final boss. It's such an epic remake! It makes me feel all nostalgic while at the same time adding a new spin to the classic boss fight.

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My favorite first boss has to be Metal Sonic from Sonic Generations, I really like the fight.


I like the fast pace and the attacks he uses against you, being original and cool, like throwing lamps at you or releasing all his energy as two electric lazers. Not to mention being more diverse than the original fight, while having attacks that are true to the original one.


The music is really great, but the option to customize it it's also welcome, like doing the boss at the the sound of "What I'm Made Of", epic.


And let's not forget that epic ending, Kick To Face and Metal goes flying in an awesome explosion. A great way to end a battle with one of your best rivals.  


The only regret I have is that it's to short and easy, but hey it's the first boss.

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