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The Assassin's Creed Topic - Vive les assassins! Vive la France!


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You've really got to wonder what was going on there to make Ubisoft's higher-ups feel compelled to get rid of him so quickly and harshly.


Well yes... being escorted out by guards implies some kind of gross misconduct. Or that the company has serious problems with a guy leaving their company and becoming, by chance, under their wing again.


The idea that he couldn't collect his things and leave with dignity is a bit shit. :/


It's not good for Ubisoft's PR as well...

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Ubisoft's reputation seems to have taken a bit of a knock so far this year. Pretty much their own fault.


Perhaps there was a disagreement about where they wanted to take the Assassin's Creed franchise. I wonder if Patrice was not too happy with the way Ubisoft are milking the shit out of AC. I have a horrible feeling that AC4 is going to be another disappointing instalment.  

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It could well have been related to the AC franchise, and perhaps this '1666' project of his as well. For all we know, he was planning on giving THQ an equivalent to the AC series, and once Ubisoft's upper management got wind that maybe he wasn't going to stop working on it and might go and pitch it to someone else, they chucked him out, wiped his work and pretty much quashed the whole thing. [/baselessspeculation]

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So does anybody think this will affect the franchise? huh.png

Edited by BW199148
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That's really sad. It must be so hard for Patrice to see his creation being milked by Ubisoft for all its worth, a bit like CoD. And now his project will probably never come fruition. Damn Ubisoft...

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A little off topic from the current discussion. I've been re-playing a few AC games and this has really bothered me. Something that I've really hated in the series is its modern sci-if conspiracy theory's. the 2012 mind control thing aside, I was really bugged at how they tried to implement modern(like in past 100 years) world history into the series. Examples? Roosevelt being assassinated by Templars because he had a piece of Eden, and the killer,using HIS own piece to create a duplicate of himself on the hill and brainwashing the people in that area to think that was him. Or the russian revolution being the result of the dictator loosing his influence over the people due to loosing a PoE.Or all of World War 2 being a giant act set up by the Templars to transfer a piece of Eden to Henry ford! I mean seriously? There are some interesting ones like the Russian atomic bomb accident being the destruction of a PoE.

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Wait, wait, wait. Assassin's Creed 5 discussion? Was 5 already announced. God damnit.

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Wait, wait, wait. Assassin's Creed 5 discussion? Was 5 already announced. God damnit.


Announced, but you won't be seeing anything of it this side of AC4's release, or this year at all really.

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Wait AC5 was already announced? Damn. I smell a good franchise about to get milked harder than COD.

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Wait AC5 was already announced? Damn. I smell a good franchise about to get milked harder than COD.


They've been doing annual releases for years now. It has been milked in this way for years now.

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I don't think that this is going to affect the series. We already have two teams working on the games. Plus, due to the fact that Desmond's story is done, I don't think that they will be affecting the series too much.


Still, Ubisoft are so stupid.

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Yeah I just spent a whole hour wasting my time reading different articles in the assassins creed wiki, and wow....there is so much pointless crap. Seriously the mythos is full Of stuff you probably haven't even seen. And the stuff that is relevant is pretty stupid. It all contributes to the sci if elements of the game,which disappoints me. Almost every major ruler or well known icon in history apparently made themselves known thanks to the power of the Pieces of Eden..that's not interesting,that's just unrealistic and stupid. The sci fi was just unneeded. And really? Landing on the moon was just for a freaking artifact and nothing else? How bad does it get? I'd like to list examples that I read up on, but its just more of the same.

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The sci-fi element of using a device to visit your ancestors' memories holds clear potential for some amazing multi-epochal stories in fantastic locales, with a wide array of great gameplay features, and wonderful and varied casts of characters. Even the ancient Templar vs. Assassin war holds potential for some really interesting plots, foes and whatnot, and the Pieces of Eden and their progenitors could have been the subjects of some really good plot points, characters, settings and game features in and of themselves.


However, almost everything added on top of the ancestral memories and goodies vs. baddies stuff was done really poorly, and I've thought this for a long time now. It seems very sloppy, very messy (and not in the good way), very confusing and highly unnecessary. The Pieces of Eden, Minerva & Juno, the apocalyptic solar flare... it's all pure shit, terribly designed and an example of some of the worst storytelling and writing in the industry this past generation.


I still love the series, it's my favorite from this last generation, but I can't ignore that horribly shoehorned-in Elephant in the room.

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A little off topic from the current discussion. I've been re-playing a few AC games and this has really bothered me. Something that I've really hated in the series is its modern sci-if conspiracy theory's. the 2012 mind control thing aside, I was really bugged at how they tried to implement modern(like in past 100 years) world history into the series. Examples? Roosevelt being assassinated by Templars because he had a piece of Eden, and the killer,using HIS own piece to create a duplicate of himself on the hill and brainwashing the people in that area to think that was him. Or the russian revolution being the result of the dictator loosing his influence over the people due to loosing a PoE.Or all of World War 2 being a giant act set up by the Templars to transfer a piece of Eden to Henry ford! I mean seriously? There are some interesting ones like the Russian atomic bomb accident being the destruction of a PoE.


What's your issue? Is it that they're using "recent history" which could be potentially dubbed as "too soon" or that the stories aren't as good as what we get in the main series? Didn't quite get your point from your post sorry.

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It's a little bot of both actually. Like pattius said, the sci fi parts of the AC plot were just done overall very poorly. They did have the potential to be interesting,but they end up just being dumb and feeling tacked on in a attempt to add suspense. It also is a little annoying that they try to tie current world history to the PoE and the Assassins vs Templar battle. (I stand by my example of Hitler,Roosevelt,Churchill and ford being Templars and staging ww2 to get a PoE and keep their influence as really dumb) Or moreso the way they do it I guess.

Edited by Roxas
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In addition to what I said in my last post, I'd just like to add that, the way the First Civilization/Apocalypse plot was shoehorned into the series from the second game onward, it hardly ever seemed like the writers really knew where they were going with it. It never felt like it was anything more than them just going through the motions; building an overarching plot because they had to, not because they really wanted to. It comes off feeling quite sterile, soulless even.


Ezio's life story as told through the games shows what they can do when they really care about the subject: they can build characters who seem almost real, and stories in which you become emotionally invested. In those regards, I think that they sold Connor short by not giving him a second game in which to redeem his character to those players who felt let down by AC3.


Edit: I also think that the emotional, writing et al disconnects between Ezio and Connor's stories; the way one character was so full of life and the other was rather wooden, while even Haytham in the same game as Connor felt much more lifelike, shows that there may very well be something to the idea that if the AC developers and writers can't relate to a character, then that character probably won't in the end be nearly as well written, acted and plotted as the likes of Haytham and Ezio, and fans of said character will probably end up feeling rather short-changed by the whole thing.

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Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag on PS4: Converstations with Creators  




We're always trying to push the envelope with the Assassin's Creed series, but with Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, we have new, advanced technology to help us accomplish our lofty goals. PlayStation 4 is enabling our teams to deliver more graphical detail, a new dimension of social connection and the kind of seamless gaming experience we've always dreamed of offering. Join Creative Director Jean Guesdon and Associate Producer Sylvain Trottier as they discuss advancements we've been able to harness for AC4 on the PS4.




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a new dimension of social connection




I'm not sure what this means, but I know that this is Assassin's Creed, not FarmVille. I don't want "social connection", I just want a game :/

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Nice graphics are all well and good (AC games have always looked gorgeous) but it's the gameplay that matters.


"Multiplayer, companion gaming". For fuck sake. Who honestly cares. You don't need multiplayer to make a game fun. Ubisoft should be focusing all their efforts on getting single-player mode up to scratch, as that's where they fell so short in AC3 and ACR.


"Naval and ground gameplay". Good god this game is sounding more like Pirates of the Caribbean every day.

Edited by -Bender-
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Oh know I had this awesome idea for a Assassins Creed game. Tell me what you think:

So we have all this knowledge about other Assassins throughout history. Spanning from the Egyptian and Greeks, to Chinese dynasty, to where we are today. Sooo....why not create a side game of sorts that let's you play as different assassins from different era's of time? Like certain key events or "missions" for each assassin? And it wouldn't require the animus. It would just be straight up history. A example: well how about the assassination of Alexander the Great? Or Cleopatra? They were both vey well known Templars. How about playing as a Japanese samurai or ninja assassin? DLC could maybe be more important key assassins from history maybe?

Perhaps after completing the game,you can unlock missions or "historical events" that have you playing as Templars? I mean, I feel like this would really help the series. More unique areas of travel,more history,etc.

What do you think? Would you want a game done in this fashion?

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I don't think a game like that would really work. I'd much rather see individual games use individual Assassins and individual past eras (e.g. the Assassins honored in the sanctuary in Monteriggioni), that way Ubisoft can make more games, more money and milk the series for longer (which could make it more likely).

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I really doubt though there will be individual game for a lot of these individual eras though. Some of them don't exactly look like they have enough on their own to warrant a full game,or Ubisoft just find them to obscure or irrelevant. I mean, it's not like the idea if done right, would be a bad thing, or end up hurting the series. I'd say it give it more flare and interest. I mean how could something like this not work? I'm curious.

Personally, I'd rather see a game that has you playing as Chinese,Japanese,roman,Indian assassins(and maybe Templars) than a game that just has one of them and a shoved in modern day plot to make it relevant. Plus I'd rather they don't milk the series. It would loose its originality and feel quick.

Edited by Jack Sparrow
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There's no reason why such a game would even need a modern day plot to make it relevant, but if it did I'm sure they could bookend it with something along the lines of, "From the Animus four point oh databank archives," and, "The End," and leave them as stand-alone spin-offs, or have each of the Assassins' tales be a clue to locating some grand repository of technology or information or something (maybe make the spin-offs be about a race between the Assassins and Templars to get to it, maybe the Templars make the Animi link up in a network and have the modern day antagonists hunt you down in the old world or something... and each game is like a back-and-forth between them). Anyway, there's nothing to suggest that these eras and places would get old any more or less quickly than places and times already visited did. Remember, these people might be remembered for killing x or y tyrants, but the games could feature their whole careers almost, or large bits of them, and feature their other targets and big events they lived through, conspiracies they stopped etc.


I'd rather the game knew what it wanted to be, and didn't go down the schizophrenic, doesn't know what it wants to be, jack of all trade but master of none route you're espousing.

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