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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:: READ POST 11156/PAGE 558


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There is a theory going on in EqD comments that suggests

Discord is a shapeshifter instead of some chimera abomination.



Edited by Octavia
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Guys I want a pony RPG

I can already see the mane 6 in combat against Nightmare Moon, Cockatrice, Hydra, etc. While this plays

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'Eff it, I'm a fan.

Yes, I know I made a scene when I watched the first four episodes, and found it to be average. Though admittedly, and I'll be honest, I hate it when Fanbases gush over shows especially ones that received critical acclaim. And In the back of my mind, I was thinking of the fans... So yeah, that kinda muddled my impression of the show. However, after a while, I let it sink in and realized how well made it was. And that I shouldn't let fans affect my opinions.

So yeah, the show's awesome. Though I'm not really planning on getting any of the show's merch though. I get the feeling that this may be a sin amongst the fans, so I guess I can't say I'm really a Brony, lol.

You guys may have figured it out already though, since I would come in this topic at times... (more like everyday... tongue.png)

Edited by the ORIGINAL recolor
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Just be kind and like the show. That's all that's required to be a brony. :)

Also, would you look at that, there's user named Octavia now.

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Nice theme music. As fun as an RPG would be however, I think I'll wait for the release of a fighting game, one that's already in progress, called "My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic." It's kind of like Mortal Kombat or Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, but with ponies. The movesets (including biting and bucking,) look perfect, though I'm hoping for some magic/flying moves for unicorns and pegasi(sp?)

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Also, would you look at that, there's user named Octavia now.

To my misfortune. But outside of Role-playing I respect Gato.

That theory of Discord being a Chimera is interesting, but I don't think that's the case. There's something that tells me that Discord is something else.

- Vinyl Scratch

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Just finished season 1 and changed my avvie. Now what? Oh yeah, wait for my Twilight Sparkle-evolved-into-Ponyta to evolve again. :P

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We have more shots! Actually, it's just a single picture.


Doesn't look so Badasstia now.

EDIT: Vinyl, you might want to use spoiler tags whenever talking about.

Discord, or anything related tot he new episodes, at least untill the next episode pops out.

Actually, I think we need some """"""oficial"""""" spoiler rules, maybe somepony could contact Hunter and see if we can get something done about this.

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I think the official spoilers rules should be to put anything not officially disclosed by Hasbro and the FiM crew in spoiler tags. These latest screens have been official releases, and the synopsis of the premiere has already been officially disclosed, so that's okay discussion, I think.

As for the leaked script, that should definitely be regulated to spoilers. Or better yet, not posted at all. >:U

Anywho, I'll just spoiler my reaction to those screencaps for courtesy's sake:

OHMYGAWD. So much stuff in those screencaps! Dose stained glass windows! The attention to detail in those backgrounds is amazing! You can pretty much tell the gist of Discord's backstory from those murals - they couldn't have found a better teaser image of the season premiere if they tried. Who are those two alicorns that sealed him away, though? They don't appear to be Celestia or Luna, given the colors of their manes. Perhaps their parents? The original sun and moon deities? I'm so excited to find out!

Edited by HunterTSF
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The official My Little Pony facebook page is releasing a new image everyday leading up to the season two premiere! biggrin.png


On another note, the official MLP Facebook page has also hit 100,000 fans!!! smile.png

Edited by PeanutButterDimond
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I hope that they got permission to use that before slapping it on a t-shirt.

Edited by Tornado
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I wish I haven't (unintentionally) watched so much awful pictures in my visits to Ponibooru.

They don't let me enjoy this season 2 shot as much as I could.

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I wish I haven't (unintentionally) watched so much awful pictures in my visits to Ponibooru.

They don't let me enjoy this season 2 shot as much as I could.

'Yep. I know exactly what you are referring to.

So, what could be more awesome than this picture?

That picture (more-or-less) turned into a 3D model.

My jaw broke from hitting the fucking floor.

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This must be the greatest YTP on the internet:

The part at 4:20ish with Soarin and RD is so wrong xD

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