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A blog dedicated to the ongoing 52 Game Challenge, I'll be going more in-depth with my thoughts on every game I complete for the challenge! 

Entries in this blog

Game 14 of 52 - Kirby's Adventure - 20/02/24

One of my favourite NES games, and one of the latest ones at that, Kirby's Adventure is one of the most ambitious, colourful, and fully featured NES games to release on the entire system - where much like Super Mario Bros 3, it would act as the foundation for a lot of the series' tropes for years to come, although that can also unfortunately be to the game's detriment too.  The first sequel to Kirby's Dream Land, Adventure is one of the last Nintendo releases for the NES, dropping in


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 13 of 52 - Super Mario Bros 3 - 18/02/24

Last in the current run of Mario games for this portion of the challenge, we have one of the most popular entries in the entire Mario series. The one that really properly introduced most of the structure we would see in 2D Mario for decades to come. If you think to most Mario tropes, there's a good shot that this is the one where it originated from. By this point, Mario fever was practically in full swing now, to the point that the movie The Wizard basically exists for the sole 5 minu


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 12 of 52 - Super Mario Bros 2: Mario Madness - 17/02/24

So, following the utter disaster that was the Lost Levels, here we are with the Mario Bros 2 that the US and other territories received - Super Mario Bros 2: Mario Madness. With Nintendo deciding they can't release the Lost Levels due to it's difficulty, and it's copy and paste of the original's assets, that meant when it came to releasing the long-awaited sequel of Super Mario Bros to other countries, they opted for...another route - taking a non-localised game, change out the sprites and asset


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 11 of 52 - Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels - 17/02/24

So, next up on the All-Stars compilation is the rather...infamous sequel to the original Super Mario Bros - The Lost Levels, as it became known worldwide.  I'm sure I don't need to really go into the full history of this game because most anyone who's knowledgeable about the Mario series knows the story. Back in the 80s, following the success of the original Super Mario Bros - the team heard complaints of people claiming the game was too easy, and as such - they set about making a seq


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 10 of 52 - Super Mario Bros - 15/02/24

Played through the All-Stars version played via Nintendo Switch Online, it's been a long time since I last played through the entirety of the first Mario game, having last played the Deluxe edition via the 3DS Virtual Console. But with the 52 Game Challenge now here, this is the perfect chance for me to go through and play some of the earlier games in the series, especially since I haven't finished very much of the old school 2D Marios. So what is there to say about Super Mario Bros?


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 9 of 52 - Mega Man: The Wily Wars (Wily Tower) - 15/02/24

And for now, the Mega Man entries in this blog come to a temporary end. I wasn't originally going to include this - but I was surprised by how many levels is actually present within the Wily Tower mode, and after some discussion with fellow Mega Man fans, and realising that Wily Tower includes more unique levels than even some of the other standalone games, I decided this had a fair enough reason to be present here. So, what is the story this time? Well after beating the first three remakes


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 8 of 52 - Mega Man 3 - 15/02/24

If Mega Man 2 is where the series really found it's identity and started to put itself on the map, I would say Mega Man 3 is really the point where most would agree that the series truly hit it's stride. While Mega Man 2 was all about improvements and finding various parts of the series' identity, Mega Man 3 is very much about expanding upon it to make the largest entry in the series thus far, and possibly in the entire series, although that's for good or bad, frankly.  Either way, this tim


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 7 of 52 - Mega Man 2 - 15/02/24

Possibly the most iconic game in the entire Mega Man franchise, a miracle of a game in it's own right if you read the previous blog post discussing the first game's history, and the one that seems most re-releases. For everyone who needs a quick catch-up - Mega Man did not do very good sales wise. With a hasty decision to localise the game, and a horrible box art that did a horrible job representing the series, Mega Man ultimately wasn't good enough to drive sales for Capcom to want to put money


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 6 of 52 - Mega Man - 15/02/24

The very first game in the Mega Man series, and as most would say, probably the dated of the series. Infamous for it's difficulty back in the 80s, with such moments like the platforms on Gut Man's stage, or the Yellow Devil's ridiculous hit pattern. Still, personally even for how old and how much the series was involved in the sequels, I still think Mega Man 1 is a really great start for the series.  So despite being the first of it's series, it's honestly surprising just how much Meg


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 5 of 52: Batman: Arkham Asylum - 15/02/24

Well regarded as one of the best superhero games of all time, Batman Arkham Asylum is a game I’ve had a long history with. Possibly the game that made me the diehard Batman fan I am today, and the game that sold me on the next generation of consoles and made the biggest case for me to finally ask for a PS3 for Christmas whilst I was previously on a PS2 and a Wii. Prior to Arkham Asylum, my experience with the Batman series was pretty much similar to most everyone else. I saw Batman th


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 4 of 52: Crash Team Rumble -Season 3: All Fired Up

The third season of Crash Team Rumble, and arguably the most ambitious season thus far, this was a season I had been very excited for due to my love of the Spyro franchise, and seeing another crossover between Crash and Spyro again, and arguably the most involved one so far was a great thing to see. Crash Team Rumble is a pretty controversial game, all things considered - a turn for Crash that not a lot of people wanted to see, and a particularly lower budget option due to it being a side game t


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 3 of 52 - Unpacking - 05/02/24

A short indie game I opted to give a shot since it was due to leave PlayStation Plus soon apparently, Unpacking is a pretty short game about...well, unpacking boxes lol. The premise is simple enough - you simply play through the life of a young girl who grows up over the years and you follow her life story as she unpacks her belongings in different houses, and follow the different situations she endures throughout her life. as she recounts them via little messages in a scrap-book. It's a very he


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 2 of 52 - Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown - 26/01/24

Last year, amidst a sea of fairly bog-standard Ubisoft titles that had been flooding the market, well and truly encapsulating the "Ubisoft formula" at this stage of the game, I think everyone was well and truly surprised when out of the blue, this trailer was showcased at a Ubisoft Forward event: Out of the blue, Prince of Persia - a series dormant since a failed attempt at a revival in 2010 was suddenly back with a downright stunning new game, and to even further surprise - rathe


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

Game 1 of 52: Fortnite - Season 5 Chapter 1 - 22/01/24

So, this is a most unexpected entry I have for my challenge games, especially as my very first entry. I am a very new player to Fortnite. Very new. As in literally only started it a week ago, and I've had a contentious history with the game in general. I have never been a fan of battle royale games, and the crossover element is one I found overblown because of how the characters were only skins, and how this went against the spirit of characters like Batman, who outright despised guns.  Mor


Ryannumber1gamer in 52 Game Challenge

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