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Sonic Soapbox

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Contributors to this blog

  • Dreadknux 13
  • SadVlad 2
  • KingSonicFan134 1
  • Attorney Prower 1
  • Solister 1
  • Dreamcasted Soul 1
  • Edgy the Hedgy 1

About this blog

This is the place for long-form articles about Sonic. Opinion pieces, theory/lore, event retrospectives... anything that lights a creative fire in your belly. This is the blog for you to express yourself. Reviews of Sonic products (games, comics, etc) should be posted in the Fan Reviews Blog (or your own personal Sonic Stadium Blog).

Entries in this blog

Classic Sonic The Hedgehog and Boss Design

Sonic The Hedgehog has a lot of games. And in these games, are boss battles. Boss battles are designed to be a test for the players skills with the game's mechanics, and controls. Games series' like Mega Man and Donkey Kong I believe have perfected this design philosophy. Such as Captain K. Rool, and Shade Man to name a couple examples. However, with Sonic The Hedgehog, it's always been two sides of a single coin: It's either Case 1: The Boss is too easy and goes out too fast due to Sonic's


KingSonicFan134 in Articles

"Dreams" really do come true on Android

//I want to start off by quickly stating that I did not create any of these fan games, and I intend for this blog post to serve as educational purposes only//   It is no secret that Sonic Dream Team has taken the Internet by storm, being the topic of conversation amongst numerous platforms for Sonic fans. It is equally as known that the newly released mobile game is exclusive to Apple Arcade. It was recently addressed that regarding the deal made with Apple that it would be impossible


SadVlad in Articles

[Archive] The Sonic Canon & Timeline - Not Straight Forward

Hogfather looks at what's up with the games' timelines. There has been a long debate for now as to an order or a structured canon for the sonic games. Which come in order? Which are correct? And which should be discarded? Hopefully I can answer some of those questions. But I shall also aim to leave it open for others to take further in the future for future releases. Here I have looked at all the big sonic games and discovered that a single line canon is not the answer. The Sonic games are


Dreadknux in Articles

[Archive] The Spiral of Death and the Lamb of God

Hogfather draws parallels with Sonic and the Bible. Right let’s lay down some notes before I begin... I am not saying Sonic Team copied the bible.  Jesus is not Sonic. Anyone who hasn’t studied an academic subject at a college level (UK education since I don’t know what the US levels are) may not understand this, but those in their last two years of secondary school education may understand what I’m on about (especially English students). I am not 100% an expert


Dreadknux in Articles

[Archive] "It Doesn't Matter" - SEGA's Musical Manifesto

Robert Frazer sees another side to Sonic Adventure's theme tune... Song! I doubt that all of the gruesome details of the great tragedy for the True Way of Gaming in the mid-1990s need be dredged up from the murky depths of repressed memories for the patrons of this website. Those heinous abominations that are Sony fans have abused us with lashes envenomed with the sorry saga long enough for each weary day to be ingrained in our backs. We can reluctantly concede that the person who desi


Dreadknux in Articles

[Archive] A Brief History of SEGA and Sonic

A brief timeline of SEGA and Sonic, and how SEGA is perceived. Okay, we all know that the Sega Corporation and Sonic have been 2 key icons in gaming as well as many other things. So let’s recap. It all started in 1991 when the Sega Corporation released the game Sonic the Hedgehog. That was an excellent game and Sonic’s name became known throughout the world. Soon there was merchandise, comic books, and cartoon shows featuring Sonic. The game systems Sega released was the Sega Genesis as wel


Dreadknux in Articles

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