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Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Saga


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Ming Ming Shana, on 27 Feb 2013 - 20:33, said:Until they release a Sonic '06 and/or Shadow equivalent, Final Fantasy is NOT the new Sonic. 

We already passed that point with Final Fantasy 13-2.


Hahahaha! Wow! Can't believe now you are so blind, you are comparing Sonic '06 to XIII-2! Just because you don't like the game doesn't mean the game quality and reception's the same as Sonic 06! Wow!

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It's not as bad as Sonic 06. It's more on par with Shadow the Hedgehog in terms of awfulness.Like, honestly, how they thought releasing a game with such an automatic battle system was a good idea was beyond me.

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Hahahaha! Wow! Can't believe now you are so blind, you are comparing Sonic '06 to XIII-2! Just because you don't like the game doesn't mean the game quality and reception's the same as Sonic 06! Wow!



Does this game count, then?

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It's not as bad as Sonic 06. It's more on par with Shadow the Hedgehog in terms of awfulness.Like, honestly, how they thought releasing a game with such an automatic battle system was a good idea was beyond me.


That is subjective. Because I strongly disagree with you there. And XIII-2 got a much better reception from critics than Shadow ever did.




Does this game count, then?


That's an entirely different game, second it's an MMORPG and third didn't they improve the PC version over the years? It's too late to repair the damages but if you play it now it's not that bad compared to when it was first released, which was Square's biggest mistake.


EDIT: Or you posted that to find Square's equivalent to Sonic '06/Shadow?

Edited by Ming Ming Shana
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Honestly, I've even seen the original XIII called the series' 06.


Critical reception to both games may have been positive, but the fans loathed them about that much.

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Those fans can't tell which game is good or not then. True, it's not a good FF game, but whether they like it or not, XIII and XIII-2 were two great games. If those two games made 9.7 million sales combined, then it's hard to believe these games are crap. Sorry.

Edited by Ming Ming Shana
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Aliens: Colonial Marines sold pretty freaking well. High sales =/= quality.

Edited by Eh Ok Fine It's T-Man
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Those fans can't tell which game is good or not then. True, it's not a good FF game, but whether they like it or not, XIII and XIII-2 were two great games. If those two games made 9.7 million sales combined, then it's hard to believe these games are crap. Sorry.


Weren't you the one saying this was subjective?



Yes, yes! That was the entire point. If you're going to create a sequel to an extremely popular series that's been long-running, getting rid of things that worked and adding things that don't, and also getting rid of staples or iconic things about the series doesn't help the game in any way, shape, or form.

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Call me when Aliens reaches at least 3 million copies.


Anyway, you know what? After reading what pppp posted earlier, non-fans of the XIII series, I want to fucking thank you. Thank you for making the original XIII not getting the sales Square wanted. Because of that, you gave me the sequel XIII-2. And another sequel, Lightning Returns. If the original XIII met Square's expectations, these sequels would probably never happen and my voice would have never been heard for a sequel.


You made my voice heard. Thanks. ^^

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Okay, well, hmm...


Be honest about this, though.


If you had played through and completed XIII long before a direct sequel was even announced, would you have thought immediately "Hey? You know what should happen? FINAL FANTASY XIII-2!" I mean, this isn't even something that usually happens in the series. FF7 had the compilation because of its popularity, yes, but X-2 was the only other game to get a direct sequel. XIII's ending also made things seem quite resolved - so really, honest question, would you have wanted one before Square announced it? Would you have tried to "make your voice heard"?


But maybe I'm dignifying the response too much. Screaming "IN YOUR FACE" at the people that disagree with you without a shred of irony is pret-ty childish, honestly...

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Okay, well, hmm...


Be honest about this, though.


If you had played through and completed XIII long before a direct sequel was even announced, would you have thought immediately "Hey? You know what should happen? FINAL FANTASY XIII-2!" I mean, this isn't even something that usually happens in the series. FF7 had the compilation because of its popularity, yes, but X-2 was the only other game to get a direct sequel. XIII's ending also made things seem quite resolved - so really, honest question, would you have wanted one before Square announced it? Would you have tried to "make your voice heard"?


No, not really. But I definitely felt that I wanted more. Some kind of Aftermath DLC.


But maybe I'm dignifying the response too much. Screaming "IN YOUR FACE" at the people that disagree with you without a shred of irony is pret-ty childish, honestly...


Oh and you before haven't been "childish" towards Square and the series *this includes your past status updates*, and some of the bashing posts in here are not "childish" right? But when I say a bad comment towards the non-XIII fans, I'm childish. Okay, thanks.


P.S - Not saying I wasn't childish with that post.

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Those fans can't tell which game is good or not then. True, it's not a good FF game, but whether they like it or not, XIII and XIII-2 were two great games. If those two games made 9.7 million sales combined, then it's hard to believe these games are crap. Sorry.
1. That is subjective 2. How can a game be great if its not good by the standards it was expected to meet? 3. Good sales =/= good quality games. look at sonic 06. Does the fact that square gave no shit about the quality of these games as long as they make quick cash not bother you?
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No, not really. But I definitely felt that I wanted more. Some kind of Aftermath DLC.

Another honest question: why did you want more?


The way I understand it, you only enjoyed XIII for the gameplay? You stated before that XIII's story wasn't any good and you only liked it for the gameplay. Aside from Gran Pulse and all of its explore-iness, there isn't much to the gameplay outside the battle system and the game lasted fifty hours besides. What left you wanting more?

Oh and you before haven't been "childish" towards Square and the series *this includes your past status updates*, and some of the bashing posts in here are not "childish" right? But when I say a bad comment towards the non-XIII fans, I'm childish. Okay, thanks.


P.S - Not saying I wasn't childish with that post.

Criticizing a company's decisions and products is not childish.


Being overly confrontational towards people whose opinions differ from yours, mocking them and even taunting them is very childish. You've been doing that for this entire topic. Every time something negative is said, you immediately take up arms and most of your responses boil down to "Your opinions are ridiculous, please stop." And I'll ask again: Why do you feel the need to defend these games so aggressively?


I mean, look at the DmC topic. The members that enjoyed that game weren't acting the way you were. In fact, from what I remember, they more or less ignored the negative feedback and just kept looking forward to the game and once it came out, they had fun and went on with their lives. They didn't act like the negative criticisms other people were shouting were complete bullcrap nonsense and they should just shut up. And for the most part, I'm just trying to have an honest debate here or, at the very least, try to make you understand why you're not the only sane human being in this thread. If you enjoy the game, that's great, and if you want to defend it, then go right ahead. But from what I've seen, you've barely even attempted to explain in detail why you enjoy XIII and XIII-2 or even to give a rebuttal to the criticisms, only screaming "NO, THEY'RE GREAT GAMES, SHUT UP" this entire time, and you won't quit. Actually, didn't you even say once that you were done because there was "no reasoning with you guys"? What happened to that?


But really, what you at least need to understand is that what me and the rest of the "hate brigade" post really is what we feel. It's not hyperbole. It's not blindness to some objective truth. We really do think the games suck that much and we have reasons why. You're more than welcome to disagree. Just stop being so immature about it.

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Yeeeah, you can count me in the group of guys that like DmC, and I wasn't lording it over the other players. I like it but, I understand where the others were coming from when they said they would like to see a continuation of the original series. In fact, I would actually like to see that too, especially if it meant we got to see a continuation of Nero's story. I don't know what you hope to accomplish by acting so snippy, Ming, unless you just want to incite some kind of flame fight or are just being a tad trollish. The fact of that matter with this series is, coming from a LOT of people who have played the games, that it has has outworn its welcome. 


For the record, I thought FF XIII was HORRIBLE due to the straight line that it was until half way through. Though I had little issue with the battle system. FF XIII-2 remedied that a bit but, it still has the underlying issue of an incredibly stupid and insulting story. We don't need it to be the next Citizen Kane or anything but, come on. The villain in FF XIII-2 had the worst motive I've ever seen; he was just a selfish baby man that they tried to write off as some sort of badass, then they have the gall to end the game with the asshole winning in his stupid plan to kill the world because, YULE AND STUFF (who didn't want the damn world to end, she was happy living all her lives). Then they say they would tell us what went on with DLC, and instead just told us why Lightning became a rock, then decided to make another game hoping people would care enough after they pulled a worse ending than Halo 2. Then she's some sort of Goddess that everyone hates because, reasons. As for the original XIII, they buried plot points in that compendium of other knowledge. Why throw around those damn terms and then expect us to read a novel about things they could have explained easily enough in story by not using ridiculous terms for them? Though at least that story was about a bunch of dumb rocks that were somehow sentient, none of this ridiculous going from a story about saving a family member to phasing out of existence to protect a goddess, then become one because said Goddess was pretty shitty and died like a bitch.

Edited by Wreck-It Ralph
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Those fans can't tell which game is good or not then. True, it's not a good FF game, but whether they like it or not, XIII and XIII-2 were two great games. If those two games made 9.7 million sales combined, then it's hard to believe these games are crap. Sorry.


Allow me to link Marzgurl and Josh's rebuttal to that argument, as she explains it very well (GO TO 11:37) :



So yeah that's how it is: It's Final Fantasy. People are always gonna buy it because of how big the franchise is. The Bayformers movies also are huge box office hits. Does that mean they're good movies? No.

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We already passed that point with Final Fantasy 13-2.


If that's the case then Final Fantasy's "Sonic 06" is a hell of a lot better than Sonic 06. But yeah, they both have their very bad moments I'll tell you that. 


This games battle system looks far less automatic than its predecessors since you attack and defend with the face buttons instead of just picking your moves (that's if you don't spam Auto-Battle all the time, you can choose your moves).


Oh well, if this game BOMBS then there is always Pokemon X & Y and M&L: Dream Team to fulfil my RPG needs.  And to be honest, I would like to play a completely new Final Fantasy game *coughFFV13thatgamelookssoSICKcough*

Edited by KrazyBean
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Call me when Aliens reaches at least 3 million copies.


Oh yeah, comparing the sales figures of a game that was out in 2010 to a game thats barely 2 weeks old at the end of a console generation, thats a great idea for an argument. Let alone how games are now nearly £15 more expensive than they were when FF13 came out.

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If that's the case then Final Fantasy's "Sonic 06" is a hell of a lot better than Sonic 06. But yeah, they both have their very bad moments I'll tell you that. 


This games battle system looks far less automatic than its predecessors since you attack and defend with the face buttons instead of just picking your moves (that's if you don't spam Auto-Battle all the time, you can choose your moves).


Oh well, if this game BOMBS then there is always Pokemon X & Y and M&L: Dream Team to fulfil my RPG needs.  And to be honest, I would like to play a completely new Final Fantasy game *coughFFV13thatgamelookssoSICKcough*

Is it okay if I say that I thoroughly enjoy sonic 06 more than both 13's (note: im not a big fan of strategy games except the mario ones and maybe persona)

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Is it okay if I say that I thoroughly enjoy sonic 06 more than both 13's (note: im not a big fan of strategy games except the mario ones and maybe persona)


You can enjoy whatever you want mate.

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PS: Closest place I could find to a Final Fantasy thread.

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Considering the fact that Aerith was hanging on the sword for quite some time, and the friction that happen when it was pulled out...a considerable amount of extra damage would have been done.


And I doubt they wanted to show too much blood and gore for the scene, not to mention technology limitations at the time.


Also, considering the contents of Sephiroth's sword, and Aerith isn't exactly a human, the fact she didn't float could be because of either of those factors.

...Or Square simply didn't do the research.

Why are we talking about this again?

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This was a game theory episode. And honestly it's being looked into way to much. Square probably didn't look into killing people with a long sword that much. Cloud could have killed aeriths, but square probably intended for it to be sephi.:/ although cloud seemed pretty regretful in advent children....WHY ARE WE DISCUSSING THIS?!lol

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PS: Closest place I could find to a Final Fantasy thread.


Oh please: i have seen pokémon creepypasta better then this.

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