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Speaking of Naruto, did anyone see Yes Man? you know the cake baker? the one who made the John Goodman cake? that was Naruto's voice actress. XD

But yeah, I'm not a big Narutard, it's kinda boring to me. :/

And the Ninjas don't even attack people unless challenged, aren't Ninjas supposed to go all out, why do they never do anything unless challenged? XD

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I keep reading Narutaru as Narutard. Oh wai-

I've on and off wanted to read the manga and see what it was like. I've probably seen worse shock series.

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Anyone seen the new Naruto movie, actually? I saw it on Monday and thought it was ridiculous. And I say that as a big Naruto fan.

They're just clearly running out of ideas. Naruto and Sasuke were just so stupidly out of character regarding each other (Naruto in particular) that it was, well, ridiculous.

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I've saw bits of the Dragon Ball live action film. It was laughable so I went about doing housework whilst it played in the background and I couldn't here it. Sooooo pointless.

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Anyone seen the new Naruto movie, actually? I saw it on Monday and thought it was ridiculous. And I say that as a big Naruto fan.

You mean the second Shippuden Movie? It's already subbed?

And Eile I totally agree about DBE. I watch the movie and literally spent half of the time in this position.

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Yeah, the second Shippuden movie. It's been subbed since about Monday, I think? That's when I got it, anyway.

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Oh Mahzes sadly they were running out of ideas right from the start *le sigh* lol anyway...

Anyone watched the newest K-On?

Edited by Mollfie
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oH Mahzes sadly they were runnig out of ideas right from the start *le sigh* lol anyway...

Anyone watched the newest K-On?

Well, the first couple of movies were decent-ish.

Then again, I suppose it must get harder to make a new movie every year, knowing that they can't do jack shit to affect the overall plot. D=

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Yeah, I just don't understand how Naruto keeps going because it just seems like the same thing over and over again? I have two friend who are HUGE Naruto fans and they'll debate all sorts of stuff to do with the story and characters etc etc and when they try to explain that it's not a boring, repetitive anime to me...I get bored lol XD

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You mean the second Shippuden Movie? It's already subbed?

And Eile I totally agree about DBE. I watch the movie and literally spent half of the time in this position.

The position must be REALLY epic Crazy Bat Guy because when I tried to view it it gave me a 404 Forbidden message. XD But I can imagine it is a negative position.

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Yeah, I just don't understand how Naruto keeps going because it just seems like the same thing over and over again? I have two friend who are HUGE Naruto fans and they'll debate all sorts of stuff to do with the story and characters etc etc and when they try to explain that it's not a boring, repetitive anime to me...I get bored lol XD

But the story isn't the same thing over and over again by any means. D=

I'm not gonna bother though, I probably won't be able to say anything that your friends haven't already. X3

Anyway, each to his own. Here's how I see it, personally. If you can enjoy something others can't, then good for you. All the more enjoyment for you that others don't get.

Although I still need to watch more of Gurren-Lagann. Got work over the weekend, so haven't seen any more. But so far I seem to be the only person who's finding it pretty shallow and dull so far. D=

My present dislike of Gurren-Lagann is fast leading me to believe that I have reverse opinions of a lot of anime. I seem to love (some of) the shows that people think are annoying and overrated, and in turn find all the so-called 'brilliant' anime series really boring, dull and overrated myself. I didn't think that much of Wolf's Rain or the original FullMetal Alchemist series, and I've been complaining about Gurren-Lagann since I started posting in this topic. Last I checked, all three of those series are at least to an extent 'critically acclaimed' (especially FMA), yet I found them fairly boring. Give me Naruto, Digimon and One Piece over those any day (although in fairness I suppose Naruto is the only one of those that's really considered 'overrated', since One Piece hasn't really found anywhere near as much of an audience outside of Japan).

Well, I suppose the jury's still out for me on Gurren-Lagann like I said, but what I've seen so far certainly hasn't impressed me by any means.

Also most things with giant robots just put me off things completely. Maybe it's that inherent bias that's stopping me from enjoying Gurren-Lagann. But I will not go anywhere near Code Geass or anything remotely Gundam, no matter how good people might say they are. I've seen the first episodes of a couple of them (shown by my cousin when I was visiting) and found them mind-numbingly dull. D=

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or the original FullMetal Alchemist series, and I've been complaining about Gurren-Lagann since I started posting in this topic. Last I checked, all three of those series are at least to an extent 'critically acclaimed' (especially FMA), yet I found them fairly boring.

You found FMA BORING?????? o.O


lulz XD

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Bullet Speed Subs subbed it. Just finished watching it, and even though most of it was reused animation, it was pretty great. Pretty much all of the filler was cut (so most of the reused footage consisted of hotblooded manly mecha action), and the new/redone scenes were amazing (especially the epicness at the end of the movie. I had goosebumps throughout the whole battle).


Nia panty shot and ALMOST visible Yoko nipples. Gainax, you tease!

Whilst I definitely did enjoy this as it's a Gurren Lagann movie, I think there was too much reused content. The end of the movie definitely proved that they're capable of going back and changing things without making too much of a splash, so I don't see why they didn't simply reanimate those scenes. Do they need to play out differently? Nah. Some new animation would have been nice though. The content they did add I thought was great and fresh, though it really sped up the plotline immeasurably, especially the parts that develop the characters.

I enjoyed this, though I do wish they had reanimated a lot more of it. The thing that confuses me is that they obviously reshow all of that content so that non-fans can follow the show. But by the end of the movie it plays out so quickly and deliberately that non-fans would be lost as hell. If you're going to make a movie that will leave non-fans confused at the end, why not give it all to the fans? This was a fine thing really and I highly enjoyed all the bits of action and destruction that played out, but I feel there were a few things that could've been done differently. Overall I'd say it was good and satisfactory.

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I only watched a few episodes of FMA and I found it boring. I don't really like how the characters look either.



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Well I guess it depends on what episodes you see first, cause I found it anything but boring. =D

The plot doesn't really get moving till the first episodes develop the characters, once it's got the characters down there's a lot of action suspense and drama. =D

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^ I watched the first few episodes. I hate to watch anything if I havn't seen it from the start.

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I watched all of the original series, and found that it didn't really pick up until the last ten episodes or so. D=

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Okie dokiez, everybody likes different things. ^-^

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^ coolies =3

I still don't understand how you cant like TTGL Mahzes but...what did you think of episode 4 with the guest director Osamu Kobayashi and different style of animation?

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But seriously, Gurren Lagann is basically the opposite of Evangevelon, a hot-blooded, over the top, and Rule of Cool-infused mecha anime where fighting spirit and the Power of Friendship is an actual source of power. It stars Simon, a boy in an underground village who finds a small drill, which is the key to a mecha. With some encouragement from his "soul brother" Kamina (Who is a Leeroy Jenkins with immense badassery), he breaks through to the surface, and the pair are joined by Yoko, a busty and scantily-clad woman with a high-powered sniper rifle, and they form the Gurren Brigade, which later becomes the Dai-Gurren brigade after others hear of their exploits and join 'em.

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=o wha...never...what? lol is set in a fictional future where humans have been forced to live underground in isolated villages. Their isolation is disturbed one day when a 'gunmen' falls into the two main guys (Kamina and Simon) village, followed by Yoko, a kickass and very attractive girly. The villagers flee, Kamina and Simon go to the surface and there's lots of robots and fighting and yeah...There is much more to the story but I don't want to spoil anything.

I say watch a few episodes and then judge for yourself!!

I love it <333

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