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Watch Dogs - Everything Is Connected - Connection is Power (All Consoles)


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Why is this so common nowadays with pre order games? Why do they make it so much harder for people to choose which Edition to go for? ><


Because including a bunch of stupid, cheaply mass produced tat (Buttons? AR cards? Really?) with these so-called 'special editions', including random missions as 'exclusive DLC' that should be there by default, allows them to charge consumers through the nose for something that would otherwise go for a normal price.


I especially love how they consider a paper map of the game world something special edition-worthy, when GTA games have had that shit in the box for over a decade at no extra cost.


Fuck that shit, I'm getting the normal edition, and probably not at release.

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Different content in special editions? Hogfather's worst nightmare confirmed.


Not really, I don't think this game is gonna end up being as good as everybody else seems to think it is.


But regardless... Fuck off! You're not getting my money!

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 Just buy the Vigilante Edition, then use its contents to steal the Dedsec Edition. Simples!

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I'm sort of leaning towards that vigilante edition mostly because I really like the hat and the mask. But like most of the time, I'll probably just get the game and not really care about missing out on the Collector's Edition(s).


If I do end up getting the Vigilante Edition, I hope that the hat and mask better will accommodate for those with - uh - slightly plus size heads.

Edited by YoshiUnity: The SSMB Story
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As cool as all these special editions are, I'm going to echo the opinion that they should be more tiered rather than completely different.


The Dedsec edition is clearly "the one to get" but it costs a whopping £100 and lacks things like the cap and mask from the Vigilante edition, which do look very nice... but then again, the Vigilante edition lacks a lot of the DLC that the Dedsec edition has, and yet the Uplay Exclusive edition lacks pretty much anything but the full set of DLC (and a nifty looking steelbook, admittedly). As for the 'special' edition, it really doesn't look that special at all.


Basically it comes down to a decision between how much you're willing to pay and what kind of stuff you want to get.


If statues and random memorabilia are your forte, and you're willing to spend £100, then the Dedsec edition is for you.


If you'd rather spend a bit less (between around £70-80) but lose out on a lot of the goodies in favour of a cap and a mask, then go for the Vigilante edition.


If you're not that bothered about all the additional stuff and just want some extra DLC at a more reasonable price (around £60), go for the Uplay Exclusive edition.


And if you want to get some DLC but want to save a fiver, buy the Special edition at £55.


Or, forget them all, and just get the standard edition for even less money.



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Watch_Dogs on PS4: Conversations with Creators



"Conversations With Creators" is an ongoing series that focuses on PS4 game development with some of the most accomplished game studios in the world.

In this debut episode, meet two of the driving forces in the Watch_Dogs dev team: Dominic, senior producer and Jonathan, the creative director. Together, they discuss the vision of Watch_Dogs and ultimately, some of the development details for the PlayStation platforms.

By working in close collaboration with PlayStation, the team is working to harness the full power of the PS4. This gives them the opportunity to create a truly no-compromises experience with high-resolution environment textures and advanced special effects. The game experience, much like the city you'll get to play in, will be rich, deep, and detailed.



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Guys, I think we have a problem here.



I was suspicious as soon as they started throwing around the words "connectivity" and "socialize" at about 1:19 of the video in the post above. Maybe these features won't be forced upon you though. But from the way they're talking about it it sounds like it'll be integral to the game experience. It's a real shame, too; this game looked really promising. I'm tired of the gaming industry trying to push everything online; I just want my single-player offline games that don't need servers or other people to be enjoyed.

From what I've seen everything else about this game is spot on, but this obsessive focus they have on making everything social and connected is very worrying to me.

Edited by Frogging101
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What exactly is wrong with the online component? It actually looks like it will benefit the game.

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What exactly is wrong with the online component? It actually looks like it will benefit the game.

I'm not particularly keen on random people being in my single-player game. I'm also worried that they'll just go way overboard with the online gimmicks and suddenly the game will be online-only, with no option to turn off this "hyperconnectivity" thing and the singleplayer experience being neglected in favor of "social" features. This game looks like it could be something really, really awesome; but something as fundamental as this could ruin the whole thing if it's not done exactly right.

They also make it sound like the big thing of next-gen gaming will be always-connected, always-online features. And that in itself is a dangerous slippery slope. EDIT: Another thing is that Ubisoft and others have tried forcing online on players before, and it has never worked well for them. People don't want "Facebook: The Game". Simple as.

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New Watch Dogs preview from The Guardian:



Sounds really cool, I think. So much depth and intricacy. In fact, the game looks so good that I'm skeptical that they can actually pull it off. I wish Ubisoft good luck in bringing this to life. They're still on about this "massively single-player" multiplayer model, which I still think is a very risky move. If it's too intrusive, detracts from other elements of the game or, heaven forbid, the game relies on the multiplayer mechanics (and therefore an active internet connection), they'll piss off a lot of people (including me). I still maintain that if I want to play an MMO, then I'll go find an MMO. I guess we'll just wave to wait and see. 

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The more I see of this game the more awesome it gets and the more I want it. But also the farther it has to fall if they screw up. One thing I think they really need to work on is the vehicle physics, the car's motion really didn't look realistic at all. There's plenty of time for them to fix that though.

I like how there's so much stuff to hack and use to your advantage, but on the flipside it gives trolls more shit to grief you with, which will inevitably happen if Ubisoft is dumb enough to allow others to randomly join your game and control stuff with no toggle to disbale it. Like, what if you're trying to escape from the police and some asswipe keeps shutting doors and putting up road barriers? I could see myself getting pissed off pretty fast. But it's relatively early days and we don't know how they're going to handle it. I do wish they'd just come out with a statement like "Yes, players will be able to toggle whether or not others can join their game" or "No, you cannot turn it off and the game requires an internet connection to run". Unfortunately, I feel like it must be the latter because if it was the former then why wouldn't they say anything?

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The more I see of this game the more awesome it gets and the more I want it. But also the farther it has to fall if they screw up. One thing I think they really need to work on is the vehicle physics, the car's motion really didn't look realistic at all. There's plenty of time for them to fix that though.

I like how there's so much stuff to hack and use to your advantage, but on the flipside it gives trolls more shit to grief you with, which will inevitably happen if Ubisoft is dumb enough to allow others to randomly join your game and control stuff with no toggle to disbale it. Like, what if you're trying to escape from the police and some asswipe keeps shutting doors and putting up road barriers? I could see myself getting pissed off pretty fast. But it's relatively early days and we don't know how they're going to handle it. I do wish they'd just come out with a statement like "Yes, players will be able to toggle whether or not others can join their game" or "No, you cannot turn it off and the game requires an internet connection to run". Unfortunately, I feel like it must be the latter because if it was the former then why wouldn't they say anything?


I thought of you when I watched this:


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Oh no, I'm scared to look...


You want to know why?

Online can be turned off

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You want to know why?

Online can be turned off





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  • 4 weeks later...

E3 trailer has been leaked on YouTube, but it was quickly taken down by Ubisoft.



Has anyone seen it uploaded elsewhere? Can't find any other uploads of it on YouTube.


Here you go: http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/7mgvr2/watch-dogs-e3-2013--exposed-trailer


GameTrailers has it on their website.


EDIT: Never mind, IGN and everyone else has uploaded it now on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqoQG_XYF-8

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  • 2 weeks later...



This video contains content from Ubisoft, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.


What the fuck?

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Here's the video again:



Could someone explain to me what's going on in both modes shown off?

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Here's the video again:



Could someone explain to me what's going on in both modes shown off?


It looks like the first one is some kind of "hide and seek" mode or something similar, where you're dropped into the world with someone else (or maybe even more people) and you have to find them with your profiling tool, and kill them. Just a guess though.


Speaking of multiplayer, in the E3 2013 gameplay video:




At 5:47 there's this thing that happens; the player "Requests Help", and someone on a tablet joins in to assist them. From the tablet, they disable the helicopter and later on they are able to actually send a message that appears on the digital billboards in-world. It looks cool-ish I guess, but I am thankful that these features can be turned off/left unused because I'd rather just play the game on my own instead of requesting help from someone on a tablet. It just seems like it would make everything too easy. Getting chased by the police who have a helicopter on your ass? Just get someone on a tablet to tap on the helicopter and suddenly it crashes and you're free. Something about that just really irks me so I don't think I'll be using that feature.

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  • 1 month later...

Watch Dogs Aisha Tyler Trailer



Ummmmm..... I REALLY hope that this is the ps3/360 version and not the next-gen version :/

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That's definitely the current gen version. We've seen lots of gameplay that looks a lot more crispy and polished than that already, so unless they suddenly thought it'd be funny to drop the graphics down multiple pegs a few months before release of the PS4/One versions, then I'm betting it's the current gen, XD.


That said it even looks kinda yuck for even PS3/360 standards personally. Definitely will be nabbing the PS4 version whenever I can pick one of those up lawl.

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