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I think it's because MS went in with the intention to fuck gamers over while Sony were only sort of considering it, and Nintendo not at all.


While people are definitely happier with this result, it still speaks volumes that MS was even considering doing it.

Edited by EuroMIX
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This is ridiculous. People call for Microsoft's head on a pike for nearly a month straight because they are furious about the DRM. Microsoft removes the DRM, going against nearly every precedent they've ever set as a company. This should be cause of celebration. People shouting from the rooftops in joy.


"Fuck Microsoft."



Do you people seriously think Sony's motives were altruistic?

Not really. I just liked the righteous indignant tone in which I read his message. 

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This is completely wrong.


They got scared because people loathed them and their product. They could either continue to pretend that they were right and watch the Xbox go down the shitter, or they could backpedal to the nth degree while they still had a hope in hell.


I can't wait for a time in the future when Microsoft silently rolls out similar policies where most people won't be aware. We know they will. It's merely a matter of when.



So it pisses you off that they would make those policies in the first place, but when they realized that everyone hated them and removed them they're still shitty just because they tried to implement them at all? The only reason they backpedaled is because of the consumer, which hated the DRM policies. This is a GOOD thing.


Why is it that people are still giving Microsoft shit when they're clearly trying.

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At this point they just look like incompetent fools to be honest. Yeah, I'm happy that they decided to pull a 180 and get their heads out their ass, but with all that PR they built, the $100 more price tag, "buy a 360 if you have no internet access" attitude, just turned me off of microsoft altogether.

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Do you people seriously think Sony's motives were altruistic?

Exactly. I would like your post but like quota.


They're both huge corporations, Sony would have wanted to do it too if their userbase was accepting of it. Sony didn't do it because they're nice, they did it because they didn't want the bad press or ship-jumping Microsoft had to put up with.


Take what you can get when it comes to corrupt powerful corporations. Your common consumer money is the only innocent purity these companies will ever be tainted with.


Also I think a big corrupt company was gonna try this sooner or later even if it wasn't MS, I'm just glad they didn't go through with it. With the technology, attempting something like this was inevitable to see if the consumers would eat it up like they probably hoped.


Without the internet, they probably would have succeeded too.

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So it pisses you off that they would make those policies in the first place, but when they realized that everyone hated them and removed them they're still shitty just because they tried to implement them at all? The only reason they backpedaled is because of the consumer, which hated the DRM policies. This is a GOOD thing.


Why is it that people are still giving Microsoft shit when they're clearly trying.


Bioware tried to fix Mass Effect 3 after they ultimately fucked it up to begin with and look where that got them. You can't simply forgive and forget when you've been screwed over.

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I really don't get why some of you guys are going to hold all that DRM garbage against Microsoft. They fixed it already. The fact that they WERE going to put all of that into it shouldn't be the reason that you aren't going to support them.

Anyways, I had a feeling that they'd do this. And I'm extremely happy that I was right! I was going to buy it regardless but it's nice to know that I won't have to jump through hoops to play the thing.

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I am open to an Xbox One purchase now. Just call me when Sunset Overdrive comes out.

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I wish I could see the overall preorder numbers.


Must currently be a HUGE difference for Microsoft to all but confirm a complete and utter lack of confidence in their product, contradicting those hilarious statements they've been making lately.


The fact that they WERE going to put all of that into it shouldn't be the reason that you aren't going to support them.


No but it means they can try it again when they believe they can get away with it.

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Bioware tried to fix Mass Effect 3 after they ultimately fucked it up to begin with and look where that got them. You can't simply forgive and forget when you've been screwed over.

The difference is that no one was actually screwed anyone over here. The system hadn't even come out yet.



Probably because the indignant attitude that they showed consumers who did raise these questions. I mean telling them to get an Xbox360, or referring to people without internet connection as outdated. Just because you changed your policy does not change the fact that you insulted the consumer.




"Poor people can get a second job or fuck right off."

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I do think it's truly amazing that Microsoft actually changed their mind about it. I seriously did not believe they would ever listen, but they proved me wrong and did. I might not care about the Xbox One still, but this speaks volumes.

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This is ridiculous. People call for Microsoft's head on a pike for nearly a month straight because they are furious about the DRM. Microsoft removes the DRM, going against nearly every precedent they've ever set as a company. This should be cause of celebration. People shouting from the rooftops in joy.


"Fuck Microsoft."


Do you people seriously think Sony's motives were altruistic?


Of course Sony wasn't acting out of the goodness of their hearts. It was just a successful marketing ploy that their competitor handed to them on a silver platter. The problem I'm having with Microsoft is that the company won't and can't change over night. Congrats to the consumer for winning this battle. But I can't yet forget that Microsoft wanted to enforce this to begin with, and they still would be if it wasn't going to be suicide.


If Microsoft can keep this good behaviour up then I'll change my mind. Not letting them off the hook so soon though. 

Edited by Blue Blood
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Yeah, I'm with you on that one.


That, and I was admittedly kiiiiiind of hoping for #PLAYSTATIONDOMINATION this year. Ah well. We won.


Why? Competition is good for the industry.

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The difference is that no one was actually screwed anyone over here. The system hadn't even come out yet.








"Poor people can get a second job or fuck right off."


And I never said Sony had a clean slate. If you are implying that I have a console bias, don't go there with me. I did not buy a PS3 until they had a price drop Tornado. I was still playing PS2 a year and half in the last gaming generation.

Edited by turbojet
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Bioware tried to fix Mass Effect 3 after they ultimately fucked it up to begin with and look where that got them. You can't simply forgive and forget when you've been screwed over.

Wasn't that just because people didn't like the ending? Didn't the game hold up pretty well on it's own besides that "ending." I don't think that example really holds water here because you still got a favorable product, just an ending people didn't like.

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If Microsoft went to E3 with this information instead of the ludicrous drivel they spewed out at the event, then yeah this would have been an instant hit, and then Sony wouldn't of had the audiences relief when they pretty much did their anti Xbox One check list at the end of the conference, if I'm perfectly honest, it would of been a stand up Sony vs Microsoft deal all over again, but because Microsoft stroked their Ego too much they slipped up at a crucial time, so now, in everyone's heads, the Xone is a no-no and the PS4 is "the saving grace of gaming" which has given Sony the biggest head start they could possibly need, the only people who were stubborn enough to pre-order an Xone during/after E3 where the complete Xbox elitists who wouldn't touch a Sony product with a barge pole.


Seriously, if you were willing to go through with an Xone before they changed the policy, you are a fucking moron who really needs to open your eyes. I can respect those that were holding out for some hope though, it's the ignorant consumer that pisses me off and encourages this behaviour in retail.

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I was happy to buy the Xbox One before and now I'm even happier they reworked some of their policies. I'm glad I preordered and the One will be my main console next gen no doubt.


Microsoft got feed back and did the right thing. Good on 'em.

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No but it means they can try it again when they believe they can get away with it.

After all of that backlash they received, and after they went out of their way to remove it, why the fuck would they put DRM back in when they KNOW that their image is going to be destroyed and that sales would drop significantly? I'd like to believe that Microsoft is smarter than that. Edited by Red Cap-Blue Spikes
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the only people who were stubborn enough to pre-order an Xone during/after E3 where the complete Xbox elitists who wouldn't touch a Sony product with a barge pole.


Seriously, if you were willing to go through with an Xone before they changed the policy, you are a fucking moron who really needs to open your eyes.


Refer to a group of people like this again and you're going on vacation. There are several people on SSMB who were already planning on getting an Xbone before this announcement who already felt marginalized enough due to all the bad press the system was getting. The last thing that will be tolerated is them being insulted directly.

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Bioware tried to fix Mass Effect 3 after they ultimately fucked it up to begin with and look where that got them. You can't simply forgive and forget when you've been screwed over.


True, and I'm not saying forgive and forget but the main thing people were upset about is gone. What's the point in still giving them the middle finger?


Probably because the indignant attitude that they showed consumers who did raise these questions. I mean telling them to get an Xbox360, or referring to people without internet connection as outdated. Just because you changed your policy does not change the fact that you insulted the consumer.


And like Tornado pointed out, Sony did similar shit when the PS3 dropped. Yet they're given nothing but praise since unveiling the PS4, so why does Microsoft deserve this shit when people have forgiven Sony for doing something similar.

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Why the hell would they do that? After all of that backlash they received, and after they went out of their way to remove it, why the fuck would they put DRM back in when they KNOW that their image is going to be destroyed and that sales would drop significantly? I'd like to believe that Microsoft is smarter than that.

I believe they are smart...smart enough to try to slip in subtler, watered down versions of their policies until they have us hooked up to the system without our conscious knowledge. It'll be like the Matrix.

Edited by 743-E.D. Missile
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Well, colour me surpised. I didn't expect this until 6 months after release when, after initial launch buzz, it bombed completely. This is good, and certainly makes the Xbone a viable option again.


I still expect someone to try it again in the next next-gen though.

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